Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 202 Ape Song

Two years later, the ancient Yunzong has long changed. The people who once lived may have been buried in the long river of history, the once unknown unknown people, or now the trajectory of fate is rotating eternally. No one can see through fate, let alone control life. Yun.

The strangeness of fate is mysterious and weird. It is not allowed anyone to think about it. Just like Kong Yutong at this moment, it seems that fate has made a big joke on her.

Why did she know Jun Lintian, why did she unconsciously put that guy in her heart, and... Since fate arranged him beside her, why did she let herself look at him and stay away from her little by little, even if Kong Yutong was very clear in her heart, no matter He, I can't replace the position of the woman named Ye Yiyu, but even so, Kong Yutong's inner pain is unspeakable.

Jun Lintian's smile, Jun Lintian's breath, Jun Lintian's every move, like the fragrance of roses, deeply attracting Kong Yutong, which makes her unable to extricate herself. This attraction, even the passage of time cannot be diluted. On the contrary, with the passage of time, Kong Yutong's inner yearning for Jun Lintian becomes deeper and deeper. .

The sky is gloomy, and there is a faint sound of sobbing in the air, and a heavy atmosphere enveloped around.


A crystal tear fell quietly, and the tear fell on the ground, and then splashed everywhere. Kong Yutong's heart was also like this tear, fragmented and torn apart.

"Yutong, two years, two years, have you really not forgotten that guy? Do you know that even if that guy is alive now, there has been someone else in his heart, and you..." Looking at Kong Yutong in tears, Xiang Qiuya's heart was as painful as a knife. The smiling little sister in the past, but now, who knows the sadness and sadness behind the forced smile?

"I know, Sister Qiu Ya, stop talking, okay? Please stop talking..."

Kong Yutong held her cheeks in her hands, and tears slipped out of her fingers. In the sobbing words, she recalled the pain in her heart. It seemed that the scenes of that year vaguely echoed in front of her eyes, and everything seemed to have happened yesterday.

The scene fell into silence. The three daughters of Zhi Rushuang quietly looked at the painful Kong Yutong. Zhi Rushuang came forward and gently hugged Kong Yutong into her arms. Everything was silent.

With the passage of time, the return of Zhi Rushuang's three women to the Gu Yunzong also caused a big enough impact in the huge Gu Yunzong. However, when the whole Gu Yunzong had not recovered from the shock of the three women's return, an explosive news spread all over the Gu Yunzong, and some of the reasons came from a shocking Roaring.

It was at dusk, and the whole Gu Yunzong was still immersed in the noise, but at this time, the strong man of Gu Yunzong suddenly felt a huge breath appearing in front of the gate of Gu Yunzong, and then a strong and huge sound echoed in the gate of Gu Yunzong.

"Hahaha... Gu Yunzong, I'm back!"

The heroic and majestic voice almost resounded through the whole ancient Yunzong, and with the transmission of this sound, it was like thunder, which made people tremble in their hearts. Judging from this sound, even servants without any cultivation can guess that the one who can make such a roar must be a high level of energy. The strong.

After that sound, when the night came, a piece of news had spread throughout the ancient Yuanzong.

"One of the legends of the ancient Yuanzong, Yuan Song... is back!"

This news shocked the hearts of the young generation of geniuses of Gu Yunzong. Even when Gong Nan heard the name, his handsome face could not help but be uncertain. In Gong Nan's memory, a few years ago, when Yuan Song had just broken through to the power level, even if he was against him, it was an extreme The tricky existence, how far has that the guy grown up after several years?

The roar at dusk, even today's Gongnan, is extremely difficult to do. It can be seen that the cultivation of the ape pine is equally horrible.

Gong Nan is in a pavilion. He has already forgotten that he was rejected by Kong Yutong, and his mind recalls all the information about Yuansong. This guy who returned to Gu Yunzong is definitely Gongnan's strong enemy. Even if Gu Yunzong has reached such an unimaginable height as the ninth level of power, When the majestic ape-like figure came to his mind, Gong Nan was still uneasy or even frightened.

"Why did that guy come back at this time?"

"Also, a few years ago, when Yutong came to Gu Yunzong, the guy who had been chasing Yutong's sister, and the reason why he left Gu Yunzong was that his pursuit was rejected by Yutong's sister, and he left Gu Yunzong in anger. Now I vaguely remember that Yuan Song left Gu Yun at the beginning. Zong Shi said, 'Sister Yutong, when I am worthy of you, I will come back...' Does that guy deserve Yutong now?"

Some of the past events in those years wandered in Gong Nan's mind, and at that time, he was just a young disciple who had just stepped into the power level. Now, in terms of his own strength, Gong Nan has already been superior. Looking at the past with different eyes, Gong Nan has different feelings in his heart, but regardless of Gong Nan's heart What is the feeling in it, but his inner fear of Yuansong has never changed.

I used to be afraid of that madman, but now I still...

In the huge council hall of Gu Yunzong, the main peak of the Guyun Mountains, an extremely majestic figure stood quietly in the huge empty hall. The bulging muscles on this majestic figure were like undulating mountains, and the power contained in it was unimaginably large. A slightly rough face is calm after countless battle baptisms. Above the corners of his eyes, a ferocious scar is the medal of his glorious battle. Whether it is an extremely strong body or the faint pressure, everything shows the terrible strength of this figure.

This majestic figure, like an ancient giant ape, stood quietly in the hall. Suddenly, this mountain-like figure knelt directly to the ground. He kowtowed deeply and said respectfully, "Disciple Yuan Song, I have seen it!"

"I'm back..."

"Yes, when the disciple comes back, the disciple is unfilial. Over the years, due to the waywardness of the disciple, the disciple has not been able to serve in front of you!" The ancient giant figure knelt down respectfully, lowered his head, and said seriously.

A shadow appeared above the hall, and then came from the mouth of the shadow, "Just come back, Yuan Song, today's Gu Yunzong needs you."

"Yes, the disciple knows, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that the disciple wants to ask, how is Yutong's sister now?" When Yuan Song said the word "Yu Tong", his tone couldn't help but become weaker, and his lowered head was lower.

When Yuan Song asked this question, the shadow standing above was silent for a moment. After a moment, the shadow quietly turned around and left, but when the figure left, his voice echoed in the empty hall, "Go to see her and enlighten her well."

When the voice fell, the shadow disappeared, and there was only the majestic figure left in the large hall.

Ape Song slowly stood up from the ground and looked at the place where the shadow disappeared. After a moment of silence, Yuan Song muttered to himself, "Master, from today on, I will not let Sister Yutong suffer any harm, never."

Endless fists burst into the crackling sound of bones, and at the place where the knuckles collided, the huge energy flow generated by the direct impact of the joints made the void around the giant ape-like fist fluctuate slightly. Although it was not detectable, this power did make the void appear. Twisted.

Gu Yunzong became lively due to the return of Yuan Song, and the people of Gu Yunzong were also speculating about the current strength of Yuan Song.

For Yuansong, the disciples who have just joined the Guyun Sect, they have never heard of this character before, but when they learned from the elderly disciples that Yuansong's amazing deeds in the ancient Yunzong, these new disciples, in addition to being afraid of Yuansong, or Maybe there is only worship left.

The guy Yuansong is a well-known madman. He not only acts like a madman, but also practices more like a madman. In Gu Yunzong, few people can compare with the cruelty of self-practice Song.

It can be said that Yuan Song's cultivation is self-torture, little by little.

That's a veritable madman... Even if Gong Nan and others meet, they don't want to provoke.

When the first ray of sunshine shines on the earth, Gu Yunzong still runs as usual, but in the conversation of Gu Yunzong, there is one more name, that is, the ape pine who has just returned to the ancient Yunzong, but at this moment, the ape pine got up early, and after cleaning up, he left his mountain peak.

Along the way, Yuan Song will attract everyone's attention wherever he goes. After all, his huge and magnificent figure is as attractive as the extremely handsome face of Jun Lintian.

Ape Song looked at the onlookers. He said impatiently, "Hey, who knows where Sister Yutong lives now? If you know, stand up for me..."

is just an ordinary word, but the majestic and dull sound is that the deafening people present are dizzy and unable to stand up to talk to Yuan Song at all.

frowned slightly and looked at the indifferent crowd. Yuan Song increased his voice angrily and said, "Doesn't anyone know?"