Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 67 The Seal of the Devil

The huge Yuan power fluctuation between heaven and earth has spread out for dozens of miles. It seems that this world is shrouded in this huge Yuan power fluctuation. The people of Gu Yunzong walked out of their residence one after another and looked up to the air in surprise. Many people whispered softly: "It seems that a new powerful person has been added to the sect. ."

For a huge thing like Gu Yunzong, such a thing will be experienced once or twice in a few years, so at this moment, some people in the sect have stepped into the power level. Although everyone is surprised, they are not shocked.

However, for those strong people who perceive who the owner of this breath is, they can't help but be shocked, just like today's Zhi Rushuang. At this moment, Zhi Rushuang looked at the place where the Yuan force fluctuated, and there was a trace of shock and a trace of joy in her beautiful eyes. She was shocked when she broke through the power level, small At the same time, she is also happy that her little sister can break through the power level.

Xiang Qiuya naturally felt the familiar breath. She said in a daze, "How can this... be possible? She is only 18 years old this year."

All the people present were shocked, but the reality was already in front of everyone, and everyone must pack up to accept it.

The newly joined disciples of Gu Yunzong are conducting the qualifying competition as usual. At the same time, various departments of Gu Yunzong are also operating as usual. With the passage of time, the qualifying competition of the new disciples is also coming to an end, leaving only four people to compete for the last place.

The final semi-final and the final attracted the attention of Gu Yunzong. At the same time, it is rumored that in these days, one of the peerless geniuses of Gu Yunzong, the eldest brother Gong Nan, will return to Gu Yunzong. At the same time, in the final, Gu Yunzong will go to the scene to watch. For the mysterious Gu Yunzong, some people Even if he couldn't see each other for more than ten years, he is now excited to learn that the patriarch will come to the qualifying competition of the new entry disciples, which makes the whole Gu Yunzong excited.

These days, a series of things have been circulating in the Guyun Sect. However, for the wedding between the daughter of the patriarch of Guyun and the ninth brother, the heir of the Gongsun family, it seems that there has never been any rumor.

When Gu Yunzong was busy with all kinds of things, in the barren beast farm, it was almost the forbidden area of life, burning the sky and the bottom of the Tianhe River. Countless prohibitions here interweaved a world, and in these countless prohibitions, a handsome figure quietly sat cross-legged.

Now it is the 43rd day that Jun Lintian is immersed in the artistic conception of the immovable demon seal. For more than 40 days, Jun Lintian's body has remained motionless, and Jun Lintian's body is gradually covered with a layer of dust.

And in some small corners of the prohibition, the obscene figure of the fat man was carefully feeling the prohibition of countless ancient times. At the beginning, in order to be able to enter the Fentian River, the fat man had a lot of blood and blocked almost all his wealth. What he did was to find all kinds of precious treasures in the Fentian River.

However, now the fat man realized in a trance that the treasure at the bottom of the Tianhe River had already been patroned by the old bastards of Gu Yunzong. In desperation, the fat man had to feel the prohibition according to the indifference of the East.

At the same time, the fat man said, "The fat man worked hard to burn the middle of the river, and he can't go back empty-handed. Even if it is forbidden to runes, I will print two copies before leaving."

I have to say that the fat man's attainments in prohibition are indeed very high, and at the same time, the fat man's talent in prohibition is also few. In only 40 days, the fat man can understand the operation of this prohibition, which makes the fat man go further on the road of prohibition in the future.

Just when the fat man was still seriously feeling the forbidden operation, he suddenly felt chilly. The fat man turned around unexpectedly, and he happened to see the king floating in mid-air.

At this moment, Jun Lintian's whole body is shrouded in a black cloud, which is full of a depravity, which is a demon's breath, but Jun Lintian's heart does not lose itself in this demon's breath.

The fat man not far away showed a trace of fear in his small eyes. He touched the ferocious scars on his body and said with some fear, "Damn it, no way, gentleman, you won't go away again. The fat master can't help tossing around anymore. If you want to go out, you go outside, there is It's the poor guy who gave you **. Don't always stare at the fat man with your ferocious eyes.

Just as the fat man said fearfully, the black cloud on Jun Lintian's body suddenly stormed away, and a breath that seemed to come from the dark abyss swept through all the forbidden space in an instant. The fat man's fat body couldn't help trembling, and there was indescribable fear and a trace of fear in his small eyes.

These days, whenever Jun Lintian tries to hit the artistic conception of the demon seal, although he can get unimaginable power, almost every time he loses himself in the depraved breath, and Jun Lintian, who has lost himself, is like a violent wild beast. At this time, the fat man pitifully becomes The object of Jun Lintian's venting.

The fat man, like a white mouse, was used as an experiment by Oriental indifference to test the mood and will of Jun Lintian again and again, so that he could better control and exert the negative impression and counterattack brought by the demon seal.

For the strength of oriental indifference and the loss of Junlintian, the fat man doesn't know how many times he scolded their ancestors, but this still can't change the result of the fat man being fiercely kneaded, and the saddest thing is that the fat man dares to resist only with the consent of Dongfang's indifference.

The fat man has fixed himself as a poor white mouse. At this moment, he looked at the more and more horrible Jun Lintian. The fat man knew that the darker the dark smell emitted by Jun Lintian, the higher the degree of his violent departure, so there is no need to explain the extent of his abuse.

The dark breath of Jun Lintian is still increasing. Behind Jun Lintian, it seems that a ferocious skull is looming, and a surprising breath floats in this prohibition. At the same time, in the perception of the fat man, Jun Lintian's body and soul seem to have integrated with this place. This feeling gives the fat man an irresistible understanding, that is, no matter how he attacks Jun Lintian, it seems that he can't shake it.

Unless you can smash the whole world.

This is a feeling in the fat man's heart, but at this moment, bound by the chain, Dongfang's indifferent face showed a smile. He whispered, "Okay, boy, it should be able to be printed."

As soon as the indifferent voice of Dongfang fell, Jun Lintian's closed eyes suddenly opened, and two dark lights shot out of Jun Lintian's eyes. At the same time, they kept knot between Jun Lintian's hands. Because the speed of printing was too fast, countless remnants appeared. At the moment when the last seal came out, Jun Lintian's body was fierce. The earth shook, and then he roared in a low voice, "Don't move the magic seal!"

It seems to be a magic sound from the abyss of hell, and with the formation of the last seal, a black translucent light ball shrouded Jun Lintian. At this moment, Jun Lintian exudes a frightening breath, which is an unshakable breath.

Covering Junlintian, the surface of the black light ball burns with black flame, and the black flame ice is cold and hot. That is an illusion, but it is real. At this moment, Junlintian stands in mid-air, just like a mountain sitting on the earth, and no one can shake it.

"Fat, attack him with all your strength."

"Hmm?" The fat man unexpectedly glanced at the indifference of the East, and then a scalp-tingling smile appeared on his obscene face. The power of the first-order power condensed in the fat man's hands, and a storm of power surrounded the fat man, and then the fat man punched Jun Lintian.

"Haha, that's what the fat master is waiting for!"