Fruit Empire


is also much better."

"So it is." Su Feiqi smiled and said, "Then let's talk about the 108 Yuanling of hell. If I'm not mistaken, they are the existence inside the 'hell' of super-dimensional creatures. It has nothing to do with human imagination, the original hell creatures.

"Sure enough, you are still smart, Miss Su." Jill nodded and said, "Yes, the 108th spirit of hell is a product of hell itself, and it has nothing to do with the huge hell world built by human imagination. It's just that some spirits are sealed in the hell world, and they are experiencing reincarnation just like us. But if anyone threatens hell, these guys may wake up and chase those people. Their dimension is similar to that of the sages, and their power level surpasses all the creations of human imagination in the hell world. It's not too much to call them the strongest guards in hell.

Peng Fei said, "Uh," is it equivalent to white blood cells?"

"It's very similar, but not exactly the same. We have always believed that hell itself has no will; but if we have to say that it also has self-consciousness, then the 108th spirit of hell is the basis of its will. These 108 spirits are all self-conscious beings, which can be said to be the split of hell's will. Of course, their self-consciousness is very difficult to understand, which is not something that can be measured by human common sense.

"Okay, you should ask everything." Xiao Yang said, "Gill, there is a very important question now. If you really become a sage, can you still maintain self-awareness? I always remember that the former sage Yan Xiangyu had no sense of being a sage at all.

"..." Hearing this question, Jill's split fell silent. But just as Xiao Yang wanted to continue to ask, she said, "Yes. It can be retained for at least 30 minutes. This time is enough for me to completely cut off all the connections between the hell world and the world.

"...In this case, in case we can't go back, you..."

"Brother Yang!" Peng Fei suddenly interrupted Xiao Yang's words, "Look up! Look!"

Xiao Yang looked up at the ceiling at the top of the tower. He immediately widened his eyes. This?! ......

The tower on the other side is a passageway between the world and hell, so the scene of the world can be seen from the top of the tower. Originally, this was a very normal phenomenon, but at this time, the scene they saw in the world was much beyond their expectations.

Judging from the architectural style shown on the top of the tower, the exit of the tower on the other side should be in Thailand. The special style of Thai Buddhist temples is displayed in front of everyone. The Buddhist temple is gorgeous and tall, the incense in front of the temple is flourishing, and there are many tourists... But this is only the situation before that moment. Just now, a crack in space was cut in the world's sky, and an alien flying saucer about the size of a fighter swarmed out of the air. When the alien flying saucer first appeared, some people took out their cameras and took pictures excitedly, but then the flying saucer attacked the crowd on the ground. In just one hundredth of a second, hundreds of kilometers of cities were razed to the ground. All the buildings were smashed, and the all-round inhumane massacre could be said to have ended at the beginning. There is no living creature on the ground, not even a dead body, because they are all boneless under the rays of the flying saucer.

"The prototype is probably the flying saucer in Independence Day. But the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, just like that. Su Feiqi judged, "This flying saucer is something that has evolved on the basis of the original."

Xiao Yang looked at Jill: "...what's going on? That's obviously something that exists in hell! Why does it appear in this world?

"I'm sorry. After I used a specific virus to infect Yan Xiangyu, the system of the hell game began to collapse, and the 'dark door' that unconditionally leads to the world grew at a geometric rate. Jill's split explained, "It is precisely because of this that those creatures in hell have also entered the world through the 'Chang Dark Gate', which has affected the world to a certain extent."

"...wait, wait." Peng Fei said, "'Chang Dark Gate'? Do you think this is a door that can lead to the world unconditionally? Then why don't you just send us directly to the 'Gate of Dark' now?"

Although it may succeed, it is too dangerous. The hell system is collapsing, and now all the dark doors are in an unstable state. If you enter those dark doors, you are likely to be swallowed up by the violent dimensional whirlpool. Jill said, "You are irreplaceable companions to me. I don't want you to take this risk."

Rina said at this time, "So according to what you mean, can we only watch now?"

"Please wait quietly. When I finish assimilation of Yan Xiangyu, I will immediately start to open the door of a safe world for everyone. Jill said, "At that time, although the creatures from hell in this world can't return to hell, the dark door will be all closed, and there will be no new hell creatures in the world. You should be able to easily clean up those eye-catching things when you go back, and then you can enjoy your peaceful and beautiful life at ease.

"...beautiful life..." As Rena read this word, she pressed Xiao Yang's shoulder fiercely. "We have already had a beautiful life! It's all your fault! I can't wait to eat you now! Don't think I'm kidding! I'm so angry that my stomach hurts. It's hard not to fill in anything!"

"Hey, let's be realistic." Xiao Yang smiled bitterly, "Can't you figure it out now? The world of heaven is purely illusory, and the happiness we pursue is not there at all.

"I know what you said..." Reina relaxed the strength of her hand, lowered her voice, and her eyes seemed a little trance. "But where is our real happiness? My requirements are very low, and a life like in heaven is enough. But we don't seem to have this opportunity anymore.

" come?" Xiao Yang also patted Rena on the back, "Such a depressed and soft look is not like you at all. Hurry up and spread your bone wings, and say murderously, 'We will be happy! Whoever dares to stop us, kill us directly!' This is your Rena's style."

Rina regained her spirits a little: "I also want to vent like this. It's just that I really have a bad feeling now. We may... die."

Hearing Rena's words, Xiao Yang was stunned for a moment, but then he laughed: "What nonsense?" We are fine after so many ups and downs. This time it will be as safe as before. Trust me."

Su Feiqi has been staring at Reina since just now. As if she remembered something, she turned to Jill and asked, "Gill. I still feel a little strange. You say that you are a container of heroes born from human imagination, so it doesn't matter if you would rather sacrifice yourself for human beings. Although I can understand this, Renee seems to be the same as you, right? Why didn't she act like you?"

"...This is probably because she didn't know the knowledge of the survivors." Jill affirmed, "As long as she receives all the knowledge about hell, she will be like me."

Is that right? I don't believe it. Pass on your knowledge and give it to me to have a try." Rena suddenly said this.

Xiao Yang quickly grabbed her: "Rina! Don't be angry!"

"Yes, don't be angry. If you accept all this like me, you will not be able to turn back like me. Jill said, "At that time, you will give up the opportunity to return to the present world and choose to guard this hell with me."

"I don't believe it. Tell me everything. Although you are fighting now, it should not be difficult to instill knowledge, right? Rena stared at Jill and said.

Jill is still hesitating: "But..."

"Rena. You are not still doubting what Jill said, are you? Su Feiqi smiled and regained her serious expression. "But according to my judgment, Jill didn't tell a lie. And the so-called Federation of Rebirths who told her all this are all true.

"...Hmm. Jill is trustworthy." Peng Fei also said, "My judgment is the same as Su Feiqi's. Miss Rena, there is no need to doubt Jill.

"Your judgment?" Rena snorted and looked at Xiao Yang, who had not yet spoken, "What about you? What do you think? Same as them?"

"...Rina." Xiao Yang only called Rena's name, but did not make a clear statement. Rena glanced at Xiao Yang: "If you have something on your mind, just say it! Because no one supports me, you vote for sympathy? I'm not happy at all! My lungs are going to explode!"

"Okay. Rina. Xiao Yang said seriously, "My opinion is the same as theirs. It doesn't make sense for you to doubt Jill now. Instead of..."

"It's good that you made it clear. But I'm very sorry, Xiao Yang, I have my own opinion. Even you can't force me to change my mind. Rina took another step closer to Jill's split. She grabbed Jill's collar and said, "Give me all your knowledge immediately. Don't miss anything. If you want me to believe you, just do as I do!"

"Don't do this, Rena!" Xiao Yang said that he wanted to walk over and stop Rena, but he immediately felt as if a planet had pressed down. His body was extremely heavy and he could not move at all.

"This is a supergravity field. Don't move, Xiao Yang. If you want to force me, I will definitely make you feel uncomfortable in the future. Reina looked at the other two people, "You are the same. And I will show mercy to Xiao Yang, but I won't do it to you."

It's so interesting." Su Feiqi shrugged her shoulders and said, "Sister Reina, you are really interesting. Don't worry, I'm not going to stop you. I really want to see what you will do."

"...Rina. How can you be worthy of Brother Yang like this? Peng Fei still shouted desperately, "In case you really want to stay here like Jill, what will Brother Yang do in the future?"

"I can't take care of the future. But at least I'm responsible for now." Rena said and urged Jill again, "Do as I said immediately!"

"...If this is your wish, then I will satisfy you." Jill finally gave in. A shining seed of light floated out of her hand, which fell on Reina's forehead and immediately dived in. This is purely information indoctrination, so it is not the same as the power-indoctrination method used by the Federation of Lifers.

Rina's body rose as if she had been struck by lightning, and Xiao Yang immediately went over to hold her. At this time, because Reina's supergravity field was also relieved, Xiao Yang's body could also move.

It took several seconds for Reina's ** to finish. She recovered, and Xiao Yang immediately asked, "What's wrong? Are you all right?"

"Wow... This time, it seems that I was wrong." Rena gently pushed Xiao Yang away, "I'm really sorry."

Xiao Yang's heart tightened: "Rina?"

Rina ignored him and looked at Jill and said, "Jill, you really didn't lie to me. I have already decided. I will stay in this hell's void as a peripheral controller to prevent the hell game system from working again and prevent it from being connected to the world again.

Xiao Yang still can't believe his ears: "What are you talking about?"

"I made it very clear, Xiao Yang." Reina said calmly, "As a hero's container, I can't turn a blind eye to this kind of thing. Xiao Yang, I'm sorry, I can't go back with you.

Xiao Yang's heart seems to have fallen into the ice cellar. In Reina's resolute eyes, there was no hesitation at all. She really... made a decision.

At this time, Peng Fei also hurriedly dissuaded Rena, but Rena was completely unmoved: "Xiao Yang can't persuade me. Do you think I will listen to what you say?"

Peng Fei said angrily, "Damn it! You guy, Brother Yang's heart, are you..."

"Stop talking, Peng Fei." At this time, Xiao Yang stopped Peng Fei from continuing to talk. He looked at Rena and said, "Rena. Since you have made up your mind, I don't want to stop you. It's not up to me to decide how to choose your life path.

" have figured it out. That's good. That's good." Renea's body trembled slightly when she spoke.

At this time, Xiao Yang walked up and grabbed her: "Rina, I also made a new decision. I also want to stay and stay with you in this hell.

A flash of surprise flashed in Reina's eyes, but then the light faded: "Don't do this. You have been working so hard to return to this world for so long, why do you have to stop at the last moment because of me? Go back. Don't worry about me."

"How can I care about you?" Xiao Yang smiled and said, "No one in the world can control you except me. If you mess up in this hellish world, even I will be miserably harmed by you in this world.

"...Don't mix it up." Rena's eyes were bitter, "It's useless for you to stay. If I want to assist Jill, the time to have self-will will will be very short. Can you stand that? Compared with the world you have been yearning for, it's really too bad to stay in hell with me.

Xiao Yang hugged Rena tightly and put his lips against Rena's ear: "Stupid Reina, I can stand anything. No matter how good the world is? Although I have always yearned for the world, I am willing to give it up for you. Because for me, the place without you is the real hell.

Rina's feelings could no longer be suppressed. She turned her head and her lips were close to Xiao Yang's lips. And Xiao Yang immediately responded to her.

It's a kiss that can almost make people forget time. Peng Fei stared at this scene and opened his eyes wide: "Brother Yang, if you do this..."

"I'm so envious. Peng, let's come too!" Ruo woman said and lowered her head and hugged Peng Fei. Jill's explanation just now shows that she doesn't understand at all and is getting sleepy. At this time, when she saw the interaction between Xiao Yang and Reina, Ruonu suddenly cheered up and picked up Peng Fei.

"Stop it! I have something to do! Brother Yang..." While Peng Fei said this, his lips had been sealed by Ruo Nv, and he could not speak for a moment.

"Ha ha. Peng Fei, it's useless. Xiao Yang will not change his mind again. However, don't say that you should stay here." Su Feiqi laughed, "Xiao Yang's decision is only his own decision, and what you want to do is also your own business. It's all here. It doesn't matter at all about the captain or anything.

"..." Peng Fei allowed a woman to kiss himself like a doll. His mechanical eyes looked at the sky at the top of the tower. There is the real world that he has always yearned for. Jill said that it was also a world in hell, a replica of the world that had really existed in the past. But in any case, he came from that "seer world". The present world is your real home, which will not change in any case.

But this should be the same for Brother Yang. Why did Brother Yang give up the opportunity to return to the present world and choose to stay in this hell? Is it just for Reina?

By the way... Speaking of which, why can I have been working hard in hell until now?

It should be for the swallow. In order to resurrect the swallow who died for himself, he tried his best to fight in hell until now!

Peng Fei's heart suddenly trembled. That's it. For Rena... this reason left by Brother Yang is enough. Now it is clear what to do.

"Gill." Peng Fei pushed Ruonu away and looked at Jill and asked, "When you become a sage, can you resurrect someone for me?"

"...I'm sorry. I can't do it. There is no real resurrection in hell. After becoming a sage, I can copy a person who is exactly the same character and memory as the deceased, but it is not the deceased himself, but a very similar copy. Jill said.

What about reincarnment? Can you find the reincarnation of the deceased? Peng Fei asked.

"...Whose reincarnation do you want to find? If you want to find your girlfriend Yuan Xueyan, isn't she by your side? Jill said.

"What?" Peng Fei almost jumped up, "Ruo girl... is she a swallow?"

"Hmm. Reincarry. I just checked all the data of Yan Xiangyu. If the girl is indeed Yuan Xueyan, that's right. Jill said this and said, "But one thing you may be disappointed. Her memory is gone now, and it is impossible for her character to return to the past. It can be said that the factor of the soul is the same as Yuan Xueyan, who is already another person both physically and mentally. After death, there is no way to inherit memory and personality unless they are directly reincarred as part of the hell system. Sorry, I also want to help you, but I really can't do it."

"No. That's enough." Peng Fei took the initiative to hug Ruonv and felt her body temperature. Far away, near in front of you? Although it is not completely satisfactory. But anyway, this is a good ending for me.