Fruit Empire


Li Guangbi's calm declaration has unparalleled majesty. The fateful halberd flashed the brilliance of steel just behind that. That represents the determination to completely kill the enemy in front of us.

* Cut down in the direction of Li Bai. That's enough to split the war horse into countless pieces of meat.

However, Li Bai did not move, but looked at Li Guangbi and his * with eyes similar to pity, as if he had not taken his attack at all.

After half a minute, Li Bai's body was still safe and sound.

"...why!" Li Guangbi's calm look disappeared, "My slash... actually disappeared?"

"So that's it." Huang Lin, who watched the battle, suddenly realized, "This Li Bai's joining really helped us a lot."

"What's going on?" Xiao Yang asked.

"Li Bai is the most famous person in this era. In a sense, it is more famous than Tang Xuanzong or Yang Guifei. His destiny may not have the ability to communicate with heaven and earth, but one thing is almost certain. That is, he has a destiny not to be killed by anyone. Huang Lin said solemnly, "Li Bai, the largest poet in Chinese history. I don't think anyone has the right to kill him. Maybe it can be simply summed up as 'must be killed'.

Xiao Yang nodded. He understands. Li Bai is an extraordinary thing. His influence lasted until thousands of years later, all over the world. I'm afraid he is much more important to history than Tang Xuanzong. According to history, Li Bai still has decades to live. There should be no historical figure that can kill Li Bai at this time. Perhaps it is because of this that Li Guangbi's slash failed.

However, Li Guangbi on the opposite side did not understand this. Unbelieving evil, he sent out a slash again, but the slash failed again.

General. That's useless. You can't kill me. You can't kill me as a great poet. Li Bai held the long arrow and walked towards Li Guangbi step by step.

Archery! Shoot arrows for me! Shoot him!" Li Guangbi shouted in a somewhat lost state. When the archers heard his words, they all immediately pulled away their bows, and the arrow rain shot at Li Bai crazily.

But those arrows seemed to be all made of iron, and they had fallen heavily on the ground before touching Li Bai. Obviously, it is close at hand, but no arrow can hurt Li Bai.

"I said it was useless. This is my destiny." Unconsciously, Li Bai has arrived in front of Li Guangbi. He raised his sword and pointed directly at Li Guangbi: "General, please make way."

"Can't you kill you as a poet? Well, then I will kill you as a traitor!" Li Guangbi's face was almost twisted. The fate Xuanwu behind him suddenly changed, and metal-like thorns grew all over his body.

Li Bai showed a surprised look for the first time: "Your evolving?"

"I, Li Guangbi, vow to defend the country for the Tang Dynasty." Li Guangbi's expression was like King Kong. "Bet on all my strength, no, bet on the 100-year glory of the Tang Dynasty, and all the traitors will be killed here!" Any traitor must not step into Daming Palace! My best friend, give me strength."

Corresponding to the change of Xuanwu, the fate halberd is also changing at the same time. It was surrounded by red flames, reflecting Li Guangbi's whole body red.

Li Guangbi raised high again*. All the traitors will die under this knife. His eyes said this.

"This is my...last blow."

*, as if it weighed 10,000 catties.

"Dong..." That's the sound of something made of metal falling to the ground.

"..." The scene seemed to be dead. Of the two people who fought just now, only Li Bai was the only one holding the weapon in his hand. The one that just fell to the ground belongs to Li Guangbi*.

"...this...this..." Li Guangbi's face showed an extremely surprised look, " can it be possible! This is a scam, no, it's an illusion! I don't...don't believe it!"

There was a very deep sword wound in Li Guangbi's heart, but it did not shed much blood and did not seem to be fatal. Li Bai's thorn just now only made Li Guangbi lose his weapon and did not take his life. However, at this moment, Li Guangbi seems to have suffered a huge blow and has completely lost the momentum just now.

"...General, if you don't believe it at this point, you can only deceive yourself." Li Bai's voice was faint but powerful, "Look at Shi Siming and others... No, it should be said that the people who have Shi Simming's life and his companions. Now you should know who they are, and you should also know that what they just used in front of your eyes is not a demon.

Li Guangbi only looked at Xiao Yang and the others, and then lowered his head: "... You're right. These are all true. Here and in this world, we are all just worthless phantoms.

"Follow us to solve everything." Li Bai said, "Only in this way can we transcend history, and only in this way can we get rid of all the illusions in front of us."

"...hehe. I already know what you said." Li Guangbi's tone suddenly changed, "But I can't agree! I still have to kill you here! I am a general of the Tang Dynasty! Fight for my emperor and die for my emperor! This matter will not change even at the moment when the heavens and the earth are destroyed!"

With that, he had picked up the * on the ground and cut it desperately in the direction of Li Bai again. But Li Bai just closed his eyes and casually picked out a sword in the oblique thorn.

"Ha ha, you... or you won." Li Guangbi fell gently to the ground with regret and surprise. The two fate beasts behind him, Xuanwu and the halberd, were also broken like pieces of glass at the same time and disappeared in the air. At the same time, Xiao Yang's body trembled slightly. His right arm and feet have regained their mobility. Although the three heads of the fateful wolf behind him have not been reborn, the halberd that injured it has dissipated, so the impact on Xiao Yang has been automatically cleared.

Li Guangbi, who gambled on everything to fight with Li Bai, finally couldn't surpass Li Bai's fate and died in his hands.

Li Bai's sword is accurate and compassionate, which is really beautiful.

"General Li... See you again." Li Bai saluted Li Guangbi's body.

"General! You beast!" Kill you! Kill!" The thousands of archers brought by Li Guangbi all looked extremely angry when they saw the death of the general. There was even no command. They consciously shot bows and arrows at Li Bai.

Countless bows and arrows shot at his side. However, Li Bai didn't even raise his head.

There is no need to look up. The arrow can't shoot itself. On the contrary...

"Ah!" Why..." "It hurts, it hurts!" There were the screams of the archers. They screamed because many bows and arrows shot directly on them, causing them to die.

Li Bai is not wearing a bow and arrow. Xiaoyang and others are even less likely to carry bows and arrows. Therefore, it was the arrows they shot at Li Bai that shot through the bodies of these archers!

"Are they fools? Obviously, shooting like this will only kill you. Don't you know how to stop? Luo Ruzhi said with a little surprise.

In the eyes of the archers, all those arrows shot on Li Bai's body. However, from Xiao Yang's perspective, this is not the case. When those bows and arrows shot in front of Li Bai, they automatically disappeared as if they had encountered some special props, and then reappeared from behind the archers and became a sharp weapon to shoot themselves.

"It is impossible for even Li Guangbi to kill Li Bai. How can these stupid guys do it?" Huang Lin said, "If ordinary people who don't even have fate want to take action against Li Bai, they will definitely be hurt by their own attack. They were able to shoot arrows at Li Bai before. Although they could not touch Li Bai's body at all, this could only be done by Li Guangbi's fate. If you still shoot arrows at Li Bai now, you are simply looking for your own death.

Xiao Yang nodded gently. This is the truth. Li Bai is the most indeable person in this era. The strongest fate beasts may not be able to hurt Li Bai, let alone ordinary people.

But the archers didn't hear what they said. Seeing that the bow and arrow were invalid, the surviving generals immediately asked everyone to stop archery, pulled out their knives as weapons, and rushed to Li Bai. At this time, the soldiers in the previous field were also excited and picked up arms and surrounded Xiao Yang.

"Luo Ruzhi, gun!" Reina shouted at Luo Ruzhi. Luo Ruzhi then threw Uzi* back to Rena. A faint light flashed in Rena's hand, and the bomb bay on Uz* was full again. Then Reina fired a bullet. Although it did not have the previous *-like power, it still easily killed many soldiers who dared to surround them.

In another aspect, none of the archers who killed Li Bai with short knives succeeded. When they thought they had cut Li Bai, they would feel a short knife penetrating their chest the next moment. No matter who it is or how many times it has tried, there have been no other results.

Finally, there were no archers around Li Bai and the soldiers who surrounded Xiaoyang.

"Let's go." Xiao Yang led the crowd back to Li Bai.

"Oh." Li Bai suddenly pointed the sword in his hand at Xiao Yang. Luo Ruzhi was shocked and said, "What are you doing?"

"Don't panic. Mr. Li Bai has no malice. Xiao Yang stopped Luo Ruzhi's scream. If Li Bai, who has destiny, has the intention to kill Xiao Yang, Xiao Yang can immediately feel it.

"Haha!" Li Bai smiled brightly, "I just want to help your wolf."

While talking, more than 100 green lotus flew behind Li Bai and flew into Xiao Yang's mouth. However, this time, the fateful wolf did not temporarily dissipate because of eating the green lotus. Instead, it stopped struggling and howling and fell asleep peacefully. Then its body became only the size of its index finger and gently fell on Xiao Yang's shoulder.

"This thing even came to compete with me for a place." The black dream muttered in a low voice.

"Yo, you're still here. I haven't heard you make a sound. I thought you were scared and ran away. Xiao Yang laughed.

"No. I'm just thinking about something." Black Dream continued, "Maybe it's a very important thing. But I haven't figured it out yet. Besides, when Li Bai stood up just now, I knew that you were not in danger, so there was no need to remind you specifically.

Before Xiao Yang responded to the black dream, Li Bai's voice sounded: "After your wolf swallowed these green lotus, as long as you rest for a period of time, you will return to the best state. However, it will take about a quarter of an hour to fully recover, and then it will automatically wake up. This is the unique ability of my destiny. For my enemies, these green lotus are poisons; but for my comrades-in-arms, they are the best healing drugs.

"Thank you very much." Xiao Yang said sincerely, "Without sir, we may have died just now."

"Small things are not worth mentioning. I just want to thank you. Without you, even if I knew that everything here was illusory, I couldn't rush into the imperial city like this and kill the famous generals of the town as I did just now. Li Bai smiled and said, "Actually, I didn't plan to get blood in person just now. But now that it's like this, we can't go back."

"..." Xiao Yang did not reply. This kind of irreversible thing... He has seen too much.

"So, shall we take a break before we leave?" Huang Lin said, "No enemies have come yet. We still have enough time to take a break."

Xiao Yang's fate is not working for the time being. The sharp dagger in Rena's hand has changed back to its ordinary form, and the number has also changed back to a handful, which is a clear proof of the failure of fate. It is impossible to estimate how many enemies there are in the Daming Palace. If you enter the Daming Palace in this state, it will certainly be very unfavorable if you encounter the enemy.

However, Xiao Yang shook his head and rejected her offer: "There is no need for that. The enemy probably doesn't know where we are yet. The soldiers are noble and fast, let's talk about it in the advanced army. My wolf has not recovered, but we don't have to worry.

Xiao Yang turned his eyes to Li Bai as he spoke. Li Bai nodded understandingly: "If there is any chance, I will block it for you."

No one can kill Li Bai. Therefore, as long as he blocks it in a critical moment, Xiao Yang and others can ensure safety.

Xiao Yang saluted Li Bai and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Hehe. It doesn't have to be like this." Li Bai said righteously, "I have made up my mind to help you. It is also my duty to do my best."


Xiao Yang led everyone to rush into the Daming Palace. As soon as they entered Miyagi, many soldiers gathered around, shouting slogans such as killing traitors, and killing everyone.

Xiao Yang and others easily defeated these soldiers and kept moving forward. The disadvantage in the number of people is meaningless to Xiao Yang and others. Although the fateful wolf on Xiao Yang's body is still sleeping, the weapons they have are still unmatched by these ordinary ancients. Not to mention that among them, there is Li Bai, a powerful destiny owner.

However, what made Xiaoyang and the others feel a little strange is that these soldiers on the road are ordinary miscellaneous soldiers. Occasionally, one or two officers or soldiers with destiny stopped in front of them, and they soon couldn't get low gear and died. They did not encounter any effective resistance; not to mention a strong man at the level of Li Guangbi, not even a historical figure at the level of guard under An Lushan.

"It is possible that many people have been transferred to other doors as guards and don't have time to come back." Huang Lin analyzed, "We'd better be careful."

Xiao Yang asked Rena's opinion with his eyes, but the latter just shook his head, saying that he had no idea at present.

"It doesn't matter. Kill all the way, don't worry so much." This is the decision made by Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang led everyone all the way to kill the enemy and headed in the direction of the dragon's dragon. Although the situation in Miyagi seems likely to have traps, they don't care anymore. Chang'an City is a huge cage for them. This is the most correct way to directly beat the dragon cave and try your best to get rid of Tang Xuanzong now.

Crossing three palaces in a row, in front of them is the Hanyuan Hall when Tang Xuanzong went to office. The dragon head is on the top of the Hanyuan Hall. This time, there were still many miscellaneous soldiers coming to get in the way. Xiao Yang and others still killed them and quickly rushed to the main gate of Hanyuan Hall.

They fought continuously and finally rushed into the Hanyuan Hall with blood all over their body. This Hanyuan Hall is extremely large, but there is only one person standing in it. The man wore an ordinary Tang Dynasty official uniform and turned his back to Xiao Yang and others.

"Welcome to Hanyuan Hall." The man sensed Xiao Yang's existence and smiled with his back to them, "I'm sincerely welcoming you, my colleagues."

Xiao Yang immediately realized that this person was also a layman. However, when he was surprised, Reina suddenly said, "No, it smells like fire!" Where did it burn up?

"Ha ha. The sense of smell is very sharp. Unfortunately, it's too late." The other party smiled crazily, "You can bury this Daming Palace. Hahahaha!"

Behind Xiao Yang and others, the door of Hanyuan Hall. The raging fire started to burn. And not only the Hanyuan Hall, but all the buildings in the Daming Palace burned down.

"...the fire is burning! It made my eyes so uncomfortable. Huang Lin rubbed her eyes and said, "Run. Leave that madman alone."

"Don't panic. This guy is not afraid. The emperor must be right behind. It's not too late to kill the emperor first and then escape. Xiao Yang said.

First, the teleport gun is still useful, and second, there are people like Li Bai in the team. It's just a ignition. There's really nothing to be afraid of.

"Hahaha!" The other party laughed so much that it seemed that even tears flowed out. "Yes, yes, I really don't have to be afraid! I'm just an abandoned son in our team! However, it is absolutely impossible for you to escape from here! Besides, there is something even more funny! The emperor you want to kill is not here. Don't you think it's funny that you tried your best to come here to die?"

Xiao Yang frowned. Obviously, the position of the dragon head is here, so the emperor should be here. But the other party actually said that the emperor was not there?

"Bad! The emperor is really not here!" Huang Lin suddenly realized, "The so-called fate true dragon, if we get close to that kind of fate beast, our fate beast should react immediately!" But we don't feel this way!"

Xiao Yang's heart thumped. Huang Lin is right. Tang Xuanzong, he is really not here. No... No, maybe he is not even in this Daming Palace!

Although he knew that Tang Xuanzong was probably no longer here, Xiao Yang ordered everyone to search the Hanyuan Hall as soon as possible. They are fast