Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 33 Broken Cliff

The sky is gray, as if it is shrouded in a layer of fog. The dim sky is under sporadic light rain, and a small drop of rain falls on the ground like a falling meteor, and then slowly immerses into the ground.

Jun Lintian stood quietly on this desolate land, allowing the dripping rain from the sky to hit his face, and then gathered into a row of rainwater across his cheeks and dripping gently. The drizzle wet the long dark hair and wet the whole body

Clean clothes, but Jun Lintian is still alone, standing quietly in the rain and fog, alone.

In front of Junlintian is a huge abyss. The dark and bottomless abyss is like a heavenly guide in front of Junlintian. At a glance, you can hardly see the other end of the abyss.

Jun Lintian looked at the dark world in front of him in a daze, and his dark eyes were filled with tears. Jun Lintian can't remember when he had been so sad for so many years, and everything here is so familiar, and the drizzle in the sky at this moment is

It reminds people of some past events that should have been forgotten.


Standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at the desolate cliffs of strange rocks and the bottomless abys, Jun Lintian called softly, but it was the sound of wind from the abyss that reflected Jun Lintian, and the drizzle under the sky hit Jun Lintian

A handsome but pale face.

For six years, the unforgettable autumn seems to have come again. Whenever Jun Lintian recalls his sister's desperate tears six years ago, Jun Lintian feels like his heart is fiercely held by a powerful big hand, which is an unspeakable pain. These

Over the years, Jun Lintian has always felt that even the pain he suffered in the four years as a waste seems to be so fragile and unbearable compared with the pain in his sister's desperate tears six years ago.

How painful was my sister's heart in those years?

For six years, Jun Lintian has been asking this in his heart, but he, who is still young, can't imagine how much pain it will take to appear in those desperate tears.

But today's Jun Lintian seems to understand something. If... if he and Ye Yiyu were abruptly separated by the Jun family and the Ye family as before, what would he be like? Maybe just like my sister back then?

Jun Lintian is thinking in his heart!

The drizzle is still falling, and the dark abyss is still blowing wind. From the endless abyss, Jun Lintian seems to hear a song. The song is gentle and vague, but it is so familiar. In a trance, Jun Lintian seems to return to his childhood

Time, that song is a nursery rhyme when I was a child. Whenever I am unhappy, my sister will hold her and sing this nursery rhyme, and I will snuggle in my sister's arms, quietly listen to my sister's song, and then sleep peacefully in my sister's arms.

My sister's embrace was so warm and happy, but after the autumn six years ago, the warm and happy embrace completely moved away from me.

Breaking Heart Cliff!

What a sad name. It buried not only the young life of my sister, but also the embrace of Jun Lintian, and the eldest brother has also changed!

Since then, the eldest brother has become indifferent, and the eldest brother who has always liked to laugh has become silent. The handsome face is often cold and freezing. Jun Lintian often sees the eldest brother curled up quietly in the dark corner, but his eyes are dull.

Shortly after that autumn six years ago, I don't know when the eldest brother suddenly disappeared from Jun's house, as if he had evaporated from the world. His father and mother were very anxious.

However, when the eldest brother appeared in the Jun family again, the eldest brother completely changed. He became a madman of the Jun family. The eldest brother's cultivation surpassed Jun Linyuan, the first generation at that time, and then no one knew what the eldest brother's real cultivation was

, this mysterious situation, until more than a month ago, the eldest brother showed his power in public.

Also after that autumn, Jun Lintian suddenly felt that the eldest brother cared more for him. For a moment, Jun Lintian felt as if his sister's care for him had gathered together with the eldest brother. It was from then that the eldest brother would leave once from time to time

Jun's family, and then completely disappeared for a period of time before coming back. No one knows where the eldest brother went and what he did.

The eldest brother has always been shrouded in a mysterious veil. Everything began in that autumn six years ago, that depressed autumn.

In the dark and bottomless abyss, the wind was still blowing, but my sister's familiar song was messed up by the damn wind. Jun Lintian felt that his eyes were blurred, and then the whole dark world began to collapse, and Jun Lintian's consciousness returned to himself

inside the body.

Wake up from the dream!

The first time Jun Lintian opened his eyes was his mother's nervous, worried and happy face. Complex cousins piled up on his mother's face that was engraved by years, but they could not destroy his mother's dignified and beautiful temperament.

A faint smile appeared on her mother's beautiful face, and her gentle and caring tone asked softly, "Lintian, are you awake?"

The mother's gentle hand reached out to Jun Lintian, who was still lying **, and then gently wiped the tears from the corners of Jun Lintian's eyes. The mother asked softly, "Dream of your sister again?"

For his mother's question, Jun Lintian just nodded his head gently.

Shen Yuhan sat by the bed silently and lowered his head slightly. After a long time, Shen Yuhan cleaned up his mood and once again bloomed with a faint smile, but this smile was so reluctant and painful to Jun Lintian. Six years later, Jun Lintian has been

I also clearly remember the heartbreaking call of my mother lying on the edge of the cliff, but no matter how Shen Yuhan called, she could not recall her daughter's life.

"Lintian, come on, this is the porridge my mother cooked for you. Drink it quickly in the heat!"

Shen Yuhan picked up a bowl of steaming rice porridge from the table next to him, picked up the spoon in his right hand, blew it carefully, and then handed it to Jun Lintian's mouth.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Jun Lintian suddenly saw a familiar face from behind his mother. It was a young but beautiful face. There should be a happy smile on his jade face at this moment. That was his sister's figure, and it seemed to be a childhood in a trance

, whenever she is sick or unhappy, my sister always stands behind her mother and stares at herself quietly, and then makes herself laugh.

Jun Lintian looked behind his mother's empty body, smiled faintly, and then nodded his head gently. He seemed to answer his sister, "Well, get up and drink porridge immediately!"

Jun Lintian struggled to get up, but this slight action immediately caused the pain of every cell of the body. Jun Lintian's handsome face was immediately full of wrinkles, exceeding the limit of the body's strength. Even Jun Lintian's current body will leave an extremely serious legacy. Symptom.

After drinking the porridge cooked by his mother, Jun Lintian asked Jun's pharmacy for a lot of medicinal herbs according to the requirements of the old man, and then completely locked himself in his room and quietly pounded in the house.