Fruit Empire


Hongluan talked for a long time before she finished her strategy. Although Rena is extremely dissatisfied with Hongluan's use of Xiaoyang, Hongluan's plan is indeed wonderful and will not really hurt Xiao Yang himself. In this case, Reina could only agree with Hongluan's plan in the end.

Liu Hao lay in the military tent of healing. There were more gatekeepers this time, reaching four people. Moreover, Liu Hao's weapons have also been forcibly confiscated, and it is impossible for Liu Hao to break through. Liu Hao broke his mouth and wanted those people to let him out, but those people turned a deaf ear. This time, Shi Siming strictly ordered the guards not to let Liu Hao go out; so they all obeyed the order, and no one dared to listen to Liu Hao's words to let him go out.

Liu Hao was puzzled. This time, Shi Siming always felt something wrong after coming back. Although he couldn't say what was wrong, he just felt something was wrong.

What's more strange is that I have a headache when I think about Shi Siming, and the more I think about it, the more I get a headache. The pain like being hit by countless arrows on the head of the enemy is really unbearable. Liu Hao can only give up thinking about this matter.

And how Shi Siming is actually doesn't matter to Liu Hao. The important thing is Hongluan, the host mother. How is the mistress now? She is in the hands of that cruel gangster, and she doesn't know that she is still alive? Bodhisattva must bless her that her mother is safe and sound. If she has two short stories, I can't live. Liu Hao said this to himself in his heart.

At night, the gatekeepers were a little dozed off and couldn't stand unsteady. At this time, a figure suddenly slipped into the tent, and all the four gatekeepers were put down.

The man was wearing Tang Bing's official military uniform, which seemed to be a member of the army, but Liu Hao only felt that he had never seen him in the barracks. Enemy! This idea flashed in Liu Hao's mind. A carp turned up from the floor, rolled up the quilt and greeted the other party.

But he didn't expect that the other party's skills were extremely fast. He flashed behind him and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Bad..." Liu Hao just said this word and only listened to the man behind him: "Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you."

"Save me?" Liu Hao was surprised and asked a series of questions, "What's going on? Who sent you here? Why did you come to save me?"

"Now the situation is urgent, and it's too late to make it clear. Hurry up and come with me." The man said.

"I won't leave if you don't make it clear." Liu Haodao.

"Hey! All right. Listen..." The man came to Liu Hao's ear and whispered, "Shi Siming's bastard coveted the beauty of the Hongluan girl, colluded with the power of the noble concubine, killed all the people of Anfu, and took Hongluan away. And I am also a spy placed by Lord An. Just now, I overheard that Shi Siming discussed with his subordinates that you might expose his crimes. They were trying to kill you secretly. That's why I took the risk of saving you. I hope you can go to the capital quickly and report Shi Siming's unsubordination to Lord An!"

" is this possible!" Liu Hao was shocked, "General Shi is Lord An's most trusted brother-in-law. How can he..."

"Although I don't believe it, this is the truth!" The man took Liu Hao's hand and ran outside, "Come with me, or you can't run if you want to!"

Liu Hao was also in a panic and ran out with the man. But as soon as he came out of the military tent, his throat suddenly became salty and spit out a ball of blood in pain!

Spring world.

Lao Zhou suddenly vomited a ball of blood. Xiao Yang hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Are you all right?"

"'s okay." Old Zhou Qiang said, "It's just that the internal organs are a little old, so sometimes they vomit blood."

Neither Xiao Yang nor Huang Lin noticed that Lao Zhou was holding his left fist tightly. The lifeline in his left palm was shortened again.

After Lao Zhou said that he was fine, Xiao Yang looked forward and said, "The front is probably about to reach the bone peak. Do you know what's going on with Gufeng?

Xiao Yang's sight can only reach one or two meters ahead. In fact, not long ago, the turbid fog covered everything. The visibility in the thick fog was extremely low, and Xiao Yang had to move forward very carefully so as not to fall down.

"How can I know?" Huang Lin walked forward and said, "I haven't even passed the blood spring. The only certainty is that the bone peak is more difficult than the blood spring. I don't know how difficult it is.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a "clink" at Huang Lin's feet, and Huang Lin suddenly fell to the ground.

Xiao Yang was about to pull her, but just as he was about to lower himself, he suddenly stopped his movements.

The fog has dissipated. Full of the fog of the surrounding world, it disappeared clean in an instant. At this time, Xiao Yang saw the panorama under his feet and in front of him, and his eyes were straight.

Bone. Bones. All bones! From here to the top of the mountain, the road continues for more than two kilometers, covered with bones. Grey-white, yellow-brown, chicken bones, duck bones, mouse bones, cattle and sheep bones, and countless human bones! Bones piled up into mountains, building an extremely horrible world!

"This is...bone peak..."

Huang Lin, who got up from the pile of bones, muttered.

However, the horror has just begun. "Oh..." Those bones, as if suddenly had life, began to move.

The range of bone peaks is expanding. At first, it only covered a large pile of bones on the peaks in front of Xiao Yang and other three people, but now it swept down the mountain like a terrible plague. The pale and dark yellow bones inexplicably emerged from the ground and covered everything. The gray earth and rocks and green plants on the mountain were instantly covered by bones born out of thin air. The scene was like a dominoes turning over, but it was much more horrible than that.

And what's more frightening is that those bones begin to move. At first, it was just like the wind blowing them; but then it began to move as if there was life. Bones jumped high from the ground and began to rotate around the three of them.

"Oh! Oh! "Oh!" It seems that the hand drums of African blacks are ringing. Every sound hit the hearts of everyone, getting faster and faster. As the sound accelerated, the flight speed of those bones began to accelerate. Xiao Yang stretched out his hand desperately to remove the bones, but as soon as he opened a piece, a new bone would appear in front of him, completely blocking the gap left by the previous bone.

However, those bones did not completely seal the space around them. The three of them have no bones above their shoulders. It seems that they are deliberately set aside these positions for them so that they can have breathing space and a broad vision.

Xiao Yang climbed up the pile of bones with difficulty. At this time, the countless bones around him also came forward and were inseparable. The bones stepped on by Xiao Yang's feet sounded, as if they were laughing strangely and singing some obscure songs.

Xiao Yang suddenly stopped. It seems to be singing? No, that's undoubtedly a real song! Those incomprehensible syllables are getting higher and higher, as if they are evil songs of demons, and like the vicious curses of the witches who were executed by fire in the Middle Ages.

"Bones are dancing... rolling blood vessels... heart and oranges... flowing fire! In the crying moon and sun!" Clearly pronounced words appear in the high song, but the meaning of the whole lyrics is even more confusing and panicking. What does this inexplicable song represent? Is it prompting something? Or is it purely for scaring?

In addition, these bones have been flying around for a long time. Although they look quite horrible, they have not yet had any actual attack actions. Speaking of which, they feel similar to flies. At most, they are a little annoying. Of course, Xiao Yang dares not relax his vigilance; who knows if they will suddenly become terrible weapons? Xiao Yang has prepared for the worst. In case of any changes in these things, he will be ready to risk his life to deal with them.

"This song..." Huang Lin's face was sweating coldly, and the sweat wet her snow-white hair. The weird song is still singing loudly; the end of each lyrics has a variety of echoes, and at least thousands of different tones can be heard in harmony. The sound of the song came from all directions, as if there was an army of tens of millions of people lurking around everyone, and they all sang together.

"Die... Jump into the grave, jump in! Bury it in, burn it, and turn it into fertilizer! ..." The clear song pierced everyone's eardrums like a sword.

"Who! Who is there!" Lao Zhou suddenly roared in a certain direction. Xiao Yang looked over there when he heard the sound, but he didn't see anything. He asked Lao Zhou, "What's wrong?"

"Don't run!" Lao Zhou seemed to not hear Xiao Yang's words and suddenly chased him in the direction he had looked at earlier. Xiao Yang hurriedly called Lao Zhou to stop, but no matter how Xiao Yang shouted, Lao Zhou turned a deaf ear and kept running forward. Xiao Yang wanted to catch up with Lao Zhou, but he didn't take a few steps. Xiao Yang accidentally stepped into a big bone with a strange shape, his feet were stuck in it, and he couldn't pull it out for a while. Xiao Yang saw Lao Zhou disappear from his vision, but he couldn't do anything.

"Daw...what the hell is going on?" Xiao Yang roared angrily.

"Maybe it's hallucinations and visions." Huang Lin said, "His vitality is already very insufficient, and it is difficult to resist these things."

Lack of vitality? This..." Xiao Yangqi said, "I think he is in good spirits."

"That's your illusion. That guy has entered a period of qi decline and won't last long. Huang Lin spoke and briefly explained the meaning of "gas decline".

Entering the "undead" of the spring world, they will get the fate of "destined to die in the spring world". That is to say, the time they can "live" in the spring world is quite short, and their "life expectancy" in the spring world is limited. Once the life expectancy comes, welcoming them is an extremely tragic death. That kind of death method can even be said to be more horrible than the hundreds of millions of death reincarnations of Blood Spring Pass. This fixed life expectancy is generally divided into five stages: strong body, high heart, fate, qi decline, and living corpse. Generally, people in the strong period have similar abilities in all aspects as before, and they have plenty of energy to fight in the spring world and desperately find ways to leave here. During the high heart period, the ability has declined a lot, and it can be said that it is already unable to do it. And people in the fateful period are often completely desperate; qi failure is even more exhausted, and it is not far from death. As for the living corpse period, even his consciousness is basically blurred that he is about to disappear, and he can only wander around in this spring world until the day of his own death.

"The division of this period varies according to each person's physique. For example, I have just entered the high-heart period, so my physical fitness and vitality are not big problems, and these hallucinations and other things have not had much impact on me." Huang Lin said, "But that guy's situation is different. He has been holding on for too long, and his body has entered a period of qi decline. Basically, it can be said that he is hopeless.

After listening to Huang Lin's explanation, Xiao Yang felt awe of Lao Zhou. According to Huang Lin, ordinary people will accept their fate in the third stage, but Lao Zhou has reached the fourth stage but is still struggling desperately. Although Lao Zhou said that there is absolutely no hope that people in the spring world will die miserably, he has never given up the vague hope of escaping from the world.

"What an outstanding person." Xiao Yang whispered to himself, "I hope he can come back safely."

"Let's take care of ourselves first." Huang Lin said, "I have a bad feeling. Really terrible things are coming."

Less than half a minute later, the singing stopped. The horrible song like a ghost howling, as if it had been cut off by a knife, and suddenly it could not be heard. Almost at the same time, all the dancing bones also stopped suspended and landed directly on the ground.

In an instant, the whole world was silent. In the night dominated by infinite silence, no sound can be heard except the heartbeat of "dongdong".

Quiet. Deadly quiet. It always feels like something is about to come out.

Quiet, time is passing. One minute. Two minutes. Ten minutes. Twenty minutes...

Almost half an hour has passed. However, nothing happened.

" we...too much heart?" Xiao Yang finally couldn't stand the quiet atmosphere and asked Huang Lin.


Huang Lin was talking when her face suddenly changed greatly and she raised her hand to Xiao Yang. Countless bones flew up from the ground and surrounded Huang Lin's arms. Those bones formed two strangely shaped and extremely terrible mace sticks; Huang Lin waved the mace and smashed at Xiao Yang!

Xiao Yang hurriedly wanted to dodge the stick, but then he found that his body seemed to be pulled by countless threads and could not move at all. Seeing that the two big maces have reached Xiao Yang's head, he can't take any precautions...

The wheel of history. Pinglu Tang Army garrison camp. Liu Hao, the chief guard of Anfu, shook his head vigorously. Just now, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he didn't go far and felt weak all over. Now he is a little better.

At this time, it was very late, and only some light torches were lit in the camp; I couldn't see the road clearly. The man who came to save Liu Hao has been taking Liu Hao to the most remote place on the edge of the barracks. Thanks to this, neither of them has been found.

Not long after they left, the two walked to the edge of the handsome tent. Originally, you could enter a path from the right side of the handsome tent and slip out smoothly. Unexpectedly, the man suddenly pulled Liu Hao to the left.

"General, please take care of yourself!" Suddenly, a woman's voice came from the handsome tent.

Liu Hao couldn't stop after hearing this sound. The man who came to save him said, "What are you doing?" Hurry up and escape!"

"I..." Liu Hao hesitated, "I seem to hear the mother's voice..."

"Do you mean the red girl? ..." The man seemed to suddenly think of something, "Ah, by the way, today I saw several people secretly carry a box into the handsome tent, which is enough to hold a woman... Is it..."

While talking, I heard a voice from the account: "General, please don't force me! If you do this again, I can only defend my chastity with death!"

In the handsome account.

Hongluan is holding a pair of scissors at his neck, as if he was about to poke it down.

"Red girl, if you have something to discuss, don't do anything stupid!" Xiao Yang, who has the soul of Shi Siming, hurriedly shouted to Hongluan, "What do you say, I promise! In the future, I will definitely give you glory and wealth, so that you can't eat and wear it all your life!"

Hongluan smiled secretly, but said, "The little woman doesn't want anything!" Just ask the general to let the little woman live and let the little girl get out of here!"

" down the scissors first, we..."

In the middle of Xiao Yang's words, he suddenly fell down and couldn't wake up!

Hongluan originally performed well, but she didn't expect "Xiao Yang" to suddenly fall to the ground. She was also shocked and didn't know what to do for a while.

Spring world. Above the bone peak. A blood stain was scraped on Xiao Yang's head. But at least his life was saved. Just now, at the critical moment, his body suddenly moved and rolled to the side, so he dodged the blow of the two mace.

Xiao Yang was very surprised. His body can't move by itself at all. The dodge just now felt as if the body had been manipulated.

When he was surprised, the two-bone mace attacked him again. However, as before, Xiao Yang's body escaped the attack of the mace.

"This is the sky puppet line. My props. Using the sky puppet line, I can control other people's bodies at will, which is as convenient as operating a puppet. Huang Lin said, "Sorry, my body was manipulated by some irresistible force and I had to attack you. I can only use the special prop Tiantian puppet line to control your body, so as to protect you from being killed by me.

"Sne..." There was a crack in the sky, and the King of Equality came out of the crack.

"Officially entered the bone peak barrier challenge. The time limit is 12 hours, and the survivors at the end of the time limit will win. The King of Equality still said in that tone.

"...This bone peak pass seems to be very simple, and it sounds much easier than the blood spring pass." Xiao Yang was talking to himself, and Huang Lin's mace came again. Fortunately, Huang Lin used the sky puppet line to control Xiao Yang's body to dodge, so Xiao Yang was still safe.

"Additional instructions. Starting from the Bone Peak Pass, all your activities will affect your own body in the wheel of history. This will be for your teammates and calendar