Fruit Empire


Xiao Yang also heard Cui Wenren say about creating characters, saying that he can make a partner to accompany him on his day off, which only costs 200 points. It is said to be a comfort for the soul, but it seems that you can do anything to each other.

"Partner? If only I could make a girl as beautiful as the virtual image of a sage. Xiao Yang said to himself.

"Application is accepted. Character creation begins. The miniature sage said. Inside the glass cover, a girl's figure began to gradually take shape.

Xiao Yang was shocked: "Wait! That's what I said to play. Stop it!"

"Sorry, character creation can't be stopped from the beginning." The miniature sages said such a thing.

Half a minute.

"Character creation is over."

Xiao Yang was stunned. The girl who was created really looks exactly like the sages!

"Yan...the sages, they are really sages!" Xiao Yang looked at the girl in front of him who looked exactly like the sages and couldn't say anything clearly.

"Don't scream. Presages? What a mess. My name is Yan Xiangyu. The girl stared at Xiao Yang, "By the way, why am I here?"

Ah? Yan Xiangyu?" Xiao Yang was even more surprised and quickly looked at the miniature sage, "Hey, what's going on?"

"Sorry, there is no information in the database and I can't answer this question."

Yan Xiangyu also saw the miniature sages on Xiao Yang's shoulder and shouted in surprise: "Well, is that a doll made according to my image?"

As she spoke, she took down the miniature sage, held it in her hand, pinched it, and said, "It's still soft. It feels good!"

Xiao Yang felt that his head was big several times. What the hell is going on? The girl created according to the image of the sages actually calls herself Yan Xiangyu. She not only has self-awareness, but also seems to have memory?

At this time, Yan Xiangyu looked at him and asked, "Hey, wooden head, tell me where this is and why am I here?" Did you kidnap me here?

"This is...hell." Xiao Yang spread out his hands and said, "As for how you came from, I don't know if you ask me."

"Hell?" Yan Xiangyu's face turned pale and trembled all over, "Am I dead?" Then who are you? Soul messenger? Black and white?

"Don't mention any soul messenger to me! I'm not that kind of thing." Xiao Yang replied angrily, "I'm just a person who was unlucky and went to hell. I really want to ask, who the hell are you?

Xiao Yang's eyes were like a torch, and he stared at Yan Xiangyu and retreated: "Don't...don't be so fierce! As I said, my name is Yan Xiangyu. I just graduated from high school and didn't go to college.

"Do you remember where you were before you came?" Xiao Yang asked.

"Before... I..." Yan Xiangyu locked his eyebrows and recalled, "It seems that a car hit me, and then... I can't remember."

Xiao Yang only felt a mess in his mind. Is this Yan Xiangyu also the one who was selected for the hell game? If so, how could she appear in this way? Moreover, she is so similar to the virtual form of the artificial intelligence that manages hell, the sages. Why is that?

Yan Xiangyu was also at a loss at this time. Not only that, her eyes were also full of fear. Xiao Yang thought for a moment and decided to tell her the truth.

"I said, Yan Xiangyu, don't be afraid. Although I don't know your situation, I can tell you what I know now. Of course, these things are a little strange. Believe it or not.

"...Well, then you can say it."

So Xiao Yang began to talk. He started from how he came to the world of hell games, talked about how many difficulties he encountered before he came to Wangxiangtai. Finally, he talked about how he misselected the creation items in his self-service terminal and accidentally created Yan Xiangyu.

After Xiao Yang finished speaking, he found that Yan Xiangyu was staring at himself with big eyes and couldn't help sighing, "What I said is really like Arabian Nights, but it's all true. Forget it if you don't believe it."

"...Those facts are incredible, but now I can't help but believe it. Everything in this glass cover proves what you said. But..." Yan Xiangyu stroked the head of the miniature sages, and tears couldn't help flowing out. "What should I do now? I want to go home..."

"It's useless to ask me, and I don't know. Just ask this guy to have a try. Xiao Yang looked at the miniature sages, "Hey, do you know how the created people can leave the hell game?"

"When players in the hell game reach 1 million points and choose to leave hell, all the items they have, including created people and things, can be brought back to the real world." The miniature sage said.

Yan Xiangyu suddenly took Xiao Yang's hand: "Take... take me back!" As long as I can go back, I can give you anything! I have..."

Xiao Yang interrupted her with a wry smile: "Miss, please, we are in hell now. What can you give me here?"

Xiao Yang was right at all, and Yan Xiangyu couldn't help lowering his head. After a while, she gritted her teeth and said with a red face, "I really have nothing to give you now, but don't underestimate my awareness. Even if it's that kind of thing, I..."

"Let's talk about that later. Now you go to your room to rest and calm down." Xiao Yang said that he chose the "casual door" in the main option and opened the "home-presidential suite" option. A door appeared in the glass cover. Xiao Yang opened the door and said, "Go in."

According to Cui Wenren, each player in the hell game has his own presidential suite to rest and can enter here at the random door of the personal terminal.

Yan Xiangyu was still stunned. Xiao Yang pushed her in and closed the door. The door immediately disappeared from the glass cover, and Xiao Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

There are too many doubts about Yan Xiangyu. Xiao Yang really doesn't understand and just doesn't want it anymore. That kind of thing? Although Xiao Yang is under a lot of pressure and can vent in any way, it is certainly not bad, but the origin of this Yan Xiangyu is unknown. Who knows what will happen? Let's talk about it later. Before that, let her stay in the suite all the time. Cui Wenren said that free meals were provided in the presidential suite every day, and Yan Xiangyu would not starve to death.

As for taking Yan Xiangyu out when you get 1 million points... Anyway, this will not cause your own trouble. If you can bring it, take it with you.

Xiao Yang continued his previous goal and found the reinforced protective clothing mentioned by Cui Wenren in the options of armor. It's a one-fits-one black tights, short-sleeved short legs, and a large zipper in the front like a wetsuit. It seems that this protective clothing cannot protect the limbs and head, but the key points of the rest of the body should also be properly protected.

In this way, the equipment should be almost done, and the remaining problem is to strengthen the body. As for those special skills, they are too expensive, and Xiao Yang is not ready to consider them for the time being.

According to Cui Wenren, physical strengthening is divided into transformation and physical improvement. The former is to transform one's constitution so that it has different energy and various special abilities, while the latter is to directly improve the physical energy index.

Xiao Yang's business points still have 1098 points left. Just now, the miniature sages have said that the minimum of transformation and enhancement is 3,000 points. It seems that it can't be transformed this time. But there is always no harm in having a look, right? Xiao Yang thought so and opened the list of transformation and enhancement.

"Papa", countless light spots still pop up on the list.

Xiao Yang did not search any more, and casually clicked on a few light spots to watch the fun. The first point is the Buddha's physique, cultivation type, foreign energy is Buddhism, and 500,000 points plus 1 Shura-level hell medal. Xiao Yang opened his tongue and waved his hand to open the next light spot. This is much cheaper. The Flash physique, complete type, foreign energy is lightning energy, 20,000 points plus 1 night fork-level hell medal. Xiao Yang thought it was not bad to be the Flash. After thinking about it, he couldn't afford to change it anyway. He smiled bitterly and clicked on the third light spot. After reading the third light spot, he was ready to withdraw to play with the physical energy index.

"Hmm?" Xiao Yang was suddenly stunned, "Sage, what does this... mean?"

"The elf Druid physique, growth type, and different energy is a natural force. 200 karma points are needed to carry out this transformation, and a hungry ghost-level hell medal. The miniature sage said.

"What? This only costs 100 points? Didn't you say that the worst transformational enhancement also costs 3,000 points?

"The foreign energy and natural force attached to the elf Druid physique has no matching melee weapon, so this item is not shown in the query results just now." Micro sages.

Xiao Yang thought for a long time to figure out what was going on. It turned out that just now, when I asked the sage "how many points are needed for the worst transformation enhancement", what he thought was to pick a knife or sword that needed different energy, so the sages automatically added this to the search criteria. This damn sage is obviously just an artificial intelligence, and he has to be smart and help indiscriminately.

"Forget it. Are there any other cheaper constitutions? I want it to be less than 1000 points." Xiao Yang said again.

The search results surprised Xiao Yang again. In addition to the elf druid physique, the cheapest one is really the 3,000-point blade night leopard physique.

Xiao Yang thought about it, this elf Druid's physique is so cheap that it may not be useful. But in any case, this is a physical transformation, and at least it will improve your survival ability, right? Then, it doesn't matter to spend 200 points and 1 Hungry Ghost Medal.

According to Cui Wenren, one high-level hell medal can be exchanged for 3 lower-level medals, and the low-level one-level one-level medal can be exchanged for 4, so Xiao Yang can also afford one hungry ghost medal. He exchanged three hungry ghost medals and then applied for the physical transformation of the elf Druid.

The miniature sages announced the beginning of physical transformation, so a rainbow-like light scanned Xiao Yang's body. He only felt that there were countless sounds in his body. This feeling lasted for less than five minutes, and everything became silent. When Xiao Yang was surprised, the sages suggested that the physical transformation had been completed.

There is no special feeling in the body, that is, it seems that there is a gentle energy flowing in the body, which is probably natural force. But I don't know what this natural force can do now. My eyesight seems to be getting better, but my ears seem to be a little cold. Xiao Yang touched his ear, what, sharp? Come on, have you become an elf?

"Hey, sages, can you transform your physique and even change your appearance?" Xiao Yang hurriedly asked.

"Modification of the physique will cause partial changes in the body, but it will not completely change the appearance of the prototype." The miniature sage explained.

Xiao Yang said urgently, "Is there a mirror? Let me see what I look like now.

The miniature sages obeyed, and a large dressing mirror immediately appeared in front of Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang looked inside and saw that in addition to his ears becoming sharp, his facial outline also changed slightly, and his eyebrows also became thinner, and the stubble on his lips almost disappeared. Fortunately, the color of hair and eyes has not changed, and there is still eight points of what it looks like; otherwise, it will be completely like an elf, unlike human beings.

At this time, Xiao Yang was a little glad that he chose the elf Druid. In order to improve the survival rate, even if you become ugly, even an orc can accept it, but if you become a monster such as an alien, it is really better than death.

After doing all this, Xiao Yang spent 400 points to add 2 points of muscle and bone value to himself. The remaining points are less than 500 points. Keep it for emergency.

Xiao Yang finished all the preparations, so he opened the door and walked into his suite.

When Yan Xiangyu saw him come in, he couldn't help retreating: "You... why...?"

Xiao Yang didn't bother to talk to her and just said, "Please, this is my room. Can't I take a nap? Whatever you do now, just don't bother me."

After saying this, Xiao Yang was just about to lie down to sleep, but Yan Xiangyu shouted at him: "Your appearance..."

"Do you think I want to be like this? In order to live more easily, I chose to transform myself into an elf Druid physique, and this is what happened. Xiao Yang stared at Yan Xiangyu, "I do look a little strange now, but it's not your turn. Anyway, it's not for you!"

"" Yan Xiangyu hurriedly defended, "I think you are so handsome."

"Don't pretend to please me. It's boring." Xiao Yang said and lay down at ** and yawned, "Do you want me to take you out of here?" To be honest, as long as I can leave by myself, I will take you with me. Anyway, it's just a hand-made job. You don't have to repay me."

"Really? Great!" Yan Xiangyu was very surprised.

"Don't be happy too early. Hell game is so perverted that I may die in the next level. Xiao Yang continued to yawn, "If you want to go home, don't disturb me. Let me sleep well and refresh myself, so that I can fight."

"Well, I know." Yan Xiangyu added, "However, I really think you are very stylish. I have never been immune to elves.

Xiao Yang didn't answer, just snorted and closed his eyes. In less than a minute, ** snored. Xiao Yang has been exhausted for the past two days and fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

"Is it an elf Druid?" Yan Xiangyu looked at Xiao Yang's sweet sleeping face and muttered to himself, "It's really likable."

Xiao Yang slept until he woke up naturally, and it was already the next day. As soon as he woke up, he felt that something was touching his face. He opened his eyes and found that it was a woman's hand. He looked up and shouted out, "Ah, sages!"

"Ah!" The other party was also shocked and came to his senses after a while. "Don't scare me. I'm not a sage, it's Yan Xiangyu."

Xiao Yang sat up and wiped the sweat on his face: "Don't talk about you, I'm scared to death. Who told you to look so much like a sage? Besides, why do you touch my face?"

Yan Xiangyu said innocently, "Because it feels very comfortable. I really like elves."

"I'm not an elf, I just have the physique of an elf Druid!" Xiao Yang rushed up angrily. Why is this woman so annoying? He has always had a good temper, and now he wants to beat Yan Xiangyu.

"Don't be angry. Isn't the elf Druid an elf?" Yan Xiangyu said, "This is really good. I have fantasized before that if only my husband was an elf Druid. Usually, I am so good-looking and can talk to small animals. When I am in danger, I can also become a big bear to protect me. In fact, it is not enough to become a big bear. If you can become a super monster, you will be invincible and majestic in the world.

Xiao Yang glanced at Yan Xiangyu as if he had seen an idiot. It's hopeless that people can be stupid to this extent.

"Rin--" There was a strange sound in the air, and a miniature sage appeared in front of Xiao Yang.

Please note that there are still 6 hours left. In the remaining 10 minutes, all team members will be automatically transmitted to the home platform. The miniature sage said.

"Don't wait so long, send me there now." Xiao Yang didn't want to stay with Yan Xiangyu for a minute.

"Application is accepted. Start sending now. With the sound of miniature sages, an aperture appeared at Xiao Yang's feet, shooting a green beam of light from it, completely covering his body.

"Wait!" Yan Xiangyu seemed to want to say something, but Xiao Yang's body had disappeared into the green beam of light.

When Xiao Yang reappeared on the Wangxiangtai, Cui Wenren was the only one there. Cui Wenren also found that Xiao Yang's appearance had changed and was a little surprised: "Have you transformed your physique?"

"Well, I don't know what's the use of transforming into an elf Druid physique."

"You are really willing to spend your money." Cui Wenren said again, "But you are too eye-catching. Buy a pair of windproof glasses and put them on, so that others will not notice your ears easily."

"Oh, that's good. However, this constitution is actually very cheap. My points are mainly spent elsewhere. Xiao Yang then told Cui Wenren what he had exchanged.

After listening to it, Cui Wenren praised, "That's good. It's basically all ready."

"You are prepared. It's finally easier." Xiao Yang said.

"Don't take it lightly." Cui Wenren reminded, "In the past, the equipment of my teammates was not worse than yours, but the whole army was destroyed."

Xiao Yang nodded. He has experienced the danger of the hell game. Even if you go all out, you may not be able to make a living before the ghost gate is closed.