Fruit Empire


From the odd level to the epic level, ordinary people need to practice for at least 100 years. Ran Ping, I guess a thousand years is not enough for you!"

Ran Ping was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but Yuan Hu continued to laugh beside him.

Aina had already walked to one of the nine spirit boxes and put her palms on it. The soft light lit up from her palm and flowed like water towards the black nine spirit box. The black on the nine spirit box seemed to begin to fade due to the inflow of light, as if there was something inside.

"Speaking of which, Eina, I was surprised that you would choose this skill at that time." Yuan Hu seemed to look at Ai Na strangely and said to himself, "When you encounter the exchange opportunity, you have probably accumulated 300,000 industry fire points and two Shura-level hell medals, right? You have never transformed your physique by yourself before, nor have you bought skills and expensive props. I thought you wouldn't change anything at all, but you suddenly changed this skill and self-discipline memory alloy warship... I really don't know what you were thinking at that time.

Aina's body trembled slightly, as if she wanted to say something. However, because the order to silence was still there, she didn't say anything.

"I really want to hear your reason. If you hadn't changed at that time, you wouldn't have become a lonely soul, and you would definitely become a soul messenger. Yuan Hu said and lifted the restriction on Aina's speech with an order.

"What a lonely soul, a soul messenger, Ina doesn't understand. Ina just felt that she was very strong. If she had that, she could protect her father..." When Aina said this, she bit her lip in fear and couldn't go on.

Yuan Hu came behind Ai Na like a teleportation and said coldly, "Waste, do you want to be beaten again?"

Aina was so scared that she immediately hugged her head with her hands: "Dad, don't...don't hit Aina! Ina will be obedient, so please..."

Yuan Hu raised his hand to Ai Na, but when he saw that the color of the nine spirit box turned black again, he put down his raised hand again: "Forget it, I won't hit you. Then inject energy and don't interrupt until it lights up completely.

"Hmm..." Ina put her hand back on the nine spirit box and continued to inject energy into it.

"You scum!" Luo Ruzhi in the tiger prison beads waved his bloodless fist and roared angrily, "If you dare to touch Aina again, I will definitely tell you a good end! Don't you need to use me? I dare to commit suicide here now, and your plan will be finished soon!"

"Don't do this! It doesn't work at all!" Rena shouted. At the same time, Aina was also stunned and said, "...Big brother, don't..."

"Idiot, do you think I will be threatened by you?" Yuan Hu laughed, "If you have a kind of suicide, you can try it!"

"Don't be provoked by him! Luo Ruzhi, it's useless to do that!" Rena urgently advised, "That will only make you..."

"Don't persuade me." Luo Ruzhi rushed straight to his forehead and shouted, "I'm sorry, everyone. Captain, see you in the afterlife! Ina, goodbye, I..."

He didn't finish his words, and suddenly showed a stunned expression on his face. His body was fixed at that moment and floated in the pearls of the tiger prison like an artificial sculpture.

"Haha. That's stupid. People who dare to commit suicide in Hulao zhu will be frozen. If they don't even know this, how dare they threaten me with death? Yuan Hu burst out laughing. Reina shook her head. Luo Ruzhi has been separated from them and has not heard her explanation of Hulao zhu, so he doesn't know this characteristic of Hulao zhu.

Just as Yuan Hu laughed, he suddenly felt that his sleeve was pulled. Ina looked at him with pleading eyes: "...don't...don't hurt the big brother. Let him go, okay?"

"Ha ha. That kind of thing..." Yuan Hu's eyes turned around, suddenly changed his expression, and smiled, "Well, for your sake, I promise you. I'll let him go later, but you have to do what I say now. If I don't do it well, I will kill him. If you do well, I will let him go. Do you understand?"

"Good!" Ina burst into laughter and tried to inject energy into the nine spirits box.

"Don't trust him! He..." Reina's voice was interrupted here. Yuan Hu cut off the connection between Hu Laozhu and the outside world, and Rena could only stare at him.

Xiao Yang looked at this scene from the side. Yuan Hu obviously used Ai Na's simplicity to let her do things for herself. However, he can actually order Ina directly, right? He will not use direct commands, and there must be a reason for it; perhaps this is a breakthrough to break through the status quo. Unfortunately, I can't talk to Rena now, otherwise I can know the reason.

Daw, I can't think of any use for the time being. Let's put it aside first. Anyway, she probably won't listen to the conversation with Ina. Let's consider a direct way to solve Yuan Hu. In terms of force, the gap between Xiao Yang and Yuan Hu is more than a hundred times. No, maybe this multiple will be squared. However, it is too early to despair. Now the cold stone spores that invaded Xiao Yang's body are far less active than before. Although Xiao Yang's body still can't move, she feels that she can almost call out the super beast body by her will. Of course, it is useless to rely on a super beast skill alone. To solve Yuan Hu, more powerful skills are needed. Does the moon and fire shine? No, no, I just used the super beast body, and now the natural power is not enough to fire the moon. Bastard, what else can we do?

Just as Xiao Yang was meditated, Aina was already full of the first nine spirit box. The nine spirit box completely changed from a black cube to a shining cube, and the light even made people unable to see its shape clearly. It looked like a small sun set on the ground.

At this time, Yuan Hu himself was also injecting energy into the other nine spirit cases. It seems that any foreign energy can be injected into the nine spirit box, just like the last flying car. Yuan Hu's alien energy should be much more than Aina, but the speed at which he injects energy is almost the same as Aina's. It seems that the speed at which energy flows into the nine spirit box is fixed.

It took Aina ten minutes to light up the nine spirit box. There are four remaining nine spirit cases that have not yet been lit. Twenty minutes later, all the nine spirit box will be lit. Moreover, Hulao zhu will also belong to Yuan Hu. Xiao Yang didn't know what would happen at that time, but he could foresee that it might be useless to do anything at that time.

However, even if he knew that time was tight, Xiao Yang still couldn't figure out how to deal with Yuan Hu. In this scene, Yuan Hu's power is almost absolute, and nothing can fight against him. This feeling is terrible, just like meeting the super giant mutant sandworm at the bottom of the ghost mine... Wait, sandworm? The sandworms in this world are also very terrible, and Yuan Hu was also embarrassed at that time. Although Yuan Hu may be acting, the super giant sandworm is indeed very powerful. At least, if you ask them to come here, they should be able to cause harm to Yuan Hu.

More importantly, Xiao Yang had prepared a way to call out sandworms. Just use that resonance gun to shoot on the sand. That is, the resonance gun is in the warehouse space, and now the body can't move. It's really necessary to open the warehouse space...

Xiao Yang suddenly came up with a solution. He made two small fangs with his super beast body and crossed them in the air. When he was tightening, he saw the warehouse space open at once.

Before Xiao Yang was happy, he immediately turned his two fangs into two King Kong arms and groped in the middle of the warehouse. Soon he found the resonance gun.

At this time, Yuan Hu also noticed the movement of Xiao Yang's side, and two spikes immediately stabbed the King Kong arms. However, before that, Xiao Yang had pulled the trigger of the resonance gun.

The sand under the rag vibrated violently. "That's the voice of the most powerful creature in the desert.

The ground trembled, and the sand in the distance began to sink down. These are all signs of the emergence of supergiant sandworms.

"Yo, there's something troublesome." Yuan Hu said this. He did not look in the direction of Xiao Yang again, and Xiao Yang has not been attacked by the sharp thorn since then.

What Yuan Hu did next was not to fight. Dragon-like wings grew around the whole di yi, and the di yi held everything on it and rose from the sand like a flying blanket. The lying is suspended almost one meter above the ground and moves slowly forward at the walking speed of ordinary people.

Just where the lyre stayed before, a huge whirlpool appeared on the sand surface and gradually approached the side of the lyre. However, Yuan Hu didn't pay attention to this at all, but continued to focus on the nine spirit box and constantly injected foreign energy into it.

The sandworm appeared. Its mouth is about 30 meters in diameter. Although it is not as big as the mutant giant sandworm at the bottom of the mine, it is also a giant sandworm. As soon as its mouth came out of the sand, it immediately found the lyre floating in the air, and immediately stretched out its mouth and attacked this way.

The sandworm quickly caught up with the lily and pulled the edge of the lily and swallowed it into its stomach. To Xiao Yang's surprise, Yuan Hu did not resist at all, but let the sandworm tear off the lying that was part of his body. The hungry sandworm tore off a piece of lych nearly 100 meters square and devoured it.

And at this moment, the sandworm struggled violently as if it had eaten its stomach. The part of the ground moved randomly on the surrounding sand, making the surrounding sand vibrate, as if there had been a small earthquake.

Xiao Yang's ominous foreboding: "This is..."

The body of the sandworm exposed to the ground changed, and thick green pimples and spots appeared outside its skin, like copper rust. The sandworm is no longer as fierce as before, but lies on the sand like a dying earthworm.

"It's amazing to call out bugs to deal with me. Have you forgotten the name of my constitution? I would like to remind you again that I am the 'Best Emperor'. Do you want to deal with me with this low-level bug? If you invade its body with a part of my body, you can transform and control it. This kind of bug, another 100 is also a dish!" Yuan Hu laughed viciously, "However, since you like this bug so much, I will send you there as dry food for it!"

After saying that, Xiao Yang felt countless purple pieces of meat appeared on the lith and wrapped his body into a ball. "The flesh wrapped around his body was thrown up fiercely and thrown in the direction of the sandworm on the ground. The sandworm suddenly bounced up again, and Xiao's big mouth swallowed the meat wrapped around Xiao Yang. After swallowing Xiao Yang, the sandworm dived back into the desert and could not see anything on the ground.

Yuan Hu snorted contemptuously, and then ignored Xiao Yang, who had lost his trace, but continued to light up his nine spirit box.

Rena, who was in the tiger beads, saw the scene of Xiao Yang being swallowed up, and her body trembled slightly. But she still clenched her teeth and didn't say anything or show any sadness.

"Don't force yourself, girl. Cry if you want. There is no need to suppress your feelings. Anyway, you don't have many opportunities to cry. Ma Bairan, who was talking to Rena, who was also locked in a tiger's bead, but always looked at everything coldly and didn't say a word.

"I don't want to cry at all. He will come back to save me, I believe that. It's just a sandworm. That kind of thing can't kill the man I recognize. Rena said calmly.

"Even if he comes back, it's useless. Didn't you see it? The third nine spirit box has lit up. No one can stop this living ceremony. Oh, I, an old man, wanted to spend my old age in peace, but I didn't expect to be dragged in in the end. Ma Boran said so. Although he was brought here because of Rena, he didn't seem to blame Rena for it.

" should know a lot, right? Do you know what's going on with this living ceremony and the gate of heaven? Is it true that Yuan Hu said that there is no export in this world? Reina asked like a cannon.

"There should be an export in this world... right? To be honest, the old man doesn't know either. That Yuan Hu may have sed us. However, I know a little about the living ceremony and the gate of heaven. Ma Bairan said, "The gate of heaven does exist; the living sacrifice ceremony can indeed open the gate of heaven. But..."

When Reina saw him selling things, she hurriedly asked, "But what is it?"

"Ha ha. Something interesting is likely to happen in a moment. Let's wait and see. My old man has been in this hell game for a long time, but he hasn't seen the gate of heaven open. As soon as Ma Bairan finished speaking, he meditated again, as if he had already put life and death aside.

At this time, Yuan Hu's di yi had stopped moving and fell back to the sand. Rena turned around in the tiger beads and stared at the place where Xiao Yang disappeared. She believes that he will definitely reappear from there.

Time passes quickly. Finally, the last nine spirit box also lit up.

Yuan Hu stood at the lower vertex of the obantic triangle and said silently, "Spirit box five-eating arrays, start!"

Soon, each nine spirit box shines in the direction of the three sides of the triangle, and those edges and vertices completely form a regular triangle. Except for the nine spirit box in front of Yuan Hu, the other five spirit box flew into the sky. The three nine spirit box on the edge of the inverted vertex flew as high as 300 meters. The two nine spirit box in the middle flew almost 150 meters high.

At the same time, there was a crackling sound on the tiger beads, and something like an electric current rushed straight into the sky.

"Everything is finally gathered." Yuan Hu raised his arms and shouted, "Come on, I will dedicate these five creatures to you. The first living sacrifice, a living man!"

When Yuan Hu said this, the white light emitted from the 150-meter-high nine spirit box on the left suddenly turned black. Yuan Hu pointed to Ran Ping over there again, and the black light on the nine spirit box immediately shot at Ran Ping. Ran Ping shouted "ah" and his body had disappeared into the dark light.

Rina couldn't help blurt out, "Even living people are part of the living sacrifice?"

"Of course." Ma Boran next to him said again, "It's not only a living person."

As soon as the voice fell, a white light was emitted from the 150-meter-high nine spirit box on the right, which shot directly on Paul. Paul also disappeared into the green light.

"One living person, one core character, three soul messengers. Although that person has become a living person, he still has core character attributes, so it can also be used. In a word, this is all five living sacrifices that must be used to open the door of heaven. Ma Bairan moved his muscles and bones, "Next, it's our turn."

Rina asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

"What's so scary? The old man already thinks that he has lived too long. Ma Boran smiled and said, "What's more, I... may not die."

While talking, the bloody red gas came from the tiger beads in Yuan Hu's hand, which wrapped around the outside of the tiger beads like a snake.

"The third living sacrifice, a soul messenger!" Yuan Hu shouted. Rina's heart tightened, but she saw a red cloud brushing on Ma Boran next to her, and then he disappeared. The blood-red gas on the tiger beads rotated rapidly as if it were sensed. Ma Bairan's body reappeared from the blood-red gas, but the next moment it was shrouded in yellow light from the air and disappeared again. The yellow light came from the nine spirit box 300 meters in the air on the left side of Yuan Hu.

There are three nine spirit cases 300 meters in the air, of which the one on the left becomes yellow, the one in the middle becomes blue, and the one on the right becomes green.

The next nine spirit box under the command of Yuan Hu is the one on the right. Reina thought it was her turn this time, but she didn't expect that the red clouds in the tiger's beads passed Luo Ruzhi, who was still frozen. The latter quickly appeared outside the tiger prison pearl. As soon as Aina saw him, she immediately smiled, but then Luo Ruzhi was illuminated by the green light and disappeared.

"Big brother..." Aina looked at Yuan Hu in astonishment, "Dad, didn't you say you were going to let him go?"

Yuan Hu said in surprise, "Well, did I say that?"

"You said that. That's what you said!" Aina shouted eagerly, "You said that!"

"It seems that I said it." Yuan Hu laughed and said, "But so what? I just came to lie to you."

Aina suddenly grabbed Yuan Hu's hand and flowed down: "Please, let go of the big brother and let him go, okay? You can do whatever you want me to do!"

"What a lot!" Yuan Hu showed disgusting eyes and punched Ai Na. But the fist went straight through Ina and didn't hit her at all. Yuan Hu was shocked, because it showed that Aina activated the protection mechanism of Kong Haiyu with her own will.

"Little rabbit! How dare you resist me!" Yuan Hu was furious, "Huaard the protection quickly, do you hear me?"

"Pleave...the big brother. Let him go, and I will lift the protection. Ina was timid, but she said unswervingly.

"Bun bastard!" Yuan Hu roared, "In the name of the soul messenger Yuan Hu, I hereby order! Soldier Aina, no speaking, no thinking! Get on the ground and roll away!"

Aina's eyes lost focus. She let go of Yuan Hu's hand and fell to the ground silently. As Yuan Hu said, she was careless