Fruit Empire


on the wall.

The canyon is getting narrower and narrower. If you fly forward less than 200 meters, the width of the channel will be less than six meters.

The right wing of the car has rubbed against the mountain wall, sparking. Luo Ruzhi adjusted in a hurry, but the left wing rubbed against the mountain wall again.

Luo Ruzhi is still desperately trying to control the flying car, but Xiao Yang also knows that this is almost his limit. However, the pterodactyl is still chasing, only 30 meters away from the rear of the car. Do you really have to drill into a six-meter-wide channel to get rid of the pterodactylus?

Looking at the mountain walls on both sides, Xiao Yang suddenly thought of a method. He picked up the rocket launcher and bombarded it in the direction of the pterodactyl. The rocket did not hit the pterodactyl, but hit the mountain walls on both sides. With a series of explosions, the rocks flew around. The pterodactyl had nowhere to hide and was hit by countless rocks. These rocks blocked the passage of the pterodactyl, which could no longer be seen from the car.

At this time, both sides of the flying car rubbed against the mountain wall, and Xiao Yang shouted, "Raize the height! That thing can't catch up with us!"

Luo Ruzhi immediately manipulated the flying car to rise, and the car finally got out of the predicament and flew much easier.

However, at this moment, the blocked place in the rear shook. The rocks were pushed away, and the pterodactyl rushed over from the middle. Xiao Yang couldn't help staring. He really didn't expect that the pterodactyl could break through so many mountains and rocks by brute force alone!

However, Xiao Yang did not panic. He bombarded the mountain wall again with rockets. Unfortunately, at this time, the activity space of the pterodactyl has become larger, and the place he hit was a hole. The amount of rocks that exploded was not large, and it failed to stop the advance of the pterodactylus. The pterodactyl continued to accelerate and rushed ten meters behind the rear of the car in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Yang gritted his teeth and took out the Japanese walker's knife and was ready to fight with the pterodactyl. But at this moment, the pterodactyl suddenly let out a long cry of pain. Only then did Xiao Yang notice that several sparrow-like birds were biting it on the pterodactyl. Behind the pterodactylus, there was a brown cloud-like object approaching. When Xiao Yang looked carefully, he found that the brown cloud was also composed of that kind of birds.

The brown birds quickly surrounded the pterodactylus and bit its body crazily. The huge thing crashed into the mountain wall in pain, but it was useless. Its hard skin was immediately bitten, and its flesh and blood were torn off and swallowed into its mouth by the birds. That kind of bird was extremely fierce, and the pterodactyl quickly struggled and fell to the bottom of the canyon. The birds eat meat very fast, and before the pterodactyl fell to the ground, there was only a skeleton left in its whole body.

After eating the pterodactyl, the birds flew back. Xiao Yang looked at Lin Yitu and asked with a trembling voice, "What kind of bird is that?"

"They are not birds. Do I remember that I told you their names before? Lin Yitu said calmly, "They are the most dangerous flying creatures on the island. They were supposed to take a nap in the cave on the mountain, but were shocked by rockets. The pterodactyl that passed by became their victim as a result.

"Gai's Microbird Dragon?" Xiao Yang looked at Lin Yitu and said, "What the hell. It's useless for my bullet to hit the pterodactyl. Such a small thing can destroy the pterodactyl just by its own mouth and teeth..."

"It's a biological acid." Lin Yitu explained, "The body structure of Guy's Micronidosaur is very strange, and it can secrete very strong biological acids. This biological acid can even corrode steel, and the skin and crust are naturally not a problem. Moreover, the beak of Gai's Micronidosaur is similar to the parrot's beak, but it is sharper than it. It is very easy to peck at unprotected meat. As you just saw, thousands of microbirds often go out together, and almost no living things can be spared wherever they have swept. If it weren't for their narrow range of activities, they could be said to be the most horrible predators on the island.

"This kind of thing..." Xiao Yang only felt a headache. "Do you think this kind of thing is near the white hemisphere-shaped building?"

Lin Yitu nodded: "Hmm. Two months ago, we didn't find this in advance, which led to the death of all the members.

Xiao Yang carefully recalled the interior of the white hemispherical building "Golf". Although the building is made of plates, it is very strong and difficult to invade from the outside world. Moreover, Xiao Yang remembered that there seemed to be no damage to the outside of the building, so it was a mystery how the Gai's microbird dragon got in.

"I ask you, where are the nests of those Gei's microbirds near 'Golf'? How on earth did they invade 'golf'? Xiao Yang asked Lin Yitu.


At this time, the hemispherical building is in "Golf". Jill walked around the room to check, while Fang Xin had woken up, and Wang Hanren sat anxiously on the computer chair, staring at his watch.

She has tried to contact Xiao Yang and Luo Ruzhi since just now, but she has never been able to contact them. This made Wang Hanren very uneasy. She also trusted Xiao Yang's combat effectiveness, but even Peng Fei's where he was unknown. Even Xiao Yang may not return safely. And their death means that everyone, including themselves, will die.

Wang Hanren clenched his lips and recalled the previous tragic deaths of his teammates. Even after witnessing so many deaths, her fear of death has never diminished.

"Are you really so scared?" Fang Xin's voice sounded in Wang Hanren's ears.

Wang Hanren raised his head and asked, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"It's not that I'm not afraid." Fang Xin said, "It's just that it's not the time to despair yet."

"Of course I know. But..."

"Liang!" Jill's shout interrupted the conversation between them. Wang Hanren turned around and looked at Jill: "What's wrong?"

"Come here quickly. I found something wrong here.

The place where Jill stands is in the inner corner of this room. Wang Hanren walked over and saw Jill pointing to the junction between the ceiling and the wall and saying, "There..."


Above the canyon, the flying car is rushing. Xiao Yang, sitting in the co-pilot's seat, looked at Lin Yitu with great puzzlement: "What! Do you think the nest of Gei's Microbird is in the 'Golf'? How is this possible! That room is so big. We have searched carefully and didn't see any dinosaur nests at all!"

Lin Yitu was stunned and said, "The room? Oh, so you didn't notice. In fact, 'Golf'..."

"Wait a minute." At this time, Luo Ruzhi said, "Captain, there is only one grid left in the energy tank of the car, and the power will be exhausted before we rush back."

Xiao Yang frowned. He remembered that there were still four grids when he came, but he didn't expect it to be used so fast. Probably because it consumed too much power when it was chased by the pterodactyl just now.

Xiao Yang used a lot of natural power on the sea, and just used another moon fire. At this time, the natural power in his body was less than half. But now it's not enough to replenish energy for the flying car, because once the flying car runs out of energy, it must be fully replenished to start. Therefore, Xiao Yang could only inject three natural forces into the flying car. His remaining natural power is only enough to use the beast soul variant once, and maybe he can use the beast body or vine once at most.

After that, Xiao Yang turned to Lin Yitu: "Continue the topic just now. What's so strange about that hemispherical building?

"Good. The 'Golf' you saw has only one room, right? But in fact, that's just the room we use when we live. In fact, there is an observation room behind the room where you can observe the situation on the island, and there is also a passage to the top of the mountain in the observation room. Lin Yitu explained, "And the nest of Gai's Microbird Dragon is in the passage extending out of the observation room."

"But we didn't find any observation rooms." Xiao Yang's strange way.

"That's because the inspection team locked the door from the living room to the observation room at that time. That door is relatively hidden, and it has been full of dust in the past two months, so you didn't find it as normal. Lin Yitu replied.

Xiao Yang stared at Lin Yitu with sharp eyes: "Since the door has been locked, the Gai's Microbird Dragon can't get in. But you said that you were all attacked and killed by Ge's microbird dragon at that time. What's going on?

"Although the inspection team locked the door at that time, they forgot to turn off a vent on the ceiling." Lin Yitu lowered his head and his voice was full of sadness. "As a result, the Gai's microbirds and dragons came in through the vent, and almost all of my colleagues were..."

In the white hemispherical building "Golf".

Wang Hanren looked at the place Jill pointed out. There is a square vent, which is almost half a meter long and wide. The vent is dark and can't see anything clearly.

"What's wrong with this vent?" Wang Hanren asked.

"I always feel a little strange here." Jill said, "First of all, the smell of the body came from the vent. And if you look carefully, there is no dust on the wall panel near the vent, but there is a lot of dust in other parts of the house.

Wang Hanren nodded after reading it carefully: "That's right. But why is it like this? Is it possible that there is a fan or something in it, so the wind will blow in?

"I don't know either. However, the diary records that there is an observation room on the island. Maybe the observation room is near here, and you can go to the observation room from this vent. Jill suddenly clapped her hands and said, "Yes, this vent is enough for a person to go in and out. Why don't I climb in and see what it is?"

Jill proposed to go to the vent. Wang Hanren thought for a moment and said, "There is no need to take a risk. Use a flashlight to see what's inside."

After saying that, she took out a cold flashlight from her backpack and shone in the direction of the vent. Under the light of the flashlight, you can see a bumpy rock wall outside the square channel of the vent, but there is nothing else.

"When you stand on the ground and look at it, your vision is too limited." Jill said to Wang Hanren, "Let me use the flashlight. I'll stand up and see what's inside."

Wang Hanren thought that this should not be too dangerous, so he handed the flashlight to Jill.

Jill walked to the right. There is an aluminum alloy ladder not far from her right. The ladder is hanging on the wall, and there is a bottle of foam fire extinguisher hanging under the ladder. Jill carefully took down the ladder, moved it under the vent, and then prepared to stand up.

"Hey! What are you going to do!" This is Fang Xin shouting. Not long after he woke up, he was still very confused. Now he noticed that Jill and Wang Hanren had taken action.

"Gill said she wanted to go to the ladder to see what was in the vent." Wang Hanren said.

"I'll go and see. I want to be taller." Fang Xin volunteered to say. Wang Hanren translated his words to Jill, and Jill looked at Fang Xin and agreed. Fang Xin is more than two meters tall, and it is naturally more convenient for him to stand up and see than Jill himself.

Fang Xin took the flashlight and walked up the ladder. The light of the flashlight shines on the outside of the vent and passes over the concave and convex rock wall. On the rock wall a little farther outside, there seems to be something similar to a bird's nest, and inside those nests, it seems that some living things are trembling.

Wang Hanren was also staring at Fang Xin at this time, but the intercom on his watch suddenly rang.

"Hey, Wang Hanren, Fang Xin, can you hear me?" That's the voice of captain Xiao Yang.

Wang Hanren excitedly pressed the intercom button: "I can hear it! How are you? And Peng Fei..."

"No more about this! Wang Hanren, do you know that there is a vent in that room? Xiao Yang roared.

"Hmm. We are detecting the vent now. The outside of the vent seems to..."

"Fate! Get out of the vents quickly! Never get close to it! If possible, it's better to block it with something!" Xiao Yang's roar interrupted Wang Hanren's words, "We will come here soon. Don't move!"

Ah? But..."

"Oh my God! What is this! Ouch!" Fang Xin suddenly screamed and fell off the ladder. His face was bloody, and a strange bird was pecking hard on it. Fang Xin struggled to catch the bird, but the bird's claws were too tight to pull them off.

Seeing this, Wang Hanren also rushed over and pulled the bird, but not only did he not get it down, but his hand was also pecked. Jill stepped to the bottle of fire extinguisher, turned it upside down and shouted, "Close your eyes, mouth and nose!" I'm going to spray!"

The white foam sprayed out, so that Fang Xin's face was full, and Wang Hanren's body was also covered with a lot of foam. The strange bird screamed, escaped from Fang Xin's face and came out of the foam.

The strange bird fell to the ground and vibrated its wings to shake off the foam on its body. Jill took out her Merlin pistol and shot him at the head of the strange bird, but only heard a "beam--", and then the glass outside the "golf" was smashed. Jill was shocked that the bullet was bounced off by the head of the strange bird!

The strange bird was hit by this shot and screamed. Regardless of the foam on its body, it jumped towards Jill and ejected in front of Jill like a spring. When it jumped in front of Jill's muzzle, Xiao opened his mouth, and Jill pulled the trigger and cursed "damnyou" in a low voice.

The bullet penetrated through its throat and directly pierced its head. The strange bird fell to the ground and moved a few times before Jill put down her gun.

Wang Hanren and Fang Xin each wiped off the foam on their bodies and stood up. The wound on Fang Xin's face was still bleeding, and Wang Hanren hurriedly took out the gauze to help him bandage.

"Hey! What's wrong with you! If there is a situation, find a way to hold on for a while!" Xiao Yang's voice came from the intercom, "We will be there immediately!"

Wang Hanren couldn't answer when he was dressing, and Fang Xin replied, "We are fine for the time being. Just now, I shined a flashlight on the vent, and it woke up a fierce strange bird inside, so the bird flew over to peck me. But now Jill has killed the bird.

"Quick! Plug the vent while they don't dump the nest! That thing is not a bird, but a ferocious Gei's microbird dragon, and they still act in groups!" Xiao Yang said eagerly.

"Papa--" There was a continuous sound of flapping wings from the direction of the vent. Fang Xin and Wang Hanren turned their heads. At a glance, countless Ge's microbird dragons flew out of the vent.

"Quick! Hurry up!" Xiao Yang kept urging. Luo Ruzhi did not answer, but pressed the joystick tightly. NOW THE SPEEDMETER SHOWS 821KM/H, WHICH IS ALREADY THE HIGHEST SPEED OF THIS FLIES. Of course, Xiao Yang also understood this, but he couldn't help urging Luo Ruzhi.

Xiao Yang is now in a hurry. Just now, he heard the sound of wings in "Golf" and the screams of Wang Hanrenfang. There must be a lot of Gai's microbirds rushing out of the vents. The hemispherical building "Golf" is embedded in the mountain wall, which means that they are completely trapped in it and have no way to escape. Moreover, neither I nor Peng Fei are there. I'm afraid that if they can't hold on the ability of those three people for half a minute, they will become a delicious meal of Gai's Microbird Dragon.

The surrounding scenery is changing rapidly. In less than a minute, Xiao Yang and the others could already see the white "golf". To his surprise, the three people stood tightly against the outer wall of "Golf"! Wang Hanren and Jill both grabbed the iron bar on the glass window with their hands, while Fang Xin blocked the hole that Xiao Yang had blasted out with a rocket launcher with his strong body!

Xiao Yang fixed his eyes and saw that behind Fang Xin, there were many Gai's microbird dragons flapping their wings. They obviously want to rush out, but they dare not approach Fang Xin's back. Some Ge's microbird dragons have begun to peck the glass, as if they are ready to peck through the glass and fly out.

The flying car quickly rushed to the "Golf", and several cracks appeared in the glass outside the building. Wang Hanren and Jill got into the flying car smoothly, but only Fang Xin hasn't moved yet.

"Come up!" Xiao Yang went to pull a new hand. Fang Xin said, "If I move, all those birds and dragons will fly out, and then all people will die."

"You don't have to worry about this. I already have a way." Xiao Yang said confidently.

Peng Fei walked alone in the dense forest of the rugged canyon. Every time he takes a step forward, there will be an extra blood footprint on the ground. The blood footprints extended from behind him back to far away. If you go back along this blood-stained road, you can see the bodies of various dinosaurs and other beasts that have fallen down along the way. Most of the blood flowed from these bodies.

Peng Fei's forward speed is a little slow. This is not because he was seriously injured in the battle, but because the road here is too difficult to walk and he has to climb the rock in a few steps