Fruit Empire


has also come to an end forever. Xiao Yang said, "From the reaction of those soldiers just now, the owner of this house is the most important person in the Anshi Rebellion I mentioned, An Lushan, the governor of the three towns."

"Although I still don't understand the specific situation, to put it simply, An Lushan is a very important historical figure, right?" Rena said, "Now it seems that it is very beneficial for us to fall here. As long as An Lushan is killed, history will definitely change significantly.

"If you think about it simply, it's true." Xiao Yang agreed, "If An Lushan dies, maybe the Anshi Rebellion will not happen again. This will have a great impact on history, and we should be able to get a lot of deeds.

"In that case, don't say more. We will find An Lushan here immediately and kill him. After Luo Ruzhi finished speaking, he walked forward, but Xiao Yang stopped him. Although the invisible force field generator has been increased, the scope is still very limited. If a person moves forward rashly, it is easy to lose the protection of the invisible force field generator and expose his position.

"Don't be too cautious, captain." Luo Ruzhi said, "At least I am also a mercenary who has experienced many battles. I don't know how much better than these weak ancients. I can knock down as many of these people as they come."

As Luo Ruzhi said, the physical quality of these Tang soldiers was obviously far worse than him. If they fought alone, none of them was Luo Ruzhi's opponent.

"No, the problem is not at this point. We still know too little information now, so it's better not to act rashly. If An Lushan is here, it's okay. If he is not here, we will rush out to kill, and instead, we will start to scare the snake. Xiao Yang said, "Restore your previous calmness. Don't be impulsive."

After encountering Ai Na, Luo Ruzhi has changed a lot. Ina's death has greatly changed his temperament. This made Xiao Yang feel a little emotional. If it had been before, Luo Ruzhi would never have been as leading as he is now.

"...Okay." Luo Ruzhi sighed, "I just want to win this game quickly."

"Hmm. Take your time, we will definitely win." Xiao Yang said, "Now let's go around this house for the time being to investigate the information about An Lushan."

"Wait. I have something to think about." Rena suddenly said, "The one named An Lushan must not be in this room, and he probably won't come back in the near future."

Xiao Yang asked, "What do you say?"

"Inferred from the words of the leader just now. If An Lushan is near here, the leader will definitely ask someone to inform him. However, the leader's first judgment was handed over to the stewer, and he didn't even say to inform anyone else immediately. If An Lushan is really here, does he dare not report it? It can be seen that the possibility of An Lushan himself in this big room is extremely low. Reina said, "I'm afraid it's too optimistic that we want to kill him to solve the problem at once."

"...Well, it makes sense. However, we still need to visit here more to get more accurate information. Xiao Yang said, "Let's go now."

Next, the three people wandered in the mansion in a stealth state. The gossip they heard of the servants and family members confirmed that Rena's inference was completely correct. The specific location here is in a deep mountain in Pinglu, the jurisdiction of Anlu Mountain. This mansion is actually just a summer courtyard in Anlu Mountain. An Lushan still lived here a week ago, but he was called to Chang'an a few days ago and could not come back in a short time.

The effect of the invisible force field generator is really excellent, and the three of them have not been found by anyone at all. Those soldiers looked for no one for a long time, and finally had to give up. Those soldiers argued that it must be a demon or something. It seems that they are taboo about such strange things. Later, the stewant mentioned by their officer came and scolded the soldiers that it was just that they fainted and saw hallucinations, telling them not to talk nonsense, which made people panic.

Xiao Yang and three others went to an empty corridor and began to discuss the next countermeasures.

"There is no noteworthy information here. If An Lushan doesn't come back, it's meaningless to stay here. Xiao Yang said, "As I mean, we will go directly to Chang'an. Chang'an is the capital of the Tang Dynasty. After this era, most of the celebrities who have played various roles in history have gathered there. An Lushan is also there now. If something is done in Chang'an, it will definitely have a huge impact on the historical process.

The other two did not raise any objections, so they decided to leave here and go to Chang'an.

However, just then, two maids came from the other end of the corridor. The two maids, one in yellow and one in green, looked quite symmetrical.

If you walk forward like this, the footsteps will definitely expose the existence of the three people. The three stopped and waited for the two maids to walk over.

The maid in yellow said, "The red girl doesn't eat again. She is getting thinner and thinner, but what should she do?

"Yes." The maid in green sighed, "When Master An was there, it was better to have him persuaded him. As soon as Master An left, she lost her temper again. No matter how we persuade her, she refused to eat. Master Ann doesn't know what's going on now. If Master An finds out about this when he comes back and blames him, we will be unlucky. Master An's method of punishing subordinates is a hundred times more powerful than the stewman, and we have to be pumped hundreds of times. If it's not good, sell us directly into the kiln. At that time, we will call Tiantian Ying, and the ground will not work..."

"Can you stop talking about such a scary thing? It scared me to death!" The yellow maid said, "Anyway, things shouldn't be that bad. Master An probably won't come back soon. Let's persuade Hongluan now. If it really doesn't work, we will kneel down and beg her, and she will be soft-hearted.

"Well, in fact, I really don't understand why Master An is so infatuated with Hongluan and specially built such a house for her. If you want me to say, the Hongluan girl's beauty is just average. At most, she is better than us, better than Master An's appearance in the palace..."

The maid in yellow said hurriedly, "Stop it! It's amazing to hear. This matter is nonsense!"

"Forget it. Only that person doesn't know about this. The whole world knows that Master An has put a hat on him. The maid in green said, "Anyway..."

The maid in yellow covered her mouth: "I told you to stop talking! I really don't know the depth. If you have time to gossip, you might as well pay more attention to serving the red girl. You should know that Master An is very fascinated by her. If something happens to her, even if Master An dies of three thousand miles a day, he will have to come back to see her.

"I know...go and go..."

The two maids said and walked away.

"Hongluan..." Xiao Yang repeated the name, "Listen to them, I have an idea..."

"Kidnapping, right?" Rena said, "It's really good. If An Lushan really likes this woman, he may really come back. Kill it directly then."

"What these two maids said may not be all true. An Lushan is also a very ambitious big man. If he is doing something important in Chang'an, he will not come back for a woman. Xiao Yang said, "However, it is also worth a try."

After the three discussed, they carefully caught up with the two maids. They followed the two of them, turned left and right in the house, and finally arrived at the red room. As soon as the two maids opened the door and walked in, Xiao Yang and Luo Ruzhi gave them the back of their heads. Before the two maids could shout, they had been knocked unconscious. Then the three rushed into the room invisibility and closed the door.

"Cuiying, Xuehua?" A crisp woman shouted behind the screen in the room, "Is it you?"

Xiao Yang and others naturally did not answer, but quickly moved in the direction of the screen. They rushed into the screen as fast as they could, and then saw Hongluan, the owner of the room, sitting in front of a dresser. Her clothes are very simple, she is a little short, and her appearance and figure are not outstanding; except a pair of bright eyes, nothing particularly attractive can be found in her body. Although there are differences in aesthetics in different times, maybe it's really like what the maid said. It's really strange that this woman can attract big shots like An Lushan.

When Xiao Yang was thinking about it, Luo Ruzhi had already stepped forward and grabbed Hongluan's neck with his arm from behind. This is the strategy they set at the beginning. For the time being, Luo Ruzhi will come forward to talk to her without exposing the existence of Xiao Yang and Rena.

"No sound, or I will break your neck." Luo Ruzhi threatened.

Hongluan was not as panicked as everyone expected, but said, "I... I won't make a sound. However, you... who the hell are you and what do you want to do to me?

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. You just need to follow me out of this house. Luo Ruzhi said.

Hongluan said, "There is no problem for me to leave here... but then you will be found out."

Luo Ruzhi said, "You don't have to worry about this. I know the magic method, and I won't be seen by you vulgar people.

This is also a statement that they decided after discussion. People here are in awe of the demon law, and it will be more deterrent to say that the invisibility is a demon law.

"Oh, demon law, I understand, okay..." Hongluan didn't have any fear at all, but said as if he were perfunctory, "I'll just go with you, but you have to let me go before I can walk. Don't worry, I won't shout casually.

Luo Ruzhi let go of Hongluan according to his words. In fact, it is also a way to use a remote transport gun to directly transmit Hongluan out of the courtyard, but they have never determined the terrain outside the house, and it is also troublesome to accidentally kill Hongluan. That's why it is necessary to use the method of forcing Hongluan to go out. Maybe someone will follow Hongluan when he goes out, but that doesn't matter. As long as he goes outside the gate, it is easy to get rid of those guards or solve them directly.

Hong Luan stood up from his seat. At this time, Xiao Yang noticed a faint fragrance from her body. This smell is very special, a little like sweet wine. Xiao Yang felt a little dizzy when he smelled it.

Xiao Yang unconsciously glanced at Hongluan. He always feels that she is looking at himself. Hongluan's big eyes are clearer and brighter. Somehow, I think her face is also charming. Her exquisite and petite body and almost inseible breasts, combined to produce a suffocating beauty.

The heart is pounding. My whole body is hot. Excited. The only thought in my mind is to hold Hongluan in my arms, and then...

Bunuch, this feeling is very abnormal. It's not right. But...she is really beautiful, if she can...

Unconsciously, Xiao Yang stepped forward to Hongluan.

However, at this time, with a "bang" sound, Hongluan was thrown to the ground. Luo Ruzhi fell on her. He seemed to be trying his best to suppress his desires, but his hands were still irregularly on Hongluan.

Xiao Yang was shocked by this scene and realized that Luo Ruzhi had left the range of the invisible force field generator and could be seen. He suddenly realized that something was strange and hurriedly said, "Luo Ruzhi, wake me up!"

"Sure enough, there is more than one person." Hongluan suddenly smiled, "Hey, but many more are the same. After entering the wheel of history, you have no physique and skills to resist my **.

Xiao Yang's heart tightened. This Hongluan is not a character in the historical fragment, but also a participant in the game of the Wheel of History!

However, although he was so clear, Xiao Yang couldn't help walking towards Hongluan.

When Xiao Yang was about to step out of the scope of the invisible force field generator, what he felt was a heavy blow after himself and knocked hard on his lower abdomen, making him unable to move for a while.

"Oh, it seems that there are really people who can stand it. It seems that I have to increase the weight." As soon as Hongluan's words fell, the fragrance on her body became strong in an instant. Luo Ruzhi spewed nosebleed because he couldn't stand the hot flow in his body, and suddenly went into shock. Xiao Yang also almost lost all his reason, stepped out of the invisible area and stretched out his hand to Hongluan.

At this time, Xiao Yang suddenly felt a flash of cold light in his ear, and then the sharp dagger changed from part of Reina's body was placed on Hongluan's snow-white neck; as long as he scratched gently, he could cut Hongluan's throat. After seeing this scene, Xiao Yang's mind was much more awake, but Hongluan's charm still made him a little unable to help it. He could only close his eyes and think nothing, and at the same time hold his breath to resist the charm of Hongluan.

"This kind of dirty trick is useless to me." Rina appeared directly, kicked Luo Ruzhi away, and then stepped on Hongluan's chest, "Take back your disgusting fragrance. ** man with this kind of thing? What a shame for women."

"Oh, it turns out that there are women. What a great beauty. How many men have you seduced with this kind of thing like a pie falling from the sky? Hongluan sneer at each other.

"Don't confuse me with you. I took the right to survive with my own hands, not on this face. If necessary, I don't care even if I'm disfigured." While Reina was talking, the pointed dagger clicked on Hongluan's neck, "Remove the smell immediately, or I will tell you to bleed. This is not a warning, but an order!"

Hongluan seems to have finally softened under Rina's murderous declaration. She pouted her lips and said, "What an unlovable man. She has a white face. Well, I'll take back the Meixiangning."

The strange fragrance finally disappeared. Xiao Yang could finally open his eyes and gasp as he wished. At this time, Rena went over and kicked Luo Ruzhi twice and woke him up. Seeing this situation, Luo Ruzhi knew that he had just made a fool of himself and waved his fist to fight against Hongluan, but Reina stopped him.

Xiao Yang was still gasping. Suddenly, he saw Reina throwing a contemptuous look at him. He couldn't help rubbing his head and then said solemnly, "Hongluan, now your life is in our hands. You must answer my next questions honestly. If we play any tricks, we won't pity Xiang Xiyu. Do you hear that?

"I know." Hongluan sat up, and the sharp dagger kept moving with her. "Actually, you just asked me who I am; ask me why you know about the wheel of history. What's more, what is Meixiangning?

All the questions Xiao Yang wanted to ask were preempted by Hongluan, but he was not panicked and just said, "That's fine. You can explain all these questions first."

"Before that, can you ask that sister to take back this knife?" Hongluan Road.

Rina withdrew the sharp dagger. Hongluan's combat ability is not outstanding. Reina wants her life to be done at any time, so it doesn't matter if she takes back her weapon now.

"The little woman's name is Hongluan, and you may already know this." Hongluan paused before saying, "Like all of you, I am also a person who participates in the game of the Wheel of History."

Hongluan's words are within Xiao Yang's expectation. However, Hongluan's performance was a little surprising. She suddenly stood up and bowed to Xiao Yang and said, "I'm really sorry that I was rude to you just now! I just wanted to make a joke. I absolutely didn't mean to harm you. On the contrary, I hope to be your companion, please!"

"Oh..." Xiao Yang smiled bitterly and then turned his eyes to Luo Ruzhi, "Luo Ruzhi, do you remember... the guy who played with us all in the palm of his hand when he was in the desert?"

"That son of a bitch! I will never forget it!" Luo Ruzhi's anger spewed out with his voice like fire, "Yuan Hu! Even if he turns into ashes, I can twist him out of the ashes!"

"That's it." Xiao Yang looked at Hongluan, "Last time we met a guy who is more sincere than you. We believed him, but that guy almost destroyed our whole army. We don't want to make such a stupid mistake again.

"Don't you... believe me? ..." Hongluan said as if he was going to cry, "I'm really not the kind of person you think... Well, I... I really have no way to go. I can't live anymore, so I want to ask you for help..."

Hongluan's voice is getting lower and lower, and tears flashing in his eyes. It looks like a bleak girl crying, which is really pitiful.

"I can't stand it!" Rena couldn't help shouting, "How long are you going to play! Is this fooling us as stupid pigs? This is a hell game! If you can't survive, just die quickly. Don't get in the way here! Otherwise, I can give you a ride! Thank me quickly, stupid woman. I will send you on the road without making you feel any pain!"

Hongluan's face became ugly, and she didn't care about the tears on her face, and roared at Rena: "...