Fruit Empire


The upheaval of heaven and earth.

The surrounding sky turned gray-black and could no longer see any sunlight. The water of the North Sea on the zenith broke through the boundary between the North Sea and the North Heavenly Boundary and fell down to the top of Zhuanqi's head like a waterfall.

And in the space where Qinggeng is located, countless splits are born instantly and overlap at the same time. They raised the giant ao towards the waterfall-like current almost at the same time. With this action, countless huge moon wheels appeared in the water and fell quickly towards the top of the head.

Xiao Yang, who watched everything beside him, was stunned. The landing speed of the moon wheel is even more than the range that his third-order dynamic vision can capture. No, no, they are just as close to the subspace jump! However, the speed of this kind of subspace jump is many times faster than that of Black Dream, which is unbelievable!

Before he had time to dodge, the first moon wheel had reached his head. In an instant, his body was shattered by the moon wheel! Zhuan's body immediately appeared from another place, but the waterfall with countless moon rings appeared again on his head like an instant transfer, and another moon wheel to shatter his new body!

"Drink!" There was a long moan. His humanoid body became more than a hundred times taller in the blink of an eye, with a bird's head on each shoulder, four pairs of bird wings on each of his hands and legs, covered with feathers. But as soon as his body appeared, he was once again cut into minced meat by the pouring moon wheel!

Zanqi's body reappeared. But at this time, there were obvious scars on his body, and half of the bird's head on his shoulder was cut off!

"...I saw..." The black dream watching the battle not far away suddenly said.

Xiao Yangqi said, "What?"

"When he was attacked by the moon wheel, there was a strange gap in his body. That's the gap between dimensions! Behind the gap is a very strange dimension, and the dimension has basically reached ten!" Hei Meng said, "And, from that gap, you can see that there is a person who looks exactly like this Zhuan!"

Xiao Yang suddenly woke up: "That's the origin of the gods!" No wonder! Qing Geng's attack can reach his body through the projection of Zhuan!

"That means..." Luo Ruzhi's eyes lit up, "Our opportunity has come!"

"Hmm. Luo Ruzhi, Black Dream. Xiao Yang ordered, "Prepare to act as planned!" As soon as you see the opportunity, go out immediately!"

Luo Ruzhi nodded and quickly filled the Yuan ancient bow in his hand. And the black dream also turned into a dragon and recited Xiao Yang.

However, at this time, the situation changed again. It's like magic. The feathers on his body were all scattered around with a bang, and his body disappeared in the pile of scattered feathers!

Then, the pile of feathers flew to Qing Geng's side in an instant and surrounded him. Qinggeng's 300 million bodies were crushed and collapsed by almost infinite gravity at the same time!

"Haha!" The residue of green ploughing made the last laugh. The pile of residue seemed to be alive, spinning quickly beside the feathers, but surrounded all the feathers!

The waterfall filled with countless horrors of huge moon wheels moved directly above the feathers again. But at this time, the shape of the water changed again, and they turned into a huge water tornado to wrap feathers in it. Countless moon wheels jumped at a faster speed than before, flying around, vowing to tear all their feathers!

"It's now!" The black dream shouted.

Luo Ruzhi exuded a cyan light all over his body. He let go of the bow string of the ancient bow, and a cyan light arrow immediately appeared on the bow, flying straight to the water tornado!

As soon as the light arrow left the bow string, it immediately became bigger and bigger, and the light became more and more dazzling. However, just as it was about to encounter the water tornado, the water tornado suddenly burst!

The waterspowl containing countless moon rings cracked into a water mist in the air. The residues of green ploughing and all the moons of the sky and the sea seem to have never existed before; only the eyes are as blazing and scarred!

The blue arrow shot from the Yuan ancient bow reached Zhuan's chest, and half of it had penetrated into his chest! Zhuan grabbed the remaining half of the light arrow with one hand and violently broke it!

But at this moment, the black dream came out of the subspace and suddenly penetrated the chest of the dragonfly. Zhuo's chest has not been punched into a big hole, because the black dream and Xiao Yang on its back have disappeared in his chest!

Zhao's face showed an unprecedented constered look: "These mortals... actually entered the original of the gods?"

Xiao Yang suddenly opened his eyes. A strong wind swept through his ear. Under him, a black dream flying like black lightning. Is this...?

At the front and bottom is a plateau. On the top of the plateau stands a man as majestic as a mountain. The emperor of the north.

"You! ..." Zhuan's expression seemed to be electrocuted, "How dare you enter the field of the gods with a mortal body?"

Xiao Yang felt a chill all over his body, as cold as being thrown to the North Pole.

"Ha ha, I just came in." Xiao Yang resisted the cold smile and said, "Didn't I say that? I must kill you!"

"...that's impossible." Zhuan pointed to Xiao Yang and said, "That's all for you. Er?!"

Zhuan lowered his head in disbelief. A big hole appeared in his chest. Xiao Yang and Black Dream can no longer be seen in front of them. He turned around and found that Xiao Yang and Black Dream were far behind him. It turned out that the black dream carried Xiao Yang through his body!

"This is...what's going on? When..." Zhuan's expression was very stunned.

"Ah?!" It was Xiao Yang who also exclaimed. He didn't see clearly what had just happened. He only found that he was behind him in a flash!

"Black Dream?" Xiao Yang lowered his head and spoke to the black dream, but found that the black dream under him had changed. The black dream's body became blurred and chaotic. What the hell is this...

There is another flash in front of me. Xiao Yang immediately turned around. Behind him, the tall body like a mountain broke up like rotten mud.

At this time, in the Xuangu Heavenly Palace, Zhuan's body blurred like an image on a broken screen. He looked down at his hands and saw that his hands were double-shadowed.

"Really, I'm still going to die." He sat on the ground, turned his head and looked beside him, "Rena..."

Rina had come to his side at this time and looked at him with an almost cold look.

"In the end, you won, Reina." Zhuan stretched out his hand and stroked Reina's hair.

Rina did not resist, but asked a little surprisedly, "Why did I win?"

"Of course you won. You have won my heart, my life and your own freedom. Zhuan said calmly, "In the end, I still can't bear to bear you with stings like a rose. That's why I lost."

"...what?" Reina's pupils shrank, "Do you mean..."

"Ha ha. How could I not know? Although you are very smart, as the Emperor of the North Heaven, I am not a fool. I know you forced me to gather those monsters to save that man's life. I know that you asked me to kill my wife and children for another purpose. Later, I knew that your words angered Qinggeng, not so that I could cut the grass here, but to make Qinggeng and me fight hard. Zhuan said with a wry smile, "I know all this, Rena."

Rina stared at Zhuan, "Since everyone knows, why are you..."

"Ha ha, don't you understand?" A gentle light scattered in his already blurred eyes, "No matter what you want, I can only recognize it. There's nothing we can do. Because you."

Rina was speechless for a moment. This man's enthusiasm for himself seems to be far beyond his imagination. ...Eat me." Zhuan suddenly said such a sentence.


"I know you belong to the heavenly descent. If the descender eats the projection of God, he can inherit the power of this God. It may not be possible to inherit all of them, but it will definitely be useful to you. Zhuan looked at Rena, who was a little hesitant, and laughed, "Is it... are you afraid that this is a trap?"

"No. I believe in you." Reina took a deep breath, "Then I'll start eating."

Rina half squatted down and two bone wings bloomed on her back. The tip of countless sharp bone feathers automatically expanded the hole, just like a sharp straw. The two bone wings circled from the back to the front end, and the thousands of straws were inserted into the body of the cypress. Just like blood sucking, the parts of the body are continuously sucked into Reina's body.

"...Thank you, Miss Reina." The weaker and weaker looked at Rena, "Can you make worry-free and finally sing another song for you?"

Rina nodded.

"Worry-free son, sad in my heart. Jiu-jiu! The emperor of the North Heaven, how many beautiful are you? God envies you. jiuļ¼ Who knows the injury of the Emperor of Heaven? Leave the throne and travel around the world. Miss Rena fell from the sky. I will be haunted and worry-free from now on. jiujiu..."

The gentle and sad song echoed in Rena's ears. Rena looked at Zhuan's eyes and became softer and softer.

The blurred body is getting smaller and smaller. Those parts were absorbed by Reina.

"... sing the final song for Rena."

Yanqi's singing stopped.

"Papa" is Rena clapping. A smile appeared on his withered face: "Does it sound good?"

Rina smiled and said, "It sounds good."

"You laughed. You really smiled at me. It's like when we first met. Zhuan stretched out his hand to Reina, "Then can you... respond to my love?"

"I'm sorry." Reina shook her head, "I already have someone to love."

"Real, that's true." Zhuan lowered his head, "It's's really...a pity."

"I can't respond to you. But..." Rena stroked her chest solemnly, "Your love and your life have indeed been stored here. I won't forget it."

"...hehe, thank you. I'm... How happy..." The emperor of the north gently closed his eyes. His body has shrunk to the size of a baby in Reina's continuous absorption and is about to disappear.

Almost at the same time, the origin of the gods.

Zanqi's body keeps collapsing. Xiao Yang looked at the black dream under him: "What the hell is going on, black dream?"

The black dream did not answer.

"Ha...ha...ha!" A voice came from the remnants of the real body, " mortals. As a god, I still have to accept death... In the end, I laugh at mortals... Is it just such a humble existence after all..."

"Zanqi, you..."

The real body accelerated to collapse and collapsed into a pile of soil in an instant.


Xiao Yang was stunned. In front of him, a giant with his head above the sky and stepping on the earth appeared without warning.

The giant's eyes were like electricity and roared loudly: "The crime of killing the great gods in the field of the gods..."

Xiao Yang did not hear the words after the word "sin". Because the black dream suddenly rushed forward, the world beside Xiao Yang became dark.

When Xiao Yang opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was Rena's figure. It seems that he has returned to the Xuangu Heavenly Palace. But Rena is...

Rina is half squatting on the ground in a strange position, opening two bone wings. At the front end of the bone wing is the baby-sized and blurred emperor of the north.

"Rina!" Xiao Yang jumped off the back of the black dream and rushed towards Reina. There are still questions to ask Black Dream, but the most important thing now is obviously Reina.

Rina nodded slightly when she saw him. At this time, the blurred figure suddenly disappeared. Reina withdrew her bone wings and stood up.

Xiao Yang suddenly hugged Rena and felt the unique cold warmth on her body. He has thousands of words to say, but at this time he can't say anything, so he can only turn all the language into the power of hugging. As long as you feel the reality of Reina's existence like this, you don't need to say anything.

Rina hugged Xiao Yang more exhausted, as if she was going to crush him with her own strength.

Xiao Yang was almost suffocated by Rena's fierce embrace, and he couldn't help saying, " let go a little, okay? I can't stand it..."

"I won't let go. I won't let you die." On the contrary, Reina worked harder, "I'm afraid that I won't be able to find it back as soon as I let it go."

"No." Xiao Yang whispered in Reina's ear, "Because I can't live without you."



"I don't believe it."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Let me eat you."

"Ah?" Xiao Yang was still stunned. Rena smiled and let go of him. "Look at you so stupid. Who will eat you, idiot. I'm joking with you."

"Wow, it scared me." Xiao Yang rubbed his shoulders, "Such a horrible joke is in line with your style. I thought you were serious. But why did you suddenly make such a joke?

Rina put away her smile and said, "...I just ate it."

Xiao Yang was shocked: "What?"

Reina replied, "Well, in fact, it can't be completely eaten, but I absorbed all the essence of his projected body. That was voluntary, and he said that it would allow me to gain his strength.

Xiao Yang was stunned and said, "... Aren't you afraid that it's a trap?"

"No, it's not. I didn't miss it. It can be said that he died for me, and his last words are trustworthy. Although I haven't felt any improvement in strength so far. Reina smiled and pressed Xiao Yang's shoulders, "What, are you jealous? Well, that's good for me to eat you. I won't be polite to you."

"That's free." Xiao Yang waved his hand, "But I think..."

"Hey! What is that?" Luo Ruzhi's shout sounded behind the two, interrupting Xiao Yang's words.

Xiao Yang turned his head and saw that a one-height elliptical crystal suddenly appeared in the place where the cypress disappeared! I don't know how many sides the crystal has, and each side is shining brightly. There are so many colors of light that it can't be described in words.

Xiao Yang was surprised when a strong shock wave suddenly broke out beside him, and he and Reina were shocked dozens of meters away.

At the same time, a hand suddenly stretched out from the bottom of the crystal and held the crystal in his hand!

"Haha, I finally got it!" The person who appeared in the Xuangu Heavenly Palace with that hand turned out to be...

"Emperor Yan?" Xiao Yang frowned and said, "How can you..."

"Aha, you did a beautiful job. Thank you very much." Emperor Yan stared at the crystal in his hand, "You still have to fall into the hands of mortals in the end. In the end, is this thing still... huh?"

Emperor Yan's hand suddenly broke! The crystal fell from his hand, and just as Emperor Yan reacted and stretched out another hand to catch it, a hand covered with light scales suddenly grabbed the crystal.

"Nvwa...Mother?!" Emperor Yan's voice was very shocked, "You actually..."

What floated into the air was the famous snake-body woman Xiao Yang had seen. Xiao Yang felt awe of heart, and Su Feiqi guessed correctly that she was really the founding mother of human beings, the god Nuwa!

"Wow, Shennong. You already hold the key of the sky in the south, so why do you specifically pursue the key of the sky in the north? Nuwa stared at Emperor Yan, "Explain it to me."

Explanation? Lady Nuwa, do you want to explain to my widow? Emperor Yan was furious, "I want to explain it to you!" The battle of the emperor is a matter of heaven. What does it have to do with your founding gods? Now, hand over the key of heaven immediately! Otherwise..."

Nuwa's expression changed: "Otherwise? Otherwise, what will you do?"

Emperor Yan's eyes showed a frightening light: "Otherwise, don't blame me for not giving you this old

Dead face, come and grab it!"

Xiao Yang retreated in consters. The whole sky trembled. Emperor Yan's fighting spirit is real!

Ten minutes ago, the time turned to the place where the gods fought under the northern heaven. The terrible gravity field is still going on, and the monsters who can't withstand this supergravity are also dying. In addition to the gods and monsters, the mountains are cracking, the earth is roaring, and life is dying; a scene of the end.