Abyss of Ancient God

Chapter 119 This Life

The pain like tearing water flooded Jun Lintian like a tide. He was immersed in the endless pain, but for everything in the outside world, Jun Lintian at this moment completely lost his perception.

Over the years, Jun Lintian has experienced too much. Even this kind of soul-like pain, Jun Lintian has not experienced it. His whole body seems to have been torn apart by a strong force. Jun Lintian grabbed his head with both hands. He moaned painfully, and his handsome face was completely twisted, and it was as dark as ink. In the depths of the extremely dark wilderness, a hidden and strange consciousness woke up little by little, and the awakening of this consciousness was at the cost of the complete disappearance of the original consciousness of the king's heaven.

The Holy Lord and others have noticed the arrival of an extremely dangerous breath. In order to stop this extremely dangerous breath, and at the same time, in order to summarize the first week of the Tianlong vein flowing in the void, the people of Yantian Holy Land sit desperately in their own affairs, especially those who presided over the forbidden black robes, their own cultivation. In order to be insufficient to support such a terrible power consumption, they have begun to drive the whole ban at the cost of their own vitality.

In the eyes of the elders and others, there is unprecedented solemnty, and in their vision, the figure hidden in the dark is their only target.

The three abyss of famine have been connected with each other. The power of darkness has surged wildly in Jun Lintian's body, and Jun Lintian's original consciousness dissipated little by little, knowing that in the end, it would completely disappear in this world. At that time, although Jun Lintian's body was still displayed in everyone. In front of him, but the king at that time was no longer the king.


The unconscious Jun Lintian burst into an earth-shaking roar, but immediately the endless pain completely drowned him.

Unconsciously, two lines of crystal tears flowed from the corners of Jun Lintian's eyes. I don't know when Jun Lintian never shed tears again. It seemed that at the moment when his sister died on the broken heart cliff, it seemed that his cousin left with a smile in his eyes, and it seemed that he watched his eldest brother leave. Little by little, I recall the consciousness that Jun Lintian completely sank into the darkness.

But when these painful memories disappear little by little in the dark underground abyss, they disappear completely and leave no trace in the world.

The scene of childhood echoed in the sea of consciousness of Jun Lintian. The little girl who chased her buttocks and called 'Cousin Tian' all day long. The scene of the talent test in those years, she was cold and warm as a waste for four years, and she always came from the heart from the eldest brother's heart.

When did the old man enter his life, the old man!

The figure who always appears behind him when he is lonely and his life is in danger. How is he now? Teacher, has he recovered his own memory? That's the memory between him and Ningyan, or that's the teacher's unforgettable love in his previous life.

The old man accompanied Jun Lintian through the most important years in Jun Lintian's life, but now... the most important time in his short life, the unforgettable memory is little by little in Jun Lintian's memory. Even if today's Jun Lintian's whole consciousness is hazy, the kind of loss of self The most precious memory, the pain in it, can only be experienced by Jun Lintian at this moment.

In the abyss of desolation, the dark consciousness woke up little by little, and Jun Lintian's original consciousness was swallowed up little by little until it completely disappeared.

In the depths of memory, in the memory of Jun Lintian's painful memory, there is a girl's figure, the simple vow, the plain agreement, and every secret date, even if it is a hazy consciousness, but Jun Lintian can still vaguely remember the scene in the Star Tower, that naive and annoying The pitiful girl, that lovely and beautiful smile.

The young Jun Lintian has turned away from his hometown for a vow. The naive Jun Lintian has passed by with death again and again for an agreement, and the stupid Jun Lintian has been protecting his simple and flawless love, and then hurt himself fiercely with his love.

"Yiyu, wait for me to come back..."

What a simple word, but it is so unforgettable. It seems that the simple hairpin is still floating in front of Jun Lintian, but the consciousness that has become more and more hazy is like the completely cracked hairpin that has completely disappeared into a powder hairpin in the world at the last moment.

Jun Lintian's consciousness was swallowed up by darkness little by little. This time, it was not sinking, but completely disappeared.

The pain in the depths of memory may be the last time that stimulated the soul of Jun Lintian. After years of baptism, when Jun Lintian returned to his hometown again, when he faced the reality in front of him, deep in his heart, the beautiful longing for 'love', on that tearful face, the sentence 'sorry' 'In the middle, it fell to pieces.

At that moment, Jun Lintian felt a crack in his heart, and then it cracked.

The heartbreaking pain and painful memory were deeply buried by Jun Lintian. Maybe he did not want to face the young and frivolous self, or maybe he dared not face it. Sometimes Jun Lintian really wanted to completely forget the memory of that young man, but now, that vague Consciousness, swallowed up by darkness, really no longer remember the past, Jun Lintian's heart, a sense of reluctance and grief emerged.

He can't let go... He can't let go of the family affection of the past, the happiness of the past, and the pain of the past.

"That's it!"

Sometimes, Jun Lintian told himself this in his heart, so he deceived himself and thought that he had forgotten, or relieved. The pain of the past was at the cost of years in exchange for understanding.

With the depths of the dark wilderness, the awakening consciousness woke up little by little. Jun Lintian's original consciousness was gradually blurred and swallowed up little by little, and even the unforgettable memories that were treasured by Jun Lintian were fading away little by little.

Young and frivolous, he left his hometown with an appointment with the girl. Jun Lintian, who only wanted to improve his strength and return to his hometown to complete the agreement, met another woman.

The chance encounter in the village, the life and death in the tomb, the companionship of dozens of days, and in the hotel, the store Xiaoer mistakenly thought that they were husband and wife... Too many memories are emerging in the increasingly blurred consciousness of Jun Lintian, but these memories that could not be forgotten are recalled in the consciousness of Junlintian. After that, they completely disappeared, and they no longer existed in the memory of King Lintian.

Because of the consciousness of the king, it was swallowed up by the existence of waking up in the dark little by little.

"Why Lintian, I just want to follow you... I don't ask for much, really not much..."

"Lintian, do you know that the place with you is my destination!"

"I'm sorry to bother you!"


The former Jun Lintian gave up the girl who had been following him silently for the sake of the immature agreement, and was also the ignorant guy who loved him deeply again and again. The years flowed little by little. In the long river of history, Jun Lintian endured the test of the years again and again. There is also a blow from reality.

Maybe Jun Lintian was lucky. He was taken care of by fate. When he was immersed in the pain of breaking the agreement, the girl who was deeply hurt by him came to him without hesitation.

The pain in my heart is gradually relieved, and the ferocious scars from the depths of my heart are also healing little by little. Originally, Jun Lintian thought that he might still be happy in his life, but the sudden family changes were once again shown in front of Jun Lintian, and the one who had always cared for him. The old man also has his own unknown secrets.

The river of fate is constantly moving forward. In order to protect his relatives and for the faith in his heart, Jun Lintian is like a cow and horse who does not know fatigue, constantly squeezing his potential.

He wants to become stronger and stronger...

Gradually, the ancient secrets began to appear in front of Jun Lintian's eyes, but the more he knew, the more questions he had. Question marks kept floating in Jun Lintian's mind. Jun Lintian felt that his head was about to explode. Jun Lintian felt that he was so tired. He wanted to stop and rest, but the reality The whip kept beating Jun Lintian until his flesh and blood were blurred.

Jun Lintian walked in his own fate with a tired pace. He hated reality a little, and even sometimes, Jun Lintian thought, how good would it be if he completely lost everything? Maybe it's not a bad thing to be an idiot who knows nothing.

However, when this stupid idea really came in Jun Lintian's mind, the red corners of Jun Lintian's eyes left two lines of muddy tears.

The breath of the three wilderness abyss has been interrelated, and an irresistible dark breath has escaped from the dark abys of the wilderness. An unimaginable powerful existence awakened from the abyss of the wilderness little by little, and the consciousness of the king, which has completely sunk into the dark abyss, but It is disappearing little by little. Whether it is happiness or pain, whether it is irrelevant or unforgettable, it disappears completely after the last recall in Jun Lintian's vague memory, which is completely forgotten.

In a trance, the sad figure of the old man Gumu recalls Jun Lintian's mind. The painful roar shook Jun Lintian's confused soul: "What kind of memory have I... lost?"