Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 191 Accident

The collapse of the temporary channel was unexpected by everyone. At this moment, Kong Yihan, who was seriously injured by the power deep in the flame whirlpool, immediately adjusted his strength, and then tried his best to stabilize the disordered space channel at the first time. However, the horror around him became more and more violent, especially the horror below. When the dull sound echoed between heaven and earth, it seemed that the hot breath around it increased a lot in an instant.

The strong man who could have resisted one or two was in a terrible high temperature under the impact of this sudden surge of hot breath.

Those who had escaped looked back coldly. In the shaky passage and watched the living life fall into the sea of fire, there was a feeling of rabbit death in everyone's hearts. If they had not had time to escape just now, maybe it was themselves who died.

Under the 99th floor of prohibition, I don't know what kind of power is surging. At the same time, I feel a deep fear of the horror that is full of heaven and earth.

Jun Lintian's figure, while trying to protect Kong Yutong, is also trying his best to reach the exit of the channel. As long as the channel overflows, he and Kong Yutong will be temporarily safe, but... Jun Lintian knows that at the speed of today's development, his current speed is too late to reach the exit of the space channel. , the sudden surge of hot breath in the space channel will completely swallow up himself and Kong Yutong, who is still in the channel.

At that time, waiting for yourself is really a dead end.

And below, under the 99th layer of prohibition, there seems to be an explosive force spewing out. If this force spewed out, perhaps even the jihadist-level strongmen such as Kong Yihan will be extremely reluctant or even dangerous to deal with it.

Jun Lintian always believes in his feelings in his heart, and Jun Lintian is even more convinced of the stronger uneasiness in his heart at this moment.

"No, don't make a decision immediately..."

Jun Lintian looked at Kong Yutong beside him, and then said fiercely, "Yutong, you go up first, and I'll be there later..."

"No, I'm going to die together!" Just as Jun Lintian said this, Kong Yutong knew what Jun Lintian was thinking. However, it is absolutely impossible for Kong Yutong to agree with Jun Lintian's thoughts, but now Kong Yutong is seriously injured, and she does not have the time and strength to stop Jun Lintian.

The power of Jun Lintian's whole body was tense to the limit. At this moment, he not only used the power of the pulse imprint, but also the power of the imprint of heaven and earth in his mind was forcibly pulled by him. This extremely condensed force wrapped Kong Yutong tightly, and then Jun Lintian raised all his strength and shook his arms.

I saw an irresistible force that directly made Kong Yutong fly away, and its speed was even faster to an unimaginable speed.

The distance from the entrance of the channel has arrived in an instant. However, for his own hope, there are tears in Kong Yutong's beautiful eyes. Perhaps today, Kong Yutong has flowed all his tears for more than 20 years.

At this moment, Kong Yutong also feels that maybe this is the feeling of loving someone. His smile and his mood swings change only because of one of his actions and his words.

"No, Lin Tian..." Kong Yutong called bitterly in her heart, but now she can only watch Jun Lintian's figure in her vision, getting farther and farther in her vision. Due to the throwing of Kong Yutong, Jun Lintian suffered an unimaginable reaction, and in this huge reaction Under the force, Jun Lintian's figure not only did not rise, but fell a lot in an instant.

Now, Jun Lintian is under the passage. When he saw Kong Yutong's figure leaving the passage, a smile appeared on his handsome face. At this moment, Jun Lintian seemed to have put down some burden in his heart.

"Don't worry, Yutong, I won't die!"

Jun Lintian muttered to himself in his mouth, and at the same time, a strong force suddenly burst out, and then flew to the exit of the channel with all his strength. Because there was no Kong Yutong beside him, Jun Lintian's speed soared to a terrible speed in everyone's shocked eyes.

Where Jun Lintian's figure passed, the void was compressed into a white air mask, and at the same time, the deafening gas explosion could be clearly heard even in the extremely oppressive dull roar below.

"How can that guy be so fast?"

"He looked so embarrassed before he came here to protect Sister Yutong..."

"Which guy is just a ninth-level guy now? How can this be possible?"

For the sudden outbreak of Jun Lintian, everyone was shocked again, and Kong Yihan also saw everything. Before that, when Jun Lintian and Kong Yutong's lives were threatened, Kong Yihan had no extra strength to help Jun Lintian because he wanted to maintain the existence of communication with all. And Kong Yutong.

In Kong Yihan's heart, he was also very worried about Jun Lintian and Kong Yihan. When he saw Jun Lintian, regardless of his life and sent Kong Yutong out of the channel first, he didn't know why, Kong Yihan felt a sense of peace in his heart. It seemed that Kong Yihan felt that Jun Lintian's life would never be in danger. Like danger.

The people who had left the passage quietly looked at the people who were still running for their lives in the passage, but some people could no longer withstand the increasingly terrible disorder and hot breath in the passage, but died directly.

Jun Lintian flew to the exit of the channel with all his strength. At the moment when the exit was close at hand, the sudden explosion of the force in the 99th floor of prohibition finally hit. The force that made Kong Yihan was seriously injured in an instant and turned into a huge pillar of fire that rushed to the sky, and Jun Lintian's figure was in the crowd. In the wide pupils, they were swallowed up by this huge and devastating force.

Jun Lintian's unbelievable pupils showed fear. He opened his mouth to say something, but under the impact of that terrible force, Jun Lintian didn't even have a chance to speak.

After the throat moved, the figure of Jun Lintian completely disappeared from everyone's sight. All this came so fast that everyone had not reflected from it. However, when the surroundings fell into a dead silence, a painful call echoed in everyone's ears.

"No, near the sky..."

Between heaven and earth, it was Kong Yutong's heartbreaking roar.