Fruit Empire

[091]Safe evacuation

Wo! The fish beast made a shocking roar, revealing two rows of triangular sharp teeth.

At this moment, Xiao Yang finally knew that what was in front of him was not just a large ordinary fish beast, but a piranhas known as the "wolf clan in the water" and "water ghost".

Xiao Yang slowly moved in the direction of the Tianneng car, and could only hope that the piranhas would not find him.


The huge piranhas walked next to the great white shark and the great killer whale, looked at the great white shark and the killer whale coldly, flashed a trace of greed, then looked up to the sky and opened its mouth, making a long but ancient roar. The dust of the tunnel made the great white shark and the great killer whale weak.

Then, the piranhas lowered their heads, opened their mouths, and their triangular sharp fangs, and their saliva flowed down like a big waterfall, dripping on the great white sharks and killer whales, making their bodies tremble and collapse to the ground.


The big mouth closed, and the great white shark and the killer whale were bitten tightly, with only one leg and one tail exposed outside, shaking a few times, while the piranhas's mouth chewed up, and a click spread out, which was creepy.

It can be seen that a trace of flesh and blood is oozing out of the gap between the teeth, mixed with some sticky yellow turbid saliva and falling to the ground, which made Xiao Yang vomit after looking at it. He quickly turned around and stayed away from this horrible guy. Fortunately, although it was powerful, it was very slow. Even if Xiao Yang was found, I can't catch up with him. It's safe for the time being.

For the sake of safety, Xiao Yang took out a bottle of green** from the space fruit, which killed the venom of the demon vine tree when he first entered the isolated forest, which had an anesthetic effect.

I saw the huge mouth of the piranhas that was still chewing with its mouth open and threw it in accurately. Then he turned around and ran away.

The piranhas didn't seem to find any abnormality in the food in its mouth, and they are eating it with relish. But I didn't feel my movements changing slowly at all.

The Tianneng car has always been ready to set off, waiting for Xiao Yang alone.

"Husband, hurry up!" Yuan Lingxuan was sitting in the driving position and observing Xiao Yang's movements from the reversing mirror. Katina is Zhong Hanliang, who is still unconscious in the back seat. Rhubarb lay listlessly in the co-pilot position.

Standing on the Tianneng car with Xiao Yang's feet, the Tianneng car also made a roar, throwing the piranha behind from afar.

When Xiao Yang entered the Tianneng car, rhubarb immediately disappeared from the co-pilot position and returned to the green medal to replenish energy. Without his help, not to mention Zhong Hanliang, it would have been lucky for Katina and Yuan Lingxuan to be alive.

"Quick, come on!" Xiao Yang urged Yuan Lingxuan, who was driving. The light and dark in the tunnel, and the broken wires sparked from time to time.

Successfully opened the door at the end of the tunnel, and Xiao Yang took a long breath. After the Tianneng car came out of the tunnel, it was a huge cave.

Xiao Yang looked at the cave and felt very familiar: "Xu'er, is this cave the cave of ice ants?"

Even if Xiao Yang didn't say anything, Yuan Lingxuan found that this cave was very familiar. She nodded and replied, "It should be this cave, honey, look over there. Isn't it the passage to the ice ant culture room!"

"Ye, that's right."

"I don't know if the passage dug by the ice ants is still there. Let's go there first," Xiao Yang suggested.


In this cave, Yuan Lingxuan is familiar with the road.

Yuan Lingxuan said excitedly, "Great, the passage here is still there."

"Ye" Xiao Yang is also very happy. At this moment, they have a little chance to breathe.

Xiao Yang turned his head and looked back. Cartier held Zhong Hanliang in his arms, but Zhong Hanliang was still unconscious.

"Sister-in-law, is Brother Zhong all right?" Xiao Yang asked with concern.

"He just consumed all the fruit energy in his body and couldn't wake up for a while!"

Xiao Yang took out the green crystal of energy nutrient solution directly from the space fruit: "Sister-in-law, this is for Brother Zhong to eat. I believe Brother Zhong will wake up soon!"

Cartina looked at the green crystal in her hand and stuffed it directly into Zhong Hanliang's mouth without hesitation. There was no doubt at all. Because she knew that Xiao Yang would not harm her and her husband, relying entirely on her trust in Xiao Yang.

"sister-in-law, where shall we go next?" Yuan Lingxuan slowed down the speed of the Tianneng car and asked.

"I have informed the federal headquarters of the naval base stationed in Beiyu City, and I believe that the navy there should have sent troops to Beiyu City to rescue us at this moment."

After Katina and Yuan Lingxuan were rescued by the man in black, Katina notified the federal headquarters to seek support and eliminate the dark day. Otherwise, their actions would not have gone so smoothly. The elders of the dark day would have sent people to the underground base to search and arrest them.


Suddenly, there were bursts of roars of soldiers of special forces in the distance, and a large black spot flashed. In a blink of an eye, they came to a group of soldiers of special forces!

These special forces soldiers came in time to save Zhong Hanliang under the order of the federal headquarters!

Seeing the soldiers of the special forces who came, Major General Zhang Hui, the commander, roared and ordered them to surround the people of the dark meeting such as the elder Hannibal!

"This...isn't this all the garrisons out, is it?" The elder Hannibal said to himself in surprise.

The elder Hannibal is also a little moved. The strength of these garrisoned navy is really strong. Every soldier of the special forces has the strength of the top of the ability, coupled with the strong and tough equipment of the garrisoned navy. Therefore, every soldier of every special forces will not be worse than a person at the level of a talented person. How much.

Now more than 100 soldiers of special forces suddenly appeared, surrounding the elders and other people of the dark meeting. They looked aggressive, as if they would never stop without destroying them!

After the garrison encircled the entire headquarters of the Dark Sun, Major General Zhang Hui was not in a hurry to order them to attack.

Sure enough, the soldiers of those special forces, under the command of Major General Zhang Hui, formed eight teams and scattered around the elder Hannibal, forming a circle, which looked like a gossip figure.

"Can they arrange the formation?"

Hannibal, the elder, said depressedly. It seems that the situation is not optimistic. I guess he will have to run away later. Unexpectedly, this fight is always a little inexplicable.

He never thought that the garrisoned navy would be touched, just because of a federal refiner?

Of course, in the final analysis, it is still because of Zhong Hanliang. If Zhong Hanliang is not a federal refiner, he will not attack uniquely attack, and the military will not use these people.

Major General Zhang Hui roared at this time, and suddenly all the garrisons also followed a roar, with a shocking sound and a rumble.

Then, the garrisoned navy began to attack.

Circle of energy bombs fell like raindrops, and the tyrannical atmosphere filled the whole sky, and the elder Hannibal and others were trembling.

More than 100 soldiers of special forces attacked at the same time. This momentum, this battle, is really amazing.

All the energy bombs fall from the sky, forming a mushroom cloud, and the energy of various colors emit different lights!

"Space barriers!"

The elder Hannibal shouted loudly, and a gray light came out of the ring in his hand, forming an oval sphere that covered him.

Then the elder Hannibal waved his hands quickly, and countless silver-white lights flashed, constantly strengthening the defense shield.

Although he is very confident in his space defense, now more than 100 navies stationed at the level of Zhuoneng are attacking with all their strength, so he desperately strengthens the defense.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A series of explosions came from the face, the air was shaking, and the sky seemed to shake.

The elder Hannibal only felt a burst of blood, and there seemed to be a stream of blood flowing out in his chest.

This is the first time that the elder Hannibal has had a feeling of vomiting blood since he used the Stone of Aoyi.

It can be seen how powerful the attack of more than 100 special forces soldiers should be!

However, this also stimulated the unyielding will in the elder Hannibal.


Taking advantage of the moment when the garrison navy had just finished attacking, the elder Hannibal waved his hands, and the space around him suddenly twisted, and pieces of crystal clear space sprung out like flying knives.

A string of blood flowers suddenly burst out on the bodies of many soldiers, such as bright flowers blooming in mid-air. The severe pain made the garrison's navy roar angrily, and at the same time, it also attacked the elder Hannibal!

Elder Hannibal was also shocked when he saw this. Although he had just injured most of the soldiers of the special forces, such injury was just a skin injury for the garrison navy.

Moreover, Hannibal, the elder, has just used the blade of space to attack, and its power is extremely powerful. His unique attack skill of the Stone of Aoyi, several famous weapons have been destroyed by him with space attacks, but the soldiers of the special forces are only in their bodies. Several scars were left on it, just a little blood.

"What is the armor of the garrison navy made of?" The elder Hannibal thought depressedly.

It's really surprising to have such a strong armor defense. No wonder the number of navy stationed in Beiyu City has always been about 100. From the situation just now, it is estimated that it is the reason for the limited number of armor on their bodies, otherwise it will not only leave a small scar. But if you want to kill them completely, it really requires a great attack.


The elder Hannibal shouted coldly, and several soldiers of the special forces in front of him were suddenly covered with a thick layer of ice and snow, freezing their bodies.

The soldiers of the special forces roared, and then emitted a light on their bodies, melting the ice and snow on their bodies.

Seeing this, the elder Hannibal also looked helpless. The garrisoned navy was too strong. It seems impossible for him to push them. So it seems that the only way left is to run away by yourself.