Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 15 Leaving Lingyun Mountain

Tonight's Lingyun Mountain is destined to be extraordinary. Since the night came, the whole Lingyun Mountain has been shrouded in a depressing atmosphere, like a boulder pressing on Lingyun Mountain. The air seems to be sticky, and everyone's heart is inexplicably flustered and at a loss. The confused people looked around for unknown fear, but the whole night passed. Although the faint panic disappeared, no one knew what happened on this inexplicable night or what was wrong with the night.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning fell on the peak of Lingyun Mountain, people who were restless, restless and busy all night fell asleep tiredly. For the people on Lingyun Mountain, this was an inexplicable night and a damn night.

In a very remote residence in Lingyun Mountain, the only servants in the three-story building looked at a room on the third floor in surprise, because in the past month, at this time in the morning, the young master called waste would come downstairs on time and eat some simple food. Then he left Lingyun Mountain. It was not until nightfall that the young master who was more and more impenetrable came back with an extremely tired body, and then entered the mysterious building again. However, the next morning, the young master seemed to be a different person. Last night's fatigue was swept away and replaced by rare energy. Abundant

However, today, the habits that have never changed in a month have been broken. Only a few servants have been waiting for the king to come. The servants stared at the three-story building in front of them with some anxiety and restless eyes, but as servants, they dared not walk half a step to the small building, because Jun Lintian had ordered Without his consent, no one can approach the small building.

Time passed by bit in such an anxious waiting. The hot sun had stood above people's heads, and the servants' foreheads also oozed crystal sweat, but the small three-story building was still the same, without any movement.

At this moment, in the small building, a huge wooden barrel still emits white fog, but the original milky white ** in the wooden barrel has completely become clear** at this moment, and the strong medicinal power is completely absorbed by Jun Lintian's thin body. At this moment, the eyes on Jun Lintian's beautiful face are still tightly closed and smooth. Calm breathing is like a sleeping baby.

Everything looks so quiet!

But in Jun Lintian's body, in the small head, a thumb-sized black hole lies quietly here, and the small black hole is trying to expand, but there seems to be a colorful force around it inhibiting the expansion of the black hole. Such a stalemate has lasted all night, but overnight, A black hole the size of a thumb can't help the colorful power at all.

In the end, the small black hole gave up resistance and let the colorful power wrap itself. The black hole formed a black sphere under the bondage of colorful power, but the black sphere seemed to be loaded with a world, dark and boundless, like a bottomless abyss, but a force of palpitations. It kept passing out of the dark sphere and then quietly dispersed, but no one could lock where the palpitations came from.

Jun Lintian**'s body moved slightly, and then slowly opened his eyelids, and the dazzling light pierced Jun Lintian's eyes were in pain. Now Jun Lintian suddenly found that he had overslept.

"What's going on? How could I oversleep, and why didn't the teacher wake me up? This is a problem immediately thought of in Jun Lintian's mind, but Jun Lintian, who woke up, immediately found that in his mind, a colorful sphere was quietly floating, dreamlike, extremely enchanting and beautiful, but the colorful interior was frightening darkness, which was an endless abyss.

"The abyss of desolation?"

The dark eyes contracted in an instant, and the handsome face showed shock, and then the shock turned into ecstasy. Jun Lintian muttered to himself: "I feel the existence of the abyss of the wilderness, but what is that colorful light?"

"That's a shackle!" The figure of the old man appeared in front of Jun Lintian, with a gratified smile in his vicissitudes of eyes.


"Yes, only by breaking the shackles of heaven and earth can you get the power of the wilderness, and it is also the condition for completely awakening the ancient god body!" The old man of Gumu explained, and at the same time, his deep eyes quietly looked at the contemplative king Lintian, waiting for the following.

After meditating for a moment, Junlin asked, "Teacher, how can we break through the shackles?"

"Break the limit, whether it's physical or spiritual!" Gumu old man said in a simple sentence, but if it is done, it is more difficult than climbing to the sky. It is not allowed to think too much about it. Gumu old man said again: "Get ready to leave Lingyun Mountain. This place is no longer suitable for you to practice, and the medicinal materials and bandages are also exhausted. What you need now is a battle, an opportunity, or It's an opportunity."

With a crash, Jun Lintian came out of the barrel naked, and his heartbeat rose ten times the normal heartbeat in just a few breaths. At the same time, Jun Lintian's skin instantly turned red, and the ** stuck on the body surface was steamed dry at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What is the limit that the body can withstand 'rage' now?" Feeling that the power of Jun Lintian rises rapidly with the acceleration of the heartbeat, the old man Gumu, standing aside, asked softly.

"About 13 times, no more than 15 times at most!" Jun Lintian has put on his own clothes at this moment.

Hearing this result, even the old man, the wrinkled corners of his eyes could not help but jump slightly, but the old man perfectly covered up this slight gaffe, and then quietly turned into a wisp of smoke into the ring on the middle finger of Jun Lintian's left hand.

Jun Lintian did not have any discomfort, and when he was familiar with his pure physical strength, Jun Lintian knew that in terms of strength alone to measure cultivation, he can now be regarded as a strong man of the third-order martial arts.

The efficiency of reaching such an achievement in a month is not fast, but it is not slow, but don't forget that the third-order power of Jun Lintian is not obtained by relying on the original power, but pure physical power. To a certain extent, the power of Jun Lintian to the third level of the martial artist is more difficult than anyone else. Much more difficult.

And in this short month, Jun Lintian has deliberately completed the 'rage' discovered under the guidance of the ancient wooden old man. Once the 'rage' is launched, Jun Lintian can upgrade his combat effectiveness to a state beyond the limit in a short period of time, but if he enters a state of rage in a super battle, or for a long time In a violent state, this is extremely damaging to the body.

However, don't forget that strength and combat effectiveness cannot be equated in many cases, and the cultivation will become more and more difficult in the future. In fact, many people with good qualifications will stop at the ninth level of martial arts, not to mention the power level, even the Yuan division level is the dream of by countless people. The height of

From this, it is not difficult to see the status of a 23-year-old powerful man in the family.

The hot sun has stood above the head. Even on Lingyun Mountain, the temperature has risen sharply. The sweat on their foreheads of the servants who have been standing in front of the small building has begun to slide down their cheeks. It is unclear whether the sweat is the cause of the strong sunlight above the head or the strange heavy atmosphere in the small building. Several of them have nothing The cultivated servant almost held his breath, and his chest seemed to be as uncomfortable as a boulder.

I don't know how long the time has passed. All the servants only knew that when Jun Lintian's figure appeared in the eyes of everyone, they suddenly felt a burst of collapse and had an impulse to fall down. However, the news that Jun Lintian ordered to pack up and prepare to go back seemed to give several people blood, which was almost weak. The body was immediately full of strength. Several people went to prepare things and sent messages to the Jun family, asking the family to send Peng Ying to transport things.

The life of Lingyunshan is so boring for several servants, even tortured, so that the ** and swinging face of an uncle in his 30 years seems to have written a scene of turning clouds and rain in the room of the "Spring Breeze Tower" tonight.

At this moment, in the imperial capital 30 miles away, there is a small pavilion in the lake to enjoy the cool!

"Brother Xiang, I heard that Zhiwu can go to Jun's house today?" Shen Yuhan, who is still dignified and beautiful, took a beautiful step and slowly walked to the pavilion in the lake, while Jun Aoxiang, dressed in a brocade robe, looked thoughtfully at the goldfish swimming in the lake with a cup of strong tea in his hand.

Jun Aoxiang looked at his wife who came to him, with a gentle smile on his mature and resolute face, nodded gently and said, "Yes, maybe he has arrived at Jun's house at this moment!"

At this time, before Jun Aoxiang's words fell, a noisy voice came from outside the courtyard. Several servants were panicked but helplessly chasing a young man in front of them. At the same time, the servants kept begging the young man who rushed in desperately.

"Ms. Shen, please allow us to inform the patriarch!"

"Please don't embarrass us. You walk in like this. If the patriarch blames us, our servants can't afford it."


Shen Zhiwu did not pay any attention to the pleas of the servants of the Jun family. The young man still had a free and loose smile on his face. His immature face inherited the beauty of the Shen family, but he had an extra temperament of a ruffian. At the same time, he carried a two-meter-long giant sword on his thin shoulder. The giant sword was for Shen Zhiwu's thin body looks so dazzling, but the huge sword weighing more than a thousand pounds is in Shen Zhiwu's slender hand, as if twisting a wooden stick.

The wandering eyes kept passing by the maids. From time to time, a fine light flashed in the dark eyes, and the corners of the handsome mouth evoked a trace of ** and swinging arc. They kept talking about the bodies of young and beautiful maids. Sometimes they thought that other people's buttocks were inflexible, and sometimes they said that other people's breasts were too big. However, when a near-perfect back appeared in Shen Zhiwu's vision, the handsome corners of his mouth had unconsciously flowed with crystal saliva, and Shen Zhiwu's heart had begun to roar like a beast: "Front...positive!"

At the moment when his back slowly turned his head, Shen Zhiwu felt that his breathing had become heavy and rapid, and the time seemed to pass too slowly, so slow that Shen Zhiwu was about to curse. However... At the moment when Shen Zhiwu was about to completely lose his patience, he was afraid The dragon-level face appeared in Shen Zhiwu's eyes. Facing this face that dragged the whole world back, Shen Zhiwu's heartbeat solidified in an instant. He suddenly felt that the whole world had collapsed. How could this huge contrast make Shen Zhiwu full of hope and joy?

What was even more unbearable was that a dazzling eye like the sun smashed on Shen Zhiwu's fragile glass-like heart. Shen Zhiwu's heart suddenly banged and broke into pieces. Suddenly, he felt that his feet were empty and his body stagled and almost fell to the ground.

"Oh, my God, this... Is this the legendary thunder?" Shen Zhiwu muttered with lingering flinity, and the figures of Jun Aoxiang and Shen Yuhan have appeared in Shen Zhiwu's vision.