Fruit Empire


Fly faster to the front.

The air army led by Ladi Helen is more than half smaller than just now, and only about 2,000 or 3,000 small and medium-sized flying dinosaurs are still around her. And such a small legion landed in the canyon in a long dragon-like formation.

Xiao Yang's heart was right and directly replaced the target with Ladi Helen. To his surprise, Helen not only did not order any dinosaurs to block rockets for himself, but also came to the front of the whole army and let the pterosaurs and bird dragons come behind him.

Now, there is only Ladie Helen in front of the flying car. The distance between the two sides is less than 100 meters.

Xiao Yang was rude and immediately pulled the trigger on Ladi Helen. However, the rocket exploded even 20 meters away from her. A two-meter-square-square shell of a giant crocodile turtle appeared in the air, inlaid with some skulls of unknown creatures, which were extremely hard.

Xiao Yang was shocked that he had never seen this skill before. It looks a little similar to the beast soul variant and the beast body, but it feels different.

At this time, everyone else also began to shoot at Ladi Helen. They did not spare ammunition. Machine guns, grenade guns and shotguns all sprayed fire crazily, and all the bullets poured on Ladie Helen.

"Fighty! Break through her defense with firepower!" Xiao Yang shouted to pull the trigger.

No matter how hard the tortoise shell of the giant crocodile turtle is, it is limited, and if this skill is similar to the beast soul variant, Helen's spirit will be damaged when the tortoise shell is attacked. It is precisely because of this that Xiao Yang adopted the strategy of using firepower to break through.

"bang-bang-" explosion, and the sound of gunfire was endless. The skull on the giant crocodile tortoise shell was broken, and the tortoise shell itself finally cracked, and then it was quickly broken.

However, just behind the broken tortoise shell, I don't know when a new layer of tortoise shell was added.

Xiao Yang angrily gave the rocket launcher to Jill for use, and then took out a few* purchased in Meng Pozhai from the warehouse space. Since it is blocked by the tortoise shell, let's bypass the tortoise shell attack this time!

Xiao Yang opened a * pull ring and threw it out fiercely. He has changed into King Kong's arm, which is strong enough to easily throw * on Helen's body. And that * did fly out of a beautiful arc and flew over the tortoise shell and fall to Helen.

However, * was bounced back by something without touching Helen and exploded in front of the flying car. The shock wave of the explosion almost made the flying car out of balance. Xiao Yang waited for the flying car to stabilize and found that a dinosaur skin appeared five meters away from the top of Helen's head, which was made of a lot of leather folded leather, which seemed to have considerable elasticity.

"Daw! What the hell is that!" Xiao Yang roared angrily.

"I'll tell you if you're pitiful. This is the 'beast soul armor', which can create the body of the beast in the space near the body to resist the attack according to the beast soul. This is completely different from your low-level skills, and no matter what kind of attack you are attacked, it will not affect my spirit. Of course, you are also a Druid. If your 'Beast King' talent reaches the fifth level, you may also learn this skill. Ladie Helen stretched out her right hand and pointed straight to the sky, "But you will never have that chance. The Beast King Legion, the vanguard army, the raid began.

Behind Ladi Helen, countless Gai's Microbird Dragon flew out and attacked in the direction of the flying car. It turned out that in the time when Ladie Helen used his body as a shield, he had gathered the Gail's microbird dragon group that used to be used as an ambush.

"Retreat back quickly!" Xiao Yang roared, "At the same time, the whole team opened fire!"

Helen did not arrange interception troops in the rear. Although this may also be a trap, there is no other way now. Luo Ruzhi turned the car and rushed in the direction he came before, while others, including Xiao Yang, pointed their guns at the Gai's microbird dragons who were chasing after them.

Now these Gei's micronid dragons have filled the whole passage between the flying car and Ladi-Hellen. The horrible green-black clouds they formed completely covered even Ladie Helen behind them.

Everyone's muzzle is on fire. The rain roared towards the Gei's microbirds and dragons. However, their bodies seem to be harder than before, and countless bullets are fired into the Gei's microbird dragon group, but it is like a mud cow entering the sea without any impact.

Xiao Yang took back the bazooka and shot three times without interruption. Twelve rockets exploded continuously in the black cloud. The fireballs and shock waves generated by the explosion scattered the formation of Gei's Micronidsaurus, but they reassemated in less than a minute.

Xiao Yang's eyes widened and pressed his head with his right hand in disbelief. According to the hint of the "sages", the number of Guy's microbirds killed in the rocket attack just now did not even reach 30.

What the hell is going on? This number of casualties is less than one-tenth of my estimated number! What a ghost! When they were shot at the ambush, their distribution was obviously not as dense as they are now. At that time, he could kill at least dozens of rockets at one time, but now he hasn't killed 30 enough three times in a row?

Surprised, Xiao Yang still chose to continue to launch rockets at the Gei's microbird dragon group. Now the flying speed of the flying car and the Gey's microbird dragon group are very close. Whether they can be killed or not, at least try to delay the time.

However, no matter how they shoot, they only delay the time. The number of deaths and injuries of the Ge's microbirds group is almost negligible. The bodies of these Gai's micronidosaurs seem to be made of reinforced iron bones than before.

Radi Helen led a long line of small and medium-sized pterosaurs, following the Ge's microbird dragons. Looking back in the direction of the team, the long line stretched back more than ten kilometers in the canyon. At the end of this long line, the large pterosaurs have also lined up.

As a vanguard force, the Gai's Microbird Dragon march was very smooth. Those living people are afraid that they have been scared to death by the Gei's microbird dragons, right?

It's already dusk. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on Ladie Helen, but it did not dye her all over red. If you look carefully, you can find that she is covered with a very faint blue light all over her body. Looking further behind her, you can find that all the large and small pterosaurs and birds and dragons behind her are shining with a faint yellow light. Looking forward, the Gai's microbird dragons are shining green, so their overall color is green and black.

With the shooting of Xiao Yang and others, the green light on the Gei's microbird dragon group gradually faded. As soon as Ladi Helen raised her hand, the blue light on her body suddenly disappeared, and the green light covering the Gai's microbird dragon group became thick again. After that, the yellow light behind Ladie Helen surged uneasily and flowed to the pterodactyl at her feet. However, the light on the pterodactyl did not strengthen, while the blue light on Ladi Helen returned to its previous brightness.

Xiao Yang and others are still shooting crazily. Ladi Helen said contemptuously, "That's stupid. How can you kill those little things? The skill "King of Beasts" I am using now can not only unconditionally control these dinosaurs to launch attacks, but also manipulate their vitality at will. I have just been using the skills of the 'King of Beast Legion' to mobilize the vitality of the large pterosaurs behind the legion to supplement the Gei's Microbird Dragons. While transmitting vitality to them, even the ability of defense has been transmitted. Do you really think you are just fighting some Ge's microbird dragons? What you are facing now is the combat strength of my whole army!"

Xiao Yang heard what Ladi Helen said. In fact, the other party also deliberately said it to let him hear it. This is a threat and show off, and also to shake his will to fight.

"Bastard!" Xiao Yang punched the window of the car. According to Helen, these Gei's Microbirds even have the level of pterodactyl-level defense, and their vitality is almost infinite.

Although this sounds really ridiculous, the fact that the Ge's microbird dragons are almost invulnerable is in front of him, and he can't help but believe it.

The immortal Ge's microbird dragon group is still approaching. Xiao Yang could only change his strategy and bombard the mountain walls on both sides with rockets. Using the bombed rocks to block the advance of Guy's Microbird Dragon, this move cannot cause killing like a direct attack, but it may be a relatively more effective method.

The rocks on both sides were bombarded by rockets, pressing some Gai's microbirds to the bottom of the canyon. However, because the canyon here is still relatively wide, the rocks blown down are not enough to block the passage. Most of the Gai's Microbird Dragons were not affected in any way and continued to chase Xiao Yang and others.

"Let's just rush out of the canyon. There is no way to play the full speed of the flying car here, and the narrower we go forward, the slower we will only get slower. The speed of those Gaga's micronid dragons will not be affected. Luo Ruzhi said, "If it goes on like this, we will definitely be caught up."

"Once we rush out, there will be no barrier to protect us." Xiao Yang said, "We may be surrounded by large pterosaurs. You have seen their speed, and it won't be much slower than this car.

Helen did not seem to have arranged some troops to attack Xiao Yang and others behind, and she had exactly this condition just now. If she did that, the retreat of Xiao Yang and others would be completely blocked and it would be difficult to fly. Although Helen has an overwhelming advantage, she still leaves a way for Xiao Yang and others, as if they were playing a game of cat and mouse.

"Don't shoot." Peng Fei suddenly said, "I'll deal with these Gai's microbird dragons."

Xiao Yang hurriedly wanted to hold him, but he had spread his wings and jumped out of the car. Looking at Peng Fei's distant figure, everyone else stopped shooting in surprise.

"Conversion!" Xiao Yang shouted to Luo Ruzhi, "Go back and chase him!"

"This is too dangerous!" Luo Ruzhi also improved his tone.

"Tear me around!" Xiao Yang slapped Luo Ruzhi on the shoulder. Luo Ruzhi shook his head helplessly, drove the flying car straight out of the canyon, adjusted his head to the top of the canyon, and then flew back in the direction of Peng Fei.

This process only took more than ten seconds, but Peng Fei has been connected with the short soldiers of Ge's microbird dragons. His figure was swallowed by the green and black cloud in an instant.

"Peng Fei..." Wang Hanren, Luo Ruzhi and Fang Xin shouted Peng Fei's name in unison. Xiao Yang clenched his fists and locked his eyebrows. What on earth does Peng Fei want to do? He rushed into the enemy array so recklessly, which was no different from dying!

"Kkaka" is the sound made when Peng Fei's body was devoured by the Gai's microbird dragon group.

But at this time, a red flame suddenly ignited in the black cloud composed of the Gei's microbird dragon group. The flame became more and more intense and began to devour the surrounding black clouds, and hundreds of Gei's microbird dragons were quickly burned into black charcoal in the flame. Other nearby Ge's micronid dragons were fearless and rushed to the center of the flame one after another.

Radi Helen was a little surprised, but she quickly regained her composure and quickly delivered vitality to the Gei's microbird dragon group. However, her behavior did not play any role. The Gai's microbird dragons, which could not be beaten before, have become as fragile as paper, and each of them has been scorched and kept falling to the bottom of the canyon.

"The vanguard army retreats into the air!" Ladi Helen made a decisive decision. The Gei's microbirds and dragons flew over the canyon according to her order, but the red flames chased them like shadows and burned them one by one.

When the number of deaths of the Guy's microbirds group exceeded two-thirds, the body of the red flame finally appeared in front of everyone. It was a fireman covered with flames all over his body. It turned out to be Peng Fei himself. The red flame almost wrapped his body in it. If it hadn't been for the special-shaped wings and his body size, people could hardly tell that it was Peng Fei.

Peng Fei kept shaking his wings, and something was shaken out and sprinkled on those Gai's microbird dragons. Those things spilled on their mouths and bodies, and they immediately burned.

"It's so much praise!" What is that?" Several people in the car looked at each other in surprise.

"It's blood." Xiao Yang said.

"Blood?" Several other people looked at Xiaoyang in disbelief. Xiao Yang nodded: "It's blood. I won't misread his unique purple blood.

"Oh, I see!" Luo Ruzhi suddenly realized, "Didn't we meet that Alexia on the last island? Her blood can burn in the air! Peng Fei is also infected with Veronica virus, and his ability is very similar to her, so he also has such blood!"

"That should be it." Xiao Yang looked at Peng Fei, who was fighting. "Peng Fei said that he had gained other abilities in evolution. Maybe it's this kind of blood fire. I remember that Alexia's blood fire can even melt steel, and it is very easy for that level of flame to kill these Gei's microbird dragons.

Peng Fei heard Xiao Yang's words and said that his statement was not completely correct, and his blood fire was not so easy to use. Your blood must be mixed with the blood of other organisms for a high-temperature burning reaction. These Gai's microbirds were hit because they were continuously attacked. Although they could be maintained by the vitality transported by Helen, they also had many wounds on their bodies. As long as you sprinkle your blood on their wounds, you can ignite a blood fire on their wounds and burn them directly into black charcoal.

Rady Helen watched his vanguard army being slaughtered. She did not mobilized the vitality of the rear army again, because it was meaningless to do so. Even if it takes time to mobilize vitality to forcibly replenish blood for the Gei's microbird dragons. When they are killed by extremely high-temperature flames, it is too late to replenish their vitality.

There are only a few hundred Gai's microbird dragons that escaped from Peng Fei's slaughter, and they fled far away to the end of the Ladie-Hellen Air Corps. Peng Fei gently flapped his wings and extinguished the blood fire around him.

"Peng Fei, well done! Come back now!" Xiao Yang shouted like this.

Peng Fei shook his head and flew in the direction of Ladi Helen. He wants to capture the thief first!

"Wait for me! That guy is not so easy to deal with!" Xiao Yang shouted and asked Luo Ruzhi to accelerate to chase forward.

Peng Fei did not listen to Xiao Yang. Helen has lost the barrier of the Gey's microbirds, which is undoubtedly a good opportunity. And Helen can rely on only that kind of strange "beast soul armor", and it is impossible for that thing to wrap her whole body, right? As long as you cross the "beast soul armor" and reach Helen's side, you will definitely be able to beat Helen, who is limited by taboos and can't fight back casually.

Peng Fei is not an adventurous person, but he can't let go of such a once-in-lifetime opportunity.

"Come back!" Xiao Yang still shouted in the back, "Don't be too impulsive!"

Peng Fei quickly arrived about ten meters in front of Helen. A hemispherical giant crocodile tortoise shell with a radius of more than one meter appeared as expected. Peng Fei vibrated his wings and wanted to go around there.

Rady Helen just snorted. A new hemispherical tortoise shell suddenly appeared behind Peng Fei. While Peng Fei was still surprised, the two tortoise shells were tightly together in an instant and locked him in.

"This ball will be returned to you." Raddie Helen said so. The spherical tortoise shell wrapped around Peng Fei ejected directly in the direction of the flying car.

Xiao Yang put on King Kong's arm, desperately caught the ball that closed Peng Fei, and didn't let it hit the car. Fortunately, although the ball is large, it is not too heavy, and the flight of the flying car has not been greatly affected.

Peng Fei knocked hard on the inner wall inside, but how hard is the shell of the giant crocodile turtle? This time, Helen's shell is much thicker than what was cracked by them just now, which can't be easily opened.

It is difficult to open the tortoise shell, so Xiao Yang can only let Peng Fei stay in it for the time being. Fortunately, there was a hole in the middle of the two halves of the tortoise shell, and there was no problem with Peng Fei's breathing. Peng Fei also realized that he could not get out of the tortoise shell for the time being, so he had to stick out a few strings of silky tentacles to tie Xiao Yang to the car so that he would not be thrown out.

"I'm sorry, Brother Yang. It's all because I'm too impulsive." Peng Fei said in an apologetic tone, "I should have calmed down, but..."

"Stop talking." Xiao Yang interrupted him, "Everyone can make mistakes. The past is meaningless. The key is what to do now.

Peng Fei had just showed his skills at that time, his confidence swelled, and he saw victory in sight, so he lost his calmness and underestimated Helen's ability. If the people who broke the Gai's micro-bird dragon group were replaced by Xiao Yang himself, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to keep calm.

"What is that haunted bastard doing now?" Peng Fei asked in the tortoise shell.

Xiao Yang looked at the opposite side. Ladie Helen and her empty