Fruit Empire


"The trap has to jump, and the conspiracy has to be realized. At present, the enemy is strong and I am weak. We must accept his conditions and wait for the opportunity. Su Feiqi didn't laugh anymore. "Wait patiently. When Jill comes back, it's time for us to turn the table.

" are so swaggering to discuss strategies?" Huang Lin said, "This is the enemy's territory..."

"Emperor Yan has a heavenly ear level of hearing, which can't hide it from him. Anyway, it doesn't matter if he listens. Su Feiqi continued to eat very demeanor.

"Alas..." Peng Fei sighed and then turned his eyes to Xiao Yang. "Brother Yang, you haven't said anything. You must have a better plan, right?"

Xiao Yang did not answer him. He looked outside and seemed to be distracted.

"...Brother Yang?" Peng Fei stretched out five fingers and shook in front of Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang came to his senses: "...I'm sorry. I was distracted just now.

Peng Fei asked: "Oh. What are you thinking about?"

"Ha ha. Nothing. It's just that Rena is not here. I'm a little... not used to it. Xiao Yang closed his eyes and said melancholy.


The next morning, everyone was transferred to the big room of Emperor Yan again. In the face of Emperor Yan's pressure, Xiao Yang replied that they accepted the conditions and were willing to fight against the Three Heavenly Emperors.

"Very good. You are still very knowledgeable." Emperor Yan said, "This is my secret order. Take it to Zhu Rong and let him fight. The Golden God will escort you to Zhu Rongxing Palace, so you don't have to worry about anything on the way.

With the voice of Emperor Yan, Xiao was red on both sides, as if parchment made of fire flew into Xiao Yang's arms. Then, the golden god appeared. He is about three meters tall and has a black snake in his left ear, spitting out letters quickly. And at his feet, there were two hornless dragons! The two dragons are about ten meters long and carry an upside down turtle shell on their backs. It looks like this is a car for everyone.

When everyone stepped on the dragon car, they rushed out of the big house and went to Zhu Rong's palace in the human world.

When the dragon car left the heavenly world, no one noticed that a red lily, only the size of a little finger, quietly fell on the scales of the dragon.

He drove the dragon and drove everyone away from the Yandi tribe in the heavenly world and went to the lower world. The dragon car suddenly accelerated after drilling into the clouds, and the scenery outside the dragon car also changed dramatically. The white clouds disappeared from the field of vision and were replaced by the endless red and black world. Except for a red and black sky with different shades, you can't see anything. How weird it looks.

"The scenery outside is really strange." Xiao Yang shouted, "Are we really walking towards the human world?"

"Don't worry. This is the cloud crack channel, also known as the road of God, which is the only way from the heavenly world to the human world. Only gods or mortals with artifacts can pass through the cloud split channel; if you don't enter the cloud split channel without the protection of my dragon car, your body will be smashed immediately. He took out a small cage from his arms, which contained an ordinary rabbit. When everyone wondered what he was going to do, they saw him throw the small cage into the air.

As soon as the small cage left the hand, it immediately twisted up like clothes put in the laundry bucket. In the blink of an eye, the cage and the rabbits inside were twisted countless times from all directions, twisted into debris that could not even be seen by the naked eye, floating in the air.

At this time, everyone finally understood the words of Emperor Yan. It's true that you can't leave the heaven without the help of God.

Looking at the extremely dangerous cloud split channel outside the dragon car, the atmosphere in the dragon car was a little heavy. They have understood. This seemingly free wheel of myth is by no means easier than any world I have ever experienced.

After about half an hour, everyone finally crossed the cloud rift channel and reached the human world. Not long after arriving at the human world, the dragon car has arrived outside Zhu Rong's palace. He asked everyone to wait for a moment, and he first made a palace announcement to Zhu Rong.

After the collection disappeared behind the gate of the palace, Huang Lin breathed a sigh of relief: "I was really worried that he would throw us directly into the cloud crack channel just now."

"What's there to worry about?" Su Feiqi smiled and said, "He won't throw us out. For Emperor Yan, we still have use value. If we use this, we can survive.

"It's strange... Why did Emperor Yan have to fight? Obviously, there is a huge gap between our power and the gods, and I'm afraid we can't even compare with the superior demons they are talking about. Peng Fei said, "And I have never figured out why Emperor Yan suddenly launched a war against Emperor Three Days? Previously, he seemed to be very reluctant to clash with other emperors. Could it be..."

"Think about when his transformation began. After knowing Jill's existence, Emperor Yan's performance was very different from before. We can only speculate that Jill's arrival at the wheel of mythology will bring a great turning point to the world. And our strength must have a special role..." Su Feiqi suddenly said, "Huh? Luo Ruzhi, behind you..."

Luo Ruzhi turned his head. Then he saw a clever little girl standing behind him, only as high as his waist. She is bare and only covered with some red silk. That's not...

"Female baby?" Everyone shouted out in shock. The first shock was why the girl suddenly became so small, and the second shock was why the girl appeared in this place.

"I sneaked out without telling my father. I want to play with you!" The girl jumped and said, "You are all so small, so I have become smaller so that I can play with you."

Luo Ruzhi rubbed her hair: "Good boy, go home quickly. There is nothing fun to follow us."

"No! No! I just want to play with you!" The girl acted coquettishly.

"Good girl, didn't your father not let you go out?" Huang Lin walked to the baby girl and said, "If you don't go back, aren't you afraid that your father will beat you?"

"Ah! Fish! That good fish!" The girl jumped up suddenly, and Huang Lin couldn't dodge. At that time, she was thrown to the ground by the girl. The girl's little hand touched Huang Lin's body: "Ah, it's not slippery, it's not fun! Become a fish, become a fish!"

" Let go of me!" Huang Lin blushed and wanted to get rid of the girl; but although the latter was small, her body was frighteningly heavy. Huang Lin couldn't move, let alone push the girl away.

"Sister, come and play with Sister Su." Su Feiqi smiled gently, and her body had turned into a thick fog, surrounding the girl.

"Ah, white, wet! I can't see anything..." The girl stood up from Huang Lin and walked around in the fog. As soon as she took two steps, she was grabbed by a pair of arms.

Su Feiqi recovered and picked up the girl. She picked up the girl and threw it into the sky, and then picked it up when she fell down. Su Feiqi threw it several times in a row, which made the girl happy.

However, when the girl was in high spirits, Su Feiqi suddenly stopped throwing it away. The girl was unhappy: "Throw it, throw it away!"

"Do you want to play with us, sister?" Su Feiqi suddenly asked.

"Yes, of course I do! Usually, no one plays with me..."

"That's good. Can you make it smaller now? The harvest will soon come out of Zhu Rongxing Palace. When he sees you, I'm afraid he will take you home, right? Then you can't play with us." Su Feiqi smiled.

"Good. I can only become so small, but the red lily can become smaller. The girl said and called out the red lily and sat in it by herself. Then, the red lily shrank into a red lily only the size of a little finger.

"That's good." The girl's voice became extremely low. Su Feiqi picked up the red refining lily and pinned it to her headdress: "Sister, wait a moment. When we open the collection, we will play with you then, okay?"

"Good! I have an appointment!" The girl said, "Then I'll go to bed first. Call me later."

Peng Fei asked, "What are you calculating?"

Su Feiqi smiled lightly: "Naturally, the more chips in your hand, the better. It will be useful one day."

The appearance of the girl swept away the heavy atmosphere in the team. Xiao Yang is the only one who still maintains a melancholy expression. It has been a day since I lost contact with Reina. Now she should have calmed down and gone back to the seaside to find herself, right? But now that she is here again, she can't find herself at all. Speaking of which, if Peng Fei had been asked to bury a shadow bug for Rena earlier, at least he could trace where she was. Now this wheel of myth is far more difficult than I thought, in case Reina really has something to do...

"Captain, let me tell you some good news." Su Feiqi noticed Xiao Yang's expression. She walked to Xiao Yang and said, "Write a few words under your dial, and you will get a surprise. That's the secret I explored alone last night.

Xiao Yang was stunned: "How many words do you write?"

"Hmm. Write like writing on a computer's handwriting board.

Xiao Yang was a little puzzled, but he still raised his finger: "What do you mean by writing?"

"First Chinese characters, human sky... right, then the English letter a, lowercase... right, then the Arabic numeral 9737, Roman numeral IX, OK, the last circle."

Xiao Yang finished writing those words on the watch according to Su Feiqi's instructions. But there was no vision.

"Are you kidding me? ...Huh?!"

After a three-second delay, an indescribable color light appeared from the strange watch. Those rays flashed in the air above the watch, eventually forming a 3D sphere with a radius of about one meter.

In this 3D sphere, there are mountains, trees and rivers. In a word, there is everything; you can even see the beaches they have been to and the Yandi tribe in the sky. Xiao Yang immediately understood that this was the 3D electronic map of the Wheel of Myth.

In the middle of the electronic map, you can see seven extremely tiny miniature figures shining brightly; Xiao Yang took a closer look and found that they were himself and other teammates here. The only strange thing is that the figure of the black dream is not in it.

There have been many problems with black dreams, and Xiao Yang is not surprised; he didn't think much, and then turned his eyes to the north on the electronic map.

In fact, except for the areas that people have been to, most of the areas on this electronic map are dark and nothing can be seen. However, in the vast darkness in the north, a tiny human figure can be seen. Xiao Yang immediately found out who she was.


"Yes. Seeing her human figure means that she is still alive. Su Feiqi laughed, "It's just that I don't know what she is doing. Of course, the location is basically known. As long as you look for it, you can definitely find it.

"Thank you, Su Feiqi!" Xiao Yang lost his voice with excitement, but then hesitated, "I..."

"Don't hesitate. Go find Rina. She is also a very important partner for us. Apologize to her after finding it. Then, bring her back and meet us." Su Feiqi said and looked at the others, "Everyone agrees with this suggestion."

"I agree! Brother Yang, go ahead." Peng Fei was the first to agree, "Just leave the matter of dealing with Zhu Rong to us."

Others also nodded in agreement. Black Dream said, "I'll take you there, and you will find someone soon."

"...thank you all." Xiao Yang felt warm and said, "I will definitely do it as soon as possible..."

As soon as the word Du said it, he only heard a "bang", but the door of Zhu Rongxing Palace opened! Yu Shu came out of that door and only said, "Zhu Rong God wants to see you. Go."

Before everyone replied, they suddenly felt an extremely strong suction from the front door! In an instant, all the people were directly sucked into the door! Then, the door closed tightly again with a crack!

Xiao Yang fell to the ground and rolled several times before standing up. The suction just now was so strong that people had nothing to say. In the process of being sucked in, he was blown by the gale that he couldn't open his eyes. Fortunately, it's finally over now.

Xiao Yang raised his eyes and looked around and saw that his teammates were all around, which made him a little relieved. But what's going on around here?

This is not a room at all. There is red flowing magma around, and you can't see anything else at all; it's like everyone has been put in the middle of the magma!

But what's more strange is that it's not hot around at all, and I can't feel that I'm in the magma at all. At this time, Xiao Yang found that the magma under his feet seemed to be separated from his feet by a transparent film, so the heat was also isolated.

"The Fallen! I have heard that Your Majesty will send you to give me an order!" An extremely rough voice sounded around, "But since you have come to my territory, you have to follow my rules. People who enter here for the first time must pass this test before they can see me! If you can't pass, you can die in it.

Xiao Yang has understood who is speaking. He shouted, "Zhu Rong!"

"Listen. The rules are as follows. At present, you are under my palace, in the lava at the bottom of Yanlong Mountain. Zhu Rong said, "Now the fireball cover is protecting you. But it is just a temporary ball cover, which will disappear automatically after a quarter of an hour. You can find a way to escape. As long as you can come out alive, you can see me. I'm waiting for you here. Come on! If you can really come alive!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yang felt that the temperature around him suddenly increased! The fireball cover is constantly melting! The test mentioned by Zhu Rong has begun!

Eight members of Xiaoyang's team were imprisoned in the lava, which was the "test" given to them by Huoshen Zhu Rong. Only through this "test" can we see Zhu Rong himself and complete his mission.

"Actually, we don't care about these magma at all, do we?" Peng Fei looked at Su Feiqi and said, "Prepare to use a long-range teleport gun and send us directly to the outside. If the direction is directly above, so that we don't have to worry about being buried in the stone.

"Wait a minute." Su Feiqi activated the electronic three-dimensional map on the watch. On it, you can see that the people are located at the bottom of a volcano. When everyone was sucked in, the space must have been transferred, but no one felt it.

Su Feiqi confirmed the scale of the electronic three-dimensional map, and then calculated the distance between the people and the nearest ground.

"Unfortunately, we are buried too deep. It is also more than ten kilometers away from the nearest ground. Su Feiqi shook her head and said, "There is no way to spread everyone out with a remote transmission gun."

"What bad luck. If only Tianxingyu hadn't been damaged in the undersea scene. Ultra-long-distance multi-body space transfer is the most useful now. Peng Fei frowned and thought hard, "As for other suitable props..."

"...I have the props, the generator in the cold field. Props that can make the surrounding area within ten meters close to absolute zero. Shuidan said excitedly.

Peng Fei was surprised: "Do you still keep that thing?"

"Well, although you asked me to throw it away, I feel sorry, so I still keep it. Isn't it useful now?" Shuidan proudly took out a metal stick like a band conductor and pressed the button on it. In an instant, a strong cold air spewed out from the metal rod. Those cold air invaded the magma next to the fireball cover, and those magma immediately turned black and began to become solid!

"Is it really useful?!" Peng Fei was also excited and looked at Ji Jinde and said, "When the water elixir solidifies the nearby lava, you release a peerless disaster, and I will immediately drag everyone out with the shadow demon god!"

Ji Jinde just nodded and said yes, Su Feiqi shook her head: "I can't do it..."

"What can't be done? As long as the magma is solidified, the peerless disaster can open a channel for us. At that time, I can..."

"Su Feiqi is right. I'm afraid we really can't do it." Xiao Yang said, "Look, the magma that has just been cured!"

Peng Fei looked over there and found that the lava that had just been solidified turned red again at this time! The thermal energy of the external magma is too high. With that cold field generator alone, it is impossible to condense the nearby magma into a solid! Shuidan was also extremely annoyed when he saw this, so he had to decadently withdraw the chill field generator.

"... Staff Officer Su has said that your stick is a toy and is useless at all." Ji Jinde laughed, "Are you stupid now?"

"I want you to take care of it! You are so powerful, why don't you take us out!" Ji Jinde of the Shuidan Dynasty stared, "Isn't there a transport mode in Megatron? Put me