Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 22 Assassination

The deep night sky does not have a bright moon or stars. In addition to the dark and cold late night, there is only the rustling night wind and the withered yellow fallen leaves. The hot summer is about to pass, replaced by a depressed autumn. The autumn in the imperial capital is beautiful, colorful, and lonely, just like today's night, the bright summer sun still rises as usual, but whenever the night is quiet, the breath of autumn will slowly penetrate, and I can't help but let the night The people shivered.

Jun Lintian walked quietly in the quiet street. Under the seemingly calm face, it was the surging heart. Jun Lintian has been asking himself in his heart, "What's going on? Why did I lose control of my body just now? I almost rushed to the naked woman. Why did I feel that I seemed to be in the abyss of never light, and in the deepest part where I couldn't see any hope, I wanted to have a powerful hand pulling me and pulling me, and then Fall into the depths of the abyss.

A trace of fear flashed in Jun Lintian's pupils, and his walking pace couldn't help but be messy.

The night is still dark and cold, and in the depths of Jun Lintian's mind, the colorful shackles of heaven and earth are trembling slightly, and the colorful shackles are dark abyss and surging power. The power of the wilderness is struggling and roaring, like a bird that is about to break out of the shell is trying to break out of the shackles from the eggshell. .


The colorful shackles made a crisp cracking sound, and Jun Lintian's body felt as cold as falling into an ice cellar in an instant, but the piercing cold still carried a desire from the deepest part of his heart.

Jun Lintian tightened his clothes again, and he walked aimlessly on the streets of the imperial capital.

There were almost no people on the street, and Jun Lintian found that he had unconsciously come to the West City. He raised his eyes blankly, but the picture reflected in the blank brain was still the same darkness, but there was a strong solid atmosphere in the pure darkness.

After a long time, Jun Lintian recovered from his stupor, and his reason, which had been wandering outside, was really awake at this moment. His blank face had receded, and the fierce spirit on Lingyun Mountain returned to the seemingly weak body again.

At this moment, Jun Lintian found that he didn't know when there was a faint murderous intention in the void. Although he didn't know why this faint murderous intent had been following him for so long, Jun Lintian's vest was completely wet with cold sweat. If the killer in the dark was in a dull state of himself. In this case, there will be no possibility of resistance. At that time, I was just a walking corpse without any reason.

Jun Lintian has no extra mind to think about why he was so careless just now, as if he had lost his soul. At this moment, he can only try his best to feel the faint murder in the dark in order to deal with the possible sudden assassination.


There seemed to be a soft sound in the dark night, and then Jun Lintian felt the air behind him bulging in an instant. A dark shadow rushed to him at an unpredictable speed with the naked eye. A cold light flashed in Jun Lintian's pupils, which was the blade in the killer's hand.

Jun Lintian suddenly came to his senses and found the faint murderous intent hidden in the air until the killer completely launched an attack, all of which happened in an instant.

In the dark night, the cold blade was getting closer and closer in Jun Lintian's pupil. Jun Lintian could almost feel the lingering chill on the blade. Cold sweat popped out of his forehead, and his heartbeat was raised to the limit in an instant. The hot blood was full of power and roared in Jun Lintian's body. At the same time, the bloody ring on the middle finger of the left hand flashed, and the fourfold gravity that had been exerted on Jun Lintian completely disappeared.

Bend, squat on the ground - straight, bounce!


The violent gas explosion suddenly sounded, and Jun Lintian's body pressed the air and flew out like a cannonball. At the same time, the boulder under Jun Lintian's feet completely sank violently. Just as Jun Lintian's body left the original place, a cold light had already crossed Jun Lintian's stay in place. The remnant shadow, the deep cold blade cut it in half without surprise.


The killer shrouded in the night hummed with a trace of doubt, but the blade in his hand did not stay at all. He once again broke through the limit of distance and directly pushed away the retreating Jun Lintian.

The surface of Jun Lintian's body was flushed red by violent blood, and his dark pupils were also full of blood. Just at that moment, Jun Lintian suddenly felt that death had come. In 16 years, he had never been so close to death as before.

The threat of death completely stimulated the potential of Jun Lintian's body. The 'rage' was stimulated in an instant, and the rapidly flowing blood continued to transport the surging force to all parts of the body. At the same time, four times the gravity from the blood-colored ring also returned to normal at that moment.

Jun Lintian's strength and combat effectiveness completely broke out under the threat of death. Although his current physical strength is only the third-order warrior, Jun Lintian is confident that even in the face of the seventh-order warrior, he also has the power to fight, but in the face of this silent sword in the dark, Jun Lintian can't lift the slightest The only thing he can do is to 'escape'.

The blade was forced to come over again. In the perception of Jun Lintian, everything around him became slow. The blade, which exuded the breath of death, continued to enlarge in the bloody pupils, but such a seemingly slow blade, Jun Lintian's body had no time to avoid it, even if at this moment, Jun Lintian had already Four times the gravity was cut off and violent.

"Are you going to die? But...who on earth is going to kill himself?" Jun Lintian asked in his heart, and at the same time, he seemed to see the sneer of the killer wrapped in the black robe. Jun Lintian's heart couldn't help twitching at that moment.

"This smile... seems familiar!"

Time seemed to be fixed. At the moment when Jun Lintian was ready to give up resistance, an old voice suddenly echoed in Jun Lintian's mind: "Lintian, have you forgotten your original oath? Have you forgotten the persistence on Lingyun Mountain? Or do you no longer miss the world?"

The voice of the ancient wood old man hit the soul of the king's sky like an ancient bell.

"My oath? I'm not a waste! My persistence? I want to protect my relatives with my strength! So... my nostalgia for the world? Father, mother, eldest brother, sister and cousin, as well as the shadow Ye Yiyu, and the little girl who has been wandering behind her buttocks since childhood, Jun Lintong, why and why did I actually think of Jun Lintong..." Jun Lintian's consciousness flashed the faces of these people in an instant, and at this moment, the sword coming from the wind The blade has resisted the throat of Jun Lintian.

"No, I can't die! I don't want to die..." Jun Lintian roared in his heart, with a desire for life in his wide pupils.


The dark sphere in my mind felt Jun Lintian's sudden violent and uncontrollable desire. The power of the wilderness began to boil, and a terrible suction came from the dark abyss, constantly hitting the colorful shackles like tides.

The colorful shackles wrapped in the abyss of the wilderness fluctuated violently, and the uneven cracks were covered with colorful shells, and the breath of heart palpitations was transmitted from the small cracks. With the escape of this horrible breath, an ancient force full of flood and famine instantly penetrated through the whole body of Jun Lintian. Including every moment of cell and every meridians.


The colorful shackles are still like eggshells, constantly breaking out with a crisp cracking sound, and with the gradual disintegration of the shackles, the power from the abyss of the wilderness becomes more and more violent, and in the king's consciousness, the desire for the opposite life becomes stronger.

Jun Lintian's thin body is surrounded by twisted power. A layer of real power envelops Jun Lintian, while Jun Lintian's long dark hair roots are upside down, dancing like a madman. In addition to the endless desire for survival in the dark pupils, there is also a greed that cannot be dispelled. At this moment, Jun Lintian It's more like a demon, a demon driven by desire.

Suddenly, a breath from ancient times swept away, and this pure power of the wilderness suppressed the breath belonging to the 'demon' on Jun Lintian. At the same time, at this moment, Jun Lintian can be regarded as Jun Lintian who has not been blinded by any desire and greed. Such a Junlin genius is the real self.

"My power, my pursuit, my oath..." Jun Lintian muttered to himself in a low voice, but in his mind, the power of the wilderness gushed out like endlessly, and then poured into Jun Lintian's body.

The power of the wilderness roars like a river in the body of the king's sky!


A violent force exploded with Jun Lintian's body as the center. At the same time, the blade that had resisted Jun Lintian's throat was frozen in the void and could not take an inch.

"What's going on?" The killer hidden in the dark finally showed a trace of solemnity, but the next moment, centered on the king's land, a huge tornado suddenly formed, the terrible force twisted the void, the slate on the ground was completely thrown away, a circle of violent energy ripples dispersed, and the earth oscillated like a lake.


There was a dull sound in front of him, and even he saw Jun Lintian's punch hit the void in front of him fiercely.