Fruit Empire


It doesn't matter if you don't say this. I will know it one day. Rina said, "Then you have to at least tell me why those attacks are invalid for you?"

"I don't know. It was like this a long time ago. All attacks can't hurt me." Ina pressed her chest, "It's just that I will hurt, it will hurt."

" it is. All right. I accept this offer." Rena said. She thought to herself, don't be proud too early. I will definitely find a way to kill you, little devil, wait.

"Don't make your own decision, Xiao, we haven't accepted it yet." Luo Ruzhi said coldly, "I'm going to take Aina away. Don't stop me."

"Ro, don't be impulsive. Think about it seriously, what will you do if you two encounter those armies or storms and monsters again? Jill said, "You can at least take care of us. Although it is monitored, it is also protected.

Luo Ruzhi is not stupid. He knows in his heart that Jill is telling the truth. He was silent for a moment and then said, "It's not my business alone. I want to ask Aina. Ina, it's up to you to decide whether we should leave or stay.

Aina rubbed the corners of her clothes uneasily: "I..."

"Don't worry about Xiao. Just say what you think." Luo Ruzhi touched Aina's head, "Aina, I can take you to your father. But if we are with them, we may be safer.

"I think..." Ina's hesitation lasted only for a second, and then she said with determination, "Stay and walk with them."

Xiao Yang's eyebrows tightened. At the moment when Ina made the decision, he seemed to see that Ina's pupils lost focus. But now it seems that Aina's pupils are normal. Xiao Yang rubbed his eyes. Is that really an illusion?

Rina is thinking about something else. Ina's father... Will that guy be the seventh soul messenger?

A few minutes later, Xiao Yang found a reconnaissance plane flying this way in the distance. Rina quickly set out to destroy the reconnaissance plane in the air.

Rina found a border in the attack. That's the border of the area ruled by the Fu-Ya alliance that just fought with them, and the other side of the border is the territory of the Hakenny family.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the Fu-Asian alliance army, everyone headed in the direction of the border.

As mentioned before, Luo Ruzhi and Aina are still moving forward in a sonic tank. Because Reina separated a large piece of bone wings to cover the outside of the sonic tank and deformed it, its appearance is very different from before, and it is not so easy to be found by the pursuers.

And in the sky, Rena wrapped Xiao Yang and Jill with a bone ring and took them forward.

Xiao Yang looked at the sonic tank moving like a matchbox below and sighed in his heart. For this Ena, the team almost broke up. Fortunately, Jill's proposal allowed the team to survive.

I hope Rena is wrong. Ina, you must not be our enemy.

Xiao Yang and Jill didn't talk to Rena for more than an hour in the air, and Rena was a little embarrassed. She finally asked, "Are you all dissatisfied with me about what happened just now?"

"As long as you understand it yourself. Even if what you do is completely correct, your means are ridiculously wrong. Xiao Yang said, "Be decisive is your advantage, but being too extreme is not a good thing. I don't want to say more. You are very smart. Think about it. I won't allow this to happen again. In addition, don't make your own decisions in the future. Unless it's an emergency, the big thing will be talked about after I make a decision.

"...Okay." Rena gradually calmed down. Think about it carefully, your actions just now are indeed a little extreme, and it's not that you can't take a more peaceful approach. Why are you so anxious to kill Ina?

Rina remembered that her potential was only more than 3,000, and her heart beat urgently. She knew she was afraid. Since Reina learned the truth about the world, she has never been so scared as she is now. Rena was scared to death at the thought that she might die.

Rina quickly figured out the reason why she was afraid of death. That's not because there is little potential for rebirth or strong stranded people. Rena had even encountered a more dangerous situation before, but she didn't feel fear at all at that time, and even felt that it was good to die like this. But now it's different. After joining the team, she felt for the first time that someone would care about her, and for the first time she felt that she really looked like a human. If you die, there is no way to feel all this anymore, right? Rena doesn't want to die at all. She wants to live like a human.

So Reina desperately wanted to kill Eina. No matter how innocent the girl looks, she is also a potential enemy, which is likely to threaten the life of Rena herself, Xiao Yang, Jill, and Luo Ruzhi.

Rina's heartbeat returned to normal. She has made a decision. She will obey Xiao Yang's command, but she will never relax her vigilance against Ai Na. This is the best way to do it now.

At this time, Jill said, "I have been in contact with Ina for a while. I think it's better to talk to you about some things.

Jill talked about her experience with Ina. After hearing this, Xiao Yang said, "No wonder you can escape under the pursuit of so many fighters. Ina may have the special skills of 'driving mastery'.

Xiao Yang remembers that Cui Wenren has such a skill. According to him, he can fly anything from rocket planes to ships.

"No. Although the name is 'driving mastery', it is actually just a vehicle that can drive the real world, and its initial driving ability is only average, and it takes many driving practices to truly achieve mastery. And it is impossible to drive a science fiction sonic sonic tank with 'driving mastery'. Rena said, "In the self-service terminal of the Soul Cave, there is a skill called 'fantasy driving', which is said to be a vehicle that can drive science fiction and magic. Ina may be a lonely soul or soul messenger with this skill.

"What is the price of 'fantasy driving'?" Xiao Yang asked.

Rina paused and whispered, "...13,000 points life index."

"Even if the child is a soul messenger, I can't see that she has the ability to exchange so many life indexes for such a skill." Xiao Yang sighed, "If only she were so strong, she would have killed us all directly. There is no need to play the trick of pretending to be a pig and eating tigers. Most of the living people this time are war-type missions. It doesn't make sense for her to use us.

Rina was a little discouraged: "...this is indeed a little contradictory."

"Is it possible for Ina to be the same plot character in this scene as I used to be?" Jill asked.

" theoretically possible." Reina explained, "Because the plot characters and soul messengers, as well as the lonely soul that already has a master, they can't be distinguished from the outside. If you want to distinguish them, unless you attack them or use the radar of living people.

Xiao Yang smiled bitterly: "It's really hard. If only I could get a piece of enemy radar from living people.

"That's useless. As soon as the watch for the living gets out of the owner's hand and comes to us, it will be automatically scrapped.

Xiao Yang fell silent. When I was still alive, I felt that the enchanted messenger was horrible, but now I have really become a enchanted messenger, but I find that the difficulty here is not worse than that of the living. There are too few convenient props, information and tips that can be used, and you don't know whether you are an enemy or a friend when you meet someone. There are as many problems and doubts as mountains. The old ones have not been solved, and the new ones have come again. It's really a mess. Forget it, now we can only take one step at a time. Previously, when looking for Luo Ruzhi and Jill, I heard some Fremans on the sand that there was a city in Hakenny in front of them. It might be useful to go there to find some information about the war.

Xiao Yang turned his eyes below him. The matchbox-like sonic tank is moving forward at a slow speed. When I saw this tank just now, it still used an air cushion, but now it has been replaced with a track. Of course, even so, the speed of the tank cannot be regarded as slow, but Xiao Yang is used to the windy flying speed of Rena, and now he is forced to maintain the same speed as the sonic tank, which feels unbearably slow.

The track of the sonic tank makes the sound of crushing the sand surface. The tank itself seems to be from this scene, and its special design makes it not attract the attention of sandworms.

It was almost dusk, and the temperature in the desert began to drop. Soon after, everyone encountered a storm.

It's not the previous horrible black storm, it's just an ordinary sandstorm. However, the dust flying in the air makes the visibility nearby extremely low. It is also difficult for Rena to fly, and the sonic tank can't move forward. So they found a nearby sandstone hiding underneath, waiting for the storm to pass through.

The location of this sandstone is excellent, blocking almost most of the wind and sand. Xiao Yang, Jill and Rena leaned against the edge of the sonic tank, drank some water stored in the warehouse space and ate some dry food. The soul messenger and the solitary body have a very low demand for food and water, but after walking in this hot desert for so long, they still need to make some supplements.

Since Luo Ruzhi and Aina stayed in the tank and did not come out, Xiao Yang was ready to bring them some water and food. But Reina suddenly reached out and grabbed the water bottle in his hand: "I'll give it to them."

Xiao Yang hesitated for a moment and finally nodded. Rina should not go back on her own way and attack them.

Rina walked to the tank. To her surprise, the hatch of the tank was opened, and Luo Ruzhi's hand stretched out from it. Reina climbed up the tank and handed the water and dry food to his hand, trying to say something. As a result, Luo Ruzhi took the things down and closed the hatch and almost pressed Reina's hand.

Rina finally jumped off the tank and returned to Xiaoyang and Jill without saying anything.

After the storm ended, several people found something wrong as soon as they were ready to go back on the road. The surrounding sand is full of traces like ravines, which are like... giant sandworms.

Xiao Yang listened carefully, but did not hear the sound of sandworms marching under the sand. Maybe it has gone.

"Squeak--" Something suddenly roared in the sand layer, and the sudden horrible volume stunned Xiao Yang.

Then, the thing came out of the sand layer. It looks like a submarine, but it is not even as big as the sonic tank. Xiao Yang immediately let the crowd disperse, but the thing did not attack the crowd, and the people inside opened the lid themselves.

"Please don't attack me! I'm not your enemy!" The man crawled out of it while shouting. He raised his hands high without any weapons. This man wears an old cloak, with brown curly hair and brown eyes. He is obviously not a Freman or Atridi.

The man looked at the sound wave tank with seemingly doubtful eyes, and then looked at Xiao Yang: "Sir, I'm the second brigade of Baron Harkeny's Guard..."

"Ok, I know you are a Hakenny." Xiao Yang interrupted him, "What are you doing here?"

"My name is Mani Saul, sir. I came to you on the instructions of the Baron's distinguished guest. The man smiled and said, "I've been looking for a long time before I finally found you."

"Looking for us?" Xiao Yang was surprised, "Are you right?"

"Sir, I never get the wrong person." Mani took out four Xiao square paper from his arms, which depicted the faces of Xiao Yang, Jill, Luo Ruzhi and Rena. The sketch was so similar that several people present couldn't help saying "ah".

"This was painted by the Baron's distinguished guest." Mani grinned and showed his yellow teeth, "He told me..."

The next moment, Mani felt a cold hand on his neck. Rena, who was murderous, stood in front of him and asked, "Who is that distinguished guest?"

A trace of fear flashed in Mani's eyes, but he calmed down almost immediately. He laughed and said, "Please let me go. Otherwise, you will never know who the distinguished guest is.

Rina put her hand down. She knew that this man was not afraid of death, and it was useless to threaten with force.

"The distinguished guest gave me a note. Although I can't understand what is written on it, he said that as long as you read this paper, you will agree to go with me. Manny said and took out a note, and Rina immediately took it off.

Seeing the content on the note, Rena's face changed. Xiao Yang asked, "What does it say?"

Rina opened the note to Xiaoyang. I saw a few lines of Chinese characters written on it--

"Ah, I'm sorry to inform you in this way. By the way, here's the thing. We found that this obstruction of the battle is very difficult for our soul messenger, but on the contrary, it is very beneficial to the living people. However, maybe we are lucky and have found a way to make the obstruction a successful battle. This method requires everyone to cooperate together. We hope you can follow this person to come to us. Let's talk about it.

And the signature on the note is...Yuan Hu.

Xiao Yang began to meditate. Yuan Hu made his meaning very clear. He wants to form an alliance. This is not a bad method, and Xiao Yang's impression of Yuan Hu is not bad. That person looks quite open and worthy of cooperation. It's just...

"Let's go." Rena's voice sounded in Xiao Yang's ear. At this time, Xiao Yang found that Reina had moved to his side and spoke in his ear.

"Wo, it's rare." Xiao Yang smiled and said, "You are not very disgusted with Yuan Hu. Do you have to kill him when you see him again?"

"The situation is different. We are now in a dilemma. We must use everything that can be used to win. Rena said.

Xiao Yang whispered, "Are you afraid that this is not the news from Yuan Hu, but the trick of those living people to seduce the enemy? Since they can catch the guy with the sword, they may catch Yuan Hu. There is also a possibility to use Yuan Hu's identity to lure us out.

"Then we should go." Reina said, "Isn't there a proverb in Chinese?" If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger?

Xiao Yang said to Mani, "We have decided to go with you. Please lead the way."

"That's good..." As soon as Mani's voice fell, he only heard a "Kala" sound. The lid of the sonic tank was opened. Ina jumped out of it, rushed straight to Mani, and shouted, "Dad!"

Mani also ran to Ina in surprise and held her in his arms: "Aina, it's really you!"

Seeing this unexpected scene, Xiao Yang's first thought of was to look at Reina's reaction. But Reina showed no sign of attacking Mani and Ina, but frowned and thought about something.

"My Aina, I'm really worried. At that time, I went under the sand layer and found a black storm. I couldn't find you anyway. Mani hugged Ina excitedly, "Baby, I thought I couldn't see you!"

"Dad..." Aiana buried her head in Manny's arms and said nothing more.

"Is she really your daughter?" Xiao Yang asked.

"Yes. Just now, I thought the tank was very familiar, but I didn't dare to admit these strange things on it, and after all, I still have official business. Mani turned to Xiao Yang and saluted, "Thank you very much for saving my daughter..."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp cone broke out of the air and flew towards Mani. This happened so suddenly that Xiao Yang didn't even react. Mani had already knelt down in pain. The sharp cone stabbed - no, it brushed Mani's arm; seeing blood flowing from his arm, Ina hurriedly covered his wound: "Dad!"

Xiao Yang said angrily, "Rina!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mani. My weapons sometimes get out of control. I'm sorry for hurting you." Reina said and opened the warehouse space at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye, took out gauze and alcohol and handed it to Mani. Mani took the gauze and smiled kindly: "It doesn't matter. Accidents are always inevitable.

Aina looked at Rena with hatred, and Rena didn't look at her. She flashed back to Xiao Yang and whispered, "The wound did not heal automatically. He is not a soul messenger or a lonely soul.

Under understanding Rena's intention, Xiao Yang stopped saying anything to her, but said to Mani, "I'm sorry that my team member hurt you."

"It doesn't matter. You are my daughter's benefactor, and this is also an accident. Mani stood up and said, "Well, I should lead the way for you. Ina, you'd better drive a tank. I use a submarine to lead the way.

Xiao Yang shouted at him: "Wait a minute. I have one more question to ask you, Manny Saul.

"Excuse me." Manny smiled.

"I'm sorry, I won't hide it from you