Fruit Empire


I'd better take back the ball first. It's useless for you to hold it.

The next moment, Rena had already grabbed the dark green ball. Originally, Rena's speed was extremely fast, and now she is invisible. Jill didn't have time to react at all, and the stealth ball has been taken away.

"Translation earplugs have been sent to you. OK, I should also disappear. Go and find those people to start your task. After saying this, Reina really didn't say anything.

Gil moved his feet. The task mentioned by the "sage" was quite difficult, but she still decided to do it. No, it should be said that the words of the "sages" make her unable to refuse at all.

As soon as Jill walked out of the door, she saw Wang Hanren coming towards her side.

"Hi, Jill, you're awake." Wang Hanren greeted Jill, "I'm going to find you."

Jill said "Oh" and walked straight to the hall. Seeing her appearance, Xiao Yang and Fang Xin stood up. Xiao Yang was ready to speak, but Jill said first, "I want to ask you to do something for me."

Xiao Yang asked, "What's the matter?"

Jill took a breath and said, "Please help me kill an adult Spinysaurus."

Everyone looked surprised. Xiao Yang frowned, but finally nodded: "Okay."

Just now, the "sages" have given the content of the mission of phantom reincarnation: absolutely obey Jill's words within 24 hours, and do whatever she asks for. Xiao Yang was already mentally prepared, but he still didn't expect Jill to make such a difficult request as soon as she came up. Xiao Yang still doesn't know what the punishment for the failure of the illusion reincarnation mission is, but he still decided to carry out the mission first.

"Thank you, Xiao." Jill said gratefully.

"It's nothing." Xiao Yang looked at Jill, "But Miss Jill, can you tell me why you want to kill a spiny dragon?"

"I... don't know. I just suddenly had this idea." Jill replied, "Anyway, it's great that you can help me."

Jill is lying. This task is the first of a series of tasks that the "sages" told her just now. And just now, the "sages" told her a sentence at the end.

"The reward for completing the phantom reincarnation mission is... to become a real human."

Rina has left the observation center. She flapped her wings and flew to a platform on the cliff before releasing her invisibility.

A G.E. microbird dragon flew to Rena's side. Rena said impatiently, "It's you again."

"No. 3, why do you do unnecessary things?" Gai's microbird dragon said, "Obviously, that Jill wanted to commit suicide, but you said those words to make her regain confidence and realize the illusion of awakening."

Rina was surprised: "How do you even know this?"

The other party said, "Of course I sent something to spy on you. If people can't see your invisibility, it doesn't mean that animals can't see.

"What a cunning orc. However, you have considered Jill's awakening, and my actions can't destroy your plan. Rena said, "You might as well carry out your plan as soon as you run over and blame me for my bad things. They may have to take action. If you don't hurry up, it may be too late.

The other party snorted coldly. Then, the Gai's microbird fell to the ground as if it had been hit by something. When Guy's microbird dragon woke up again, it had lost its reason and forced Rena with its teeth and claws, but it was immediately nailed directly into the entrance by Rena's hand that turned into a spear and nailed to the stone.

Rina withdrew her hand and looked at the starry night sky. Most of those living people don't have a chance to see the sun tomorrow.

Xiao Yang proposed to Jill that it would be better to go after dawn the next day to hunt for Spinosaurus. His reason is very good, because he can see clearly in the daytime, which is easier to fight. However, Jill immediately rejected the proposal. She said, "I think it's better to go now. Because dinosaurs are warm animals, their body temperature is very low and they move slowly at night, which is a good opportunity to hunt them.

Xiao Yang's face is not good-looking. His strategy of procrastinating seems to have failed. The phantom reincarnation mission required him to obey Jill, so Jill refused his offer and he could not refute it.

Jill looked at Xiao Yang's expression and knew that he didn't want to go out immediately. Although Jill felt sorry, she couldn't help it. The sage asked her to complete a total of three small tasks within 24 hours, and she must hurry up.

"It's late at night now, and it's not easy to find Spinosaurus." Xiao Yang said, "Let's ask Dr. Helen where there is Spinosaurus on Island."

Helen is very familiar with the island, and she must know the main range of activities of Spinosaurus. The only trouble is that Xiao Yang asked Luo Ruzhi to tie up Helen. Maybe she will adopt an uncooperative attitude because of her hostility to everyone. However, Xiao Yang is also ready. If she really doesn't cooperate, he plans to use force.

Wang Hanren first walked into Helen's room. Helen's limbs were tied with a rope and curled up in a single**. Her eyes were closed and she looked as if she had fallen asleep.

"Dr. Helen?" Wang Hanren shouted. But no matter how she shouted, Helen remained motionless. Wang Hanren couldn't help walking to Helen and preparing to wake her up. When Wang Hanren's hand touched Helen's body, the cold feeling rushed to her fingers.

There was a cold war on Wang Hanren. Helen's body temperature is as low as ice, and she is like a corpse.

Wang Hanren stretched his finger to Helen's nose tremblingly. No breathing! God, is Helen dead?

However, Helen suddenly rose up, and Wang Hanren screamed "ah" and sat back to the ground. Xiao Yang and others who were waiting outside immediately rushed into the room.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yang raised Wang Hanren. Wang Hanren shook his head with a pale face: "No...nothing. I thought Helen was dead and was shocked.

"Why did you barbarians come in again?" Helen woke up and looked at the crowd contemptuously.

"Dr. Helen, we just want to ask you a question." Jill approached Helen, "Where can I find Spinosaurus?"

Helen hummed: "Is this a begging attitude? I'm still tied up now.

"Then we'll untie it for you." Xiao Yang said that he was about to walk towards Helen. Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to Helen, Helen said again, "Forget it, no need it. In fact, this is not bad."

Xiao Yang resisted the attack and asked, "What about our problem?"

The table on the right side of the monitoring system, and there is a map of Xiao Island in the penultimate drawer. The distribution areas of various dinosaurs are marked above. Only two areas are determined to have the distribution of Spinosaurus, and it is easy to find according to the map. After saying that, Helen fell down to **, "Okay, I'm going to bed. Please get you all out."

Xiao Yang and others quickly found the Xiao map in the place Helen said. This map is quite accurate. It is marked with A-G horizontally and 1-8 vertically, which is just divided into 64 areas. Many dinosaur icons are marked on each area, and at the bottom of the map, each icon represents which dinosaur it represents.

The area where the observation center is located is E3. The F5, not far from E3, is clearly marked with the icon of Spinosaurus. There is also a big red cross next to Spinosaurus, marked "Don't approach the second-degree dangerous area".

Another area with Spinosaurus is G6 in the northeast, which is too far away, so they finally decided to go to the F5 area.

Luo Ruzhi and Wang Hanren, who stayed in the observation center, both got on the flying car. They will take turns vigil in the next time and contact Xiao Yang regularly every hour. After everything was ready, Xiao Yang and Fang Xin left the observation center with Jill. The night was very dark, and three people were shining on the road with cold lights in their hands. Fang Xin hung Uzi* on his chest, and Xiao Yang did not take a gun, but a poisonous crossbow left by Lin Yitu. Xiao Yang also used animal body skills to install two miniature violent faucets in the front of his arm. The feeling of the tyrant dragon is quite keen, and once it is attacked by the enemy, it can quickly counterattack.

Jill carried the rocket launcher given to her by Xiao Yang and held a Merlin pistol in her hand. The rocket launcher is very heavy, but Jill carries it easily, probably because she has used similar weapons in the game.

Xiao Yang stared at the enemy radar in his hand from time to time, but there was still no response. Although the enemy radar is not omnipotent, once it is not there, it will obviously become difficult to march at night.

"Kka", that is the sound of everyone stepping on the dead branches. They have tried their best to be careful, but there are so many dead branches here that they will step on them no matter how they go. Fortunately, the forest not far ahead is the stone road down the mountain, so that it won't make much noise.

Seeing that he had reached the edge of the forest, Xiao Yang suddenly took the other two hands and made them stop. The violent dragon head on Xiao Yang's arm opened his mouth fiercely. Obviously, they found something.

" hiss--" With such a sound, something rushed out of the trees. It was a very small dinosaur, not even half a person tall, but it was very fierce in appearance. Xiao Yang took the lead in shooting at it, and the silent poisonous crossbow arrow roared out.

Xiao Yang's face became ugly. His crossbow shot on the tree and failed to hit the opponent. This is not because his shooting skills are not good, but because the little dinosaur's skills are so agile that he dodged the crossbow in an instant and didn't know where he had gone.

"Ah!" Jill screamed and fired two shots in a row, one of which hit the little dinosaur that rushed at her. But the latter did not seem to be seriously injured and continued to rush towards Jill. Jill couldn't react and was about to be knocked down. At this time, Fang Xin rushed over and knocked down Jill, and the little dinosaur directly bit Fang Xin's fist. Although Fang Xin's fist had a metal cuff, the bite force of the dinosaur jaw was extremely strong, and Fang Xin's fist was strongly squeezed and painful.

"Hold on!" Xiao Yang said this, stepped in front of Fang Xin and fell down. The violent dragon head on his shoulder suddenly bit Xiao's mouth and directly bit off the little dinosaur's neck. The violent head swallowed the little dinosaur a few times. Due to the fast handling, Fang Xin's fist was basically not injured.

Jill got up and said, "I remember it was like a jaw dragon. There is its icon on the map.

" hiss--" The sound in the surrounding trees comes one after another. Xiao Yang shook his head: "It seems that we are surrounded."

Judging from the sound, the beautiful jaw dragons surrounding Xiaoyang are at least 30. Xiuzaosaurus is an extremely ferocious and cunning small carnivorous dragon, which is good at collective hunting. Xiao Yang and others had time to escape before they were surrounded, but now they can no longer escape. Night is a paradise for beautiful jaw dragons, but it is Xiao Yang's nightmare. A hasty escape without preparation will only increase casualties.

"Sneer--" With this low roar, the beautiful jaw dragon group began to attack. At the same time, dozens of blood vines broke out of the ground. The blood vines continuously protruding from the ground formed a circle, protecting Xiao Yang and others in it.

The Xiu jaw dragon group did not seem to see the blood vine continue to charge forward, but as soon as they approached the blood vine, they were immediately entangled by the vines and could not move. However, in the blink of an eye, the blood vines have wrapped more than ten beautiful jaw dragons. The thorns on the vines plunged into the bodies of the jaw dragons and began to absorb their vitality, and the color of the vines was gradually dark.

At this time, Xiao Yang took the opportunity to put the poisonous crossbow back into the warehouse space and replaced it with the Japanese walker's knife.

The blood vines have not been able to stop the Xiu jaw dragon group for too long. Those entangled Xiu jaw dragons struggled and bit desperately, and many of the vines were broken by them. The subsequent Xiu jaw dragon directly jumped over the struggling bodies of their peers, broke through the encirclement of blood vines, and approached Xiaoyang and others.

A beautiful jaw dragon flashed in front of Xiao Yang like a ghost, and a knife light passed by. A large opening was cut out on the chest of the beautiful jaw dragon, and one of its hind legs was cut off and fell to the ground. The beautiful jaw dragon shouted and wanted to stand up, but suddenly began to foam at the mouth and twitched a few times and did not move.

Xiao Yang shook the Japanese walker's knife in his hand, and a cyan light flashed on the blade. Before departure, Xiao Yang painted the venom extracted by Lin Yitu on the Japanese traveler's knife in advance, and now it has really worked.

At this time, Jill and Fang Xin also came to the direction of several jaw dragons. Jill carried a rocket launcher and shot at the beautiful jaw dragon leaning against each other. The Xiu jaw dragons reacted quickly. None of the rockets directly hit the Xiu jaw dragon, but the shock wave generated by the explosion still knocked down one of the Xiu jaw dragons. The other smaller Xiu jaw dragon was hit by the hamstring by the splashing shrapnel and skipped its legs towards Jill. Fang Xin grabbed Xiu jaw dragon's tail with one hand and threw it into the blood vine! It was immediately entangled in blood vines, and its vitality quickly turned into natural force and flowed to Xiao Yang's body.

"Sss--" The dead branches on the ground burned because of the flames generated by the explosion of the rocket. The flame spread around, and what everyone didn't expect was that the dragons immediately fled out in panic as if they had seen a natural enemy. They panicked when they fled, and some Xiu jaw dragons were even trampled by their companions. Those Xiu jaw dragons, which had been entangled in blood vines and could not break free from, were even worse. They were trampled by the fleeing Xiu jaw dragons. They were no longer able to get rid of blood vines and soon died of exhaustion. In addition, Xiaoyang and others added it in the back. In less than two minutes, there was no living jaw dragon at the scene. All the Xiu jaw dragons that failed to escape turned into corpses and lay on the ground, being dragged over by the blood vines and slowly sucked.

"I didn't expect ordinary flames to have such a deterrent." Xiao Yang sighed as he turned out King Kong's hind legs and trampled out the flames.

The fear of flames is an innate instinct of animals, among which cold-blooded animals are especially afraid of fire. Although these dinosaurs are stronger than their ancestors in ancient times, they still can't go against this instinct. Therefore, ordinary flames are much more terrible for dinosaurs than bullets.

"If we use torches for lighting, it may be better than using a flashlight." Jill said. Xiao Yang nodded: "Yes, you reminded me. Isn't there exactly the material to make torches here?

Xiao Yang took out the long bone from the mummed corpse of the Xiu jaw dragon, and the other two cut off the grease on the Xiu jaw dragon and wrapped it at the top of the long bone, and then wrapped it with cloth strips, thus forming a torch for lighting. The grease of Xiu jaw dragon is not very good, and the flames are not strong enough, but it is barely enough as lighting.

The three of them held their torches and walked down the stone road down the mountain. Along the way, some small carnivorous dinosaurs wanted to attack them, but they dared not approach when they saw the torches in their hands. The torch sent out the smell of protein burning, and everyone didn't care and continued to hold the torch to move forward.

After going down the mountain, I walked through a stream and entered the hilly area of the island. The terrain around here is complex, covered with tall shrubs, and I don't know what will come out of the darkness.

According to the map, this hill extends from E3 to G7, and you can reach the destination F5 as long as you cross a high mountain northeast of the hills. Now there are gray clouds floating in the night sky, and even the starlight can't shine down. You can't see any mountains with these torches alone.

"There should be no mistake in the direction. Let's go that way first." Xiao Yang made a judgment.

Everyone walked out for about a kilometer, and the terrain in front of them changed sharply, and there were many low hillsides that were only more than ten meters high side by side. These hillsides are round in shape and look a little strange.

"Those slopes..." Xiao Yang stared at those slopes carefully and suddenly realized, "They are not hillsides!" It's a large plant-eating dinosaur!"

They should be plant-eating dinosaurs such as Thundersaurus or Lianglong. Because the sky is too dark and the bushes cover their heads and tails, people mistakenly think that they are hillsides.

"Oh...that's true. Judging from their height, it should be the largest plant-eating dinosaur, Zhenlong. Jill looked at Xiao Yang and said, "What should we do now? Do you want to go around?"

"Well, it's better to go around. They should be asleep now, but it will be troublesome if we wake them up when we walk over with torches.

However, a change occurred when Xiao Yang and others first took a detour. There was a loud sound behind him. Xiao Yang looked back and found that a group of alien dragons suddenly rushed over from behind them, about 15 of them. Those alien dragons simply rampaged like heavy armored vehicles, and Xiao Yang hurriedly ran to the side. He finally ran to the safe range. When he saw that there was only Jill next to him, he didn't see where Fang Xin was.

Xiao Yang quickly looked behind him, but Fang Xin was still in a daze in the middle of the road. If he is hit by a strange dragon, Fang Xin may be killed on the spot. But at this time, the alien dragon group was very close to Fang Xin, and it was too late for Xiao Yang to run back to save him. Xiao Yang immediately called out more than a dozen blood vines, directly grabbed Fang Xin and threw them here.

As soon as the blood vine threw Fang Xin, the alien dragon group rushed there and almost Fang Xin was about to be hit. More than ten seconds later, Fang Xin had been thrown on the ground in front of Xiao Yang. He was not injured, but the torch in his hand flew out and fell into the bushes and could not be seen.