Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 131 Show your breath

The deep voice of Jun Lintian echoes on the top of this completely isolated mountain. In fact, the battle arranged by Jun Lintian these days is the result of the discussion of all the senior officials of Gu Yunzong. After all, the survival of Gu Yunzong is something that everyone who knows it pays great attention to.

And in the end, it's all because of one sentence.

"Since the Oriental indifference has put the bet on Jun Lintian, we have no choice..."

Such a sentence silenced countless people, including those extremely stubborn members of the Presbyterian Association. When they were still opposed to training the king with all their strength, the moment they heard this sentence, they could not help closing their noisy mouths and replaced them with silence.

Gu Yunzong seems to be extremely huge, but the threat it faces is enough to make Gu Yunzong perish countless times. The potential threat is so great that strong people like the elders can do nothing.

Jun Lintian's performance in the past half month has been seen in the eyes of everyone. Today, when Jun Lintian said the word 'fight' in a low voice, even the thin man who has been showing disdain has a trace of surprise on his face at this moment. The third level of Yuanshi is against the first level of great power, especially this first level of great power. It is not an ordinary power level. It can be said that Jun Lintian has no chance of winning, almost in an instantaneous rhythm, but Jun Lintian resolutely agreed, and among the few people present, he could also hear a little high-pitched fighting spirit from Jun Lintian's low words.

Kong Yutong's beautiful eyes stared at Jun Lintian quietly. Kong Yutong bit her teeth gently, and she whispered, "Lintian!"

In the square, Jun Lintian looked at the thin figure in the distance. Jun Lintian bowed slightly. In his mind, the power of the wilderness rolled in the abys of the wilderness, like a stormy wave. At the same time, the unimaginable power of the wilderness formed a black flame on the surface of Jun Lintian's body.

A huge force permeated, which instantly oppressed the hard floor. At the foot of Jun Lintian, the earth instantly cracked and then sank.


Jun Lintian shouted, and the 'rage' in his body was used in an instant. At the moment when Jun Lintian exerted his rampage, a circle of invisible energy burst out from Jun Lintian's body. A strong wind swept away and instantly lifted all the slates of the square, and Jun Lintian's long dark hair was upside down.

At this moment, Jun Lintian is like a demon bathed in black flames. In the power of the dark wilderness, only the blurred outline of Jun Lintian can be seen.

The power shown by Jun Lintian shocked several people on the battlefield. This power is much stronger than before, and in terms of momentum, it has increased a lot. With the release of the inside, the high fighting spirit in Jun Lintian's heart emerged.

The thin figure not far away, at this moment he looked solemnly at Jun Lintian in front of him, and the disdain on his previous face disappeared, replaced by a solemn face.

Although the opponent in front of him is not as good as the third level of Yuanshi, it gives him a sense of danger. At this moment, even if he is as arrogant as he is, he has to pay attention to the third level of Yuanshi. However, just when he is naturally wary of Junlin in his heart, in the unbelievable eyes of several people, Jun Lintian The bronze body gradually left the ground and quietly floated in mid-air.


"Empty? He...he actually took the air..."

"The strong man of the third level of Yuanshi actually relied on his own strength to take off?"


At this moment, even if he is more arrogant than the thin figure, the scene in front of him is still shocking and speechless. At this moment, in mid-air, Jun Lintian's dark eyes quietly stared at the powerful strong man below, and Jun Lintian's eyes are full of high fighting spirit.

The elder looked at Jun Lintian suspended in mid-air, and the elder said to himself, "Is this the power of the Dragon Vein of the Twelve Weeks? Contrary to the trajectory of fate and subvert common sense, this... is an anti-sky force!"


At this moment, a loud dragon sound suddenly broke out on Jun Lintian. After the sound of dragon, a huge red flame dragon faintly appeared behind Jun Lintian. This faint red flame dragon almost covered half of the sky, and at the same time, an irresistible pressure came to this side and was independent. Come to the top of the mountain.

Under this dragon power, even the isolation thought arranged by the elder can't help shaking slightly, and this is only the power of the pulse seal. The power of the pulse seal is 108,000 miles worse than the power of the complete twelve-week dragon vein.

The sky is surrounded by a huge flame dragon, and the virtual shadow of this dragon entangles the king's sky.

The thin figure in the distance looked at Jun Lintian in the sky. What Jun Lintian showed had long been beyond his understanding. At the same time, he, who was only a powerful level, trembled little by little under the dragon power of this dragon vein.

Xiang Xuan and Kong Yutong looked at the scene in shock, and the senior officials of Gu Yunzong, those old and immortals who stepped into the holy war, couldn't help but be shocked when they felt the power of the king's vein seal. At this moment, in the hearts of the people at the highest level of Gu Yunzong, they were thinking In the exam.

"Maybe the future of Gu Yunzong is really tied to this boy named Jun Lintian."

Now, Jun Lintian, who is in mid-air, stares at the figure of the first level of power below. The power of the pulse seal is also the confidence of the strong who dares to fight against the first level of power. If it is not for the power of the pulse seal, even if he has mastered the demon seal, he will not dare to fight so far over the level, because it is doubt that he will die.

At the beginning, it can only be said that it was a miracle that he survived in the hands of Gongnan. After all, Gongnan looked at Jun Lintian, but the emperor looked at the ant. For Jun Lintian, he just hit it casually, but this casual blow, he did not kill the ant in the accident.

For the power of the pulse seal, although today's King Lintian can summon it, it cannot be used at will. It can only be used as a defense. At the same time, it does not move the demon seal. Its most horrible place is also on the absolute defense. Although the attack of the seal of heaven and earth is enough to cross a large level of battle, now The mark of heaven and earth has not yet taken shape, and Jun Lintian has no power to urge it.

and other reasons have caused Jun Lintian's defense to be extremely strong now, and in an attack, only the air-eating fury, one finger to the universe is the most fierce.