Fruit Empire


After a while, Wen Xingping suddenly asked, "Bright, what is that blood orchid?" It sounds like a plant."

"The movie "The Disaster of Python 2 Looking for Blood Orchids" says that the blood orchid is a very magical flower that contains substances that can make animals immortal." Xiao Yang explained, "So the blood orchid is also called the 'immortal flower'."

Wen Xingping's eyes glowed: "Does this kind of thing really exist?"

"There should be no real world. But it does exist in that movie. It is said that the small animal ate the blood orchid, and then the small animal was eaten by the abyss, so the elder material in the blood orchid, broke through the limit of life expectancy, and grew extremely huge. Xiao Yang said.

"If we really find the blood orchid, won't we be developed? It can last forever." Wen Xingping is very excited.

"Immortality?" Cui Wenren hummed, "Stop dreaming. It's good for us who participate in hell games to live a few more days."

Soon, everyone was quite close to those aphids. They were afraid of being discovered by the aphids and no longer dared to talk casually, but carefully kept their distance. However, the aphids seem to be unaware of the existence of everyone and still move forward at a slow speed.

"We are all so close, and these sams still ignore us. It seems that they really won't take the initiative to attack human beings. Peng Fei analyzed, "We can safely follow behind."

Peng Fei said very well. After listening to his words, everyone's nerves relaxed. Even the most timid Wen Xingping's expression has eased a lot.

Xiao Yang looked at Peng Fei calmly and sighed with some emotion. When he first came in, the boy was still depressed by the death of his girlfriend. Now that he has recovered from the blow, he has shown his accurate analytical and judgment ability. It seems that setbacks can make people grow, which is true.

The crowd walked for about half an hour, and Cui Wenren suddenly stopped: "Wait a minute, I heard the sound of water."

Xiao Yang listened carefully and also heard the sound of running water. This means that there is a river not far ahead.

"The aphid, also known as the aphid, is essentially a water snake and has good water quality." Wang Hanren said, "They may be preparing to swim across the river in front of them. In this case, it will be difficult to continue tracking.

"Keep up first. Let's talk about it later." Xiao Yang made a decision.

Walking about 200 meters ahead, everyone saw a long rushing river. Soon, the phidpoles arrived by the river, and they jumped into the river one by one, disappearing.

Xiao Yang stared at his watch radar and saw that the star-shaped yellow dot representing the snake gem was moving downstream in the direction of the river.

"We have followed along the shore." Xiao Yang said.

However, when everyone walked along the river bank, they found that this was completely impossible. The speed of the slea in the water is so fast that it can't catch up with human feet.

"Daw! What should I do?" Seeing that the star-shaped yellow dot was getting farther and farther away and about to disappear on the edge of the radar, Xiao Yang was also anxious.

"There are boats there!" Cui Wenren pointed with his hand. Xiao Yang looked in the direction he pointed and saw a ship docking on the shore. It was an old-fashioned fishing boat with mottled paint and a barrel of oil lying on the deck, with a very thick hemp rope. The more Xiao Yang looked at it, the more he felt that it seemed to be...

"That's the ship in Python Disaster 1!" Peng Fei said what Xiao Yang wanted to say.

"It's really that ship." Cui Wenren said and walked to the other side of the boat. "This boat is really an endless road to be put here. Let's go up."

Xiao Yang looked at the ship, but there was no one on it. However, as a matter of safety, he still walked over with a vigilant handgun. The rest were afraid that they would be left behind and followed them closely.

When he got on the boat, Xiao Yang carefully checked it. Sure enough, there was still no one, so he was relieved. At this time, Cui Wenren also checked the equipment on the ship and shouted in the cab, "No problem, the ship can move. I'm going to sail!"

"Can you drive this kind of boat?" Xiao Yang was a little surprised.

"I will drive any dynamic vehicle, rocket fighters in the sky, yachts and warships in the water, and tanks and cars on the ground. This is a skill that I spent 100 points to exchange from the sages - 'driving proficient'. Cui Wenren said while starting the boat, "Cheap is cheap, but it's useless when there is no transportation."

"...It's amazing that driving ability can also be exchanged." Xiao Yang exclaimed.

"There are many magical things in the sages. If you have enough fire, you can even change to aircraft carriers and alien flying saucers." Cui Wenren laughed as he spoke, "But those two things need 3 million points and 10 million points respectively. I think that's what the ancestors used to show off!"

"Maybe." Xiao Yang stroked * and smiled. Aircraft carriers and alien flying saucers? He doesn't dare to think of those things. As long as there is a rocket launcher, it will be much easier than now.

The boat followed the aphids down the stream. Looking forward from the ship, you can see a touch of olive green looming between the waves, and those are the huge snakes of the abys. Although everyone knows that these phids are not aggressive now, they are still very afraid to see this scene. These Amazon rainforest tyrants are mainly fierce, which is not a joke.

After several hours, the boat followed the abler group into a fork in the river. After entering the fork, the width of the riverbed became narrower and narrower, and the boat was always blocked by the branches on the shore and drove slower and slower. However, the phidges still maintained the speed of Kuaxiao and gradually opened the distance between the boats.

"Can it be faster?" Xiao Yang asked Cui Wenren. Cui Wenren shook his head: "This is already the fastest speed."

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the estuary in front of him to suddenly become clear, and Xiao Yang was finally relieved.

However, when the boat sailed into the estuary, Xiao Yang found something strange. The speed of the current has slowed down a lot, as if it were not in the river. Xiao Yang looked around and saw that the waterway in front of him had come to an end. Xiao Yang looked around again and found that it was a lake.

At this time, the aphids slowed down and swam forward in an orderly manner. Under the moonlight, it can be clearly seen from the ship that dozens of aphiths occupy a large area of water, rushing forward like extremely thick noodles. This scene was extremely amazing, and several people on the boat trembled.

The boat also slowed down and moved forward with the abler group. Less than a quarter of an hour later, the aphids came to the corner of the lake. There is a high cliff on the shore of this corner, which is very different from the surrounding terrain. At this time, Wang Hanren suddenly pointed to the front and shouted, "Look, breed snake balls!"

Xiao Yang looked in the direction pointed by Wang Hanren and saw something restless in the water over there. Take a closer look, it is indeed a huge breeding snake ball, densely full of snakes, which is completely consistent with the scene reflected by snake gems not long ago! At this time, the previous team also swam into the snake ball and soon became part of the snake ball. And from the middle of the snake ball, the bright sea blue light suddenly emitted, shining the whole snake ball brightly. This scene was so spectacular that even Xiao Yang couldn't take his eyes off the snake ball and felt that it was not enough.

The Xuelan Cliff has arrived. Random mission final goal tip: regain the snake gems. The voice of the sages sounded ruthlessly in Xiao Yang's mind.

Xiao Yang's heart thumped. The snake gem is now breeding in the middle of the snake ball. How can you take it out of it by yourself? Isn't this too perverted?

Xiao Yang looked at the watch again, and the countdown was still half an hour. That's terrible!

Wang Hanren saw that Xiao Yang's face was not good and asked, "What's wrong?"

"The sage said that the Xuelan Cliff had arrived and told me how to complete the random task. But the goal of this mission is actually..." Xiao Yang smiled bitterly, "You want me to take back the snake gems..."

Wang Hanren is as dull as a wooden chicken. How can this kind of task be completed!

The boat stopped in place. Xiao Yang told everyone about his task, and even Cui Wenren was stunned, let alone the others.

Xiao Yang sighed, "Is there really nothing we can do? This random task..."

"Brother Yang, there is one way, but I don't know if you dare to try." The speaker is Peng Fei.

Xiao Yang asked quickly, "What should I do?"

"Isn't there a long and thick hemp rope on the ship? We went around to the cliff, and then you tied the rope to your waist, and we pulled you from above. You touch the snake gem in the water, swim out of the water immediately, and then we will pull you up. Peng Feidao.

"This plan is too crazy!" Wang Hanren grabbed Xiao Yang and said, "I don't agree to go!"

"This is indeed a little crazy, but it is also feasible." Peng Fei analyzed, "At least until Brother Yang finds the snake gem, he should not be attacked. Of course, after he gets the snake gem, the aphid from the snake ball may attack him, and he will be very dangerous at that time. According to my estimation, his total success rate is about 30%.

Xiao Yang nodded: "Okay... I'll give it a try."

"But that's too risky!" Wang Hanren said urgently.

"There is no better way now. If I don't do this, I won't be completed." Xiao Yang touched Wang Hanren's head and smiled calmly, "When it comes to adventure... Sometimes you have to take risks."

The boat leaned to the shore. Everyone walked to the edge of the high cliff. Xiao Yang put on a rope and climbed down the cliff without hesitation. Tiezhu and Cui Wenren pulled the other end of the rope hard, while the others looked closely at Xiao Yang, and only Wen Xingping looked around.

Xiao Yang is getting closer and closer to breeding snake balls. He looked at the countless big forest aphid in the snake ball, and his scalp was numb. When he looked a little further, Xiao Yang still felt that the snake ball wrapped in blue light was very spectacular. Now he took a closer look, which was so horrible; he even wanted to retreat.

There is a protruding rock platform on the cliff near the surface of the water. Xiao Yang paused on it for a while, took a deep breath, and calmed down his emotions. If you don't complete this task, 4,000 points will be gone, and it's too late to cry in the end. You have to fight anyway!

Xiao Yang made up his mind and jumped into the water. The water was cold to the bone, and Xiao Yang was frozen as soon as he swam for a while. Xiao Yang clenched his teeth and continued to dive, carefully getting into the thick snakes in the breeding snake ball and swimming in the direction of the blue light. Suddenly, a snake tail swept over Xiao Yang's hand. Xiao Yang couldn't dodge and was wiped hard on his hand. Xiao Yang was so scared that he didn't dare to move. He was afraid that the snake would feel something wrong and turned around to bite himself. As a result, the snake ignored him and went to other places.

Later, Xiao Yang did not pay attention to it and directly pushed away the snakes and drilled inside. Those pythons are still breeding, and no snake comes to find Xiao Yang's fault. Xiao Yang passed through the heavy blockade, and the oxygen in his lungs was almost consumed, and finally reached the core of the snake ball.

Then he saw the snake gem - this perfect sea blue stone was tightly held in his mouth by an aus, emitting a dazzling light. The head of this big aphid is several times bigger than that of other aphies, and it must be the only female snake in the breeding snake ball.

Xiao Yang was also afraid, but his lungs were almost unbearable. At this time, he could only risk it and put his hand directly into the mouth of the female. The snake was probably tickled by Xiao Yang. When Xiao opened his mouth, the snake gem fell out. Xiao Yang immediately grabbed the snake gem, put it into the zipper pocket on the inside of his clothes, and turned upstream. The female snake had no gems in her mouth and was stunned for a moment. Xiao Yang took this opportunity to drill through several male snakes. When the female snake was about to chase Xiao Yang, it was blocked by the male snakes and could not squeeze out.

Xiao Yang did not dare to delay at all. He waved his hands and feet quickly and swam to the water. I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yang finally swam to the surface of the water.

"I got the snake gem!" Xiao Yang shouted, "Law me up!"

However, Xiao Yang did not receive any response. He looked at the top of the cliff in astonishment. There is no one there.

Xiao Yang was shocked and quickly pulled the rope. The rope is still very tight. It seems that the other end of the rope should be fixed somewhere. But what about the others? What happened to them?

Xiao Yang tied up the rope and swam to the edge of the high cliff. As soon as he put his hand on the rock wall, he accidentally glanced at a red light spot on the watch radar. When Xiao Yang was surprised, he saw another red dot on the radar! Then the third and fourth! Red dots keep springing up like bamboo shoots after the rain. In the blink of an eye, the whole watch radar is full of red spots, just like a big blood stain. Xiao Yang hadn't figured out what was going on, but only heard the voice of the sages in his mind: "The final event point of the random mission was triggered. Add a new mission goal: to disperse the jungle aphids. Tip: The jungle anth has turned into an active attacking enemy.

At this moment, there was a sound of water waves behind Xiao Yang. He turned his head and saw the waves flying on the lake, the breeding snake balls kept falling apart, and countless huge snake heads poked out of the water. Soon, the lake was covered with snake heads, one by one, and the pair of green eyes stared at Xiao Yang, which made him get goose bumps. Hundreds of snake heads were as still as soldiers in line. When Xiao Yang was wondering, he saw all the snake heads scattered left and right, leaving a large piece of water. From that large water, a super-large snake head surfaced. That's a female snake!

The female snake looked at Xiao Yang, which made Xiao Yang scared. Xiao Yang didn't dare to delay. He quickly turned around and began to tie up the rope and climb up the cliff. At the same time, the female snake opened its mouth fiercely, and the snake Xinzi hissed out. With the movement of the female aphid, all the male aphids swam to Xiaoyang as fast as if they had received an order!

Xiao Yang climbed less than two meters and suddenly felt a chill behind him. Knowing the danger, he was in a hurry and grasped the rope and swinged to the right. With a sound, a dragonfly suddenly hit the place where Xiao Yang had just stood, and the stone on the cliff was torn apart! Xiao Yang only felt that his body was sweating coldly. How dare he swing back? He stepped on the position he was swinging and stood still, looking back, almost screaming in horror. Behind him, a group of dark dragonflies all leaned out of the water and were ready to hit him!

Xiao Yang hurriedly tightened the rope and jumped up on the rock wall. Another aphid hit him, and Xiao Yang had no choice but to pull the rope aside again. As a result, he stood in the new place for less than five seconds, and the third aphith hit again, and Xiao Yang quickly swung the rope again.

The frequency of the dragonfly hitting is getting faster and faster. Xiao Yang has no choice but to keep tightening the rope and swinging left and right, and then shortening the rope in this process to shorten the distance between himself and the top of the cliff little by little.

In this way, Xiao Yang is getting farther and farther away from the surface of the water, and fewer and fewer aphies can jump up and hit him. Finally, when Xiao Yang climbed to the half-high place of the whole cliff, no one could rise so high to hit him.

Xiao Yang was just relieved and suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the rope in his hand. He looked up and saw that more than half of the rope in contact with the top of the cliff had been broken, leaving only a thin trace of it!

Xiao Yang quickly let go of the rope with both hands and wanted to grasp the rock wall with his hand. However, before his hand touched the rock wall, the rope suddenly broke completely!

Xiao Yang fell less than a meter, and his hands had touched the rock wall. His palm was scratched by the rough rock wall, which hurt him to death, but he didn't care at all. He tightly grasped the protruding corner of the rock wall and finally stopped the trend of falling and stabilized on the rock wall. Xiao Yang's feet were still suspended at this time. He groped on the rock wall for a long time and finally found a place to step on it.

At this time, Xiao Yang heard another ** sound behind him. He turned his head and saw hundreds of snake heads sticking to the rock wall directly below him, and they all wanted to climb up. Fortunately, the bottom of the rock wall is almost vertical, and those philies can't climb up.

However, before Xiao Yang's hanging heart fell, he saw that the female snake also swam to the edge of the rock wall. With a hissque of hiss, the male snakes immediately changed their posture and all dived under the water. When Xiao Yang was strange, he saw that the female snake was held up and bounced from the water