Fruit Empire


Na interrupted Xiao Yang's words and stared straight at Xiao Yang with her bright eyes, "I ask you, do you feel happy now?"

Xiao Yang swallowed his saliva: "...what do you mean?"

"Answer my question quickly." Rina said.

"I..." As soon as Xiao Yang said, Reina freed her left hand to cover his mouth: "Don't be in a hurry to answer. Think about it first. Then answer me seriously. Are you happy now?

Xiao Yang was stunned. Happy...

The smiling faces of his brother and sister-in-law appeared in Xiao Yang's mind. The happy life with Reina these days is still vivid.

"...Yes, I'm really happy. Maybe there is nothing happier in this world. Xiao Yang answered truthfully.

"That's good." Reina seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "What you just saw is to hinder our happiness. Escape from it as if it doesn't exist. Then our happiness can last forever.

"...Hmm. I understand." Xiao Yang nodded and said. At this time, he felt something special in his heart beating, but it was not a feeling.

Rina's Ferrari wandered around the city, and the taxi behind didn't know where it was thrown and never caught up again.

"Let's go to my brother's house." Rena suddenly said gently, "I haven't talked to them face to face since we know that our child is about to give birth."


Ferrari quickly drove to Xiao Yue's home. Xiao Yue's wife Lu Xia is about to have a baby, so he asked for maternity leave and stayed at home. He will definitely find others when he goes to his house.


at the same time. The Volkswagen taxi is parked on the side of the road. Many police cars surrounded it. It turned out that someone called the police, and the taxi was stopped by the police car.

"You have been surrounded! Put down your weapons! Negative resistance will only destroy itself!" The police shouted at the taxi with loudspeakers.

Luo Ruzhi got out of the police car with the gun in his left hand holding the driver.

" Let go of the hostages!" The police shouted again.

"You make way for me." Luo Ruzhi calmly raised his gun, "Otherwise, the hostage's life will not be saved."

The current time is displayed on a station sign in front of it. 1:40.

At this time, Luo Ruzhi's mood is much more anxious than his expression. The right hand is almost unusable. Although the two legs can barely move, the function of the body has reached the lowest point. According to Su Feiqi, she has only 40 minutes left. But now, not to mention waking up Xiao Yang, I haven't even seen him. Bastard, how can it go on like this!

"Don't be impulsive! If you have any requirements, please let us know first. We will consider it!" The police negotiator didn't know when he appeared in front of him and said to Luo Ruzhi.

"Okay. My request is very simple. Luo Ruzhi said calmly, " Get the broadcasting equipment immediately so that all the loudspeakers in the city can play my voice."

"..." Several negotiators looked at each other. They have never heard of gangsters make such a request.

A policeman came up and said, "Is it possible that he wants to say what was buried* in the city to seduce all the citizens?"

"There is such a possibility..." The negotiators exchanged eyes with each other. Under such circumstances, of course, Luo Ruzhi should not be allowed to spread panic in the city. As for how to deal with this situation, they naturally have a way.

"We are now considering it." After a few phone calls from the negotiators, the leading negotiators said, "I'll give you a reply right away. Just a moment."

"What were you discussing just now? Bastards." Luo Ruzhi grinned and said, "Shouldn't you pretend to agree to my request first, and then tell me that it will take time to prepare the equipment and take the opportunity to arrange the sniper or something?"

The negotiation experts were stunned.

At this time, a policeman ran over from behind and said breathlessly, "It's not good! We still need time to prepare the equipment. Tell him first..."

"Hahaha! As expected." Luo Ruzhi stopped with a smile, "Forget it, just change the conditions. You can contact someone for me. He is a policeman and his name is Xiao Yang. A foreign woman named Reina often follows him.

The negotiators discussed for a while and agreed to Luo Ruzhi's request. Soon Xiao Yang's phone number was found, but the number was disconnected as soon as it was connected.

At this time, Xiao Yang and Reina's Ferrari had stopped in front of Xiao Yang's brother Xiao Yue's house. Xiao Yang put the turned off mobile phone in his hand on the back seat of Ferrari, got out of the car and walked to his brother's house.

There is no need to take the mobile phone. Nowadays, it is just a stumbling block for me to continue to be happy.

Unable to connect to Xiao Yang's mobile phone made Luo Ruzhi feel upset. He continued to urge the negotiators to find Xiao Yang.

In fact, it is not safe to contact Xiao Yang with a mobile phone. The best way is to talk to Xiao Yang face to face. But according to the current situation, it is really difficult to do this.

"Bum!" The sound of gunfire like an explosion. Luo Ruzhi felt a dull pain on his shoulder. Blood like a blowout...what? Is it a sniper? Bastard... How could he be a sniper... Obviously, he still used a gun against the hostage... Huh?

It was not until this time that Luo Ruzhi found that his left hand had hung down just now. The collapse of the body came faster than he thought. Luo Ruzhi finally understood that it was because the gun in his left hand was no longer against the driver that the police sniper hit him.

"Bum!" Another shot. This time, he hit Luo Ruzhi's knee from behind, and his body couldn't support it and was about to collapse.

"...The sniper is not accurate at all, it's too bad..." Luo Ruzhi muttered there, and his body fell to the ground. Uzi* in his left hand had already fallen to the ground.

Luo Ruzhi, who fell to the ground, opened his eyes wide. Wait... How can I have this gun? Obviously, there were no props when I first entered the kingdom of heaven. By the way, I remember it was at that time... When I wanted to take out the gun to force the driver to drive, I unconsciously took out the gun.

Unstoppable blood flowed out of Luo Ruzhi's body. But at this time, he felt that his mind became clearer and clearer. Speaking of which, Su Feiqi said that this heavenly world can realize people's wishes. So this gun can be taken out, mostly because I subconsciously wanted to use this gun at that time.

I can't die. I want to see the captain. At least, let me die after I see him! Luo Ruzhi, who was about to lose consciousness, said desperately in his heart.

Luo Ruzhi's eyelids closed involuntarily. Damn thing... In the end, even such a small wish can't be realized...


Xiao Yang and Rena are at Xiao Yue's home. Xiao Yang and his brother Xiao Yue chatted, and his sister-in-law Lu Xia was pulling Rina to ask questions. Lu Xia was very happy that Rena was pregnant, even happier than having a child herself. Rena behaved very gently in front of Lu Xia. Lu Xia liked this sister-in-law so much that she even recognized each other's sisters.

Xiao Yang looked at his brother, sister-in-law and Rena. Now the family of four is very happy. Xiao Yang couldn't help smiling. Rena is right, this is really very happy. Such a happy life really has nothing else to ask for.

A strange emotion suddenly surged in Xiao Yang's heart. It feels like it's so disgusting that it's about to spit out. Xiao Yang was a little stunned. Obviously, it is such a happiness. Why do you suddenly feel this way?

"...Captain!" An exclamation sounded in Xiao Yang's ear. Xiao Yang turned her head, and the first thing she saw was Rena's distorted expression because of anger and shock. Then he saw Luo Ruzhi, who was not far away, lying on the ground and covered with blood.

"Luo Ruzhi!" Xiao Yang immediately stood up and walked towards Luo Ruzhi, but Rena suddenly grabbed him: "Don't go. That's the devil that prevents you from getting happiness!"

"The devil...? Ha ha..." Luo Ruzhi stared at Xiao Yang, "Huh... Captain... I don't have much time to come here. Believe it or not, listen to me first..."

Xiao Yang hesitated. Rena suddenly blocked his ear: "Don't listen! Hearing his words, your happy world is over!"

"Ah! That man is..." Xiao Yang's brother Xiao Yue also found Luo Ruzhi at this time. He stood up in surprise, "I'd better call 120."

Rina shouted, "Don't do anything, brother!"


Rina's voice was like an order: "Don't do anything!"

"Okay..." Xiao Yue sat back again. Xiao Yang was surprised: "Brother..."

Xiao Yue lowered his head, as if he didn't hear Xiao Yang's words.

"See... Your brother and sister-in-law are all fake! They are just an illusion transformed by your thoughts! The same is true of the kingdom itself!" Luo Ruzhi shouted, "Your so-called happy world is just deceiving yourself, captain!"

"Don't listen to him!" Rena said anxiously, "He is the one who is cheating on you!" He wants to** you to come out of this happy kingdom!"

Xiao Yang gritted her teeth and closed her eyes and said nothing. The expression on his face is not rich, but now he is very shaken, and the psychological struggle is as fierce as if the sea meets a flame.

"That's right. Maybe we are not really real people. Xiao Yang's sister-in-law Lu Xia smiled and said, "We have realized this ourselves. Although I don't know who and how they made us, that's probably the case. But Heng, our feelings for you are no different from your real brother and sister-in-law. This is your home and your place.

Xiao Yang opened his eyes and looked at his sister-in-law. He didn't expect his sister-in-law to say such a thing. My brother and sister-in-law may have been created by the hell world by their own thoughts. In fact, he is also aware of this. But he never thought that the two brothers and sisters-in-law who were made also had real-life thinking ability. In this way, it doesn't matter if you treat them as real people... The kingdom you live in can still be very happy...

"Xiao Yang..." Luo Ruzhi shouted Xiao Yang's name desperately. As a mercenary, he had almost never shouted like this since he determined that Xiao Yang was the captain, but now he shouted like this.

"Luo Ruzhi!" At this time, Rena still wanted to hold Xiao Yang, but Xiao Yang suddenly pushed him away and quickly walked to Luo Ruzhi. At this time, Luo Ruzhi's physical condition was so bad that he couldn't even move his mouth. Although his wish to see Xiao Yang was realized with his strong will, he could not violate the law and heal his wounds.

Xiao Yang looked at Luo Ruzhi's devastated body and hurriedly wanted to call an ambulance for him, but Luo Ruzhi shook his head and said, "It's useless... And I don't care what to do. I'm already dead. But the captain... They are all waiting for you... Real, still alive Peng Fei and others, they are in purgatory... very dangerous... Go quickly... help them!"

Xiao Yang didn't know what to say: "...I..."

"Xiao Yang! Wake me up! I said don't listen to him!" At this time, Rina took out a dagger from somewhere and walked towards Luo Ruzhi. She also said, "Xiao Yang, close your eyes. I will immediately shatter this false illusion and let you understand what our reality is.

"...hehe. Is it false... Reina! Don't stick to this false happiness! True happiness can be achieved with your hands!" Luo Ruzhi said this, and then looked at Xiao Yang and said, "I can't do it anymore. How to choose is up to you.

Luo Ruzhi's body faded like a phantom and was about to disappear into the air.

Xiao Yang said, "Luo Ruzhi... What is your greatest wish?"

"Huh? If there is... that's Ena... I really hope she can be happy..." As soon as Luo Ruzhi's voice fell, his body had dissipated in the air, and even the blood disappeared.

"I told you he was fake." Reina withdrew the dagger and breathed a sigh of relief, "Xiao Yang, forget all this. Let's continue our happy life... huh?"

"Rina." Xiao Yang looked at Rena, "Do you love me?"

Rina was shocked, but then blushed and said, "Do you have to say this kind of thing, you bastard."

"Rina." Xiao Yang stretched out his hand to Reina, "Since you love me, come and help me. This is something that only you, my favorite, can do.

"Huh?" Rena was stunned, but she unconsciously stretched out her hand towards Xiao Yang's hand. Xiao Yang suddenly took her hand and held her in his arms.

"Brother. Sister-in-law. Xiao Yang turned his head to look at his brother and sister-in-law and whispered, "I'm really happy to see you again. But now I have to say good-e. Goodbye."

Brother and sister-in-law laughed at the same time: "Hmm. Goodbye, Heng. Also, our gentle sister-in-law, Miss Reina. In the future, meet us again in a beautiful dream.

Rina was stunned: "Wait, Xiao Yang, you are..."

Xiao Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he roared loudly, "Let's end this false kingdom."

Everything around is fixed, like a realistic painting.

Xiao Yang opened his eyes again, and the edges of his eyes became slightly moist.

"Smile!" Like the sound of broken glass. Xiao Yang's brother and sister-in-law were also smashed like fragile glass windows and scattered around. Then the room was smashed, and then the sky. Everything in the kingdom of heaven collapsed because of Xiao Yang's denial.

"Alas..." Su Feiqi looked at the broken world around her, "... she really did this. This stupid captain is tough enough.

Next to her, her original boyfriend still existed and did not break into dust. He looked around in surprise and seemed unable to understand what was happening in front of him.

Su Feiqi looked into the distance. A black and red color appeared in the broken sky. That is all the real faces in the kingdom of heaven after the brokenness of the kingdom of missing.

"Qiqi...what the hell..." Su Feiqi's boyfriend shouted in surprise.

Well. It doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm used to it." Su Feiqi smiled at her boyfriend and said, "That's enough. I don't want to see you again."

As soon as the words fell, her boyfriend's body had dispersed and turned into a stardust in the air.

The glory of heaven has dissipated. When everything was broken, a large area of black and red appeared in front of Xiao Yang's eyes. There is no sky and no earth, and everything is just a black and red void.

Xiao Yang looked into the distance. His proud vision has been restored, and the scene dozens of kilometers away is clearly reflected in his eyes. To be honest, the scope of heaven is much smaller than expected, and the black-red void is only a few dozen kilometers; has the dreamlike life in the past few months all happened within these dozens of kilometers?

And dozens of kilometers away, you can see something different. Brown cloud-like blocks surround everything in heaven, and they fly down like waterfalls.

"What is that?" Xiao Yang asked Rena next to him. Reina stared at him angrily: "I don't know!"

Xiao Yang stared at Reina's pupils: "Don't be angry again. That kind of heaven is not our real happiness. You should understand this."

"I know. But..." Rena put her hand on her abdomen and said in a low mood, "No... The child is gone..."

"I promise you that there will be a lot in the future." Xiao Yang hugged Rena and tried his best to pass on his body temperature to her. "But now, let's break through this damn hell first."

"Hi." There was a long-lost sound in my ear. Xiao Yang turned his head and said, "Su Feiqi?"

"It's me." Su Feiqi sighed, "What a pity. The hard-won kingdom of heaven disappeared because of your denial.

"That kind of building is in me