Fruit Empire


My goal. It was a raised sand dune, and Xiao Yang fired a shot at the sand dune.

The sand dunes began to vibcillate regularly and were soon flattened by themselves, and the sand spilled around. Xiao Yang smiled happily, and Rena couldn't help mocking, "I said you were very leisurely. Is the sand so funny?

"No. Just wait and see." Xiao Yang said indifferently.

The familiar frightening sound sounded from the depths of the sand sea. Reina didn't hear the sound, but she also saw huge traces on the sand.

A large sand whirlpool soon began to appear in the original position of the sand dunes. At the center of the sand vortex is a large hole with a diameter of more than 20 meters, and white teeth can be seen on the edge of the hole.

That is the invincible overlord of the sand sea, the super giant sandworm. It came out of the sand sea and went straight into the air for dozens of meters. It seemed that because no prey was found, it quickly sank again.

"Do you remember? As I told you, sandworms are very ** to rhythmic vibrations. Xiao Yang said, "This resonance gun is also a sharp weapon for summoning sandworms in the sand sea. Previously, in the mountains, the sandworm could not come over even if it felt the vibration; now when we arrived at the sand sea, it soon appeared as soon as it felt the vibration.

Rina was not happy at all and blurted out, "... Do you think you can deal with the stranded people with this big bug alone?"

"This should be the strongest red dot in the desert scene, right? I'm afraid its combat effectiveness is hundreds of times that of my King Kong body. Xiao Yang asked, "Do you think even it can solve the stranded?"

"...No, I'm just worried that you may not be able to call out such a big sandworm at that time." Rena said.

"That's not a problem. There is a super giant sand bug and many small sand bugs in each area of the sand sea. The vibration caused by the resonance gun is enough to attract this giant sandworm. As long as they are successfully introduced into the sand sea, giant sandworms can be used to deal with them.

Rena asked, "What if they have a means of transportation that can fly?"

"Then I'll shoot it down." Xiao Yang's answer is very simple. Moonfire is extremely useful for shooting down aircraft.

"Okay, honey. That's a good idea." Rena laughed.

Xiao Yang vaguely felt that Rena didn't care about her plan. He asked, "Listen to your tone, you already have a better way?"

"...My way is to steal the tiger beads, and nothing else." Rena said.

Xiao Yang turned his head and looked into her eyes: "Don't act without authorization. Let me know what you want to do first."

"Don't worry, I know." Reina smiled and put her cold face on Xiao Yang's back. "Anyway, it's up to you."

Rina thought to herself: Sorry, I can't tell you my plan. That's really an extraordinary danger, and you will definitely oppose it. But there is nothing else I can do. The horror of the stranders is far beyond your imagination. The terrain of the desert and the nightmares here, these stupid red dots can never solve the stranders. And with the force of the stranded, it is impossible to obstruct them in war-type missions. Only in the black rope state produced after the death of the five soul messengers will the continuous purgatory missions be the real nightmare of the stranded. Unless they escape by the deadline of the task, there will never be any living person who can cross the black rope, even if they are stranded.

At this time, Rena suddenly felt Xiao Yang hit her elbow.

"What's wrong with you!" Reina said angrily.

"Who told you to be in a daze there." Xiao Yang said, "Quickly take me to search the nearby area."

Rina asked, "Looking for a stranded person?"

"No... find Luo Ruzhi and Jill." Xiao Yang said, "I feel their existence again. They are around here, I can guarantee it.

Luo Ruzhi sat on the gunner's position of the sound wave tank and was about to lie on the panel in front of him.

"Luo, are you all right?" Jill asked with concern, "Why don't I replace you?" I just saw that you have been operating for so long, and I can also operate it.

"No, I'm used to it." Luo Ruzhi wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked at Ina on the driver's seat, "Aina, how are you? You have been driving for hours. Are you tired?

"Aina is not tired. Ina won't be tired. Ina said, continuing to drive the tank attentively.

This sonic tank is moving through the battlefield. On the sand around it, there are the remains of some air cushion motorcycles and dozens of corpses. These are all caused by this tank, in other words, all caused by Luo Ruzhi.

They were left behind by the transport plane and fell to the sand, but almost nothing happened. The sonic tank actually carried a huge parachute, which made the tank land safely. Luo Ruzhi was surprised, but Ina told him that it was nothing surprising.

Aina was about to sit back in the driver's seat, but Luo Ruzhi stopped her and asked her to tell herself how to operate the fort. It took Luo Ruzhi an hour to learn how to use the sight, but he quickly learned how to shoot.

Of course, because those who were killed will definitely come, Aina was driving a tank to escape while teaching Luo Ruzhi to fire.

However, even so, they were soon surrounded by a Freman patrol that came to hear the news. The other party directly started the attack, and by this time, there was no possibility of peace talks, so Luo Ruzhi operated the fort and began to fight with the other party.

The Freman patrols are all air cushion motorcycles. They have a few rockets and mortars in their hands, but they do not have particularly advanced weapons.

The situation of the battle was unexpected by Luo Ruzhi. The power of the sonic cannon is so horrible that it can crack the air cushion motorcycle with the people above it with one shot. In fact, the armor of this tank is quite ordinary, but its action speed and turning performance are extremely good. Ina drove the tank to avoid most of the rocket and mortar attacks, and important parts of the tank were not hit. However, after all, there are still several very skilled driving characters in the Freman patrol, and it took several hours for the whole battle to end.

Now that the battle is over, Ina fled the scene at full speed with a sonic tank. If their reinforcements come, it will be troublesome and must escape as soon as possible.

The airspace radar in the tank sounded alarm. More than 30 planes rushed towards the sonic tank from all directions.

There are two periscopes that can rotate at an angle outside the sonic tank, and they also have the function of telescopes. Jill in the driver's position astringently operated the periscope, so that the situation in the surrounding sky was displayed on the screen in front of her.

Gil saw 32 military aircraft set up a trap in the air. But probably because they were lucky, Jill didn't even see a helicopter gunship or fighter with anti-tank* in these planes. Only some machine guns can be seen on the bodies of those angular and bulky aircraft, and from the small barrels of those machine guns, they do not have the ability to penetrate the tank. Jill thought that the level of technology here may be very low, and she felt much more relieved.

At this time, the sonic tank suddenly stopped. Luo Ruzhi and Jill asked at the same time, "What's wrong?"

Aina didn't answer them.

The sound of metal and rubber friction sounded under the tank. After a few seconds, Jill felt her body suddenly lean back and down, and the original tank started again. This time, the speed of the tank seems to be much faster than just now. Jill and Luo Ruzhi looked at each other and didn't know what was going on. And she didn't say anything when she asked Aina.

"Bang--" The surrounding sand layer burst into a burst of sand, almost drowning the tanks. Luo Ruzhi was shocked and said, "It's air bombing!"

"That's an airborne laser." Ina finally spoke, "I have turned on the air cushion mode to dodge. This mode consumes energy quickly, so I just turned it on now.

An air cushion thruster appeared under the track of the sonic tank. It was originally hidden in the tank chassis. As soon as Ina opened it, it began to function.

Jill adjusted the periscope to look at the situation in the sky. Sure enough, those heavy fighters did not use airborne machine guns at all, but fired lasers from all corners of the fuselage. Jill shook her head and judged that these fighters were useless from the appearance. It was really stupid. In fact, just looking at their ultra-low flight at an altitude of nearly 100 meters, it can be seen that their performance is not bad.

Twelve fighters have attacked the sonic tank at the same time, while the other 20 have formed an encirclement on the periphery and seem to be ready to cover it at any time. However, at this time, Aina showed extremely amazing operation skills. The heavy steel body of the sonic tank moved in an incredible route in the sand sea, drilled through the sandstone, jumped off the sand dunes, covered herself with the raised sand dust, and avoided every laser attack.

Jill was completely stunned to see the outside lasers passing by the tank from the screen. You should know that planes are the natural enemies of tanks on the desert terrain, and this endless sand field tank is simply an active target. In addition, each fighter can release three lasers at the same time, so that 36 lasers should be dodged in the sand sea at the same time when the most sonic tank is counted! Moreover, the twelve fighters were divided into two rows for staggered attacks. The attack was very intensive. It was reasonable that even the toy tank was bombarded, but Aina had manipulated this huge sonic tank for nearly half an hour to hide, but it was still not hit by any laser! No matter how good the performance of the sound wave tank is, it is impossible to imagine that a little girl can complete such an exaggerated operation. No, this is absolutely impossible for ace tank pilots, and it can even be said that this is not something that human beings can do! Who is this girl named Ina?

Luo Ruzhi is also observing the outside world. There have been only 12 fighters that use airborne lasers to attack sonic tanks, and the remaining 20 have only followed the periphery for a long time without any attack. Luo Ruzhi guessed that they might not have the ability to attack, but soon he found that he had made a mistake.

Thirty-two military aircraft clusters began to change their formation. The twelve laser-attack fighters are divided into three teams, four each, forming a fan-shaped bag on the left, rear and right wing of the tank. They were not eager to attack the sonic tank directly, but almost completely blocked the path of the sonic tank retreating or escaping from the flanks. The other 20 fighters accelerated forward and traveled with a narrow oval trajectory more than ten kilometers ahead.

Aina's white face permeated cold sweat for the first time. Luo Ruzhi noticed her abnormality and asked, "Aina, are you all right?"

"I can't avoid it, I can't avoid it... If I can't fly, I can't avoid it." Ina's voice seemed so helpless that her eyes also showed fear.

"Wow--" There was something on the fighter in front of him roaring straight to the ground. Immediately after landing, a huge fireball exploded on the sand surface, and the yellow sand flew everywhere. That's *!

Luo Ruzhi immediately understood why Ina said she couldn't avoid it. Those in front are bombers. They want to use * to form a defense line, and now the sonic tanks that are forced to have no way to go can only go to that line of defense and accept the fate of being blown apart. * The power of the hit may be far less than that of a laser gun, but its range is much larger. When dozens of * bombarded at the same time, even immortals could not escape.

The sound wave tank is getting closer and closer to the death defense line. Ina tried to change the pace of travel and break through from the side, but was soon recognized, and several lasers forced the tank back to its original direction.

Jill looked at the images of the fighters in the periscope. After hesitating for a moment, she finally stood up suddenly: "Aina, can you open the hatch?"

Aina mechanically drove the tank forward and ignored Jill. When Luo Ruzhi was about to speak, Jill pushed him away and said to Ina in a commanding tone, "Open the hatch for me!"

Aina opened the hatch and Jill stood out. The roar of the fighter engine could almost break people's eardrums, but Jill couldn't care so much at this time. She quickly cut a circle, took out Xiao Yang's rocket launcher from the warehouse space, and then aimed at the fighter formations that were firing lasers in the rear and bombarded them. Four rockets flew out, and Jill's back heavily hit the hood of the tank. Regardless of the pain on her body, she bombarded the sky continuously. Those fighters were already flying very low and in a dense fan array, and the rockets had to flee in a hurry. Jill continued to bombard without mercy, and successive rockets burst into the air.

Due to the containment of Jill's rocket, the fan array of the twelve fighter groups was completely disturbed. Ina seized the opportunity and quickly turned around and ran back. In this way, the net laid by them is useless, and the 20 bombers in front of them can only rush back immediately.

Jill's rocket attacks came one after another, and her back was bruised on the hatch, but she kept bombarding the sky. The speed of the rocket was not fast, and it could not hit it even if it was aimed, so Jill simply did not aim and hit the sky at will, which made it difficult for those huge and bulky fighters to hide. Of course, this has something to do with their fear of letting go of the sonic tanks and not daring to disperse too much.

The shrapnel and thick smoke produced by the rocket bombing in the air made the fighter pilots a little lost their way. Finally, two fighters somehow collided and burst out a gorgeous fireball in the air.

Jill temporarily stopped the bombardment and wiped the dust on her beret. It was quite a great record to shoot down the fighter with rockets, and Jill couldn't help smiling proudly.

However, at this time, a bomber broke away from the bomber group and joined the fighter cluster. As soon as it came, the situation immediately changed. The airborne machine gun on it roared and shot straight in the direction of Jill. Two machine gun bullets brushed directly through Jill's cheek, and Jill could only hurriedly cover her bleeding face and return to the tank.

The bullets of the machine gun rotated like scattered flowers, which is different from the directed laser. Their shooting range is difficult to predict, and it is impossible for Ina to drive the tank to dodge the laser while avoiding the bullet. Jill just poked her head out and was forced back by machine gun bullets. Seeing this, the remaining ten fighters also began to follow the example of the bomber, and countless machine gun bullets fired at the sonic tank. Although these bullets are useless in terms of tank armor, Jill can only let Ina close the hatch, and she can no longer carry the rocket launcher out to fight.

The remaining 30 aircraft used the previous strategy again, and the sonic tank was once again forced to move towards the death line built by *. And now even Jill can't do anything more. The three people in the tank are waiting to be killed.

Luo Ruzhi took out the teleportation gun given by Xiao Yang from the warehouse space. This is his last resort and the only possible way to escape. However, if you think about it carefully, there is still little hope. The longest distance of the transmission gun is 1 kilometer, which can be transmitted a total of 50 times, which can transmit an average of three people 16 kilometers away. But what is this 16 kilometers for fighters? Even if it is transmitted out, it will definitely be found by the fighter group.

In addition, although the transmission gun can teleport those pilots out of the cockpit, they must also see each other with the naked eye and hit them accurately; Luo Ruzhi does not have the vision of Xiao Yang, and now he can't lean out of the tank, so this is also not feasible.

The tank was less than a kilometer away from the death line. Jill held her head with regret and suddenly remembered Xiao Yang's words.

"I still prefer your heroic posture when facing the pursuers with a pistol... You are a heroine, and I believe there is nothing you can't do."

Jill gritted her teeth and shouted, "Aina, open the hatch!"

"No!" Ina refused.

"Open it!" Jill roared, but Ina's answer was still: "No!"

"In this way we will definitely die! I'll try again with the bullet. Maybe there's still life!"

"No! Never!" Ina is extremely firm.

Jill leaned towards the driver's seat. She was ready to forcibly press the button to open the hatch, while Ina immediately blocked her with her tender arms. In the battle between the two, the route of the sonic tank shifted and was almost hit by the lasers of the blocking route.

Luo Ruzhi pulled Jill back and finally stopped the conflict between her and Aina. However, the biggest crisis has not been solved, and the sonic tank is still inevitably coming to the end of death.

It's less than 500 meters. Luo Ruzhi's face was ashes, and Aina's young body began to tremble. At this time, Jill suddenly leaned forward, pushed down the button to open the hatch, and then poked her head out of the hatch.

"Papa--" was the sound of more than 20 machine guns starting to shoot at the same time.

Jill blocked her head with her arm, but no machine gun bullets shot her. When she first felt strange, she heard a loud "bang" and saw the remnants of the corners of her eyes