Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 115 Ask for Wine

If Jun Lintian's words were heard by everyone, maybe everyone can't help rushing to beat Jun Lintian. Two jihad-level strongmen are their own masters. That guy actually said that it's not a good thing. Isn't it?

Night falls. When the darkness covers this world, it is like the end of a wonderful drama. The night falls and draws a satisfactory end to the teacher worship ceremony. However, during this day, too many things have happened, some of which make people laugh and cry, some are shocking, and at the same time let People are angry. In short, what happened in this short day is enough to become a long-term discussion among the people in the ancient Yunzong.

The night came, covering Jun Lintian's body, and Jun Lintian's thin body gradually disappeared into the night.

In the huge square, Jun Lintian looked at the stars overhead. Now he is in a foreign country. When the silence of death is restored around him, the feeling of homesickness in Jun Lintian's heart can't help burst out.

The so-called seeing things and thinking about people, whenever Jun Lintian sees the stars all over the sky, Jun Lintian can't help thinking of that haunting pretty face, "Today's Yongyuan Empire, because it should be snow all over the sky, the land in the north is indeed very different from his hometown..."

Jun Lintian muttered softly in his mouth, and at this moment, he suddenly felt that there was someone behind him. Jun Lintian turned around and looked at it, but several figures appeared in Jun Lintian's blurred vision.

The people who came are Kong Yutong, Zhi Rushuang and Xiang Qiuya.

Three beautiful women appeared in front of Jun Lintian together. No matter how heart was in Jun Lintian's heart, there was still an amazing feeling at this moment.

Kong Yutong saw Jun Lintian turn around with a faint smile on his face. Kong Yutong said, "Lintian, how can you thank me?"

"Thank you?"

"Yes, you promised before..."

Huh? Well, how do you want me to thank you?" Jun Lintian said, but he couldn't help looking at Zhi Rushuang and Xiang Qiuya beside Kong Yutong.

Looked at by Jun Lintian, Xiang Qiuya's clear and elegant face showed a smile. This elegant smile, combined with the silver moonlight, reflected Qiuya's clear and refined temperament to the best state. Even with Jun Lintian's mentality, he couldn't help but be slightly distracted at a glance.

At the same time, the moment when the silver moonlight pouring down from the sky matched the ice-clear and jade temperament on Zhi Rushuang, Jun Lintian suddenly felt that the temperature around him had dropped a little. Jun Lintian couldn't help but be shocked by Zhi Rushuang's cold and frosty temperament.

Jun Lintian was surprised by the faces of these two women in front of him. In terms of appearance, if you want to make a name among Kong Yutong and other people, it will really embarrass countless people. After all, everyone's temperament is different. At the same time, the nearly perfect facial features make people unable to pick out any flaws. How can this make People go to comment?

Jun Lintian was surprised by the sudden appearance of several people, but Kong Yutong said, "Are you sure you want me to decide how you thank me?"

Jun Lintian took his eyes away from the other two women and once again focused his eyes on Kong Yutong. Regarding Kong Yutong's question, Jun Lintian smiled and nodded, "Man, how can you take back what you say?"

"Well, but I haven't thought of it yet, so you owe it first. When I think of it, I'll let you do it..."

"Is there anything you owe first?" Jun Lintian couldn't help laughing and said with a smile.

"Of course, but before that, let's get down to business..." Kong Yutong pulled Qiuya, and Kong Yutong said, "This is Sister Qiuya. You should already know her, and this is Sister Rushuang." Kong Yutong pulled Zhi Rushuang and Xiang Qiuya, and introduced them to Jun Lintian one by one.

For Kong Yutong's introduction of these two people to himself, Jun Lintian was confused, but although he was confused, his politeness was indispensable. Jun Lintian smiled at the two women and then nodded gently.

Jun Lintian looked at Kong Yutong and said, "What's the matter?"

"In fact, it's nothing. I just want to invite you to get some wine from the fat elder..." When he said 'wine', Jun Lintian obviously felt that Kong Yutong's tone had become lower.

After Kong Yutong said this, she immediately explained anxiously, "It's not that I want to drink, nor is it what Sister Qiu Ya and Sister Rushuang want to drink, but... Anyway, please go to the fat elder to get some wine. Lintian, can you agree?"

"Sinner fairy?"

Jun Lintian asked this in his heart, but even if Jun Lintian guessed in his heart, he really couldn't figure out why Kong Yutong suddenly asked himself for this. However, in Jun Lintian's heart, he had not thought about refusing Kong Yutong's request. Although he wanted to take the culprit from the fat elder, it was difficult. It is absolutely difficult, but Jun Lintian believes that under such circumstances, he has a way to get sinners from fat elders. At worst, it takes a lot of time to compliment him.

Unconsciously, Jun Lintian's character over the years has changed little by little, especially the kind of autistic personality developed in the four years of being a waste, opening his heart little by little.

If the former Jun Lintian closed his whole soul in a dark small dark room, then at the moment when Jun Lintian met the ancient wooden old man and awakened the body of the ancient god, Jun Lintian knew that there was warm sunshine outside this small dark room.

After meeting Ye Yiyu, the door of the closed small dark room of Jun Lintian loosened.

And when Jun Lintian left far away from home, in these days, in the contact with Fang Fan and others, especially in the dozens of days and nights with Kong Yutong, even Jun Lintian himself did not know that unconsciously, the closed heart has opened a gap, and this gap is still expanding little by little. Big, and the warm sunshine outside the small black house also shines into the heart of Junlintian through this silk gap.

This slight change has restored the vitality of young people. After all, no matter what Jun Lintian has experienced, he is just an 18-year-old man now.

At the age of 18, you should have an 18-year-old mentality. The former Jun Lintian's psychology is too dark, and one is immersed in loss. Under the effect of the obsession in Jun Lintian's heart, in the future practice, if Jun Lintian's heart is still extremely gray, then Jun The possibility of sinking and falling will increase infinitely.