Fruit Empire


Let Ina and her father stay a little longer, and the commander couldn't resist him and could only agree.

A few minutes later, Aina left Mani's body and walked to Luo Ruzhi. Luo Ruzhi hugged her tightly: "Don't be sad, Ina. Although your father is not here, I will take good care of you on his behalf.

"Dad..." Ina whispered, "Dad is still here..."

Luo Ruzhi couldn't help holding Aina tighter. Her small body trembled in his arms, like a homeless kitten. Luo Ruzhi's heart trembled. Ina's figure overlaps with the image of his sister in his memory again. Luo Ruzhi forgot about it at this moment. Even if he risks everything, he will accompany Aina to the end and won't leave her alone again.

"Luo Ruzhi, we really can't break through the laser turret area, and we are going back now." Xiao Yang's voice came from the direction of the mainframe of the communicator and suddenly called back Luo Ruzhi's consciousness. He hesitated for a moment, but immediately made up his mind again. He is going to tell them his decision when Xiao Yang and the others come back. Xiao Yang and the other three finally returned. They all looked tired. Obviously, the battle just now made them very tired both physically and mentally. At this time, Luo Ruzhi walked to Xiao Yang, calmly told the fact that Mani was dead, and then said, "I'm sorry, I've decided that I will replace Aina's father and take care of Aina with all my energy. Therefore, I apply to withdraw from the team and be separated from you. From now on, captain, you don't have to care about me at all. My death has nothing to do with everyone.

Xiao Yang was silent for a moment, and then said, "If you regret it now, I can pretend that I didn't hear the words just now."

Luo Ruzhi shook his head: "No, I'm serious about what I just said. Please let me leave."

"Well, in that case..."

"Wait a minute!" Rina beside her said, "Luo Ruzhi must stay with us. Of course, the one named Aina is the same.

"What?" Xiao Yang cast a doubtful look at Rena. What on earth is Renea thinking?

"Luo Ruzhi, you think too much." Rena said to Luo Ruzhi, "Aina is originally a member of the baron's army. How can you take her away?"

"You don't have to worry about it. I will talk to the baron by myself. Luo Ruzhi said.

"Why did you let the baron go? Besides, now is the time for war personnel. Ina is so capable that the baron naturally hopes that she can serve herself. It is impossible to let her go in a few words for you. Rena analyzed, "In addition, if you escape with the child, the baron will definitely want you, and then you will die miserably."

"Then I will figure it out myself. Anyway, I can't stay. I want to protect Ina. If I can't act as a combat power, it will hold you back. Luo Ruzhi said.

"You can't delay it even if you want to. I don't look at you as a companion anymore. Even if I see you in danger, I won't care. Rena turned her head and said, "However, if you stay with us, at least we can help you collect the body when you die, which is better than letting you expose the body in the wild."

Only then did Luo Ruzhi realize that Reina was caring about himself and couldn't help saying, "...Thank you, Reina. But I..."

"Big brother, let's stay with them, okay?" Ina buried her head and said, "I'm so scared, I..."

"Ha ha, it seems that even your Aina wants to stay." Xiao Yang smiled and said, "There's nothing you can do even if you want to leave."

Luo Ruzhi sighed and had to accept the reality that he could not leave with Aina. But he still insisted on withdrawing from the team and returning the blind gun to Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang reported to the baron through the communication equipment of the nearby garrison. After talking about the war situation, Xiao Yang talked about Luo Ruzhi. The baron agreed to accept Luo Ruzhi to officially join his troops and serve as the gunner and captain of the tank driver Aina.

The commander transferred a new sound wave tank for Ina and Luo Ruzhi. After that, the commander asked Ina questions about the battle just now.

"I didn't see anything. I don't know what happened at all, and everyone died. Ina's answer is so simple.

The commander couldn't ask any useful information, so he had to sigh, wave his hand and hand over the tank to Ina. Then Aina and Luo Ruzhi sat into the tank together.

After not seeing Luo Ruzhi's figure, Xiao Yang looked at Rena: "You will leave him completely beyond my expectation. Reina, is your purpose really that simple?

"Trust me. I really left him for everyone's good. Rena changed the topic, "You have to remember that he is no longer one of us, so you don't have to worry about his survival."

"...of course I know. He gave up his obligation to fight with us and lost the right to be protected by us. Xiao Yang sighed and gave the blind gun to Jill. "Gill, you can also use this thing."

After Jill put away the blind gun, the three went to an open space in the garrison camp and sat down to discuss the situation just now.

The attempt to break through the laser turret defense line completely failed. They used circuitous tactics, but encountered a new group of laser turrets on the other side of the mountain. If it goes on like this, it will not end at all. Xiao Yang finally decided to give up.

"I think we'd better leave those turrets alone. The results we have achieved have been brilliant, and it is enough to fully gain the baron's trust. Reina said, "Our main purpose is to come to Yuan Hu, and it doesn't make sense to work hard for the baron for the time being."

"Well, that's right." Xiao Yang held his forehead, "But the commander just said that Yuan Hu was missing again, which is really troublesome."

"Let's go to the place where Yuan Hu disappeared. Maybe you will find Yuan Hu this time. Jill said.

Xiao Yang nodded. That's a good idea.

Xiao Yang and Ruina went to the commander and told him that the three of them were going to the place where Yuan Hu disappeared on the east line. The commander had already worried about this matter, but Xiao Yang took the initiative to ask for it. Naturally, he couldn't help it and agreed repeatedly. He was also afraid that Xiao Yang would repent and immediately said that he was willing to send troops to protect them.

"There is no need to send other troops. Just send Aina to walk with us." Rena said.

"No problem, no problem." The commander nodded repeatedly, "Your Excellency said that Ina is now your subordinate. You can order her as long as you like.

After leaving the command center, Rena took the initiative to say to Xiao Yang, "It is also necessary to ask Aina to go with us, because she is the only survivor of the battle on the Eastern Front just now. We must take her with us so that we can understand the situation."

Xiao Yang smiled and said, "There is no need to explain in such a hurry. Of course I know this. You're right, and I won't object."

"That's good." Rena also looks much more relaxed.

Xiao Yang looked at the east with white fish belly: "I hope we can see Yuan Hu this time."

"I hope so." Rena also prayed from the bottom of her heart.

Rina spread her wings and took Xiao Yang and Jill along the east line from the air. The bunker along the way has been replaced with the flag of Baron Hakenny; there is no damage to their crystal walls, and obviously Yuan Hu also used the method of destruction from the inside. Yuan Hu can use the huge meat thorn that rises from the ground. Obviously, he uses this skill to wear the people in the bunker into hedgehogs. Think about it carefully, Yuan Hu's skill is really useful.

It was quiet all the way, and I couldn't even see a gerbil or a sand rabbit. There are messy traces of the army marching everywhere on the sand. Originally, the baron's army was relatively disciplined. These car tracks and footprints would be so messy, perhaps because of the sudden withdrawal of the army just now.

After walking forward for about half an hour, the sonic tank driven by Ina stopped.

Luo Ruzhi's voice came from the communication headset: "Aina said it was here, captain."

"Ha ha, I'm not your captain anymore, just call my name." Xiao Yang smiled bitterly.

"...I'm sorry, I'm used to shouting, and I can't change it for a while." After saying this, Luo Ruzhi fell into silence.

Xiao Yang was not in the mood to think about Luo Ruzhi. He let Rena land on the ground and carefully observe the situation around him. There are almost no Odoz fortifications in this area, which can be said to be an ordinary sand. What's more worrying is that there are no remains of corpses or military vehicles on the ground, and it can't be seen that this is the scene of several tragic wars.

"Is it really here? Isn't Ina wrong?" Xiao Yang asked Luo Ruzhi doubtfully.

"Aina is right. The reason why I can't see anything is that the sand bugs have swallowed them into their stomachs. Luo Ruzhi relayed Aina's words.

There is indeed a bulge caused by sandworms not far away, but it may also be caused by submarines.

"Will the sandworm come so fast?" Xiao Yang walked doubtly and took a step forward. Suddenly, he felt that something was pulling his foot under the sand, and immediately called out the King Kong arm and pounded it on the ground.

"Oh, this really hurts. We just want to say hello. Someone emerged from under the sand. The broad body allows people to see his identity from afar - Yuan Hu.

After seeing Yuan Hu, Rena suddenly pulled Xiao Yang to her side and retreated 20 meters away.

"Oh, why did you go so far?" Yuan Hu rubbed his head and walked towards Xiao Yang, "Isn't it difficult to talk?"

"Stop. If you dare to take another step forward, I will kill you immediately. Rena roared. Yuan Hu stood still with a wry smile and dared not move.

"...Okay. Yuan Hu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Xiao Yang greeted Yuan Hu.

"Yes." Yuan Hu nodded and smiled, "We can still meet here, which is a blessing. Do you know? Wang Fan, who has a grudge against us, has been caught by the living people.

"Wang Fan?" Xiao Yang moved his eyebrows, "You mean the one who uses the sword?"

"Ah!" Yuan Hu patted his head and said, "Look, our memory is really useless. We haven't said his name yet. Yes, that Wang Fan is the soul messenger with the 'sword fairy' physique, the guy who has fought with us before. I heard that the living people caught him with a powerful prop. That prop is really powerful. Wang Fan can fly with his sword, but he is still caught by them. It's so scary.

"We also know that. That prop is called 'Hu Prison Pearl', which is a special prop that only the stranded will have. Xiao Yang said.

"Residents? We seem to have heard this word somewhere, but we can't remember it clearly. Yuan Hu said seriously, "Tell us what's going on."

Before Xiao Yang opened her mouth, Reina said first, "Why should we tell you? We haven't decided to cooperate with you."

"Oh, this is simple." Yuan Hu smiled brightly, "Let's show you all our abilities now."

When he made a gesture, his body began to change wonderfully. Just a few seconds, his body seemed to be softened, completely out of shape, and his clothes fell off directly; then the soft thing turned into a hard and ugly monster with a crust, a bit like a big crab crawling on the ground with sharp thorns on its back.

"Lurker?" Xiao Yang blurted out.

"That's right. Our physique is the lurker of the Zerg in StarCraft. Because we can dive into the sand layer and accurately hear the sound on the sand layer, so we know about those living people. Yuan Hu's voice came out of the monster, "Actually, we don't like the appearance of this monster. This physique is accidentally obtained, and this is the only way."

After saying that, Yuan Hu changed back into a human form and put on his clothes again. He deliberately showed his back to Xiao Yang and the others, and saw a number 7230 floating on it.

"This is our potential for rebirth. We are the enchanted messengers who have experienced two obstructive battles. In addition, our road has these..." Yuan Hu opened the warehouse space and turned out a pile of messy weapons and equipment, even food and water. There are no special props in it, just like Xiao Yang and others.

"Oil, don't turn it over." Xiao Yang stopped Yuan Hu and said, "Take it back."

"But that big girl still doesn't believe us." Yuan Hu was about to look at Reina, but he shouted out in surprise, "Where's the big girl?"

Xiao Yang also found that Reina was not with him at this time. He suddenly heard a violent friction in the air and quickly looked up. He saw that Reina was less than ten meters above Yuan Hu's head. Half of her bone and wings turned into a huge knife and split on Yuan Hu's body!

"Huh--" Yuan Hu's body was split into two in this way!

"Rina!" Xiao Yang shouted Reina's name and strode forward. However, as if she hadn't heard his words at all, Rena continued to attack Yuan Hu with lightning; the blade on her bone wings turned into dozens of pieces, ruthlessly cutting Yuan Hu's body. On the other hand, Yuan Hu didn't know the reason and did not return it at all.

Rina's attack speed was like cutting vegetables. When Xiao Yang rushed to them, Yuan Hu's body had been cut into thousands of pieces.

" Stop it!" Xiao Yang shouted again. Rena stopped and said, "Don't worry, he can't die like this alone."

Yuan Hu's body slowly returned to its original state. He smiled bitterly at Rena: "Sister, you are so cruel. I'm afraid that our rebirth potential has only been beaten to more than 2,000.

As Yuan Hu said, there is only 2843 of the rebirth potential on his back. However, despite this, Yuan Hu did not attack Rena in turn, but stood still without moving.

Xiao Yang quickly said, "I'm sorry, Reina..."

"It doesn't matter. We can understand her behavior. The rules set by the system for the soul messenger are too cruel, and we are likely to kill each other. Therefore, our remaining more than 7,000 rebirth potential is a potential threat to you. With our escape ability, so many rebirth potentials can make us attack you without hesitation when we cooperate together. Even if we are counterattacked by you, we can escape before we die. Yuan Hu said, "And our rebirth potential is only more than 2,000 now. If we dare to sneak up on you, we can't escape at all."

Xiao Yang understood Reina's intention at this time. She is really thoughtful. Although Xiao Yang also considered the possibility of being betrayed by him after cooperating with Yuan Hu, he never thought of using this method to restrict Yuan Hu.

What surprised Xiao Yang more was Yuan Hu's mind. Although he looks careless, he is actually not stupid at all. On the contrary, he can be said to be a little shrewd.

"Yuan Hu's muscles are quite developed, and his mind is not simple." Rena went to Xiao Yang's ear and said to him, "If he had resisted just now, I would definitely kill him completely."

"Haha, we heard the praise of the girl! Seriously, sometimes our brains are super easy to use. Yuan Hu laughed and said, "Well, in short, our more than 4,000 rebirth potential is regarded as a gift for you. I hope you can cooperate with us in our sincerity. After all, the living people are too powerful this time. If we fight separately, we will definitely die.

Rina and Jill had no objection, and Xiao Yang agreed to cooperate with Yuan Hu. Yuan Hu was slightly relieved.

The two sides began to exchange information. Yuan Hu learned about the stranded people and Hulao zhu, and his face became more grim. According to him, he has never encountered the situation that the other party is a stranded person and has no experience in dealing with them.

After that, Xiao Yang asked Yuan Hu about the mission information of the living people. According to Yuan Hu, the task of the living people this time is to get rid of the Frederick Atridi alliance to eliminate the power of Hakenny and Odus, so as long as the alliance is flattened, there is no problem.

"Can you be sure about this information? You know, the two living people promised to work for the baron and have now been ordered to attack the Fred Atridi League. Reina asked, "And if that's the case, why did you come to help Baron Hackney attack Odoz?" Odoz should not be the object of our battle, which means nothing to us, does it?

"Sister, you are asking knowingly. Naturally, we came here to gain the baron's trust. The baron is also a character that their living people can't kill. It is better to protect our own safety by tying the baron with us. Yuan Hu's expression became troubled, "As for why the living people are willing to attack the Fu-Ya League, we don't understand. Did the baron promise them any terms?

"They want the baron to find our whereabouts." Xiao Yang said, "This is also a doubt. They completed the task, so there is no need to kill us, right? And what's more strange is that they caught the sword man, but did not kill him.

"Or how many hooks they have to catch