Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 162 It turned out to be like this


Jun Lintian muttered softly, and at the same time, his distracting eyes were still staring at the red flame under his feet. When the power of the shock passed, the flame of the sky gathered again, as if the lake that stirred up the ripples returned to calm, and everything returned to its original state.

"Do you want to have scratches on the previous reincarnation stone?" The flashing scene suddenly came to Jun Lintian's mind.

In order to understand the doubts in his heart, Jun Lintian once again drummed his strength and then hit the ground fiercely. With a roar, the red flame on the ground immediately rippled, and then revealed the reincarnation stone that had become red below. This time, due to the great power used by Jun Lintian, the reincarnation exposed The area is also a little more than before.

The reincarnation stone only flashed in Jun Lintian's vision, and then was covered by the huge flame again. However, this time Jun Lintian saw very clearly that on the exposed reincarnation, there were dense runes engraved with these dense runes, although Jun Lintian only looked at them in an instant. After a glance, but with the determination of the king now, he can't help but be shocked.

This feeling is like a mountain suddenly pressing on Jun Lintian, making Jun Lintian almost unable to breathe.

"This is... Tao, the rune on the reincarnation stone, is the footprint of Tao?" Jun Lintian was shocked. Although he was extremely strange to the current Jun Lintian, when Jun Lintian saw the mysterious rune, the shock and fear in his heart made Jun Lintian very sure that this was 'Tao'.

The old man of Gumu beside Junlintian quietly looked at Junlintian in shock, with a smile on his face full of vicissitudes. The old man Gumu said, "Yes, these runes are the embodiment of Tao. As for what Tao is, you need to understand it yourself. It is useless for others to explain it to you."

"Do you want to feel it yourself? Teacher, do you mean that I will use it to feel the 'Tao' engraved on this reincarnation stone in the next time?

"Yes, yes..."

"However, looking at the runes, it seems to be full of every corner of the road. If you want to see the mark of the road, you must exhaust the endless flames here. With my current power, I can't do it at all." Jun Lintian looked at the old man in surprise, and there was a trace of disbelief in his eyes. After all, in Jun Lintian's view, all this is almost impossible to accomplish.

Looking at the surprised Jun Lintian, the old man said seriously, "Didn't you also say that you can't do it at all now, but this doesn't mean that you can't do it in the future. Lintian, think about your original persistence and think about the beliefs you have been sticking to."

In a word, the old man woke up Jun Lintian. After Jun Lintian was silent for a moment, his dark eyes showed firmness, which was an unprecedented determination and perseverance.

Jun Lintian quietly looked at the burning flames under his feet. The rise of the flame almost distorted the void. At the same time, the terrible high temperature contained in the red flame was also like a rising airflow, driving Jun Lintian's long dark hair. With the improvement of his physical strength, Jun Lintian's transparent tenacity Sex and intensity have improved a lot.

This is also the reason why Jun Lintian's black hair is so elegant in such a place now, but as long as there is power to protect it, even the extremely fragile hair will not be damaged.

Jun Lintian was silent, but his hand did not stop. A series of forces continued to pour into his right arm, and then bombarded the ground fiercely.

Every bombardment will expose a trace of reincarnation stone on the ground, but the reincarnation stone that has just been exposed will be covered by the red flame again the next moment.

I am very clear about this result, but the fist in Jun Lintian's hand has not stopped, and the bombardment has no effect, but Jun Lintian has not given up, and after one bombardment, Jun Lintian will try to firmly engrave the mark of the Tao engraved on the reincarnation stone firmly in his mind.

After memories again and again, the impression in Jun Lintian's mind became more and more profound. Until a period of time later, Jun Lintian was able to feel the meaning contained in the imprint of the 'Tao'.

"What does this mean, up and down, left and right?" Feeling this extremely small trace of Taoism, Jun Lintian was puzzled, but now Jun Lintian has not given up and will not give up. Such a small road engraved on the reincarnation stone is extremely small, so he will do a few more places.

The power of King Lintian is limited, so the range of flames that can be arranged is also greatly limited. However, when the 'Tao' in a range is felt, change to another place and then put together these sporadic ways.

This is the method that Jun Lintian has just come up with, and now it seems that this method is feasible.

As time goes by, it is ten days in a blink of an eye. In the ten days, Jun Lintian has already firmly remembered the way within 100 meters in diameter in his heart, but this 100 meters in diameter range is really negligible compared with the almost boundless space here. Whenever he looks around the huge sea of fire around At that time, a sense of powerlessness emerged in Jun Lintian's heart.

However, the original vow, the former promise, and the protection in my heart have been supporting the king's landing, and then sticking to it little by little.

The range of 100 meters in diameter, the Taoism recorded above can be said to be extremely annoying. Its complexity and incomprehension are far beyond Jun Lintian's imagination, and in the past ten days, Jun Lintian has also had a preliminary understanding of his memory of the Tao.

Whenever Jun Lintian's mind put together those fragmentary ideas, he felt a mysterious space, and a ripple suddenly appeared in this space and then dispersed.

This is the morality put together by Jun Lintian, but Jun Lintian feels that he has no clue about the inexplicable perception.

"Space, the diffusion of power?" Jun Lintian muttered in his mouth, but his heart was confused and couldn't figure it out, "What on earth does this mean? Forget it... Maybe more piece it together, maybe it will be clearer."

Since the doubts in his heart could not be explained, Jun Lintian did not struggle, but once again focused his eyes on the red flame under his feet. Jun Lintian once again exerted his strength. Ten days later, Jun Lintian's power has changed extremely slightly compared with ten days ago, and it can clear the scope of the flames, which is also in one It's increasing little by little.

However, when Jun Lintian saw the road on the reincarnation stone again, at this time, a problem that had never occurred.

Because at this moment, no matter how hard Jun Lintian tries to remember the way on the reincarnation stone, he can't remember it, as if he was washed away by the waves after writing on the beach.

Jun Lintian was puzzled again about this question. After several attempts, Jun Lintian guessed in his heart: "Is it possible that the memory reaches the range of nearly 100 meters? Or do I have to fully understand the meaning within 100 meters before I can remember the following?

Jun Lintian didn't know that his guess was right, that is, he must thoroughly understand the way within 100 meters in diameter, but the next step is not to let him piece together the same area little by little as before, but to arrange the whole flames here.

Unconsciously, Jun Lintian fell into meditation, and his mind was full of the patchwork of Taoism. He seemed to see that in an independent space, a force was running in an extremely complex trajectory, and then this extremely weak force almost drove the flow of this void.

When such a scene appeared in Jun Lintian's mind, Jun Lintian seemed to know something.

At this moment, in the Dan furnace, Jun Lintian's quietly standing body moved gently, fiddling with his hands in a soft posture. While Jun Lintian was playing with it, a force continued to output from his body, and then this force was attached to the void.

As he swings his own power, he drives the flow of this void, which is only the range that can be driven by the current king's understanding of the sky, but with him as the center, the range of more than 100 meters so far.

Within a range of more than 100 meters so far, the red flame is beating, and then begins to be disordered. With the passage of time, the fluctuation of the red flame becomes more and more huge. In the end, there are faint signs of collapse. If the red flame collapses, the reincarnation stones within a diameter of more than 100 meters are all It will be completely presented in front of the king.

At this moment, Jun Lintian's consciousness suddenly returned to his mind. He quietly recalled the strange scene just now, and the shock in his heart was indescribable.

"It turns out that the way is recorded within 100 meters in diameter, it turns out to be like this... If the way you understand enough and profound enough, then the scope you can influence will definitely become larger and larger. Maybe in the end, it can really affect this independent space, that is, the whole reincarnation stone, completely and completely Show in the field of vision. There was a trace of joy in Jun Lintian's heart.

The mood of Jun Lintian is excited, but secondly, the old man sighed in the heart of Gumu: "It seems that the fat elder and the elder are really well-intentioned. From the moment when the disaster came, perhaps the two have planned their future practice in their minds, from the end of the burning Tianhe River to now. In the independent world, maybe everything is in the budget of those two people, but... how much benefit you can get depends on yourself, but... fat elder, what is the 'Tao' on this reincarnation stone?