Fruit Empire


"Why..." Xiao Yang questioned blankly.

However, Reina did not answer his question. There seemed to be countless words hidden in her eyes, but she still didn't say a word.

At this time, Xiao Yang noticed that there was actually standing next to Rena... The cypress that should have been swallowed! So...did you still fail just now?!

At this time, the reappearing Zhuan looked at Rena and asked puzzledly, "... Why did you come here, Miss Rena? You came to stab him again..."

"It's better for me to be happy." Rena put away the bone blade and inserted it into her back, which immediately sank into her body. The bone blade was originally pulled from the bone wing, so it can also be put back in this way.

" are so pitiful." Zhuan looked at Xiao Yang and sighed, "It's good to go back by yourself. As a result, not to mention losing my life, I was also hurt..."

"What are you doing, husband?" Rena's voice came.

"Husband?" I was shocked.

"Yes. I'm ready to accept your proposal." Reina said, "According to your custom, shouldn't I call you husband?"

"...ah? Ah! No, this should actually be called... Alas, of course it's okay! OK!" Zhuanxi fell from the sky and said incoherently, "We..."

"Then why are you still not leaving? Take me back quickly. Let's get ready for marriage. Rena said and glanced at Xiao Yang, "As for this person, I have pierced his heart. Don't worry about him, he will die. Just put him there. It's the last forgiveness I gave him before his death.

"...Okay." Zhuan nodded.

"Bear by the way, your big bird guards, monsters, and messy subordinates are all called for me. Don't miss one. I seldom saw these monsters and immortals before. I'm curious, so let me see them all.

"Well..." Zhuan's face looked embarrassed, "Some of them can't come back..."

"I know you have the means to formally summon them urgently." Rena looked at Zhuan and asked with some disappointment, "What's wrong? Don't you like it?"

"How dare I?" After laughing, he turned into a feather. He took the feather and read, "North Heaven Emperor's Order! All the gods and demons in the northern world obey their orders! Put down all the things in your hand and quickly gather in front of the Baoyuan Palace. Your queen will see you in the future! If you dare to delay and dare not come, you know the consequences yourself. I don't need to say more.

After reading it, Zhuan turned back to the appearance of a worry-free bird and smiled, "Come on, please."

Rina took the ride and flew to the top of Wangwu Mountain. Until she disappeared from Xiao Yang's sight, she did not look back at Xiao Yang again.

Xiao Yang lay on his back on the ground. The big hole in the chest has not stopped the bleeding yet.

Rina's stabbing is very accurate. The bone blade completely wiped Xiao Yang's heart. Although it caused strong bleeding, the blood vessel she stabbed was not an aorta.

In the sky, many strange monsters and gods flew over Xiao Yang's head.

"...The mortal lying below, don't I remember that Boss Zhuan wanted us to kill him before?" A monster's voice came from the head.

"What are you stupid about? Later, the boss himself officially ordered to go to Baoyuan Palace immediately!" Another monster said, "It must be subject to the official order, idiot. The one mentioned earlier is directly invalid."

"Oh, yes, yes. Hurry to Baoyuan Palace. It's not fun for the boss to lose his temper.

The two monsters quickly disappeared out of Xiao Yang's sight.

Xiao Yang stretched out his hand into the air and closed his eyes to feel the wooden spirit beside him. Many wooden spirits of ancient trees came and condensed around Xiao Yang, quickly treating the wounds on his body. Endless warmth spread to Xiao Yang's heart, but it was not because the wooden spirits of those ancient trees were very effective, but because of something else.

"I'm sorry." Rena's voice seemed to be still echoing in Xiao Yang's ears.

Is that so, Reina? You know very well that I can't defeat him now. Therefore, you would rather stab me by yourself to get me a chance to live.

I'm afraid he doesn't want to or have any special reason, so he won't kill me by himself. He is going to ask his gods or monsters to kill me. But you even expected this. Therefore, you agreed to his proposal and asked him to formally gather all his subordinates. In this way, it saved my life.

"Thank you." Xiao Yang whispered to himself. The life that Rina fought for should live well no matter what. No, how can it be enough to just live?

"Wait well. I won't hurt you, Rena." Xiao Yang vowed from the deepest part of his soul, "I will kill you and grab you!"

"Xiao Yang..." The voice of a black dream came not far away. Then, Black Dream came to Xiao Yang's side. The restoration of the human form shows that Black Dream's body has almost recovered.

Xiao Yang smiled bitterly: "Black dream, I failed..."

"I know." Hei Meng said, "There's nothing we can do. In the wheel of myth, God is an absolute existence. What's more, it's the Northern Emperor. This can't even be called a battle. It's just that you, the mortal descender, challenged the god beyond your ability, and you failed.

"Yes. I can't measure my strength." Xiao Yang smiled and said, "However, this is the only time. Next time, you must return a hundred times and a thousand times to him.

"Well... I hope you can succeed. However, we have to leave now for the time being. The black dream put Xiao Yang on his back, turned into a dragon shape, and went away from Wangwu Mountain.


Another aspect is in Zhu Rong's palace. After yesterday's dinner, Zhu Rong began to prepare for the crusade against the army. God's efficiency is extraordinary. It's just one night. All the people needed have been gathered, and weapons and magic weapons are ready.

In the guest room, that is, in the big cave, everyone was sitting around. Ruo, who was with Peng Fei last night, didn't know where she had gone by this time.

Su Feiqi looked at Peng Fei with a smile, which made Peng Fei feel uncomfortable all over.

"That was my fault. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry." Peng Fei blushed and said to Su Feiqi, "I really don't know..."

"What's wrong with this, vice captain? Being able to spend the spring night with the immortals is something that ordinary people can't dream of. Su Feiqi smiled and said, "I think you are quite competitive and amazing. You are a man."

"That's right." Ji Jinde also laughed and said, "Good job. Why can't I meet Uncle Ji with such a good thing?

"What a good thing! That woman seduced the vice captain!" Shuidan was very dissatisfied, "You are really the vice captain. What are you thinking about?" Why do you want to go with that kind of woman of unknown origin..."

Shuidan blushed as he spoke, and he really couldn't go on.

"What did you say? You should be happy for Peng Fei." Luo Ruzhi looked at Shuidan and said, "Isn't it that Ruo girl did what you wanted to do but didn't dare to do, so you feel unhappy?"

"What! I can't pretend I didn't hear it!" Shuidan got angry, "You men are all fucking hooligans!"

"All the way! Don't talk about it! I didn't mean to. Who told her to look so like a swallow? Peng Fei couldn't stand everyone continuing to hurt himself and said seriously, "Anyway, it's over. Don't talk about this. If it really spreads to Zhu Rong's ears, we will be in danger."

"That's right." Su Feiqi also restrained her smile and said a little harshly, "No one is allowed to mention this matter again."

In fact, Su Feiqi didn't even want these teammates to know about this. But later, when Ruo's daughter left, she deliberately woke up these people, and everyone knew it.

Everyone nodded. If the woman is Zhu Rong's fiancee, if Zhu Rong knows that she has been stained by Peng Fei, the consequences are really unimaginable.

"Yes, Su Feiqi." Peng Fei looked at Su Feiqi and said, "What on earth did you talk about with Ruonv?"

Su Feiqi smiled and said, "I sold you at a good price."

"What the hell are you kidding?"

"...Well, it's not a joke. Well, forget it, let's not talk about this. Tell me about the information I got from Ruon. Su Feiqi became serious, "I already know what kind of god exists in the wheel of mythology."

"What?" As soon as this came out, everyone was shocked.

"Don't be surprised. Wait for me to speak slowly." Su Feiqi took a deep breath, "Simply put, God is a person with a divine dignity."

"We also know this!" Peng Fei frowned, "Let's talk about the point."

"Don't worry. It's coming soon." Su Feiqi said, "The point is this god. In fact, most gods were born without divine dignity. The divine status is basically acquired the day after tomorrow. After possessing the divine nature, he really became a god and was completely different from other creatures. The most important point is that after having a divine deity, they will no longer be here.

"Here?" Peng Fei said, "What does this mean? On the ground? After having the divine status, will they ascend to heaven?

"It's indeed 'the ascension', but it's different from what you think. The 'heaven' referred to here is not the heavenly realm, but a higher place. That place is called the 'original of the gods'. Su Feiqi said, "The real bodies of all gods are in the original of the gods. The Zhu Rong, Emperor Yan and so on we are seeing now are just the projections of the real gods in the original of the gods, just illusory bodies!"

"B bastard, so it is!" Peng Fei said, "I finally understand."

"I understand, too." Ji Jinde said, "Simply put, what we see is just some shadows. So we can't kill God here anyway. Because God's body is not here at all! Even if we destroy their bodies, they can reproject new bodies from their bodies!"

"Uncle Ji, you have become smarter." Su Feiqi laughed and said, "To kill God in the wheel of myth, you must enter the original of the gods and kill the essence of God there!" On earth or in heaven, all gods can't be killed!"

Everyone was silent. The origin of the gods is another new place name. Only when you get there can you kill God. That is to say, if there is a conflict with God in the Wheel of Myth, they will be in an extremely unfavorable position these days.

"Wait." Luo Ruzhi suddenly thought of a question, "Emperor Yan said that we should kill Zhuan, but we obviously can't go to the original of the gods... Is he lying to us?"

"No...he doesn't seem to be lying. That arrow may reach the origin of the gods and directly damage the body. As soon as Su Feiqi said this, there was a sudden ** outside the cave.

"Report!" A mane-clad monster rushed in and said, "Master Zhu has invited Mr. Jiang to discuss the matter! Please go quickly!"

Peng Fei took everyone out, but the monster stopped the others: "Master Zhu only let Mr. Jiang go alone! Please wait here!"

Everyone in the cave was shocked. Has that... been exposed?

"Don't worry. I can go by myself. Stay well. Waiting for me to come back. If Brother Yang and Reina come back, let them wait for me. Peng Fei said and slapped Su Feiqi, and then walked out without looking back.

Peng Fei followed the monster to Zhu Rong's hall. Not long after walking forward in the cave, the road suddenly widened. The ground was originally cyan rock, but it gradually turned into red gravel in the front. This color is as irritable as Zhu Rong himself, with a dangerous atmosphere.

Less than five minutes on the road of the red gravel, the monster leading the way suddenly stopped. Peng Fei sensed something different and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Two hundred more steps ahead is Master Zhu's." The mane monster leading the way said, "Master Zhu doesn't allow the small ones to go in. The small ones will wait for Mr. Jiang here."

Peng Fei looked up. There is no Zhu Rong's hall here. There is a corner ahead, and maybe Zhu Rong's hall is there.

Do you go there alone... It looks like a trap, maybe just to take your own life.

Although this possibility is very high, Peng Fei still resolutely walked forward. In Xiao Yang's absence, he is the leader of this team. Go to Zhu Rong's place to meet him, which only the leader can do. Even if you know that you may be killed, you have to move forward. This is the courage commensurate with the leadership.

After turning the corner, Peng Fei saw an arch about five meters high. Inside the arch is a large hall, and you can't even see the whole picture inside from outside the arch.

Peng Fei went in.

"You came just in time!" I only heard a loud shout, as if to shake Peng Fei's ears away.

Peng Fei heard that it was Zhu Rong's voice, and his heart was cold for a moment. He stayed where he was and did not move forward.

"What, are you scared? Didn't you have a lot of guts last night? Haha!" Zhu Rong shouted loudly.

When Peng Fei heard this, he beat the drum in his heart and finished it secretly. He forced his composure and raised his head to look in the direction of Zhu Rong's voice: "Do you have guts? I don't know what Zhu Rong said..."

Peng Fei's words can't go on. It's nothing to hope, but this is a big deal. Zhu Rong sat leisurely in front of a large table that seemed to be composed of fossil animal bones, and behind him stood a beauty. Who is that beautiful eye, that beautiful eye, Ruo girl who was not tangled in the wind and rain last night?

"You little baby really have guts. That kind of wine is brewed by the god of wine. If you don't drink a small cup, you will get drunk. You drank 30 bowls at a young age. Although he got drunk later, he was really extraordinary... Huh, what are you looking at? Oh, look at her? Haha! This is the second daughter of Emperor Yan, named Ruo, who has a marriage contract with me. In the future, she will be Mrs. Vil! Look at the first-class beauty, right?!" Zhu Rong smiled and suddenly lowered his face. "I thought that when Emperor Yan was looking for a daughter, I suddenly fell in like her. How many people want to be Ruo's idea? Guess what happened to them later?

Peng Fei swallowed his saliva: "I can't guess. What's wrong with them?

"It's all turned into flying ash!" It was not Zhu Rong who spoke, but a man standing next to Zhu Rong. The man was so powerful that Peng Fei almost said, "It's not my fault!"

Fortunately, Peng Fei finally clenched his teeth and resisted the impulse not to move himself. He turned his eyes to the man. The man's body is as tall as Zhu Rong, but his body is made of blue water, and the more he looks at it, the more strange it becomes. He was less than five meters away from Zhu Rong, but the water that made up him was completely affected by Zhu Rong's flame body.

Peng Fei's heart is flinty, and this person is by no means an ordinary role! He couldn't help asking, " this god?"

"I won't change my name, and I won't change my surname." The big man stared at a pair of big eyes, "The Water God Works Together!"

Peng Fei was shocked to hear the name. This water god co-gong is also one of the famous gods in the Honghuang era and the son of the fire god Zhu Rong. Although it is strange that the Water God is the son of the Fire God, it is indeed passed down in mythology.

In the original myth, after the death of Shaohao, the Western Heavenly Emperor, the Water God led the Heavenly God Department to defeat the Northern Heavenly Emperor Zhuan and trapped him to death in the mountain of Buzhou.

Since then, the communist ambition has expanded, and they want to seize the hegemony of the heavenly world. Emperor Yan sent his father Zhu Rong to deal with him. Zhu Rong was powerful and killed the generals under Gonggong. The super monster Xiangliu fled and finally forced Gonggong to die. Gonggong was in despair and knocked down Bu Zhoushan, which is the cause of the famous story of Nuwa mending the sky.

Although Gonggong finally died at the hands of Zhu Rong, he also killed Zhu Yu and raised the anti-flag and dared to seize the hegemony of the heavenly world. His combat effectiveness is also first-class among the gods, and he must not be the enemy until a last resort.

Peng Fei turned his eyes to Gonggong's side again. In addition to Gonggong, many huge gods or monsters also stand in this hall. They are extremely strong and their eyes are extremely fierce.

"These are the gods under my uncle." Zhu Rong said, "There are too many people, and I don't have time to introduce them to you one by one. You can roughly remember the following names. Ying Zhao, Lu Wu, Fei Yu, Di Jiang, Qiongqi, Taoist..."

Zhu Rong muttered a series of names in a row, and the one who was read the name agreed with Peng Fei. Any of these names are famous gods or famous beasts of future generations, but Zhu Rongnian