Fruit Empire


made a shocking sound. At this time, Su Feiqi said to the black dream, "Accelerate and rush over, black dream!"

Black Dream nodded slightly. It began to jump in subspace, and after only one jump, it has reached the place where Xiao Yang disappeared.

"Wow...Wow..." Luo Ruzhi said with difficulty, "The specific location of the entrance is..."

The black dream drilled straight in one direction. It disappeared into the air with the two people on it.

At this time, Xiao Yang was in the dark road. Now he is not in the form of a dragon wolf. As soon as he entered through the entrance, his body turned into a human form again. Xiao Yang immediately wanted to use the Beast King to come again, but found that he could not use any skills!

"Is it really a trap... that's all. Let's go ahead first." Xiao Yang looked around. It was completely dark around and nothing could be seen. Even the faint fluorescence on the watch can't be seen at this time.

There is a real feeling under your feet. What building is this in? Xiao Yang thought so and raised his foot to move forward.

"Dong!" That's the sound of Xiao Yang's head hitting some hard object. Xiao Yang rubbed the painful head, and then stretched out his hand and touched it forward. Cold and rough, solid plane. It should be a wall. Xiao Yang then stretched out his hand to the rear. Sure enough, there are walls. And you can't touch anything in the left and right directions.

"The secret... is really in line with the original meaning of this word." Xiao Yang said to himself with a wry smile. Yes, this is not a building, but a narrow passage. Walking out of this passage, you may enter the Xuangu Heavenly Palace where Zhuan and Rena are located.

Then there is only one question left. To the left or to the right?

"Ah!" Xiao Yang suddenly shouted to the left. After shouting, Xiao Yang has determined the direction. On the left is a dead end. The right side is the right direction.

The principle is very simple. Xiao Yang's hearing is extraordinary, so he can judge the direction by echo. The echo on the left comes back the fastest, so it is very close to the wall on the left. And the echo on the right... No, the echo on the right did not come back at all. There must be an exit.

Xiao Yang turned his eyes to the right. There is no light there. Probably the exit is also dark, right? It is also possible that there is no export at all. Well, I don't care. Just go to the right.


Xuangu Tiangong. Main hall.

At this time, there are no more gods in the huge main hall, but the ground of the main hall is messy, and there are plates and bowls and other tableware scattered everywhere. No one came to clean up these things; of course, it's not because there are no servants in the palace. It's just that no servant dares to clean up this piece of thing now.

Zheng is sitting on a special dragon chair, and the anger in his eyes is almost burning. And Rena stood behind him. Of course, Rena is very clear about the reason for her anger.

Just an hour ago, the main hall was full of immortals and monsters under the chin. Each of them placed plates or bowls of different sizes with hot balls in front of them. After introducing Reina to the gods, he told the gods that everyone could start eating.

The gods began to eat and chew. Looking at their eating appearance, he clenched his teeth and trembled. He knows better than anyone what the monsters eat. It was a meatball made by slaughtering all his nine wives and forty-seven children. Zhuanqi never wants to do this. But this was Rena's request, and Rena said she would not marry him if she didn't do so. After a psychological struggle, he finally took action.

Rina looked at such a scene with no special expression on her face. She is not as happy as she imagined. The statement "personal hobby" is not completely correct. Although Reina did not reject this cruel scene, she did not propose this condition to Zhuanqi in order to appreciate this scene.

When Zhuan proposed to Rena, Rena thought that Zhuan just liked herself. In order to protect herself, Reina made such a cruel request. No one can make such a request. Even if Xiao Yang is in this position, it is absolutely impossible for him to accept this condition.

But when this request was first exported, Reina was a little regretful, thinking that in case...

As a result, Rena's worries became a reality, and the cruel tyrant really did what Rena said. Rena was a little touched. The emperor of the north is carefree. Is this tyrant's will to marry himself so resolute that he can't stop his determination to make such a request?

Of course, Reina doesn't regret it. Originally, she was not completely unprepared for this development. Of course, the atrocities of killing his wife and butcher are certainly worth taking advantage of. Although the entry point has not been found yet, but...

When I was thinking about it, there was a strong wind in front of the gate of the main hall. The monsters and gods in the hall were blown upside down one by one.

Yang also felt the wind. His face changed slightly and he shouted, "Qing Geng, are you here?"

"Yes. I'm coming." As the wind stopped, a monster outside the hall stepped in. Reina took a closer look at the monster's appearance and remembered that he was looking for the monster on the top of Wangwu Mountain. Although he called himself Qingxin at that time, maybe the pronunciation of the name was a little wrong.

"Who is he?" Rena asked.

"Oh. Han Yun's younger brother Qing Geng is a powerful monster. Zhuan replied.

Rina felt like a light in her heart. The younger brother of Han Yun, who has become a meatball...

Qing Geng walked into the main hall, and suddenly there was a thunderous noise in the hall.

"Green ploughing! His Majesty summoned the generals to return to his position. Why did you come so late?!" The tallest giant god in the hall roared at Qing Geng.

Qing Geng didn't look at the giant god at all, but looked at Zhuan and said, "Jingqi. I asked Qingxin to send a message for me and let you come here. There is something important to talk about. Why didn't you come?"

Rina's face changed slightly. You can get a lot of information from this sentence of Qing Geng. First of all, Reina's previous judgment was wrong. Although this Qinggeng looks exactly like the monster named Qingxin, in fact he is not the Qingxin.

Secondly, Qing Geng did not add any respectful name when he called Zhuanqi. You should know that none of the monsters here dare to do this. And judging from Qinggeng's tone, the relationship between him and Zhuanqi is not very good. In this way, the status of Qinggeng must be very detached.

Qing Geng asked Zhuan, but before he answered, the giant god said again, "What are you! How dare you be so rude to your majesty! If you don't accept the call, how dare you ask your majesty so much?

Qing Geng didn't do anything. The giant god's body was more than thousands of times larger than Qing Geng, but it seemed to have been hit by a fist bigger than his own body. He suddenly flew out of the hall and smashed a big hole on the ground outside. The rest of the gods and monsters laughed, but no one went to the trouble of Qinggeng like Chong.

I didn't receive your order because I had already thrown away the feathers of the order. A faint king like you won't have any serious orders at all. Qing Geng said, "It's very important for me to find you. It doesn't matter if you don't get it. I'll tell you right now, listen."

As soon as Qing Geng's words were said, there was another time** outside the main hall. Several tiger-striped ospins rushed into the hall.

"Report...Report! It's not a big deal!" The osmelts rushed in and shouted, "Wish... from the east... army... Rong... all..."

Zanqi shouted calmly, "Why are you panicking? Shut up, all of them."

The group of osprey immediately stood in a row, and no one spoke.

"... Stand up and speak, and don't talk about the rest." zhuan xu

As a result, before the big osprey birds came out to talk, Qing Geng flashed in front of them in an instant.

"Has Zhu Rong marched this way?" Qing Geng grabbed a big ossbird with one hand and asked it aggressively.

"...yes...yes!" The ospin replied in horror.

"Where is it?"

"Their former army has reached less than 100 miles in front of Wangwu Mountain and Taihang Mountain!" The big ospin seemed to be scared to wake up, but spoke fluently.

Qing Geng asked, "How many have you come?"

"Look at their size, I'm afraid it's the whole army! All the troops belonging to Zhu Rong are here! That is to say, 80% of Emperor Yan's whole army is here!"

"Won..." Green ploughed and let go of the big osprey, looked up at the owl and said, "Yan, look at what you idiot did! I don't know where to seduce women all day. What else can you do, idiot! What a ghost banquet? It's ridiculous! Zhu Rong led the department to invade. You are not even prepared for such a big thing! The powerful man Yu handed over the northern world to you. Is that how you govern the northern world?

In the face of Qinggeng's question, Zhuan actually listened so quietly and didn't even answer a word.

"No answer, right! OK, don't command either! Go and pick up your woman!" Qing Geng said and raised his hand. He had a pair of fish bones in his hand that he didn't know where to take them out. The fish bones are transparent and strangely shaped, as if they were made by man.

Qing Geng shouted with the fish bone, "Take good care of me. This is the order of the powerful people in Yu!"

"Ah..." The monsters in the main hall were shocked when they saw the sea god. Qing Geng sneered and said, "Do you want to try the power of this Nephan Order?"

The monsters looked at each other and shook their heads. Zhuan, standing in the middle, remained silent, but his fists were clenched tightly, and the hatred in his eyes was as sharp as a hidden knife.

"Gods, demons, all listen to the order!" Qing Geng said, "Next, listen to my command and go to fight against Zhu Rong's army!"

Those monsters all turned their eyes to Zhuan. Zhuan still didn't say a word. When the gods saw the situation, they saluted Qinggeng one after another, expressing their obedience to Qinggeng's dispatch. Qinggeng is really shrewd and capable, and the tasks are arranged in an orderly manner. The gods dispersed one after another, leaving only some leftover meat soup in the main hall.

Qing Geng also turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly he remembered something: "Zhe, listen. My sister doesn't care about you, but I'm not that generous. When this battle is over, I will call the powerful people of Yu. You look good! At that time, even if my sister plead for mercy, she couldn't save you!"

After saying that, the green ploughing went away.

Waiting for Qing Geng to leave, he stamped his feet fiercely. The whole Xuangu Heavenly Palace shook heavily, like an earthquake. Several servants hurriedly began to tidy up the main hall, but when they looked at them, their bodies immediately exploded like full of balloons.

At this time, the servants standing beside them trembled and no longer dared to tidy up the main hall.

He was still furious, and he sat on the special dragon chair, motionless like a stone statue.

"...Zanqi." Rena walked to Zhuan and said, "The Qing Geng just now, he was very arrogant."

"He relies on his little apprentice of Haishen Yuqiang, and has always paid no attention to me as the emperor of heaven." Zhuan said fiercely, "What a hateful boy; what kind of green onion do you think he is!"

Rina said, "Hai Shen Yuqiang? Who is that? It sounds like he is more powerful than you, the Northern Emperor.

"He is the founder of this northern world and my master. He has already retired and, in fact, he has no power. It's just that he is one of several creation-level gods. His divine power is extremely powerful, and his prestige in this northern heaven is also first-class. Zhuan said angrily, "These wall grasses that fell in the wind, they all turned to green ploughing when I didn't say anything. Obviously, I am the Emperor of the North Heaven!"

"You have no guts." Rena looked at the zhuan xu with contempt.

"Why am I seedless?" Zhuan said, "I even chopped his sister to make balls. I don't have the seed?"

"It's so funny." Rena hummed, "Are you going to chop your wife? After all, you only dare to violence against women and children who have no power to fight back, or the weak. Qinggeng is strong enough, so he scolds you, and you are so afraid that you don't even dare to fart.

"Who is afraid of green ploughing!" Zhuan stood up angrily, "If it hadn't been for my master Yu Qiang to support him, I would have done him with one hand!"

"Oh?" Rena sneered and said, "Now that Qing Geng is not here, do you dare to say this? What a shame. Besides, are you afraid of Qinggeng? Aren't you afraid of Yuqiang? After all, you just have no guts!"

"You...!" He swallowed half of his words and sat back on the dragon chair. "That's good. What do you think I should do before you think I have guts?"

"Simple. Call Qing Geng and fight him fairly, one-on-one. Rena said, "Get rid of him. Show your spirit as a man."

"It's not a problem to kill Qing Geng." Zhuo's eyes turned straight, "But if you annoy Haishen Yuqiang..."

"It disappoints me so much." Rena turned around and said, "Xiao Yang dares to challenge you, the emperor of the north, with a mortal body for me. You..."

"You woman!" In an instant, he arrived in front of Rena, staring round like the leopard's eyes at noon, "You are still thinking about that man!"

All the servants around them screamed and their blood vessels burst to death. Just the sense of majesty in this sentence made these servants' blood pressure soar and die!

The blood vessels on Rena's face also burst out as if they were about to explode, but she laughed: "You are really too lame. Unexpectedly, he is jealous of a dead mortal. You have low self-esteem. I can't even compare with a mortal. You are so inferior that you are about to cry, Emperor of the North!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhuan's anger dissipated in an instant.

He lowered his head and clenched his fist: "Yes, Reina, you're right. A mortal dares to challenge me. But I don't even dare to make Master angry! How many times can the master be better than me? I am the emperor of heaven in the north, the strongest in the north heaven, no, the strongest god in the heaven!"

Rina only groaned, "There are so many good things to say. Why don't you do it quickly?

"I see." Zhuanqi gently grabbed Rena, "I underestimate you too much, Reina. You are really a good woman."

"...Uh..." Reina felt the warmth from the Northern Heavenly Emperor and smiled ambiguously, "Thank you. No one has ever said that about me.


In the dark road. Xiao Yang kept groping and walking forward. Although it is dark here, the road is in good condition and the road is very smooth. And there were no obstacles on the road, and he walked very smoothly along the way.

But at this moment, Xiao Yang's hand suddenly touched something soft. That's a very strange touch, just like human skin... No, it should be like a baby's skin. However, the degree of softness makes people feel that it is...

Yo. Are you... interested in this place?"

In the darkness, a woman's voice sounded. The sound was as warm as a cup of hot tea in winter, and Xiao Yang felt that his heart was going to melt in this sound.

The darkness dissipated in an instant. In the endless light, Xiao Yang saw the woman standing in front of him.

"Huh?" Xiao Yang didn't know how to describe her appearance for a moment. Frankly speaking, she is about 28 or 29 years old, and she is not very beautiful. It can be said that she has a very ordinary face. Moreover, her upper body is humanoid, but her lower body is a snake; it is obviously not a human body.

But for some reason, Xiao Yang always has an impulse to jump into her arms and lie in her arms like an aggrieved child. I want to tell her. I want to tell her all my bitterness and all my pain. Just looking into her eyes, I feel that she can tolerate everything.

"...Hey, captain..." Suddenly, a familiar voice came from Xiao Yang behind him, "What the hell are you doing? If it's such a mess again, I'll report to Reina later.

Xiao Yang turned his head: "Su Feiqi? You..."

However, at this time, Su Feiqi suddenly showed an extremely stunned expression: " are... this place..."

Xiao Yang walked to the exit of the dark road and met a woman with a snake body. Su Feiqi, who chased Xiao Yang and also came to the dark road, also appeared behind Xiao Yang.

Su Feiqi shouted out in surprise as soon as she saw the woman. But then the woman smiled faintly: "I don't know what you misunderstood. However, I mostly