Fruit Empire


, walking with them will drag them down. Wang Hanren squeezed out a smile, "If I stay, I can use it as a bait later to help you attract the attention of the dragonfly."

Xiao Yang was surprised that Wang Hanren would say this, but he did not reply to her immediately, but shouted at the running boy: "Don't run in a straight line! Follow the zigzag route! You are blocking me like this now. I can't hit the snake behind you!"

The boy understood Xiao Yang's words and quickly changed his route and ran diagonally to the right front. Omori's head came out from behind him, and Xiao Yang quickly shot him. But this time he was too hasty to hit the snake's head; the anthra suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the boy's entire upper body into his mouth, leaving only two legs struggling outside!

Xiao Yang was shocked and "bang bang" hit the snake in the head three times in a row. The ana's head was tilted, but it still refused to give up the prey in its mouth. Instead, it squirmed its throat and almost swallowed the boy.

"Fuck, I'll go!" Cui Wenren picked up the shotgun and ran quickly towards the dragonfly. Originally, the distance between the two sides was less than 20 meters. Cui Wenren walked quickly and arrived in front of the dragonfly in a few seconds, with a shot against the belly of the dragonfly.

The power of the powerful shotgun is indeed different. The belly of the abor is beaten to open the skin and flesh, and the intestines inside can be faintly seen. The snake was in pain and spit out the boy who almost swallowed it. The boy's face was full of snake saliva, but he could still shake his head and stand up immediately. It seemed that he had only suffered minor injuries.

"Good! Look at me blowing up this beast's head!" Cui Wenren was greatly encouraged and raised his gun and was ready to give Omori a headshot. However, Damori didn't give him this opportunity at all. He twisted his body violently and knocked him away several meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

Xiao Yang quickly ran to Cui Wenren, helped him up and asked, "Are you all right?"

"There is no skin trauma, but there should be a few broken ribs." Cui Wenren said hatefully, "This beast is really difficult to deal with."

At this time, the boy had recovered and didn't have time to wipe the snake saliva on his body. He ran towards Xiaoyang in three steps and two steps. When Omori was about to start chasing him, he only heard a "sw" and a bullet hit its remaining right eye. Damori turned around on the ground in pain, and a tail swept around in the air, making the branches and leaves fly all over the sky.

The boy ran a few steps and finally got to Xiao Yang and Cui Wenren. He stopped and wiped the mucus on his body while gasping. He couldn't say anything. Xiao Yang saw that he was safe, so he put down the gun and wiped his sweat: "I finally hit it. Now it has lost both eyes and won't chase us again.

"No, let's escape!" Wang Hanren said urgently, "The snake's eyesight is not good, and its eyes are originally a decoration. It tracks prey by the infrared locator 'hot eye' on its body. As long as you feel our body temperature, you can track us!"

Xiao Yang was shocked and looked up. As expected, the aphidock straightened its head again and rushed towards him.

"It seems that there is no way to kill it. Let's escape!" After Cui Wenren finished speaking, he turned his head and ran away. Xiao Yang quickly pulled Wang Hanren and followed Cui Wenren. The boy who escaped from the dead took two deep breaths before running forward with them.

"You are really strong!" Xiao Yang asked the boy while running, " By the way, what's your name?"

"Peng Fei!"

"My name is Xiao Yang, and her name is Wang Hanren." Xiao Yang said, "Add Cui Wenren and you, the four of us must escape from the mouth of the snake!"

Although this sentence was very empty, Xiao Yang still said it. Now that everyone is in trouble, someone can cheer up to improve everyone's courage to live.

"Well, come on!" Peng Fei nodded. It seems that he has come out of the shadow of his girlfriend's death.

"I will try my best, too." Wang Hanren bit his lip and said.

"Hey, don't worry about me. I won't lose to the newcomer!" Cui Wenren laughed as he ran.

The aphid is chasing behind, and several people are running in front. The plants in the dense forest ahead are becoming more and more dense, and people try to pass through narrow places to delay the pursuit speed of the big forest. Omori's body is so huge that it can't pass through the narrow passage. It can only twist its body and hit trees, which slows down. Everyone was not very physically strong, and they had to take Wang Hanren, so everyone didn't run fast, but fortunately, the snake also slowed down, so that everyone could be safe and sound.

Peng Fei looked back and saw that Omori was getting farther and farther away and almost invisible. He couldn't help laughing proudly: "Haha, now it can't catch up with us!"

"No!" Wang Hanren's face was pale, "Front..."

Xiao Yang also saw the scene in front of him and punched the tree beside him angrily. Ten meters further is an empty field, not even a tree! The movement speed of the big aphid on the plain far exceeds that of human beings, and it is impossible for them to escape the pursuit of the salam!

"Let's separate. I'll distract the dragonfly's attention. You guys will escape first. Cui Wenren suddenly said.

"But..." Xiao Yang hesitated, "You have hurt the city like this..."

Cui Wenren sneered: "Rookie, don't look down on me! At this time, only veterans can come out!"

Xiao Yang still wanted to speak, but was hit hard in the stomach by Cui Wenren, and he covered his stomach and fell to the ground in pain.

"There are still some things in it. You can use them." Cui Wenren took off his backpack and put it on the ground and waved his hand lightly, "See you later."

"Bastard, do you want to be a martyr yourself?" Xiao Yang finally raised his head and roared at Cui Wenren's back.

"Don't make a mistake. I'm not going to die. I'm going to kill that beast and earn bonus points! I won't leave it to you at all!" Cui Wenren didn't look back at all and ran towards the big snake with a laugh.

Everyone stared at Cui Wenren's distant figure and couldn't speak. After about half a minute, Xiao Yang endured the pain and stood up. As soon as he got up, he was ready to run in the direction of the big snake, but his hand was tightly held by Wang Hanren: "Don't go! One sacrificed person is enough! Let's escape!"

"No!" Xiao Yang shook off Wang Hanren, "I have to help him!" Forget other people, but if Cui Wen dies, we don't know how to survive here!"

"But you two can't deal with the aphid!" Wang Hanren was about to cry, "And if you die, I... what should I do?"

"Brother Yang, I have an idea to deal with that aphid. But it still needs to be..." Peng Fei said as he lay down and turned up the backpack left by Cui Wenren. After a few seconds, Peng Fei's eyes flashed: "Great! Yes!"

Xiao Yang looked at Peng Fei in surprise and saw him take out a * from his backpack: "With this, you can kill the dragonfly!"

"Oh, I see what you mean." Xiao Yang suddenly realized, "As long as the snake opens its mouth, pull * away and throw it in!"

Peng Fei nodded. Although the skin of Damori is very hard, its internal organs are very soft. * Throw it into its stomach, and it will definitely burst its intestines.

"No way!" Wang Hanren said anxiously, "pythons like to entangle their prey before swallowing them. It is not common to bite directly like just now. If you are entangled, there is no chance to throw*!"

"I can't control so much. Let's talk about it then!" Xiao Yang took it from Peng Fei's hand*, turned around and began to run wildly. Wang Hanren couldn't stop him anymore and watched him run away.

"kong-kong--" That's the sound of Cui Wenren's shotgun. Xiao Yang didn't see where Cui Wenren was for a long time. When he heard the gunfire, he quickly ran away.

After running for less than a minute, Xiao Yang saw Cui Wenren from the gap between the trees. Cui Wenren ran and shot backwards. Omori chased after him, and the firepower of the shotgun kept approaching him. It seems that the snake's head is indeed surprisingly hard, and Cui Wenren's shotgun can only scratch its skin.

Xiao Yang immediately ran to Cui Wenren, stepped over several piles of grass, and finally came to him. Cui Wenren became angry when he saw him and shouted as he ran: "Get back! What are you doing here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the big Mori's body suddenly rose up and suddenly penetrated in front of Cui Wenren. The dragonfly's tail swept over and immediately entangled Cui Wenren. Hearing the two clicks, Cui Wenren's bones were broken.

Omori has a big blood basin and is about to swallow Cui Wenren into his stomach. At this time, there was a gunshot, and the dragonfly did not eat anyone, but swallowed a bullet. Xiao Yang's excellent shooting has played a role again. Mori was furious, shook his huge head, and unexpectedly rushed in the direction of Xiao Yang!

The anthra rushed like a portrait*, and Xiao Yang immediately fell down and rolled to the side. The aphid hit its head on the ground and swallowed its mouth full of mud. But it immediately stood up again, and Xiao Dazui continued to chase Xiao Yang.

At this time, the back half of the body of the dragonfly was still rolled up by Cui Wenren, and Xiao Yang did not dare to throw it into its mouth* for fear of blowing up Cui Wenren. However, fortunately, the dragonfly did not let go of Cui Wenren, and its movement was not as convenient as it was at the beginning. Xiao Yang turned around twice in the east and twice in the west, and the body of the cypress was entangled in several trees. Omori still tried his best to reach Xiao Yang with his big mouth, but he was stuck there and couldn't move.

Xiao Yang found that Omori couldn't move, and quickly circled behind the snake from the other side and came to Cui Wenren. The back of the dragonfly is still pestering Cui Wenren. He has foamed at the mouth and can't speak. After seeing Xiao Yang, he just moved his eyes.

Xiao Yang was finally relieved to see that Cui Wenren was still alive. He tried to pull the snake's body, but he couldn't pull it at all. Xiao Yang thought for a moment, raised the gun against the belly of Damori and pulled the trigger. He fired three shots in a row, and the dragonfly was in pain and threw Cui Wenren into the sky. Fortunately, Cui Wenren fell on the soft soil, and the injury did not worsen.

Xiao Yang helped Cui Wenren up, and the latter spit out a mouthful of blood: "Damn... almost finished."

"Can you speak after being so seriously injured?" Xiao Yang's strange way.

"My body has been strengthened with reward points, and this kind of injury can't be killed. If you can pass this level alive, you can also choose to strengthen your body. Cui Wenren laughed and said, "If you pass a few more levels, maybe you can make your body harder than that beast!"

"You are really optimistic." Xiao Yang said, "I have never seen you afraid."

"I'm not afraid? Don't flatter me. In this 'hell', anyone can die, and no one can be afraid. Cui Wenren smiled bitterly and said, "I'm actually scared to death, but the danger comes too fast, and I often forget that I'm afraid. Besides, I'm the only veteran here. If even I'm scared, do you rookies still have the courage to live?

Xiao Yang finally understood Cui Wenren's painstaking efforts and felt admiration in his heart.

"Okay, let's go." Cui Wenren looked at the stuck big forest ances, "This snake is also trapped here. We can run away at ease."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Yang suddenly heard something rattling around him. Xiao Yang swallowed his saliva and saw several trees in front of him shaking violently. In a few seconds, all the trunks were broken and fell to the ground. As those trees fell to the ground, the huge snake body regained its freedom again.

"It couldn't move just now, and it could break the tree?" Xiao Yang couldn't believe his eyes.

"No, it strangled the tree trunk with its body." Cui Wenren shook his head and said, "The power of this beast is really terrible."

Omori's head has been twisted in the direction of the two. Seeing Omori's comeback, both of them stopped in place and did not run.

Cui Wenren looked at Xiao Yang: "Escape quickly. It's not worth dying here."

"No, I'm going to kill it!" Xiao Yang clenched * in one hand and raised it with the other hand and gave Damori a shot. The snake immediately focused all its attention on Xiao Yang and rushed to him aggressively.

"Do you want to feed this beast while he is talking?" Cui Wenren saw Xiao Yang's idea, "But what if it wraps you with its tail first?"

"Let's make a bet!" Xiao Yang said, "If it pestered me first, I wouldn't die immediately. You can force it back with a gun first!"

"Okay, I know." Cui Wenren said something and said, "Yes, go and lean against the tree next to you!" In that case, the snake has to wrap the tree together if it wants to pester you, so that it is not easy for you to die even if you are entangled.

Xiao Yang nodded and leaned tightly against the tree next to him.

Omori's disgusting head is getting closer and closer. Both of them held their breath and clenched the gun, waiting to see its next choice. Is it entangled? Or swallow it?

When the snake's head was less than one meter away from Cui Wenren, the answer came out. It opened its mouth to Xiao Yangxiao, which was ready to swallow him!

I won the bet! Xiao Yang immediately opened the pull ring and threw it into the big mouth of the aphid. The snake didn't know what was thrown into its mouth, so it closed its mouth and swallowed * into its stomach.

With a dull explosion, Damori's belly suddenly burst, and his whole body was blown into two sections, and his intestines and belly flew all over the sky.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yang brushed away the blood stains on his face and jumped up excitedly. This super python is like a nightmare, and now this nightmare is finally going to wake up.

Big Mori's head lay weakly at Xiao Yang's feet. Xiao Yang was still not relieved. He raised his foot and kicked and kicked the huge head: "You bite me! You are pestering me! Aren't you so dragging! Why don't you move!"

In normal times, Xiao Yang would never do such a thing. But now that it's hard to kill this python, everyone will be out of control.

"Be careful! This beast is not dead yet!" Cui Wenren suddenly shouted and stepped to Xiao Yang's side and pulled him back. When Xiao Yang felt puzzled, he saw that the green snake's head actually stood up again and bit at the place where he had just stood!

For good, Xiao Yang has been pulled over by Cui Wenren, and the dragonfly only bites on the tree. The aphid was probably crazy. He bit the tree trunk and didn't let it go, and his body struggled violently.

"Combine with me and shoot from the side of this beast's head!" Cui Wenren said that and put the shotgun on the snake's chin. Xiao Yang nodded and put the Type 92 automatic pistol against the snake's head as he did. The skull of the aphid is very hard, but the side of the mouth is much softer, and it is easy to hit the bullet in.

The sound of gunfire sounded. The two stopped after beating the dragonfly's head all the time, and their whole body was covered with red and white**. Both of them exhaled and haven't spoken for a long time.

"Ding - a red dot jungle aphid, wipe out. Get 600 points of industry fire." The voice of the sages sounded in Xiao Yang's mind.

"So you can get points in this way." Xiao Yang said to himself. It was only a voice that reminded him that he got the points of karma fire. He always felt that it was a little illusory and had no real feeling.

"How many points did you take?" Cui Wenren asked.


"Damn, I'm only 200 points, and the credit is all taken by you." Cui Wenren looked at Xiao Yang, "But you are really awesome. I've never seen a newcomer kill a red dot as soon as he comes up.

"Don't say that. If you hadn't worked so hard, we wouldn't have killed it. Xiao Yang said.

"That's it! Who told us to be veterans!" Cui Wenren was not modest at all and smiled.

Xiao Yang also smiled, but Cui Wenren said fiercely, "Rookie, you laugh! Do you think I'm happy?"

"Then you are..."

"I want to beat you now. You overestimate your ability. Thank you, we almost died." Cui Wenren said coldly.

Xiao Yang was silent. Sometimes he does have a gambling mentality, and he always thinks about whether he can do it by himself. Usually, such adventures may make you fail at most, but doing so in hell games can easily lead to death. Indeed, we should judge calmly and be cautious.

Cui Wenren said again, "You are so much like my former captain. He just thinks he is arrogant and feels that he can do anything. But his ability is a hundred times better than yours, and many times he can really create miracles.

"Do you admire him very much?" Xiao Yang noticed that Cui Wenren showed admiration when he talked about the former captain.

"Worship?" Cui Wenren couldn't help laughing, "Do you know what happened to the captain in the end?"

Xiao Yang looked at him and didn't reply. Cui Wenren himself continued, "He is dead! Our strong team is all dead! That captain Dong Bai and sniper Chen