Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 48 The original right and wrong

At the border gate, in the secret room where the king's family's breath remained, the dull eyes of the Jun family were full of despair. They stared at the empty secret room, and people seemed to be able to hear their heavy breathing.

For a while, the void around it seemed to be frozen.

"He... died? Or has it disappeared?"

"Jun's family...It's over!"

"Our last hope, but now everything has become a forgone conclusion, and the fate of the Jun family will be borne by the Jun family themselves."


"But... I'm not convinced, I'm unwilling, can we just give up? No, even if we die, we will resist..."

The people all showed despair, but the unwillingness and resentment in their hearts were converted into war. Some extremely unwilling people walked out of the secret room angrily. However, at the moment when the people of the Jun family walked out of the secret room, in the eyes of the high-level members of the Jun family, it was the dense army of the royal family. , and nearly a hundred powerful figures.

The war between the Jun family and the royal family has become one-sided, and now it is also painted with a sentence.

"Jun Aoxiang, do I do it, or do you surrender yourself?" The head of the Ye family stood up at this moment and looked at Jun Aoxiang, the leader of the Jun family.

Jun Aoxiang's extremely vicissitudes looked around at the royal army in front of him. He felt everything in the city. Now that the war is at the end, the Jun family's army was completely defeated by several times the number of the royal family, and the royal army also began to clean up the battlefield.

After a long time, Jun Aoxiang looked at the head of the Ye family in front of him and the strong man with a huge atmosphere. Jun Aoxiang said, "My family has not lost yet!"

"No loss? Ha ha, the last place where your family lived has completely fallen, and all the people of your family have become prisoners. Do you think your family hasn't lost yet? Joke, it's really a big joke. For Jun Aoxiang's words, some powerful strongmen in the back row said disdainfully, and looked at the remaining dozens of high-level officials of the Jun family, with mocking smiles on their faces.

In the eyes, the winner looks at the loser.

Jun Aoxiang ignored the ridicule of others. He just looked at the head of the Ye family quietly. After a long time, Jun Aoxiang whispered, "Brother Ye, in fact... we could have become in-laws, what can we do..." Jun Aoxiang said, shaking his head helplessly at the same time, and his eyes were full of pity. .

Jun Aoxiang's words made the head of the Ye family condense. After a long time, the head of the Ye family said seriously: "Jun Aoxiang, I admit that I was blind. Jun Lintian's boy could be so powerful, which neither you or me expected, but I don't regret my original decision. I What you want to do is a father, a father who cares about his daughter's happiness. As for Jun Lintian, a powerful dead man is also equivalent to nothingness.

"For the sake of your daughter's happiness?" Jun Aoxiang looked at the head of the Ye family, and at the same time, there was a trace of ridicule at the corners of Jun Aoxiang's mouth, "Ha ha, for his daughter's happy father?"

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, I'm just laughing at myself and you at the same time. In those years, I hurt my daughter for the sake of my family, but now, you keep saying that it's for your daughter's happiness, but you ask yourself, is Yiyu really happy now?" Jun Aoxiang looked at the head of the Ye family. He seemed to forget that it was a war. He roared loudly and didn't look calm at all, because at this moment, he was just a father, a father who thought for his son.

Jun Aoxiang's roar echoed between heaven and earth, while the Ye family was nailed to the ground, and his body couldn't help but stiffen, while Jun Aoxiang's voice echoed in the Ye family's mind for a long time, "Is Yiyu really happy now?"

For what Yiyu thought, the head of the Ye family is very clear in his heart, but he has always looked at things with his own knowledge. As for whether his daughter is happy, in the heart of the head of the Ye family, he has a set of his own views. From the position of the head of the Ye family, he married the original fourth prince, today's empire. King is Ye Yiyu's best place to go, so he will naturally be happy.

For a long time, the head of the Ye family has always thought so, but over the years, whenever he saw Ye Yiyu's thinning figure, the head of the Ye family has questioned his original decision more than once, especially after Jun Lintian suddenly returned to the empire, the head of the Ye family questioned the original My decision.

However, the head of the Ye family has not seriously thought about this matter, but now that it has been raised naked by Jun Aoxiang, the head of the Ye family directly faces the past that he does not want to face.

"Is that girl Yiyu really happy?" The head of the Ye family has been asking himself this in his heart, but in the end, he did not dare to face the answer directly.

At the end, the head of the Ye family glared at Jun Aoxiang and said, "Enough, Jun Aoxiang, today is the day of your family's death. Whether I am right or wrong, and one more thing is that I am right. If I hadn't stopped Yiyu at the beginning, then there will be my own biological daughter among the people I want to kill today."

"Everyone in the Jun family will be killed on the spot, and there will be no chickens and dogs left!" The head of the Ye family gave the final order, and with this order, the royal army also picked up the bright sword in their hands.

Shen Yuhan looked at the royal army and felt the bloody smell around her. At the same time, she calmly looked at the fallen bodies. The former clan had now died. This scene fell into Shen Yuhan's heart and did not cause much waves. From the moment he came out of the Yongyuan Empire, Shen Yuhan's heart was early. She has today's consciousness, but she didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

Shen Yuhan held Jun Aoxiang's arm tightly, and at the same time, she gently put her head on Jun Lintian's arm. Shen Yuhan whispered, "Ao Xiang, if there is an afterlife, I still want to be your wife!"

After saying that, Shen Yuhan looked at the empty secret room behind him. The figures of Jun Lintian, Jun Linhai and Jun Linyao surged into Shen Yuhan's mind. Unconsciously, Shen Yuhan's graceful face showed a happy smile. She said in her heart, "Linhai, Linyao, Lintian, mother has you in her life. , enough!"


Shen Yuhan gently closed his eyes, and the royal army also picked up the blade in his hand and waved at the clan of the Jun family.

The whole world is immersed, and in the eyes of the Jun family, there are only those unforgettable memories over the years, but... At this time, an angry roar echoed between heaven and earth, "Everyone, who doesn't want to die, immediately roll back to the imperial capital..."