shake the nine bream

Chapter 82 Psychic--Linghu Qianshou

Piaoyuan Mountain is holding a funeral, but some disciples are inevitably just perfunctory. They have no intention to care about these things at all. They came to Piaoyuan Mountain just to learn Taoism, and Linghu Qianshou is one of them.

Linghu Qianshou is the fourth disciple who is inorganic. He is good at magic, that is, a kind of psychic art. This spell can make the gods who have signed a contract with him come to themselves, similar to the ghost upper body, but their thoughts are still controlled by themselves, which is different from the usual psychics and summoning skills. Those only It is to summon a monster or immortal who has signed a contract to fight for himself, and Linghu Qianshou's psychic summons by himself with the help of the power of those gods or monsters. Linghu Qianshou can only play this move, but he plays tricks. There are also some famous tricks in Piaomiao Mountain. The trick he plays is Linghu Qianshou. Not only will he summon one, but also he will also summon many. Now Linghu Qianshou's maximum is that he can summon six at the same time, but the cost of real qi is relatively large. Usually, he can only summon less than three in some battles. Because there are more summons, the injured true qi becomes more. If you can't control the enemy in one move, his own life is very likely. Fall into his hands.

On this day, I don't know if Linghu Qianshou was unlucky or something. Unexpectedly, he ran down the mountain. He didn't like the noise of the mountain, so he ran down the mountain. There were some little monsters under the mountain. For a person in the ethereal mountain, Linghu Qianshou was not worried about any danger here. He came here. The tree hopes to spend another quiet day, but this is not destined to be a quiet place.

A footstep slowly appeared in the jungle in the distance. Linghu Qianshou immediately heard it, jumped down from the tree and shouted to the other side in the distance, "Who is it?"

No one speaks in the grass over there, and Linghu Qianshou is also prepared to seal at any time to deal with what will happen.

Soon, a man came out from behind the grass in the distance. He was a young man who looked only 18 years old, wearing the Taoist clothes of the critical peak of the Floating Mountain and seemed to have nothing to do.

"Are you a disciple of the critical peak? Why did you come here if you didn't take care of things on it? Linghu Qianshou asked.

The disciple smiled and said, "Are you the fourth disciple of Linghu Qianshou, the inorganic disciple of Critical Peak?"

"Hey, you're rude. Didn't you hear me ask you a question?" Linghu Qianshou asked that Linghu Qianshou could not stand the unreasonable of that person.

"Oh, in fact, I also want to ask you such a question. Inorganic just died. As the fourth disciple, you don't take care of things at the peak. Why did you come here? Your behavior is not a qualified disciple." How dare you teach me a lesson? What's your name?" Linghu Qianshou said.

What's my name? Maybe you know, my name is He Shengwei!" He Shengwei said.

Hearing the guy in front of him say that he was He Shengwei, Linghu Qianshou couldn't believe it, because according to the knowledge source of Linghu Qianshou, He Shengwei is an elderly guy, the right protector of Liudao Senluo, and will never be the person in front of him.

"Why don't you believe it? Do you have this level of cultivation that you don't even know the ability of the place? Don't you know that I am very good at painting? What's the difficulty in drawing personal skin? He Shengwei said, and the finishing touch and the four-yuan order in his hand were taken out. Seeing these two things taken out, Linghu Qianshou immediately knew that the person in front of him was indeed right, that is, He Shengwei.

Linghu Qianshou was about to escape, but suddenly several ravens in front of them attacked. These flying ravens were drawn with ink, but they were lifelike and more aggressive. Linghu Qianshou hurriedly retreated away, his hands were imprinted, and nine tails were behind Linghu Qianshou. When it was generated, the nine tails began to resist the attack of the crows, but He Shengwei's attack was not so simple. He Shengwei flew to the sky and suddenly covered a large cloud. The clouds shrouded He Shengwei. Soon it was difficult to find the figure of He Shengwei, only You can see these crows constantly flying out to attack Linghu Qianshou. One round after round of attacks were defused by Linghu Qianshou. Such attacks are obviously powerless. Linghu Qianshou constantly dodged the attack and also flew towards the cloud fog in the sky. The customer had not yet flown aside. The crows are no longer released.

One by one, the winged skeleton soldiers suddenly flew out of the clouds and looked at Linghu Qianshou with a big knife in their hands. Linghu Qianshou still had a way to put their hands in front of their mouths and spit out their anger. Just looking at the large flames, they were spit out and attacked in the direction of the skeleton soldiers flying in the sky. Soon the skeleton soldiers turned into black ink vapor and disappeared in the distance.

He Shengwei in the clouds in the sky also showed his head at this time. Looking at this scene, he said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to do this again. That's right. That's good. I received instructions like this. As long as you are willing to obey us, you can avoid death today. You may still be listed in the fairy class in the future. How about that? Do you have this idea?

Linghu Qianshou suddenly spit and said, "Get out, do you think everyone in the Floating Mountain is Shang Fangjian? I will never join your magic religion."

Hearing Linghu Qianshou say this, He Shengwei suddenly laughed. For Linghu Qianshou's words, He Shengwei seemed to be indifferent and said, "Actually, I'm just conveying the above meaning. Anyway, I will kill you if you surrender or not today." Saying that, the surrounding clouds covered He Shengwei's face again.

Linghu Qianshou already knows that these ink are afraid of flames, and the flames will evaporate water and weaken the attack power of those things.

However, He Shengwei seems to have no ear. At this time, more of those flying crows flew out. Seeing here, Linghu Qianshou felt very ridiculous. Such an attack is obviously useless. Linghu Qianshou can't get it. Why did He Shengwei do this?

However, Linghu Qianshou still used the same tricks, and the flame was sprayed out, but soon Linghu Qianshou was surprised. Those flames touched the ravens. It was true that the shape of the flying ravens was destroyed, but they continued to fly towards Linghu Qianshou, as if they were countless fire bottles that were ignited. It was also thrown towards Linghu Qianshou. This was an emergency. It was too late for Linghu Qianshou to react, and the fireballs had cut off all the places around him that could retreat.

There was no way that Linghu Qianshou still had a unique trick. The image in the shape of a human fish bloomed outside Linghu Qianshou's body. Soon, Linghu Qianshou's hands actually shot out water. The amount of water was not small. Because of the control of Linghu Qianshou, the water also showed an explosive eruption, giving all the fireballs flying in front of them. Exterminate it.

I was surprised to see all this. I didn't expect that the younger generation in front of me had such ability

But He Shengwei quickly changed his tricks. This time, it was neither a flying crow nor a skeleton soldier. This time it was a two-shaped creature. The two humanoid creatures held two things like jars in their hands, and then the previous ravens continued to fly out, and this time they added those Skull soldiers.

Linghu Qianshou still used the same method. As expected, those painted things ignited, and then Qiu Gu continued to attack with water, but this time it was useless. When the man fish spewed water, magical things happened. He Shengwei was afraid of the humanoid creature summoned before. Yes, the water was actually absorbed by the two-type creatures and sucked into the jar. The water did not touch the monsters that had been summoned and had been burned at all. The flames had come to their faces. There was nothing they could do. There was no time of printing. This was completely beyond the expectation of Linghu Qianshou. Fire The flame began to burn on Linghu Qianshou's body, and the water was sucked in by the two guys. At present, Linghu Qianshou was simply helpless and could only keep beating the flames on his body.

While Linghu Qianshou struggled, the offensive over there was not yet. Many fierce tigers began to rush over and entangled with Linghu Qianshou on the ground. The burning fireball quickly ignited the tigers that rushed over. The lit tigers and Linghu Qianshou were entangled. From time to time, they heard the painful cry of Linghu Qianshou. Call.

This is the purpose of He Shengwei, which is to stop attacking and watch Linghu Qian's hands burned to ashes in front of him.

However, just as He Shengwei sat and watched the arrival of Death, Linghu Qianshou suddenly exploded. A hurricane swept over and blew away the monsters. The dust covered the whole ground, and the branches fell into pieces. A huge image appeared. He Shengwei looked at it and only looked at a huge station. The halberd stood up. He Shengwei didn't expect Linghu Qianshou to have such a move. Although he didn't know that this was a fairy, the huge power could be distinguished. It must be a very promising god.

He Shengwei was surprised by Linghu Qianshou's ability, but He Shengwei was not afraid of the god of war chemy in front of him, because He Shengwei knew that Linghu Qianshou's true qi could never exert its greatest strength. However, He Shengwei still dealt with this thing very carefully. In the face of a god of war more than ten meters high, He Shengwei also drew two equally huge warriors to deal with it, and then He Shengwei didn't care about it and didn't draw anything else, waiting for a good play to be staged.

Linghu Qianshou on the ground has stood up, but it is already scarred, and his whole body is full of injuries. It is not easy to be tossed around just now. He can only stand reluctantly, with a huge god of war support scene. At this time, even if he is a wounded soldier, he is a soldier who stands to the end. Under the sunset, he was more sad and a little more brave. The sunset fragments draped his shoulders and sang the last war song for him.

"Let's get started!" Linghu Qianshou said and rushed to the sky. The two huge warriors in the sky also rushed to Linghu Qianshou. The two extreme battles collided with each other and hit a spectacular mushroom cloud in mid-air.

Linghu Qianshou fell into the strongest challenge he faced and the strongest opponent. He used all his true qi to summon the god of war, hoping to be desperate.