Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 184 I just want to help you

In the dark night sky, the silver moonlight sprinkled between heaven and earth, laying a layer of silver for the whole night sky. In the dark night, two figures sat quietly on the edge of the cliff.

Everything around was so quiet, and Jun Lintian raised his finger to the place where heaven and earth met. Just as Jun Lintian raised his hand, Kong Yutong's eyes also followed the direction pointed by Jun Lintian's fingers, but Kong Yutong's beautiful eyes were stunned by the scene that came into his eyes.

The scene in front of us has exceeded Kong Yutong's understanding of Gu Yunzong. Even if he has lived in Gu Yunzong for several years, the scene seen in his vision at this moment can definitely be called the most beautiful scene.

A light blue halo suddenly broke out in the place where heaven and earth met. The light blue halo was like the divine light of the fairyland covering the world. With the appearance of the light blue halo, colorful light bands floated between heaven and earth, and a soft atmosphere enveloped the hearts of Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong.

While Kong Yutong was quiet in the soft scenery, a strong golden light suddenly burst out in the colored light belt, mixed with a dark yellow color in the golden light. This breath seemed to have crossed the ancient flood and came to before ancient times. This feeling is like crossing, among which Mysterious, only when you are in it will you know it.

Kong Yutong seemed to be calm in this wonderful feeling. When time did not know how long it had passed and the vision of heaven and earth disappeared, Kong Yutong came out of the immersion.

"How's it going?" Jun Lintian asked with a smile.

"It's so beautiful... However, Lintian, this doesn't seem to be a normal natural phenomenon, but more like a vision, or some kind of sign?"

"Signs?" Jun Lintian looked at Kong Yutong doubtfully.

Kong Yutong nodded gently and said, "Well, there is a record of this phenomenon. I remember seeing it in the library of Gu Yunzong. It seems to be a sign before something happened, but I don't remember anything, and... Although this vision is beautiful, it always gives me a feeling of uneasiness."

Speaking of this, Jun Lintian also felt it carefully. With the strength of Jun Lintian's current perception, he also felt a trace of uneasiness, but Jun Lintian did not know exactly what made Jun Lintian uneasy.

If Jun Lintian has mastered the power of the sixth sense of fate, then if you want to know these things, it is just a matter of hand. The sixth sense of fate seems to have no aggression, but its horror and power are daring and cannot be underestimated by any strong man.

Looking at Jun Lintian frowning slightly, Kong Yutong asked, "Do you feel it too?"

"Well, I really have that kind of uneasy feeling when you said this, and I remember that this vision appeared the day before yesterday. Before that, I came back almost every night to feel the flow of natural power, but I didn't find this vision between heaven and earth in the first few days. It was not until two days ago that it suddenly appeared. And with the passage of time, the dark yellow that finally burst out is also getting stronger and stronger..."

Originally, I wanted Kong Yutong to see the beautiful scenery she found, but I didn't expect it to be the current situation.

However, Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong did not find anything possible after careful memories, so they simply did not pursue this question that could not be answered.

The two quietly looked at the vision between heaven and earth, but Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong did not know that such a scene could only be seen here in this world. If you change the position, you can see that the sky is still dark and there is nothing strange.

The night gradually left, waiting for the face of the morning sun. When the red morning sun rose from heaven and earth, the vision between heaven and earth also disappeared. Kong Yutong's beautiful face showed a trace of sleepiness. She gently stretched out her waist, but it was this lazy scene that made Kong Yutong's other side. Showing it, it is an extremely deep charm, which is almost intoxicating and unable to extricate itself.

"Well, it's time for me to go back, but... Remember, pay attention to safety in the 99th floor ban. If something happens in the ban, I won't forgive you..." Kong Yutong waved his little fist at Jun Lintian and then turned away.

Looking at Kong Yutong's departure, Jun Lintian shook his head helplessly, and then looked at the junction of heaven and earth. He was still recalling the visions of several days in a row. He didn't feel anything before, but when he heard Kong Yutong say that he had a feeling of uneasiness, Jun Lintian's heart became more and more unable to calm down.

"What happened to Jun's family?" Jun Lintian has always been concerned about his hometown and his relatives, so when he felt uneasy in his heart, the first thing he thought of was the king's family far away in the Yongyuan Empire.

"Forget, even if something happens to the Jun family, I think my father and eldest brother can deal with it, and with my current situation, I can't help the family at all. I'm still ready to burn the end of the Tianhe River. I don't know how many floors I can go deep with my current cultivation and physical strength."

Jun Lintian thought so, and at this time, some people who wanted to challenge Jun Lintian had appeared on the periphery of this mountain.

Seeing this, Jun Lintian left quickly, and Jun Lintian did not hide his whereabouts. He flew directly to the end of the Burning Tianhe River. There, Jun Lintian decided to break the pot and sink the boat once. As long as the cultivation of the power of the wilderness did not break through to the power level, he would never come out.

"Isn't that the king's coming?"

"Yes, it's him. After staying in a place where the birds don't shit for more than ten days, he finally left and didn't know where his destination was?"

"Look in this direction... It should be the end of the burning river..."

"Burning the end of the Tianhe River?"


Some people who saw Jun Lintian's figure talked about it. At the same time, some people who wanted to fight with Jun Lintian also stopped. They watched Jun Lintian's figure leave and did not catch up, because these days, Jun Lintian's character has also been known by everyone. Jun Lintian is willing to fight with you, which is your good luck. If Jun Lintian doesn't want to fight with you, no matter how you pressure it, it won't help.

Now that Jun Lintian has chosen to leave here, that is to say, Ming Jun Lintian is not far away from accepting the challenge of everyone at this moment. In order not to hit the wall, everyone chose to be silent wisely.

However, there are always some eyeless people in time. Even if Jun Lintian left, they still want to catch up and fight with Jun Lintian. However, the final result is that almost all of them lack arms and broken legs. The lightest injuries are also hand joints are dislocated. As for those who are strong People, most of these people have experienced practice outside, or they are confined to the realm within the sect, so those who can defeat the king's heaven rarely come to challenge the king's heaven.

After all, in the eyes of such a strong man, challenging a powerful little guy is just bullying people, but they don't know that this guy whose physical strength has broken through to the first level of great power has the actual combat effectiveness to fight with them.

In front, a space barrier appeared, and Jun Lintian's figure stood in front of the barrier, with continuous imprinting in his hand, and the fingerprints kept hitting the void. When the last fingerprints came out, Jun Lintian's figure moved and entered the barrier, and Jun Lintian's vision was completely changed in an instant.

is still the familiar sea of fire, and at the same time, the hot breath hits the heart of Jun Lintian in waves.

Feel the hot breath around. Now Jun Lintian, who is extremely ** of the flow of power between heaven and earth, can feel it. Today, two years later, the hot breath at the end of the Tianhe River is stronger than that year. Although the intensity is negligible, Jun Lintian still feels it.

Jun Lintian does not know that this change in hot power has only increased in just a few days. In the past two years, the Burning Tianhe has been very calm.

As Jun Lintian's figure appeared at the end of the Fentian River, there was another wave at the end of the Fentian River. People started the topic again around Jun Lintian, and people were talking about the brilliant achievements that Jun Lintian had, not long ago, and even may even happen in the future.

For this kind of discussion, Jun Lintian can be said to be common. Even if he was so unnatural at the beginning, he gradually became familiar with it after seeing too much.

Jun Lintian quietly walked into his own secret room. After being familiar with the secret room for several hours, Jun Lintian came out. After that, he looked at the names on the huge stone tablet on the first floor. Jun Lintian walked silently to the transmission array.

The king's sky is deep, and people are always paying attention to the whereabouts of the king's sky.

Two years have passed. What floor can you say Jun Lintian can go deep into now?"

"It's really hard to say. With the perverted power of King Lintian, who can be accurate? And now, perhaps the patriarch of Guyun doesn't know about the ultimate combat effectiveness of Jun Lintian... huh? Isn't that Kong Yutong?"

Huh? It's really... It seems that there is really an unspeakable relationship between Kong Yutong and Jun Lintian..."

"What? Are you upset? If you don't like it, you can go to Jun Lintian to fight, but in my opinion, the duel between you and Jun Lintian is just death, even if you have a second-order cultivation of great power now.


"I'm telling the truth. You don't have to look at me like this!"


The discussion between the two was just a microcosm of everyone, and when Kong Yutong's figure appeared at the end of the Burning Tianhe River, Jun Lintian looked back with some sensitivity, and then turned around and walked deeper.

"Lintian, since I saw the vision last night, I always have an ominous feeling in my heart. This morning, I searched the library, but I didn't find the book I once saw, so I want to stay with you and help you when you encounter difficulties..." This is What Kong Yutong thought.