Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 1 Jun's waste

Indifferently looked at the strange and handsome face in the bronze mirror, and there was a trace of helplessness in his black eyes. Immediately, the face, which was enough to make any woman jealous, was smeared with a faint layer of self-deprecating, and a gentle sigh, loss and helplessness, completely shrouded the young man in front of the bronze mirror.

"Waste body?!"

Jun Lintian looked at himself in the bronze mirror, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth increased again, and the thin body, which could be said to be weaker than a woman from the appearance alone, couldn't help shrugging his shoulders, and then shook his head and exhaling for a long breath. The straight waist seemed to bear the burden of the body. And bowed up.

It should have been a vigorous age, but Jun Lintian's body has a hidden vicissitudes of life, which is helplessness, resentment and unwillingness.

For four years, the word "waste body" has accompanied Jun Lintian for four years, and it seems to accompany him all his life. Whenever he recalls the results of the talent test at the age of 12, Jun Lintian's heart can't help twitching faintly. A layer of shadow surged up on his handsome and excessive face, and the blue veins on his forehead gradually stand out. The clenched hands have already been wet with sweat.

The knuckles are white, but it is impossible to make a crackling bone violent sound, even if Jun Lintian uses all his milking energy.

"Why...why, I'd rather have a demon's face than today's waste body... waste body!" Jun Lintian, who showed a ferocious face, roared in his heart. Yes, for four years, he could only roar like this in the depths of his heart, because in the eyes of others, the Jun family has produced such a "genius", but it is really a miracle, a miracle enough to make people laugh.

Today, the annual coming-of-age ceremony of the Jun family, on such a special day, when Jun Lintian vented his resentment, the door behind him was gently pushed open, and the door made a "squeak" sound like moaning of wood, but like a basin of cold water, poured directly from the top of Jun Lintian's head. The cold water is still cold at the freezing point.

Jun Lintian's thin body couldn't help trembling and turned his head in consternation. A tall figure stood quietly at the door. It was a young man, seven points similar to Jun Lintian. His dark black hair fell like a waterfall. Between his rich eyebrows, there was a faint bloody murderous spirit. In his deep eyes, it was the young man. Ji is not matched by maturity and steadyness, as handsome as Jun Lintian, but the young man at the door has a strong and resolute beauty of a Predator.

"Big brother...!"

Looking at the young man at the door, Jun Lintian shouted in a dull voice, and Jun Lintian's body also stopped the slight tremor just now and stood up silently. The two brothers looked at each other, and the needle fell in the house for a moment.

After a while, Jun Linhai sighed slightly and looked at Jun Lintian's eyes, and his concern was even stronger. Jun Linhai knew what his brother was worried about just now, but as the eldest brother, he was of no help to his own brother's plight. If he could, Jun Linhai was willing to practice his own cultivation. Half of the talent is given to the lonely and helpless brother in front of him.

"Lintian, the coming-of-age ceremony is about to begin. It's time for us to go to the lobby!"

Jun Linhai did not ask Jun Lintian what happened just now, just as if nothing had happened, but when it comes to the word "coming rite of passage", Jun Linhai can still clearly feel the sudden trembling of his brother's thin body, which seems to be an instinctive fear.

"Comme rite!"

Jun Lintian muttered softly, slowly lowered his head and fell into meditation. Jun Linhai, who was not far away, waited for his brother quietly. Jun Linhai knew whether all this was too cruel for his 16-year-old brother.

After a long time, Jun Lintian finally raised the extraordinary handsome face, but in Jun Linhai's memory, since the ceremony of talent testing and Yuanli stimulation at the age of 12, his brother's face, which had never smiled again, suddenly bloomed a faint smile. For a moment, Jun Linhai suddenly I felt that the innocent, cute and carefree younger brother when he was young really stood in front of him, but Jun Linhai felt something was wrong.

"Lintian, you..."

In the face of the sudden change, Jun Linhai couldn't help but be stunned and didn't know what to do. From his brother's abnormal smile, Jun Linhai's heart was somehow unable to calm down for a long time.

"Let's go, brother. If you don't leave, the bar mitzvah will begin. This is a family event. I dare not be late!"

Jun Lintian, who was as if the haze in his heart had been swept away, quietly looked at the eldest brother standing in front of him and said with some urging, as if Jun Lintian did not know what he was going to face next at all. Jun Lintian was light at this moment, at least on the surface.

The tall Jun Linhai was pulled out of his astonishment by Jun Lintian's words, and then he thought that the coming-of-age ceremony was about to be held. As a 16-year-old Jun Lintian, who was already an adult, he must not be late.

The Jun family has been inherited for hundreds of years, and the children of the family have long been scattered, and there are many people in the clan. Due to the large number of children, some geniuses have appeared among the children of the family. Today's Jun family is a huge family supported by generations of genius family children. Talent will be tested at the age of 12 in the family. At the same time, it stimulates the "yuan power" in the body, and then after four years of cultivation and exercise, in the year of the 16-year-old coming-of-age ceremony of the family's children, the "yuan power" in the body will be completely awakened, and the children of the Jun family can really start practicing after the age of 16.

But when Jun Lintian was 12 years old, the detection structure of cultivation talent shocked the whole family, and the word "waste body" became the focus of cynicism by major forces.

Especially over the years, due to the enemies entangled by conflicts of interests, they are unwilling to give up such an opportunity to ridicule the Jun family. However, the Jun family has indeed been hit to a certain extent, and even increased the rift between several huge family branches, but only as the king Lintian Jun Linhai deeply knows that in fact, the most injured is the Jun Lintian, who is called the "waste body". He has been silently accepting this cruel fact, but he does not even have the right to vent and abandon himself, because if he does that, he will only become the laughing stock of others and will only oppose himself for the family. The patriarch is also a member of his father, finding more reasons and excuses to attack his father.

Perhaps in addition to Jun Linhai, Jun Lintian's mother and father also know this.

The coming-of-age ceremony in the clan is not a big deal, but it is not a small matter. The lobby is densely full of the clan of the Jun family. There are direct families, and of course, there are also powerful collaterals. Almost every clan's faces are full of happy smiles. It seems that every family elders are praising their descendants. How excellent, how talented is how excellent.

Only standing above, Jun Aoxiang, who is in the position of the patriarch, has a gloomy face, dark forehead, almost dripping water, because the coming-of-age ceremony * will hold a "Yuanli" to completely wake up, and then the people who participate in the coming-of-age ceremony today will determine their status in the family in the future based on their cultivation talent and current strength. But what will happen to the status of Jun Lintian, who has never owned or can't have a little "yuan power" in the family in the future? Even as the patriarch, Jun Aoxiang can no longer help Jun Lintian secretly in the future, and Jun Lintian will always bear the cold cynicism of everyone around him.

"The hour has come, and the bar mitzvah begins!"

An old man's voice suddenly echoed in the huge but noisy lobby. The lobby, which was originally like a vegetable market, calmed down in an instant, and the people of various branches sat on their own seats and stopped talking. Then the white-haired old man took out a piece of golden silk in his hand, and there were dozens of names on it. That's the 16-year-old family who stepped into the Jun family this year, and the name of Jun Lintian is among them.

"The children of the Jun family, who are 16 years old this year, walk into the lobby and accept the baptism of the family emblem!" The old man's high voice was completely different from the mouth of an old man. Then the white-haired old man read the names on the golden silk one by one, and then the children of the Jun family filed in and walked into the lobby.

In the lobby, people of all branches looked at their descendants who walked into the lobby with a satisfied smile on their faces. From time to time, they whispered to their peers around them the achievements of their descendants on the road of cultivation, and then did the great future of their descendants. Dreams are always beautiful, but reality is cruel.

However, not many people care about any unexpected changes in the future, because what these elders see now is "to suppress all ethnic groups who want to climb to their heads!" Even if it's just a little bit of linguistic interest!"

There are 45 adults in the huge Jun family this year, including men and women. At this moment, 30 people have stood quietly in the spacious lobby. The white-haired old man is still reciting the names of the Jun family without delay, and the atmosphere in the lobby has gradually become lively.

"King Lintian..."

The white-haired old man read as before without any emotional fluctuations, but when these three words echoed in the lobby, the lobby, which had become a little noisy, was instantly silent. After a moment, it exploded.

"What? That waste has the face to attend the family's coming-of-age ceremony?

"Hahaha, isn't this the good son born by Jun Aoxiang? Just be reincarnated as a woman!"

"Why should people who can't carry a little Yuanli participate in the coming-of-age ceremony that mainly carries out the 'complete awakening ceremony of Yuanli'?"

"Ha ha, maybe after the coming-of-age ceremony, the useless boy can only rely on selling his buttocks for a living! Anyway, he also has a beautiful face.



There was a lot of noise in the lobby, and all kinds of sarcastic words blurted out without scruples. At the same time, many of the 36-year-old Jun family's children who had entered the lobby showed disdain or sarcastic charm on their faces.

At this moment, Jun Lintian's thin body has appeared at the gate, enduring the cold eyes of everyone, and entered the lobby with difficulty, and finally stood with the 30 cousins.

"Waste, stay away from me!"

The young man who did not know the depth of heaven looked at the king beside him, especially when his eyes fell on the handsome and almost demonic face. The face of the "flower" who grew up in the greenhouse under the protection of the Jun family showed a stronger disdain, sarcasm, ridicule and the one hidden in the deepest part. For this comparison Women also need the jealousy of beautiful faces.

Jun Lintian has endured all this silently. It seems that for four years, he has been used to the sarcasm from others. His dark eyes were slightly raised. Above, his father's resolute face gave Jun Lintian a trace of warmth. It was a crumbling firelight in the ice and snow. However, after the coming-of-age ceremony, even the only warmth could no longer be transmitted to me, and I would face the cold and bone-piercing ice cellar around me alone. Even if the sun outside is like fire at this moment, Jun Lintian still feels a piercing chill, deep into the bone marrow. .

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