Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 61 Oriental Indifference

There is a trace of green fluorescence in the dark world. Looking around, this seems to be another world. This world full of silence forms an extremely strong contrast with the hot environment of the burning Tianhe River. At this moment, Junlintian is in such a world, which is covered by the light blue prohibition. The space to come.

Jun Lintian looked at his feet. At this moment, at the foot of Jun Lintian is a huge stone slab. The stone slab is carved with mysterious runes, and mysterious runes are faintly flowing with the power of wilderness.

Jun Lintian was shocked by this faint power of wilderness, because Jun Lintian felt a hidden sense of oppression from this power of wilderness. This feeling of oppression does not come from the gap in cultivation, but from the source, the oppression in the depths of the soul.

"What's going on? This sense of oppression makes people feel very uncomfortable. Jun Lintian frowned slightly, but when Jun Lintian looked at the fat man, he did not see any uncomfortable look on the fat face. It seemed that this sense of oppression was specific to Jun Lintian.

At this moment, the fat man is looking curiously around, especially the various mysterious runes engraved on the stone plate under his feet at this moment, which seems to be a kind of prohibition, but even if it is Jun Lintian, people who know nothing about the prohibition can see that the prohibition on the slate is much smarter than the prohibition of the light blue light curtain. .

The fat man squatted gently on the ground and rubbed his fat fingers against the mysterious stone slab on the ground. The fat man's eyes showed horror. He whispered in shock: "I seem to have seen this prohibition somewhere."

The fat man fell into meditation, but after thinking for a long time, the fat man's eyes suddenly showed a sudden enlightenment. He stood up in surprise, and his eyes were full of astonishment. Jun Lintian saw the fat man's abnormality at this moment. Even in the sacrificial tomb, Jun Lintian did not look at it between life and death. The fat man showed such a surprise.

"What's wrong? Is there anything unclean here? Junlin asked in front of the sky, and at this moment, the creepy sound of dragging the chain heard outside once again echoed in this dead world.

The fat man put away his usual laughter and imperraticity. He looked at Jun Lintian seriously and said solemnly, "Kid, are you afraid of death?"

"Death? I don't know."

"I don't know? Well, if you don't want to die, you'd better leave here as soon as possible. Maybe it's not a treasure buried here, but a person, a strong man who is unimaginable. The fat man's bright little eyes looked into the distance and followed the fat man's eyes. At the end of Jun Lintian's vision, what reflected the king's eyes were a dark and dull world. There was a feeling of depression in the air, as if there was a peerless beast lurking in the far distance.

Jun Lintian looked back at the fat man and asked, "What did you... find?"

"Hmm!" The fat man nodded and then pointed to the mysterious rune on the slate under his feet and said, "Once I dug other people's ancestral graves for the first time... Bah, it was the first time I visited the grave of a strong man in ancient times. At the beginning, I got a jade slip, which recorded some things about ancient prohibitions, and now I The runes on the stone slab under our feet are more than half similar to the runes recorded on the jade slip I got, that is to say, this should be left from ancient times, and the scope of this prohibition seems to be all over this independent void. Even I can't arrange such a big ban.

The fat man shamelessly said, "Even I can't arrange it." Then he said without blushing, "And the most disturbing thing is that looking at the spread and ranking of the prohibition, it seems that this prohibition is used to bind that person, or the peerless strong man. The prohibition on the slate has turned this place into a cage, a cage that can trap the peerless strong."

Speaking of this, the fat man looked at the dark end with some fear. Maybe the imprisoned peerless strongman was at the center of the ban, but he didn't know whether the strong man had died after so many years.

After listening to the fat man's words, Jun Lintian also vaguely guessed something, and immediately Jun Lintian said, "Since it is a prohibition in ancient times, even in ancient times, even if it is trapped by the peerless strong man, the strong man should have died in endless years after so long. How can he live so long?"

There was a faint mockery on the fat man's face. He said, "Kid, you really don't know whether it's true or not. The general strong man can't resist the erosion of the years, but even if the sky-level strong man can't resist the passage of time, his life is long, even if it can't be said to be immortal, but it is also It's not much worse."

"You mean that there is a possibility that a sky-level strong man is imprisoned here?" There was a trace of surprise in Jun Lintian's eyes. Now Jun Lintian has only heard of the strong man at the sky level.

The fat man nodded solemnly, but just as the two were trembling, the sound of the crisp chain pulling echoed again in this dead world. Jun Lintian and the fat man couldn't help but be shocked. Both pairs of vigilant eyes were looking around blankly, but no matter how they looked at it, they came into view. It is still a dim world, a world without vitality.

At this moment, a sudden sigh echoed through the world. It was the voice of a middle-aged man, "Don't look at it anymore. The little fat man is right. This is a cage, and it is still a prohibition in ancient times, but the imprisoned person is not the strong man of ancient times."

The sudden sound echoing between heaven and earth immediately made their bodies tremble. However, even when the sound completely disappeared between heaven and earth, neither Jun Lintian nor the fat man could feel where the sound came from.

Jun Lintian looked around solemnly and said loudly to the sky, "Senior, I don't mean to offend you. I hope you will forgive me."

"Ha ha, that's all right, I haven't seen anyone for more than ten years. Since you can enter here, then... boy, is there the power of waste flowing in your body?" Halfway through the speech, the voice suddenly turned and became solemn.

Jun Lintian doesn't even know where others are at this moment, and for a long time, he has hidden extremely deep secrets, and the power of the wilderness flowing in his body has been recognized by others. Jun Lintian is even more shocked by the strength and cultivation of the person in the dark.

Jun Lintian did not hide anything about the mysterious strong man in the dark, and he nodded and admitted.

When Jun Lintian admitted that what was flowing in his body was the power of famine, the fat man's face showed disdain. The fat man snorted coldly and said jealously, "What's wrong with the ancient constitution? The ancient constitution is amazing. Grass, fat master, I don't disdain to have the ancient constitution."

Before the fat man's voice of jealousy and hatred was finished, the middle-aged man's voice in the void had laughed excitedly, "Hahaha, I didn't expect that God was indifferent to me in the East and me indifferent to the East."

The majestic excitement shook the void, and at the same time, the shocked Jun Lintian and the fat man were almost unstable.