Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 94 Place of Imprisonment

In the vast world, the dark clouds in the sky seem to fall down. In the dim light, there is a colorful halo. A dark beam of light connects the heaven and the earth. At the end of the sky, there are dark clouds. It hovering, changing, and the wind and clouds surge, one by one ferocious, mysterious, or sacred figures. It evolved by dark clouds.

In the dark heaven and earth, a shining thunder will fall from time to time, and the huge thunder force bombards the desolate land, tearing the void while bombarding the earth.

The void is as heavy as mercury leakage, and sometimes there are unknown roars. I don't know when the desolate land has been full of dense figures. They are like dark ants, busy with their own hands, and some people are constantly in these dense crowds. Command, what should I do here and what's wrong there?

A hundred miles, these busy figures under the black robe can be seen almost everywhere in a huge area. They are like puppets without any emotion, accurately and undoubtedly depicting the next mysterious pattern on the ground.

Countless patterns are connected to each other, forming an extremely complex and accurate forbidden pattern. This huge project is carried out on a hundred miles of desolate land. Such a huge project is almost unincarnable, but now, it is really displayed in the world. In my eyes, and such a huge project has been completed more than once.

"Taishang Elder, the prohibition of the twelve dragons has been drawn, just waiting for your final order..."

In the dark sky, I don't know when the slightly ricke figure of the elder had stood there. The wind blowing in the dark void brought up the white hair and was messy in the wind. The eyes of the elder vicissitudes looked at the desolate land below. He knew that the last mission of the holy land of Yantian had arrived. It's time to finish.

"Start the ban and seal the dark dragon vein first..."


The dark shadow behind the elder disappeared. Soon after, an angry dragon sound resounded through the world. The dark dragon power was vast, but even if it was as powerful as the dark dragon vein, it could not control its fate at this moment.

The angry roar and the most vicious curse wandered in the void and did not disperse for a long time.

"Humble human beings, you will be punished by fate, and you will pay a heavy price for what you have done today. The noble twelve-week dragon vein, powerful power, can't you small beings peep at, your greed, the darkness in your hearts, will one day bring nothing to you. The destruction of the law, yes, is a complete destruction, and even the soul will completely disappear.

"I am the noble twelve-week dragon vein, and the power of darkness has given me the power of curse. Today... My dark dragon vein, at the cost of my own origin, launched a dark curse on you group of humble human beings. Your souls will be ferocious in the dark hell and endure the burning of purgatory for hundreds of millions of years. , knowing that you died completely in endless pain, you..."


An angry roar interrupted the endless curse of the dark demon dragon vein. The eyes of the elder after years and vicissitudes looked at the huge body struggling in the void, and when the dark demon dragon vein felt the deep eyes of the elder, the huge body could not help trembling gently, as if it had been snake The frog stared at it and closed its mouth knowingly.

Even if the dark dragon vein is in its heyday, he is not very sure to win the elder, not to mention that he has no power now.

In a trance, the dark magic dragon vein found that its own powerful dragon vein, and the twelve-week dragon vein, which is famous for its darkness, has been oppressed by the human strong since its manifestation in this world. First, the horrible and unsightly woman faced the equally beautiful and unsightly woman. When people are human, it's like a baby with no chicken tied hands facing a violent dragon and has no power to fight back.

The dark demon dragon vein, which had just manifested in the world, was directly damaged in the woman's hands. The origin was damaged and completely fell into a deep sleep. When it woke up again, those humble human beings calculated it by those despicable and shameless means. Suddenly, they felt that they were not a noble twelve. Zhou Tianlong vein is more like the pigs fed in rural pigsty. When the pigs are fattened, it is time to slaughter them.

The dark demon dragon vein has a low face, and it can no longer afford to curse these despicable human beings in its heart. It just sighs about its life in its heart. Perhaps there is no twelve-week dragon vein in the world that is as sad and unlucky as him.

The forbidden runes spread over a hundred miles, under the recitation of countless black-robed people, burst out a dazzling light, and the dark world suddenly became bright, and in the huge pupils of the dark dragon vein, this land spread over countless forbidden rumbling sounds, and the earth was divided into twelve directions. Eight directions of the earth suddenly bulged, and eight huge mountains appeared in the vision of the dark dragon vein.

In an instant, the dark demon dragon vein felt a strong dragon power scattered between heaven and earth, and the sound of low dragons resounded through the nine heavens and ten earths, almost echoing in the whole history.

In the eight huge mountains raised, the dark magic dragon vein smelled a familiar breath on it. At this moment, the huge body of the dark magic dragon vein could no longer stand the inner panic, and trembled, and the wide eyes were full of shock and fear from the bottom of the heart.

"No, how is that possible? How can the noble twelve-week dragon vein be imprisoned here by small human beings? This is impossible, it is absolutely impossible..."

The dark dragon vein roared almost hysterically, and his breathing became rapid. In the empty heart, ferocious blood kept flowing out, but no matter how ferocious its face was, roaring any hysteria, it could not resist the uncontrollable fear in his heart.

is a terrible result flashing in the heart of the dark dragon vein.

The powerful human boy was caught by the Yantian Holy Land. They must have taken a fancy to the burning dragon vein and the hell evil dragon vein in the boy's body. Together with themselves, the extremely powerful twelve-week Tianlong vein, except for the most mysterious first-week Tianlong vein, all the other twelve-week Tianlong veins were all in the Yantian Holy Land. Capture.

Yes, although the Dark Dragon Vein is very reluctant to use the word 'capture', the final reason is telling it that no word is more appropriate than this.

"What on earth is this... premeditated?"