Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 35 Reproduction of the Ancient Altar

The scorching sun in the sky shone on the earth, suspended in mid-air and looked at the dazzling sunshine. Her graceful face couldn't help frowning slightly. Immediately, the huge sleeve robe woven with golden silk waved, and a huge fluctuation rushed to the sky like a wave, and then in the shocked eyes of everyone, The white clouds wrapped around other peaks floated towards the sky, and then covered the dazzling sunlight shining on this huge square.

After all this, Xiang Xuan looked at the people waiting below, and her beautiful voice echoed between heaven and earth, "Then let's start."

"Sacrifice, ancient altar!"

Xiang Xuan shouted to Tian Li, and then in the eyes of everyone looking up, her hands dominated the sky. A tornado formed by a Yuan force connected the world with Xiang Xuan's luxurious body as the center. In the tornado, Jun Lintian felt that the violent Yuan Force was running in a special trajectory, as if outlined a road in the void. Rune.

Finally, the void began to twist, and stone pillars fell out of the twisted void. Everyone looked at all this in shock. When the stone pillars in the void completely fell out, Jun Lintian's wide pupils stared at what was suspended in the air for a moment.

The ancient altar? And it's complete, without any damage..." Jun Lintian whispered in his mouth, but his eyes were unconcealedly apprehised.

At this moment, there are three huge altars suspended in the sky. If you look at the appearance, these three ancient altars are exactly the same as the ancient altars inherited from the king's family. However, what frightens the most is that the sixth sense of fate in the dark tells Jun Lintian that the three ancient altars are complete. It's neat and there is no damage at all.

"That is indeed a intact ancient altar. The ancient artifacts actually reappeared in the northern wilderness. Lintian, perhaps in this second test of potential, you don't need to use the power of the wilderness to capture the power of heaven and earth." The vicissitudes of the old man suddenly echoed in Jun Lintian's mind, and also confirmed what Jun Lintian was thinking.

"Teacher, do you mean that I don't have to capture the power anymore? If I do that, won't my potential be zero?"

"Lintian, these three ancient altars are not the dilapidated altars of the Jun family, and the reason why I told you not to capture the power of heaven and earth is that even if you capture them, it is useless. These three ancient altars can test the potential of your ancient god body..."


The words of the old man of the ancient wood exploded like thunder in Junlintian's mind, and the figure standing in the same place was shocked by the words of the old man of ancient wood.

"Can you test the potential of my ancient god body? So what will be my potential value? Jun Lintian asked in shock.

"Well, yes!"

The fat elder with an embarrassed and unhappy face found the strangeness of Jun Lintian behind him. He couldn't help but look back and frown. He looked at Jun Lintian and asked, "What's wrong with you boy? Don't give me a bear later... Forget it, with your seven-level potential, most of the more than 2,000 people are at your level."

Although there is a shallow test potential in the city, years of experience have told the fat elder that the results of the second test of the ancient altar will not be too different from the first shallow test, so there is not much hope in the heart of the fat elders for the potential of Junlintian.

Although he does not have much hope for the potential of Jun Lintian, on the way, in the perception of the fat elder, he always feels that the Jun Lintian in front of him is not so simple, especially from Jun Lintian. Even the fat elders feel a sense of uncomfortable depression. I feel.

The fat elder doesn't know that this depressive feeling comes from the natural suppression of Yuanli by the power of the wilderness, which can't be compensated by his own cultivation at all.

Calm down the shock in his heart. Jun Lintian ignored the warning and disappointment of the fat elder. He watched the three altars fall in the square, and then under the guidance of the guides, the disciples of Gu Yunzong waiting for the second test stepped on the ancient altar one after another.

The ancient altars frequently shine dazzlingly, but the level shown by these lights is almost no different from that of the rough test.

"Potential value, level 8!"

"Potential value, level 6!"


Voices echoed in this void. The guide, the seven elders and the disciples of Gu Yunzong calmly watched the people waiting for the test to walk on the ancient altar. However, for countless years, the potential value of the second test was such a scene, and everyone felt that it was expected.

Among those who came down from the ancient altar, the potential value is generally six or seven levels, and occasionally eight. At this moment, among the three ancient altars, the ancient altar in the middle suddenly burst into an unusual light. A powerful strong man shouted, "Meng Gu, the potential value is nine levels!"

When this voice echoed between heaven and earth, almost everyone focused on the figure who came down from the altar with a smile in an instant.

The beautiful eyes of the seven elders also cast positive eyes on the nine-level descendant.

The fat elder's jealous eyes stared at Meng Gu's smiling face, and the fat elder's fat face immediately praised him. If the fat elder is correct, the potential value of Jun Lintian behind him is only level 7, and only such a guy is qualified. Whenever he thinks of this, the fat elder feels crazy.

"The first nine-level has come out. If the three ancient altars can really test the potential value of my ancient god body, maybe it should also have the potential value of level 9?" Jun Lintian guessed in his heart.

Meng Gu's smiling figure walked down from the altar, and then in the eyes of everyone, Meng Gu's eyes focused on Xiang Qiuya standing on the crane in the distance. Meng Gu shouted, "The four beauties of Gu Yunzong, I, Meng Gu, are bound to win."

For Meng Gu's abrupt words, Xiang Qiuya, who has always been elegant, only gave a faint smile. Over the years, she has also encountered many such scenes. Whenever she encounters such a thing, Xiang Qiuya gradually threw herself into a faint smile from her shyness and at the beginning and at a loss. A little bit of elegance.

As soon as Meng Gu's words came out, it immediately caused turmoil at the scene, but under the stop of the great powers of Gu Yunzong, the turmoil was extinguished in an instant.

Xiang Qiuya smiled and looked at her mother in the air. Xiang Xuan's mature and beautiful figure was imprinted in Xiang Qiuya's eyes. Looking at her mother's figure, Xiang Qiuya couldn't help asking in her heart, "Mother, how did you like your father in those years? What kind of person is your father? It's worth making you fall in love with him but makes you hate him to the bone.

Xiang Qiuya's surname followed her mother Xiang Xuan, which hides a secret that even Xiang Qiuya herself did not know.

"Where is he now?" Which girl doesn't have spring? Even if Xiang Qiuya is elegant and free from vulgarity, she is still worried at this moment. However, which man has been able to enter her heart over the years?