Fruit Empire


However, at this moment, the enchanted messenger shouted: "Wait! Don't cut me!"

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yang put away his knife and smiled, "Aren't you immortal?"

"I... I admit, that girl is right. My body also has a limit to rebirth. The official name of that number is Rebirth Potential, which represents the remaining energy that I can use to rebirth. The soul messenger gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, I thought you would be scared by my immortal body, but I didn't expect you to see through this secret!"

Xiao Yang didn't talk much nonsense, but said, "Can you answer my previous question obediently?"

"Most of the things about our enchanted messenger are prohibited. Once it is leaked to you, my body will collapse immediately." The enchanted messenger said, "But I can answer your questions about your mission."

"It's good. Let's talk about the poison gas*.

"I buried a total of 40 trigger *poison gas* on your way forward, and it will explode when you touch it." The soul messenger said, "I can draw a specific location map for you..."

"Are we fools? You go with us." Xiao Yang knew that the whole body of the soul messenger was full of weapons and equipment, and he had no other ability but to be reborn.

The enchanted messenger shook his head: "No, I..."

Without his words, Xiao Yang cut off his head again. Half a minute later, the head of the enchanted messenger grew out again. He was about to speak when Xiao Yang was stabbed again.

In this way, Xiao Yang never gave the soul messenger a chance to speak. He cut off his head 87 times in a row until his rebirth potential was only 80, and then he stopped.

"" The enchanted messenger finally had a chance to speak, but he trembled with anger and couldn't speak well.

"In this case, you won't be afraid of playing tricks. Anyway, you will be finished with the last knife left. Xiao Yang cut off the rope that tied the feet of the soul messenger, "Let's go, you lead the way, and we'll break through the poison gas* array."

The enchanted messenger was so hate that his teeth were about to be broken, but he was still helpless and could only promise to lead the way in front.

Everyone carefully followed the enchanted messenger and walked into the last section of the dangerous road. To successfully complete the task, you must cross the life-and-death line ahead.

Xiao Yang opened the way in front of him, and the crowd followed them. Because the soul messenger himself will definitely not step on the poison gas*, it must be safe to follow him.

After walking for about half an hour, the enchanted messenger stopped. He looked at a bush in front of him and said, "That's where the first poison gas* was buried."

Xiao Yang took a closer look and couldn't see anything strange on the surface.

"No matter how you look at it, you can't see it." The soul messenger hummed, "I carefully removed the traces of buried *, which can never be distinguished by the naked eye."

Xiao Yang asked, "Then how do you know that this is the place where you buried*? Based on your memory alone?"

"Of course. I'm not stupid enough to mark on the ground." The enchanted messenger said, "That's too easy for you to find out."

"Can you really remember all 40 * buried places?" Xiao Yang still doesn't trust the soul messenger.

"Remember most of them. A few may not remember clearly. If you happen to step on it, it's your bad luck. The enchanted messenger laughed.

Xiao Yang hit him fiercely with a gun on the back of his head: "Don't give me this! How can you take a risk when you are so treacherous? If you want to play tricks, I advise you to die as soon as possible! As long as I find you making small moves, I will shoot you!"

"...Don't worry, I still cherish my life." The enchanted messenger said so. Xiao Yang didn't say anything anymore and continued to escort him forward with vigilance.

Everyone walked forward for a while, and their eyes suddenly became enlightened. This is a completely long grassland, and a large piece of land can't even see a tree. Xiao Yang thought to himself that this grassland was very close to the hole when he escaped from the main body of the rainforest insect last time, and even he could see the hole with his eyesight.

The enchanted messenger has identified the location of 22 poison gas* by this time. Xiao Yang asked him, "Now this land is full of grass, and the scenery everywhere is almost the same. Can you guarantee that you won't step on the poison gas*?"

"Believe me. I'm not going to joke about my life. The enchanted messenger said and continued to walk forward.

As soon as he took less than three steps, Xiao Yang suddenly felt that the rope in his hand was loose. When he looked anxiously, he found that the enchanted messenger had disappeared flat! This shocked Xiao Yang a hard time. What on earth happened?

The rest of the team members also gathered around, stunned and at a loss. This soul messenger disappeared like a living person, leaving no trace of this kind of thing...

Peng Fei suddenly said "ah": "Is it... a teleport gun?"

Xiao Yang remembered Peng Fei's reminder. At the first level, the soul messenger used the transmission gun to transmit the cannibal god, thus making the whole team desperate. If it is a teleportation gun, it can indeed easily transport people away. In this way, this treacherous and cunning soul messenger deliberately set up a mechanism here, which not only realized the shelling of the golden cicada, but also brought everyone into the encirclement of dozens of poisonous gas*.

"Hahaha! Although there were many accidents, the final winner was me!" The voice of the soul messenger came from Xiao Yang's feet. Xiao Yang looked down and saw that a black object the size of a button was lying on the ground, and the sound came from there.

"You idiots! Do you really think that sending someone out to fake surrender can make me tell my plan and secret? Let me tell you, that's what I'm doing to trick you!" The enchanted messenger said proudly, "You are really hesitant under the hillside, which gives me a great opportunity to bombard you. Unfortunately, you were lucky enough to hit me so far away, causing my * and silent transmitters to be completely useless, and the potential for rebirth has been deducted more than 10,000.

So that's what Xiao Yang said. This soul messenger can think of such a fierce tactic of assisting the fixed point, which shows that he is an extremely crafty person. I, Peng Fei, and even Su Feiqi, really underestimate this person.

But it's too late to think about these, so I have to find a way to remedy it. Xiao Yang pondered for a while and suddenly knocked on his forehead. He turned his head and his eyes wandered around.

At this time, the soul messenger continued: "I admit that you are very bold. Ordinary living people will run away when they hear the name of our soul messenger. It's really surprising that you dare to rush towards me and tie me up! And that girl is really smart. My performance has been so realistic, but I still haven't hidden it from your eyes! The potential of rebirth was also seen through, and I was almost killed by you! Fortunately, I left a move and set up a teleport gun mechanism here. Step on the mechanism, just to teleport myself and leave you in the poison gas* array! Let me tell you, the actual number of poison gas* around here is 200, and it is difficult for you to fly! By the way, I want to tell you one more thing. Your task will eventually become so difficult, all because I shot Anne to death! To be honest, you are really awesome! Unfortunately, you met a stronger me, and you can only blame your bad luck! Haha! ...Ah...ah...damn...damn...!"

The last thing sounded was the scream of the soul messenger.

"A soul messenger was killed. The whole team won 1000 points and a hungry ghost-level hell medal. The voice of the sages sounded, "At this point, all the obstacles have died."

Su Feiqi looked at Xiao Yang in surprise: "Captain, I know your shooting is accurate, but I didn't expect you to be accurate to this extent... This can be called a sharpshooter."

"Since I got the vision and physical strength of the elf, my shooting seems to have improved a lot." Xiao Yang put down his hand with the gun. "Beout of all, this distance is about 800 meters. I can see him clearly, so it's not difficult to hit him. Of course, thanks to this bastard's lot of nonsense, I can accurately judge his position from the direction of the sound and kill him with one shot.

Su Feiqi asked again, "Then how can you tell that he is nearby?"

"That bastard uses a teleport gun. Although the transport gun is a very useful thing, the distance it can transmit is quite limited. Xiao Yang recalled, "In the first level, we met a soul messenger who could use a teleport gun. In order to teleport a big monster, he deliberately ran to our vicinity. I thought about the distance limit of the transport gun, so I knew that the enchanted messenger was near us.

"Well, it's good to kill this soul messenger." Peng Fei suddenly sighed, "But what should we do now? He said that there are 200 poisonous gases* around us, so isn't it difficult for us to walk? If we can't move on, we can only wait here to die.

As soon as he said this, everyone was silent. As time went by, the whole team was about to sit here and wait for death, but no one could come up with it.

Xiao Yang looked at the back of his right hand, which was clearly engraved with the beast soul of Tyrannosaurus Rex and King Kong. Even if it only takes five minutes to change the beast soul, it is enough to complete the task. The problem is that with his current mental condition, he can't even start the skill of beast soul variant, let alone five minutes.

King Kong... Alas, although he can theoretically become King Kong, he still can't be as majestic as King Kong. Although King Kong is an orangutan, he can still drive a group of birds to work for themselves. Xiao Yang stared at King Kong's engraving and smiled bitterly: "I said, man, can you lend us your flock of birds? If only they could give your heart to the rainforest worm owner instead of us.

At this time, he only saw two beast soul engravings flashing at the same time. Xiao Yang only felt that his heart trembled and listened to the sages say, "The elf Druid's physique grows, the skill 'beast soul induction' is turned on, and the starting method is started without consuming natural power."

Good boy, can't you really shout that group of birds? Xiao Yang tried to activate the beast soul induction in his heart, and felt countless pictures pouring into his mind. Biting, killing, chewing, swallowing... Finally, the head was cut off by a red line - this is the memory of Tyrannosaurus Rex! Next is the worship of the natives, the tame birds, the career of dominating in the primitive rainforest, the encounter with the beautiful woman Anne, the death of Anne... Finally, the tragic battle, the heroic death in the hands of Cui Wenren and Xiao Yang - this is the memory of King Kong!

"Ah, ah--" Xiao Yang involuntarily hummed the cry of King Kong when summoned the birds. Only ten minutes later, a large group of birds had flown close to the crowd and couldn't help hovering on Xiao Yang's head.

Peng Fei wanted to shoot those birds, but Xiao Yang quickly stopped them and said, "Don't hit them. They are our savior."

Those birds quacked, and Xiao Yang heard them and knew that they were calling "Master, master, you are still alive, master!"

Xiao Yang can't laugh or cry. Perhaps it is because of the beast soul engraving of King Kong that the person who killed King Kong was regarded as King Kong by these birds.

Xiao Yang put King Kong's heart in a plastic pocket, gave it to the largest bird, and said, "You throw this into the hole in front of me."

Those birds really have no IQ. They accepted Xiao Yang's task and flew towards the cave of the rainforest insect owner. Xiao Yang saw them fly to the hole of the rainforest worm owner and threw their pockets in.

However, Xiao Yang's expression became more ugly. Why is this so? Obviously, the heart of King Kong has been dedicated to the rainforest insect owner, but still can't complete the task?

"bang--" "bang--" and "bang--" continuous explosions sounded around. The white poison gas spewed violently!

Xiao Yang is going crazy. The damn soul messenger still has this last hand - those poisonous gases* have been installed with the timed explosion function for a long time!

At this time, Su Feiqi suddenly said, "Captain, the reason why the task was not completed is probably because you put King Kong's heart in a plastic pocket."

When Xiao Yang thought about it, it might be true. Because the rainforest worm owner can't touch King Kong's heart, the task is not completed. But those birds couldn't take them away if they weren't in their pockets.

And in the distance, even Xiao Yang's eyesight could not reach the hole of the rainforest worm owner, and the pocket containing the heart of King Kong was transported to a deep pool, and the pool began to slowly corrode the pocket.

"Let's start running." Peng Fei said, "You can be saved by running out of this area with closed air."

At this time, the poison gas quickly permeated the air, and it was white everywhere.

Xiao Yang made a decision: "Run."

The gas erupts too fast, and it is impossible to run very fast if the gas is closed. Even if you run desperately, the possibility of survival is very low. But if you don't run, there will be no chance of survival. So Xiao Yang still decided to fight. As for the main task, after all, there is still some time. Let's save your life before trying to figure it out.

At the same time, the pocket containing the heart of King Kong has just been corroded with a small hole.

Everyone covered their noses and ran in the direction of coming. However, after running for less than half a minute, Fang Xin was the first one who couldn't stand it and fell to the ground. The toxicity of nerve gas is so strong that closing the gas alone is not enough to resist the invasion of the gas. After Fang Xin, other people were also poisoned one after another and looked ugly. A minute later, even Xiao Yang himself felt weak, tingling all over his body, and he knelt down helplessly.

Looking at the poison gas all over the sky, Xiao Yang roared unwillingly. Bastard, have you come to this point, can't you do anything in the end?

However, just as Xiao Yang was about to lose consciousness, the bottom of the pocket containing the heart of King Kong was finally corroded, and the heart of King Kong sank into the pool.

The heart of King Kong has been dedicated to the rainforest insect owner. Congratulations on the completion of the main task of this level. The scene is temporarily frozen. The voice of the sages sounded in time. Xiao Yang only felt that his body was light, and all the discomfort after poisoning completely disappeared.

Xiao Yang stood up and looked around. The surrounding world seemed to be fixed, the long grass seemed to be motionless as if it had been smeared with hairspray, and the poisonous gases all stopped moving. The rest of the team members regained their senses and stood up again.

"It's done! We have completed the task!" The big man Fang Xin was so excited that he jumped and shouted. As a newcomer, it is not easy for him to go through so many life-and-death tasks, so he is so excited. Several old players were also relieved at this time and sat on the ground to rest.

"Captain, it seems that the goddess of luck finally favored us." Su Feiqi walked to Xiao Yang and smiled.

Xiao Yang nodded and said nothing. He can't be completely relieved yet. According to Cui Wenren, this level is the end of the whole scene, which is different from the previous level. After the last level, the home-looking platform automatically appeared, and no similar thing has appeared so far after the completion of this level. No one knows what will happen.

"Qualification begins." The voice of the sages suddenly became sharp here, "The No. 27 industry fire point is negative and did not pass the qualification of Senluo City. The rest of the personnel have obtained qualification. However, the bridge is built and the delivery begins.

Everyone looked at each other in con's face. Did you fail the qualification on the 27th? What does this mean? Who the hell is this 27th?

When Xiao Yang was also surprised, he saw a star-shaped aperture under his feet. The ground circled by the aperture slowly rose and lifted himself up into the air. He looked aside and saw that Su Feiqi was also held up by the ground. Then Wang Hanren, Peng Fei and Fang Xin were also held up by the ground. In the end, only the fat man Wen Xingping remained in place.

"No. 27 in Cwu refers to Wen Xingping." Peng Fei sighed.

At this time, Wen Xingping also realized that he was No. 27 and shouted hurriedly, "Don't leave me alone!" I don't want to be left here!"

"No one can save you. Blame yourself." Xiao Yang shook his head at him, "If you listen to me and hit one more bird, it may not be like this."

After entering this level, Wen Xingping only knew how to be lazy and slippery. If he could slip, he could hide if he could. In the end, if he didn't get enough points, he could only say that he suffered by himself.

Wen Xingping knelt on the ground and cried, but Xiao Yang and others rose higher and higher, and soon they could not see Wen Xingping's shadow and could not hear his voice. The surrounding scenery changed rapidly, and Xiao Yang closed his eyes. The world of hell is so cruel, that is, how many of the companions who are still around them can live to the end?

"The front hall of the Nether Hall has arrived." The voice of the sages sounded.

Xiao Yang opened his eyes and saw himself stepping on the black and white stone ground, surrounded by dark walls with blue flames hanging on the wall for lighting. The top is completely