Fruit Empire


said, "The 'moonlight' hit Ladi's body, but I vaguely felt that Ladi was still alive, because I still felt the natural force emanating from her body. But at that time, she had been weakened a lot, so it should be easy to solve her.

"I'm sorry, Brother Yang!" Peng Fei blamed himself and said, "It's all because I didn't pay attention to what you said, and the result was..."

"What's the result?" Xiao Yangqi asked, "What's the result? Didn't you kill Ladi? What else can it be?

"As a result, Fang Xin is dead." Wang Hanren said sadly. Xiao Yang's expression suddenly solidified.

Peng Fei told Xiao Yang everything that had just happened. From Ladi's attack on Xiaoyang, which led to Fang Xin's death, it has been talked about the success of Jill's reincarnment. The "sages" remind her that she has become a real player and joined the team.

"...So that's it..." Xiao Yang sighed, "Where is Fang Xin's legacy? Don't tell me that you threw him into the sea to feed the ichthyosaur.

Peng Fei helped Xiao Yang outside the car to visit Fang Xin's body. Although Xiao Yang couldn't see clearly, he still paid tribute to Fang Xin's body. The death of another teammate made Xiao Yang extremely depressed, and he almost bit his teeth. But despite this, Xiao Yang still didn't say a sentimental word.

"Brother Yang..." Peng Fei said, "I..."

"No need to say. Although this is due to your negligence, I am also responsible for this matter. I didn't explain why Ladi was still alive at that time. Xiao Yang said, "You don't have to blame yourself too much. Remember to learn a lesson next time. In this endless hell, we can only keep moving forward, and there is no time to turn back.

When Xiao Yang and Peng Fei returned to the flying car, Luo Ruzhi asked, "Captain, Peng Fei said that our mission did not fail, which is..."

Xiao Yang interrupted him: "Look at the radar. How many green dots are there?"

"...five." Luo Ruzhi replied.

"Isn't that right? Green Point is a teammate. Judging from the Green Point, Jill is indeed the same as us, and we don't need to care about her previous identity. Moreover, since there are five green spots including Jill, it also means--" Xiao Yang said, "We can complete the main task and leave here smoothly."

"That's not necessarily true." Rena's voice sounded in the cavity. The next moment, she appeared in front of the crowd.

"Are you going to kill us too?" Xiao Yang asked.

"I want to do the same." Rena shrugged her shoulders, "Unfortunately, I don't have the convenient ability to summon creatures to attack. Killing you is tantamount to suicide. I'm not so stupid."

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I just want to come and have a look. Let's see how you who don't listen to my advice will struggle in the face of desperate fate.

Xiao Yang frowned: "Don't listen to you? Desperate fate? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Purgatory mission, players choose to start at random." Xiao Yang heard the voice of the "sages" in his mind paused, and then continued, "Congratulations on your selection. Please be ready. The task will begin in five minutes."

"Daw, what kind of purgatory mission? Am I selected again?" Xiao Yang was confused and knocked hard on his temple, "Who else has been selected?"

"I was also selected." And me."

Luo Ruzhi and Jill were selected, while Peng Fei and Wang Hanren were not selected.

"Congratulations. Take your time to do the purgatory task." Reina sighed, "You just had to listen to me and not kill Ladi. As long as the conditions for the death of the five soul messengers are not met, the purgatory mission will not be triggered. You should know that the purgatory task is absolutely impossible for you to complete.

"Don't be proud, Rena." Xiao Yang said carelessly, "There are infinite possibilities in the hell game. Even the Ladi, who is many times stronger than us, has fallen on us. I believe that as long as we work hard, there is nothing we absolutely can't do.

"Then I'll wait and see." Reina flew up and smiled indifferently, "Goodbye."

Her figure soon disappeared into the air. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The mysterious and inexplicable soul messenger finally left.

The purgatory mission begins now. Mission Tip: Find the son of Iger, the old ruler in the original Cthulhu Myth, and remove its scales. Special warning: The punishment after the failure of this task is extremely serious. Please try your best to complete it.

The "Presages"' tips on the purgatory task have arrived as scheduled.

After listening to the task prompt of the "sages", Xiao Yang only felt that countless question marks came out of his mind. It is understandable to hide the original book. Previously, Cui Wenren said that in addition to the main original book, there are secondary original books in the task, so it is not surprising that there are hidden original books. They are called hidden originals, mostly because it is difficult to encounter things belonging to these originals in the scene. It is precisely because Cthulhu Myth is the hidden original of this level that the whole team has not encountered anything in this scene for so long.

However, for the Cthulhu Myth, Xiao Yang only heard this word by chance, and the specific situation is not clear. As for the old ruler and the "son of Ig", he has never heard of it.

When Xiao Yang asked others, Luo Ruzhi said, "I know this. I have read a lot of English novels in my spare time in the war, including Cthulhu Myth. Cthulhu Myth is a collective name for many novels written by many fantasy writers in Western Europe with the same overhead mythical world system. Even Stephen King, the king of European and American horror novels, wrote Cthulhu Myth.

Xiao Yang asked, "So, the old ruler, 'son of Yige', what are they?"

"The old rulers are the collective names of those very powerful evil aliens in Cthulhu Myth, and they can be regarded as demons. Eger is one of the rulers of the old days, nicknamed 'Father of Snakes' or 'Snake Ancestor God', shaped like a half snake with bat wings. Yige's son is Yige's snake-shaped servant. It is said that they are large and small, and their main areas of activity are sea and land, but they can also float in the air. Luo Ruzhi said.

After hearing this, Xiao Yang asked, "Listen to you, this kind of thing seems to be very tricky?"

Luo Ruzhi nodded: "According to the records in Cthulhu Myth, the old rulers can't be resisted by human beings at all, because they are creatures of completely different dimensions from human beings. The servants of the old ruler also have very horrible abilities.

At this time, Peng Fei said, "Brother Yang, don't worry. As long as you find that thing, I will help you remove its scales. Anyway, my body is barely immortal, and it shouldn't be a problem to take off a scale desperately.

"...Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Xiao Yang was not polite to Peng Fei. He knows that his body can hardly move now and can't do anything. In this case, the strongest combat power that the team can rely on is Peng Fei.

The time left for everyone is very short. Luo Ruzhi drove the flying car out of the cavity, flew over the sea, and began to look for the figure of "the son of Yige".

At the beginning, because Xiao Yang's vision had not fully recovered, he could only rely on other people in the car to search from the air. Fortunately, it was early on the island, and it didn't take long to see the dawn, making their search easier.

According to Luo Ruzhi's proposal, they took a spiral flight route similar to mosquito incense. When searching on the battlefield, sometimes this method is also used, so that it is not easy to miss anything.

After almost half an hour, Xiao Yang's vision basically recovered. This is undoubtedly the best news for everyone, and the search speed has accelerated a lot.

Maybe it is because most of the flying dinosaurs were annihilated by the "moonlight cannon", and the flying car traveled freely in the air without encountering any enemies. This also left the progress of the search unimpeded.

However, the search operation did not go smoothly. Although they searched the whole island twice according to the spiral route, they still did not see the shadow of "Son Iger".

Unconsciously, there is only one hour left. Everyone in the flying car became anxious. Xiao Yang's eyebrows also showed a worried look.

In fact, the main task should be completed at that time, and the problem is this purgatory task. The sages said that the punishment for this task was very heavy after failure, but Xiao Yang believed that it would certainly not affect the main task. At most, it was to deduct some points. Xiao Yang's own business points have been sealed at this level. There should be no problem with it, but Luo Ruzhi and Jill are different. Especially Jill, who has just joined the team, and the points are still zero, and she will definitely lose. In any case, the purgatory mission must be successfully completed.

However, the world always fails to fulfill people's wishes. Twenty minutes later, they still didn't find any trace of "Iger's son".

Time continues to pass. The people in the team are getting worse and worse. The possibility of completing the purgatory task is becoming more and more slim.

When the flying car circled the island for the third time, there was only half an hour left. And to make matters worse, the island is foggy. The fog is getting thicker and thicker, and the whole island has been shrouded in fog in a few minutes, and nothing can be seen clearly. The flying car can only slow down and move forward slowly.

"This fog again!" Luo Ruzhi couldn't hide his anxiety, "What should I do!"

When Xiao Yang and others first arrived on the island, they encountered a heavy fog on the sea. At that time, they also experienced a lot of dangers in the fog, and now it makes people feel lingering when they think about it.

Looking back on the scene at that time, an image of a monster he had seen in the fog suddenly appeared in his mind. No, it's not exactly a complete image, but just a pair of half-human golden eyes of the monster. It was a red dot-level monster. At that time, Xiao Yangguang felt like he had fallen into the ice cellar when he saw it. He felt that his power was like an ant in front of that thing. In retrospect, I'm afraid that all the combat strength of Ladi's air army can't be compared with that thing.

Xiao Yang couldn't help thinking: Isn't that the "son of Iger" or the original image of Iger?

However, this can no longer be verified. At that time, Xiao Yang's fear of that thing reached its extreme and immediately used a teleport gun to transmit it to the sea 1,000 meters under his feet.

This judgment was undoubtedly very correct at that time. But if it is really the "son of Ig" that everyone is looking for, it can be said to be fate.

Xiao Yang clenched his right hand, which had just recovered, and pounded his forehead. Bastard, how on earth can I find that thing!

"Luo Ruzhi, Cthulhu's myth does not record under what circumstances will 'son of Iger' appear?" Peng Fei suddenly asked Luo Ruzhi.

"There are not many records about Iger, but I only know that he is a very irritable old ruler and moody." Luo Ruzhi said, "As for 'Iger's son', I have to think about it again..."

"The son of Iger is Ig's servant. When will Iger send his servant? Xiao Yang interrupted and asked.

"When it is angry, it will send 'son of Ig' to attack its enemies or turn them into inhuman monsters." Luo Ruzhi said.

"That is to say, just make Iger angry." Peng Fei came to a conclusion.

The way Peng Fei thought of "making Iger angry" is to make everyone keep cursing and cursing Yige with unpleasant words. According to Luo Ruzhi, the old rulers had extremely sensitive hearing, even much stronger than Xiao Yang's super hearing. Words with strong emotions such as curses and abuse are most likely to reach their ears.

Everyone did their best to curse Eiger, who had never met. Luo Ruzhi scolded the most fiercely, and he even used dirty words in seven or eight languages. When he was a mercenary, he went to many countries and remembered the curses in those places clearly. Others were not willing to show weakness, and even Wang Hanren and Jill scolded badly. Everyone has been depressed for too long and usually has no energy to scold their mother. Now they can't wait to scold Yige's parents and ancestors out of the soil.

Xiao Yang moistened his dry lips and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Everyone has scolded Iger for more than ten minutes, and now the remaining time is even less than 20 minutes. Can this really call out "Son of Iger"? If it is really buried in the ground by its own teleport gun, I'm afraid it can't get out?

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sudden gust of wind in the fog. The wind was not strong, but extremely cold, and Xiao Yang's skin had goose bumps.

Then, that thing appeared. First, a pair of half-man-sized golden eyes, followed by gray-black heads and two pairs of snow-white fangs. This thing just looks horrible, and when its whole picture appeared in front of everyone, they all unconsciously stopped cursing and looked at it in a daze.

Its overall outline is snake-shaped, but it is definitely not a snake. Xiao Yang even doubted whether this kind of thing could be called a creature. In fact, the only part of this "snake" can be seen clearly is the upper half of the head. The lower half of its head and its whole body seem to be composed of gray-green gas, vague and chaotic, as if it had no entity at all. The chaotic body is inlaid with several dark green scales, and even these scales seem to be drawn with a brush, and there is no real feeling at all.

"Yi-ge-" The evil creature spit out such vague words from its mouth and bent down in the direction of the flying car.

"Ah!" Luo Ruzhi screamed and pulled the lever, turned around and fled.

"Wait! How can you escape now!"

As soon as Peng Fei said this, he found that he was wrong, and Luo Ruzhi's judgment was extremely correct. A thick rope that seemed to be made of black fog chased after him from behind and hit Peng Fei's wings to keep the balance of the flying car. If Luo Ruzhi started the flying car a little slower, he would have been hit by the rear of the flying car.

Peng Fei looked at his hit right wing in surprise. There was no trauma on it, and there was no feeling of pain. No, there is no feeling on it at all. It seems to be dead. Peng Fei can't even control his right wing to make any action.

And the situation soon became worse. Peng Fei's right wing began to change, and its end gradually became blurred, like the body of the snake-shaped creature. Peng Fei cut off his right wing in panic, but it blurred more quickly and completely turned into a chaotic red fog in a few seconds. It seemed to have gained life, and Xiao's teeth and claws rushed in the direction of the flying car.

Jill and Wang Hanren, sitting in the back seat, hurriedly shot at Peng Fei's mutant right wing. The bullet penetrated directly through it without causing any damage to it.

The speed of the red fog is extremely fast. Even with Luo Ruzhi's skillful driving skills, it can't prevent the distance between the two sides from getting shorter and shorter.

Luo Ruzhi chose to make a sharp turn to the right. However, the red fog seemed to see through his intention and took a shortcut to the right in advance, but came to the car faster. It expanded into a fishing net and covered the people in the car.

Xiao Yang roared, and a miniature thorn faucet appeared on his right shoulder as soon as he could move. The thorn dragon head opened his long mouth and bit into the net-shaped red fog!

The thorn faucet sucked the red fog into its mouth and swallowed it. Before Xiaoyang could relax, he found that the part of the thorn dragon head that came into contact with the red fog also began to chaotic. He quickly lifted the beast's body and let the thorn dragon head disappear in the air.

Xiao Yang leaned against the seat and took a deep breath. After releasing the "Moonlight Cannon", all his natural power was exhausted, and it took a few hours to recover a little, and this time the "beast body" used up all this natural force. At this time, there is no natural force eruption such as a volcanic earthquake nearby, and it is impossible to absorb natural force. In other words, Xiao Yang has run out of food.

Xiao Yang turned his head and looked back with difficulty. The iconic golden eyes can't be seen in the fog. Maybe the flying car has got rid of the big monster that is mostly the son of Iger.

"My God!" Oh, my God! Ah!" The rest of the car suddenly exclaimed. Xiao Yang turned his head again and looked at the front, but found that the snake-shaped monster was less than 100 meters in front of the flying car, staring at the car with its big eyes!

Luo Ruzhi hurriedly turned around and was ready to escape, but the monster stayed in place and did not catch up with the flying car.

But the flying car didn't drive forward for a few minutes, and everyone found the big monster in front of the car!

"Damn devil!" Luo Ruzhi punched the car door, "It's like it can move instantly!"