Fruit Empire


zombies, zombie dogs, hunters, mutant insects, long-armed monsters and other things, it seems that everyone is relatively lucky all the way.

Xiao Yang glanced at all the surveillance screens and suddenly found that one of the surveillance screens was different. The room is full of giant glass containers full of culture liquid, which is soaked with all kinds of mutant creatures, including mutant spiders, frogs, lizards, hunters, tyrants and so on. In addition, there are more than a dozen empty glass containers. I don't know what has been packed. In the last glass container, there was a naked man, whose face looked more and more like...

"Sneer--" It seems that the signal is short-circuited, and all the images on the monitoring screen have turned into a snowflake. At the same time, Alfred's perverted voice sounded: "Fools, you are my trap! Now, feed all the monsters!"

As soon as Alfred's voice fell, Xiao Yang felt that his feet were empty and he suddenly fell down.

Soon, Xiao Yang fell to the ground. The rest of the people also fell down one after another. The ground was not very hard, and Xiao Yang was not injured when he fell down. However, he still can't relax at all.

Around everyone, twelve tall humanoid monsters are hissing strangely and looking at them with turbid eyes.

"Oh, my God, twelve pursuers!" Jill exclaimed. In that horrible raccoon city, Jill once encountered a pursuer. At that time, she tried her best and finally used the super electromagnetic cannon to finally defeat the pursuer!

Seeing that everyone was facing the disaster of extinction, Xiao Yang immediately ordered, "Break through from one direction with me and go to the wall!"

After saying that, he carried the rocket launcher and aimed at the nearest pursuer and pulled the trigger, and the rest of the people immediately opened fire with him. Rockets and other bullets hit the pursuer and knocked it to the ground. Of course, the pursuer is not dead, but temporarily lost the ability to act, but this is enough for everyone.

Everyone took the opportunity to run past the pursuer and quickly reached the edge of the wall. At this time, other pursuers also chased after them and surrounded the crowd. The downed pursuers also quickly regained their mobility and joined the encirclement.

Xiao Yang gave the rocket launcher and grenade gun to Luo Ruzhi: "Take these two things first and choose the opportunity to use them."

Luo Ruzhiqi said, "Then you..."

"I have my own way to hold back the pursuers." Xiao Yang looked at the crowd and said, "As for Jill's safety, please."

Xiao Yang speaks Chinese, but of course Jill doesn't understand. But when she saw Xiao Yang put down her weapon and walked forward, she couldn't help but say, "What are you going to do!"

"Miss Jill, I have a special superpower that will definitely kill these ugly things. Don't worry about me. Please take good care of yourself." Xiao Yang said this and said in his heart, "Beast soul variant, King Kong, positive body transformation!"

Xiao Yang's flesh and blood tissue began to appear outside the body, rapidly condensing and forming. The mountain-like beast King Kong appeared in this big pit under the ground! Xiao Yang's mind moved, and the feet of the diamond body stepped on the ground, and the whole earth shook!

Jill and Luo Ruzhi were stunned, and even Wang Hanren and Fang Xin, who knew that Xiaoyang had a beast soul variant, were shocked by this scene and could not speak.

However, those pursuers were not scared by Xiao Yang's body at all, and still roared fiercely towards him. Xiao Yang commanded the King Kong body to stretch out two huge palms, grabbed a pursuer with one hand, threw it out like throwing a toy, and hit the wall heavily, making a click sound!

The remaining pursuers still did not believe in evil and continued to attack the King Kong body. Seeing that a pursuer had approached the King Kong body, the King Kong body pinched its head and pulled it off abruptly!

Relying on the brutality of terror, the King Kong body has knocked down all 12 pursuers in less than a quarter of an hour. Xiao Yang has already obtained the memory and experience of King Kong through animal inspiration. Now his combat effectiveness is almost exactly the same as that of the real King Kong.

Jill, who was watching the battle, looked at the scene in front of her and couldn't believe her eyes at all. In Raccoon City, the pursuer as powerful as the devil is as fragile as a baby in front of the orangutan that this man has become! This so-called superpower is really too much! Who the hell is this man?

However, Xiao Yang looks majestic, but in fact it is by no means easy. Although those pursuers were knocked down, they did not die at all. From their torn heads, hands and feet, countless purple tentacles have grown, which looks terrible. This is the second form of the pursuer. The pursuer who appeared in this form once defeated Jill in the game plot of Resident Evil 3 and infected her, almost turning her into a zombie.

The pursuer's tentacles contain a deadly T-virus, and it is more powerful than the T-virus that Xiao Yang was infected by the hunters at the beginning. And now Xiao Yang and others don't have the immune serum of T virus in their hands. If they are infected, they can't save it.

Luo Ruzhi wanted to shoot the pursuers, but Xiao Yang stopped him.

"Stay behind me and don't shoot." Xiao Yang said with his body, "These poisonous guys are all handled by me alone."

The beast soul variant is a skill that uses the beast soul to engrave to generate the corresponding beast body in the scene of hell. The body generated in this way will not be infected. Therefore, it can be said that the beast soul variant is the biggest nemesis of the pursuer.

The pursuers continued to attack the diamond body with their tenacious vitality. After they became the second form, their strength really increased, and wounds began to appear on Xiao Yang's body. Xiao Yang wanted to break their tentacles with the diamond body, but those tentacles were so flexible that they could not be pulled down at all. Xiao Yang simply grabbed their tentacles and smashed them to the ground over and over again. The purplish body fluids of the pursuers flowed all over the ground.

As the pursuers are injured more and more seriously, their tentacles are getting stronger and stronger. After fighting for half an hour, the King Kong body gradually couldn't hold the tentacles, but was freed by them. The diamond body continued to fight, but hundreds of tentacles quickly wrapped the diamond body tightly, making Xiao Yang unable to move. Several parts of the skin and flesh on King Kong's body were torn apart, and even Xiao Yang's own body felt a sharp pain.

"Ah--" Xiao Yang's driving diamond body suddenly roared, and the brute force on his body actually cracked all those tentacles!

In the spare control room of the Asiford Mansion, Alfred Asifort looked at the scene on the surveillance screen in front of him and angrily pounded the table. In the picture, the twelve pursuers in the second form were all beaten to death. Alfred never dreamed that the gorilla that came out of nowhere could play with Ambrera's most terrible biological weapons as a toy.

Of course, the pursuers are not dead yet. Not only that, if they continue to get hurt, they are likely to evolve into the most terrible third form. At that time, the King Kong body will no longer be their opponent.

However, Alfred gave instructions to the pursuers to "return to the culture tank". The third form of the pursuers can indeed destroy any enemy, but it will also let Alfred lose control of them, which is by no means what Alfred wants to see.

In the big pit, the pursuers stopped attacking the diamond body and pulled themselves back to the upper layer with their tentacles one by one, disappearing out of everyone's sight.

After Xiao Yang was sure that they had disappeared, he released the King Kong body, restored his human form, and walked to the crowd tiredly. He has never used the beast soul variant to fight for such a long time. It can be said that he has exhausted almost all his mental strength and is so tired that he feels like he is going to die. If he plays for another minute, he may not be able to hold on.

On the other side, Alfred came to the room full of the culture tank, walked to the last culture tank, and pressed the dehydration button on the culture tank.

"Go ahead, it's your turn, JP01. Surprise your companions, haha!"

The nutrient solution in the culture tank gradually receded, and the man inside opened his eyes and turned his face.

"I will deal with them, Mr. Asifort." He said, "With the life you gave me again, I, Peng Fei, will definitely complete the task you assigned."

The inner wall of the big pit is vertical and there is no way to climb up. Xiao Yang directly bombarded the inner wall with a grenade gun and pitted the inner wall, so that everyone could finally climb up along the inner wall.

While others were climbing, Xiao Yang pressed the button on his watch: "Peng Fei, can you hear me?"

Just now, Xiao Yang has never had a chance to contact Peng Fei. Although Peng Fei is more or less auspicious, he is not sure that he is dead, so Xiao Yang still has a glimmer of hope in his heart, so he wants to call Peng Fei to have a try now.

The speaker of the watch is still silent. Just as Xiao Yang sighed and was about to lower his arm, Peng Fei's voice finally came: "Brother Yang, I'm fine. Alfred just caught me, but I took the opportunity to escape.

Xiao Yang was so surprised that Peng Fei really survived! He quickly asked, "Where are you now?"

"I'm a little in front of the hall where I was captured just now. It's safe here and there are no enemies. What about you? Do you need me to come and meet everyone?"

"No. Just stay there first and keep yourself safe. We haven't confirmed the next plan yet. We will contact you when it is confirmed.

After Xiao Yang climbed out of the big pit, everyone was waiting for him there. Everyone was refreshed when they learned that Peng Fei was still alive. Now it's time to think about what to do next.

Originally, according to the prompts of the sages, they should have continued to move forward to find the host of T Veronica, but at this time, Xiao Yang's mental state was extremely poor, and the beast soul variant could not be used. Without this biggest killer, the combat effectiveness of the whole team has decreased a lot. And those pursuers are only temporarily evacuated, and they are likely to make a comeback. Once the group of pursuers are encountered again, the whole team has no resistance at all, and the possibility of total extinction is very high.

And the most troublesome thing is that the enemy radar has somehow lost its function. Xiao Yang speculated that it was another ghost hidden by the soul messenger hidden in the dark, just like the silent cannon last time. These sneaky things are really abominable, but they can't deal with them without show up.

Xiao Yang thought for a moment and decided to go back along the road and meet Peng Fei. Jill, a system protector who did not belong to the team, also agreed to his decision and retreated with them.

Jill originally received the news that there was a virus from T Veronica on this island and was preparing to come to eliminate the virus. Unexpectedly, there was a biochemical crisis on the island. As soon as she came here, she was in danger. Fortunately, she met Xiao Yang and her team to be saved. Later, he met twelve pursuers. Although Xiaoyang's beast soul variant repelled the pursuers, the combat effectiveness of Xiaoyang's team weakened a lot. At this time, Xiao Yang decided to retreat temporarily, and Jill naturally had no choice but to follow them.

Everyone retreated all the way back. Along the way, it was extremely quiet. Not to mention zombies and hunters, not even a mutant insect could be seen. This feeling is as if there is no biochemical crisis in this mansion.

After about 20 minutes, everyone finally returned to the hall where Peng Fei was caught.

"Hey, I'm so glad to see you all alive." Peng Fei's voice sounded in the dark. Xiao Yang quickly looked over and saw Peng Fei come out of the darkness. He looks very energetic and the injury on his shoulder seems to be almost better.

"You came back alive." Xiao Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "When you were taken away by Alfred just now, I thought..."

"I can only say that I am lucky. The Alfred grabbed me to the spare control room. Alfred was about to deal with me when you arrived at the surveillance system in the first control room. Alfred was furious and began to operate the pursuers to attack you. I attacked him, hit him in the eye, and then escaped when he couldn't see. Peng Fei said.

"So it is. Later, the pursuers will run away, probably because Alfred made a mistake after being injured. Xiao Yang said, "Thanks to you, otherwise we will be very dangerous."

Xiao Yang just saw a person very similar to Peng Fei in the glass container in the monitoring system and has been worried. Now after hearing Peng Fei's words, I am basically relieved. Anyway, if Peng Fei was really caught to transform his body, he would not have stood in front of everyone like this.

Several other people also greeted Peng Fei, and then leaned against the wall to rest. Peng Fei looked at Xiao Yang and asked, "Brother Yang, what are you going to do next?"

"The task now is to help Jill find the virus host of T Veronica." Xiao Yang muttered, "I guess it's Alfred here. However, I can't use the beast soul variant anymore. I think we'd better go out first and find a safe place to rest for a day before acting.

There is still time, so Xiao Yang decided to leave the mansion first and return to a perfect state before rushing in. Although there is still a systematic protection figure Claire in this mansion, Claire only deducted 1,000 points when he died. He will definitely make up for it after completing the task, so it's okay to ignore Claire.

"Well, I also think Alfred is the host of the virus." Peng Fei said, "So I suggest that the whole team go after Alfred immediately."

Xiao Yang frowned and said, "This won't work. There are also twelve second-form pursuers, plus Alfred himself. We just die like this."

"When I escaped, Alfred could no longer control the pursuers. Now the pursuers can't go back. Alfred's defense is very weak, which is the best time to attack. Peng Fei advised, "We will definitely regret missing this good opportunity."

Xiao Yang hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll listen to you this time."

"Well, I'm leading the way. Let's follow me." Peng Fei said.

After passing through the hall where Peng Fei was sniped, they came to a corridor. The corridor is hundreds of meters long, and there is a door at the end of the corridor. On both sides of the corridor, there are also several rooms.

Peng Fei is at the forefront. As soon as he walked through the first room on the left side of the corridor, the door of the room suddenly opened and a hunter rushed out of it! Xiao Yang was about to shoot the hunter, but Peng Fei kicked the hunter against the wall and fired three shotguns in a row. The hunter was killed by a shotgun before he could even make an attack.

"It's not bad." Xiao Yang praised.

"I'm lucky. It just hit my muzzle." Peng Fei smiled and turned his head to continue to move forward.

Jill said to herself, "The people in this team are really strong. Even this adult child has such a terrible reaction speed and power.

Her voice was extremely low, but Xiao Yang heard it all. Once again, he thought that Peng Fei's action just now was indeed much faster and more powerful than before, and it was not like what Peng Fei could do before. Moreover, Peng Fei's temperament of speaking and doing things is also slightly different from before, as if he was stimulated by something.

Xiao Yang thought about it and always felt something wrong, and began to suspect Peng Fei in his heart. He looked down at his enemy radar and saw that Peng Fei's point was still green, so he was relieved.

Xiao Yang shook his head. I must have thought too much. Peng Fei was with himself from the beginning and saved his life. If you can't even believe him, it's really sad.

After everyone moved forward and easily eliminated several zombies in the way, they finally came to the end of the corridor.

Peng Fei just opened the door at the end of the corridor, and several people screamed. This large room is full of countless glass culture tanks, which is the cultivation room displayed in the monitoring system!

As seen in the surveillance system, there are all kinds of mutant monsters soaked in the glass culture tank. Their bodies trembled slightly in the incubator. Obviously, they were still alive, just dormant. People didn't feel much when they saw them on the screen, and they felt terrible when they saw them with their own eyes. These monsters are as if they are about to break the culture tank and rush out of it!

"Don't worry. I have seen Alfred's operation. They basically won't come out without pressing the buttons on the culture tank. Peng Fei said, "Let's go. After this room, less than 30 meters away is the control room. Alfred is in it."

Peng Fei said and walked forward, and Xiao Yang quickly led the team to follow. After walking for about half a minute, Wang Hanren suddenly called out. Xiao Yang was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. It turned out that there were more than a dozen glass culture tanks in front of them, all soaked in the second form of pursuers! Their tentacles are much less than when Xiao Yang fought with them. It seems