Fruit Empire


I'm afraid the generator will be damaged by the pterosaurs soon.

However, what surprised Xiao Yang and others most was the monitoring system inside the observation center. There are more than 50 surveillance screens in the surveillance room, at least 30 of which are still available and can see the real-time situation in many areas of the island. Obviously, it is very difficult to set up cameras and connect the lines on this island. I really don't know how they did it.

Xiao Yang asked others to check the various facilities of the observation center and stay in front of the monitoring system. He asked Helen, "Can these cameras be controlled?"

" can." Although Helen was very unhappy, she still taught Xiao Yang how to adjust the angle of the camera. After that, Xiao Yang concentrated all his attention and searched for Peng Fei's figure on the surveillance screen. But the reality is always unsatisfactory. He turned every camera that can be used 360 degrees, but he still can't find where Peng Fei is.

Xiao Yang sat down a little discouraged and held his forehead with one hand. Jill, who came from behind, suddenly touched him with her elbow: "What do you think that is?"

Xiao Yang looked up in the direction of Jill's finger. At the far end of the surveillance screen she referred to, two Triceratops could be seen moving rapidly in the forest. Four allosaurus reosaurs and more than a dozen Velociraptors appeared behind these two Triceratops. Strangely, these carnivorous dinosaurs quickly caught up with Triceratops, but did not attack it.

Xiao Yang also thought he was dazzled and quickly rubbed his eyes. However, the result is still unchanged. The meat-eating dinosaurs did walk forward with the vegetarian Triceratops.

Soon, a group of new dinosaurs appeared behind allosaurus and Velociraptor, Arrowback Dragon, Show jawsaurus and so on. There was no conflict between them, walking forward in parallel, leaving messy footprints on the ground.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yang looked at Helen, "Can carnivorous dinosaurs get along well with plant-eating dinosaurs on this island?"

"What a layman." Helen explained in an authoritative tone, "There is an instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm in the genetic factors of any organism. Even carnivorous dinosaurs have natural enemies. When a greater threat appears behind them, they certainly don't care about hunting. Escape is the most important thing.

As Helen said, behind the group of various dinosaurs, a huge predator appeared. It was a giant dinosaur with a length of more than 20 meters, with high buttocks, thorny protuberances on its back, and a rather long mouth.

"That's Spinosaurus." Before Xiao Yang asked, Helen took the lead in explaining, "It is the strongest land hegemon in the Cretaceous period and one of the most horrible predators on the island."

Xiao Yang remembered the scene he had seen in Jurassic Park 3. The Spinosaurus in Jurassic 3 not only bit off a plane, but also easily broke the neck of an adult Tyrannosaurus Rex. And the spinysaurus is only about 10 meters long, only half the size of the spinysaurus on the surveillance screen.

"It seems that we are also lucky." Xiao Yang said to himself. With the location of this observation center, it is impossible for such a large Spinosaurus to enter.

Spinosaurus's pace was so fast that it didn't take long for it to disappear into the surveillance screen like the dinosaurs in front of it.

At this time, on the narrow beach where Xiao Yang and others landed. Where the beach and the sea meet, a human footprint suddenly appeared. The footprint extended to a large rock in the middle of the beach before stopping.

" hiss--" With such a sound, a man's figure suddenly appeared above the last footprint. The man is almost **, with a intact emerald shawl on his right shoulder and a round ball on it. He was dripping with drops of water all over his body, obviously swimming up from the sea. But he didn't even get any injuries. It seems that he swam in the sea invisibility before, so he was not attacked by the fierce creatures in the sea.

The man lay on his back on the rock as if he was out of strength. He raised his arm and looked at the number 1326.

"There is only so much potential for rebirth." The man's eyes showed a vicious look and said fiercely, "That ungrateful bitch dared to betray me and destroy my aircraft, so that I was almost burned by magma!" The equipment and masks are all gone! Damn it! I'll see her again..."

When the man said this, his face suddenly changed and he hid to the side. However, this is already slow. His whole right arm was cut directly to the ground by the sharp blade, and the shawl flew far away. He screamed, and his left arm immediately stretched like noodles to grab the shawl. But a white woman's hand grabbed the shawl before him. Then, a long flesh-colored nail fell from the sky and nailed the man's hand directly to the rock.

The man still wanted to resist, but more flesh-colored nails fell down like the following rain, nailing his limbs and body to death, and he was completely unable to move.

" bitch again!" The anger in a man's eyes is like roasting the woman in front of him. Looking along his eyes, you can find that the woman has blonde hair and blue eyes and a pair of wings on her back. Her name is Rena. And this man is the leader of the soul messenger on Asiford Island, the No. 1 masked man.

"Ha ha, leader, you miss me so much." Reina said with a smile. Losing all the means of transportation, you actually swam from the sea to this island to meet me. Although I don't know what skills you used, it's certain that you have almost exhausted your energy by now.

No.1's face turned pale, and it was obvious that Rina was true. But the man still roared angrily: "Let me go! Otherwise, I will definitely kill you!"

Rina's left hand turned into a long knife and hung it on the neck of No. 1: "Head, your mouth is still very hard. Usually, it's easy to kill me when you are fully equipped, but you have nothing now, and there is only a little potential for rebirth. Your life and death are in my hands. Only I can kill you, and you can't kill me."

1's tone softened: " you forget that I have kindness to you? You are just a reincarnation. If it hadn't been for me, you would have been finished. But you are now..."

"Do you know? What I regret most is learning the truth. If only I had lived with my sister like that. A sad and cold look appeared on Rena's face, and she moved the knife in her hand.

"Wait!" No. 1 cried, "Please, don't kill me!"

He is making a final struggle, and even he doesn't believe that Reina will let him go. But Reina really withdrew her knife and stood up, weighed the shawl in her hand and said, "Well, for the sake of what you gave me, I won't kill you."

No.1 was stunned: "Ah, you really won't kill me?"

"Well, really." Rena said and pressed her shawl on her right shoulder. A faint light lit up on the shawl, and Rena's body quickly disappeared into the air like fog.

"This invisible force field generator is really easy to use." Rena said, "Aleksia, who almost killed the team of living people on Yasiford Island, does she also have such a thing on her body?"

"That is the submachine, which is the ball above. As long as the submachine is placed on the target, the host can be controlled to make the target invisible. There are only two sub-machines in total, but one of them was used by the useless monster. As if he felt that he was not in danger, No. 1 also relaxed and explained to Reina.

"I see, thank you." The sound of Reina vibrating her wings sounded, "Well, goodbye, leader."

"Wait a minute! You haven't let me go yet!" The man, who used to be the leader of the soul messenger, shouted in panic.

"Take your time to open it yourself." Rina's voice is getting farther and farther away.

No.1 shouted, "These nails are the product of your physical hardening. How can I open them now!"

Rina did not answer him. She has already flown away.

1 was helpless and could only stretch out his still-to-use fingers around the nail nailed to the palm of his hand and slowly pulled it out.

It took him nearly ten minutes to pull out the first nail. At this time, he suddenly heard a rumble not far away. He turned his eyes to the side and saw nearly 100 dinosaurs running towards him. The roaring sound was the sound of dinosaurs stepping on the earth.

He had a hint of ominous foreboding. The composition of this group of dinosaurs is too strange. Carnivorous dinosaurs range from Spinosaurus to Siosaurus, and plant-eating dinosaurs from Drosaurus to Triceratops. However, the carnivorous dinosaurs did not attack the plant dinosaurs, but ran this way with them.

The enchanted messenger thought, these dinosaurs didn't come to kill themselves, did they? But how is this possible? I just arrived on this island, and I can't have provoked so many dinosaurs! Besides, how can these dinosaurs act collectively like an army? Could it be...

When Spinosaurus's long mouth immediately bit No. 1's head, he finally shouted out with great enlightenment: "I X! How dare you... bitches, how dare you..."

He didn't finish his words. Those dinosaurs have torn his body into countless pieces, some have been swallowed and some have been trampled. Even if some parts began to be reborn, they were quickly torn, swallowed and trampled on. Five minutes later, he didn't even leave half a piece of meat.

And after completely eliminating this soul messenger from body to spirit, the dinosaurs walked in all directions in batches and disappeared into the dense forest.

In the distant sky, Rena reappeared. She looked at the silent rock and said to herself indifferently, "Only I said I won't kill you. That man didn't allow you to live.

At this moment, a pterosaur flew to Rena's side. Rina was about to attack the pterosaur when the pterosaur suddenly said, "You did a good job."

Rina breathed a sigh of relief: "So it's you. It's unexpected to use pterosaurs to send words. But it's not so much that I did a good job as that you are really good.

"He is very strong. If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have been able to take care of him easily. The pterosaur said, "After all, don't betray me like betraying him."

"Don't laugh. I haven't planned to betray you since I decided to join hands with you. I don't have that much courage." Rena changed the topic, "Yes, do you really want to kill those living people? Even if we don't kill them this time, we can..."

"You don't have a rusty head, do you? Killing the living is our mission and our only way out. The pterosaur said.

Rina was silent.

"It's useless even if you put a yard of them like last time." The pterosaur said, "Everything is ready. I will solve them myself."

"...Well, that's right." Rena nodded, "As long as you take action, they have no way to escape."

The pterosaur said again, "But in case, there is one more thing you need to do."

Rinaqi said, "Oh? Aren't you afraid that I will ruin your plan?"

"It doesn't matter. If you want to ruin my plan, just try it." Pterosaur Road.

Rina smiled and said, "Okay. Tell me, what exactly do you want me to do?

Unconsciously, the sky outside the observation center has become dark, and only twinkling stars shine on the earth. Because there are no lighting lights near those cameras, there is basically nothing on the monitor.

Xiao Yang looked down at his watch. The time now is 10:25 p.m. Wang Hanren and Fang Xin in the team went to bed a few hours ago. Jill also found a room to rest. Now Luo Ruzhi is still with Xiao Yang.

Helen, the original owner of the observation center, had been sitting in front of the surveillance system, when she suddenly stood up.

"Mr. Terrorist, I'm very sleepy. Can you let me sleep?" Helen asked Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang couldn't help smiling bitterly when he heard the title of terrorist, but he did not correct Helen's statement. Let her think she is a terrorist, so that she doesn't even have to make up lies.

Xiao Yang had not yet agreed to Helen's request, and Luo Ruzhi, who was also tired on his face, said first: "Captain, I think it's better to lock up this woman."

Halun stared at Wang Hanren: "What are you talking about?"

Luo Ruzhi ignored Helen and said to Xiao Yang, "A scholar who can shoot and kill people at will is very dangerous, even if she is a woman."

When Lin Yitu took the people to the observation center, Helen had been hiding behind the door and shot and killed him as soon as Lin Yitu opened the door. This calmness and decisiveness is surprising. Obviously, Helen is not the kind of weak female scholar. Although this kind of plot character does not become a tricky enemy, it is not cost-effective in case she launches a surge that causes casualties among the team members.

"Okay. Luo Ruzhi, you can tie her up and throw her into her own room and lock the door from the outside. Xiao Yang made a decision.

Helen was furious: "How can you do this!"

"That's because--" Xiao Yang turned his head to look at Helen and said calmly, "We are terrorists."

Helen was too angry to speak. At this time, Luo Ruzhi came to her and prepared to send her to the room. Unexpectedly, Helen suddenly kicked Luo Ruzhi**, and Luo Ruzhi fell to the ground in pain. Helen took the opportunity to jump up, grabbed the pistol around Luo Ruzhi's waist, and pointed the gun at Luo Ruzhi's head.

"If you hadn't forced me, I wouldn't have resisted to this point." Helen said, "Don't think I'm a waste in the laboratory for a day. I've learned Israeli fighting."

"Oh. Then I'll be your opponent." Xiao Yang moved his fist and then walked towards Helen.

Helen pointed the gun at Xiao Yang: "Don't come here! Come here and I'll shoot!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she tripped and fell to the ground. Then, a heavy elbow hit her lower abdomen, and she immediately lost consciousness.

"Well done." Xiao Yang said with approval. Luo Ruzhi, who successfully attacked, stood up and picked up his gun, covered the kicked part and said, "It hurts so much. This woman... wants to ruin me!"

Xiao Yang said, "Don't complain. Anyway, you have dealt with her."

"That's it. Israel's fighting skills. It's good to be her anti-wolf skill. Luo Ruzhi said and carried Helen up, "Okay. I took her in."

Xiao Yang told him, "You can tie her up and don't do anything superfluous."

"Don't worry! Although I like women, I can't distinguish the importance. After I tie her up, I will go to the next room to rest. Luo Ruzhi's voice disappeared behind the door of a bedroom.

Wang Hanren woke up. She looked around and saw that Jill was still sleeping soundly. Wang Hanren suddenly envied Jill. Even if she is just a virtual figure, her life is all false. At least she is not so bound and can live a good life. And it's really miserable to fall into this hell game with no end in sight.

Wang Hanren left the room and came to the hall. At this time, Xiao Yang was about to go to the gate of the observation center, and Wang Hanren quickly shouted at him.

"It's Wang Hanren. Just in time, come to the door with me." Xiao Yang said.

Wang Hanren was a little strange: "Why?"

"Let's talk." Xiao Yang said indifferently. Wang Hanren nodded and followed Xiao Yang out.

Xiao Yang and Wang Hanren both leaned against the gate of the observation center. Wang Hanren looked at Xiao Yang. Since arriving at the door, she has been waiting for Xiao Yang to speak, but the latter has never spoken, just staring at the rugged ground under the faint starlight in front of her. Wang Hanren couldn't help but take the initiative to say, "Xiao Yang..."

"I've been thinking about a question." Xiao Yang suddenly said, "It's not good that we got something wrong from the beginning."

"Wake up, wake up!" A woman's voice sounded in Jill's ear. The sound seems to have been heard somewhere, but Jill doesn't remember it very well.

Jill felt that she was dreaming, but the voice sounded again, and Jill jumped up from **. However, she looked around and didn't even see anyone.

"Don't look for it. I'm not in this room." The other party said.

Jill covered her ears. What's going on? Did you have hallucinations?

"Don't doubt it. I am real."

"Who are you?" Jill asked.

"I can't tell you for the time being, but you should know that I'm here to help you." The other party said.

"Help me?"