shake the nine bream

Chapter 4 Conspiracy and usurp

Akiya didn't have a very comfortable time when he came to this place. On the third day here, he encountered something. The nearby salt gang made trouble within the scope of the Sihai Gang. As the eldest brother, Akitani had to deal with this matter.

Akiya followed many younger brothers to the noisy place, which has gathered a lot of each other's people.

"Who are these people?" Qiu Gu asked Brother Hua.

"These are the people of the nearby World Association and one of the salt gangs here. I didn't expect to make trouble on our territory and hurt several of our brothers. Originally, you didn't have to do such a thing, but you just came to power, so I'm going to take you to see the situation here." Brother Hua said.

Akiya walked to the front of the team, and the opposite guys were ready to see it. Qiugu seemed to be a persuasion and said, "Don't be like this. Just say something good. Why do you have to do this? Does it have to be someone who bleeds to give up?

This may be the first time that the salt gang met a boss like Qiu Gu, and suddenly looked a little confused. Suddenly, a leader came out from a distance. The guy held a big smoke gun in his mouth, looked at Qiu Gu's whole body, and then said, "I heard that your Longyan Gang has just changed a master and He also changed his name. What's the name of the Sihai Gang? Hahaha!"

Looking at this guy laughing, his younger brothers also laughed.

"Who is this guy?" Qiu Gu asked.

"This guy is a hitter called Song Xi. He is a well-known hitter nearby. He rarely appears on such small occasions on weekdays. He didn't expect to appear in this place now. He must want to do something here for your new appointment and make a move!" Brother Hua said.

Akiya sneered and said, "The struggle between your salt gang is really special!"

With that, Qiu Gu shouted to the brothers of the world meeting over there, "Let's break up, don't hurt your harmony for this matter!"

Hearing Qiu Gu say this, the so-called Song Xi was stunned and said, "What? Harmony? We will never have any harmony with you in the world!" With that, he saw Song Xi the first to cut towards Qiu Gu with a knife.

The other party has a knife. Of course, Qiu Gu can't be careless. At this time, Brother Hua threw a knife and threw it on Qiu Gu's side, but Qiu Gu suddenly caught the knife and inserted it on the ground.

Akiya took out his gods. Although the gods at this time had no magic power, Akiya was still reluctant to give up these gods. After all, this was a weapon that had followed Akiya for a long time.

Seeing that Qiu Gu actually used a mace, Song Xi was a little surprised. Soon Song Xi collided with Qiu Gu, but he suddenly decided the winner. The knife in Song Xi's hand was shattered by Qiu Gu. Song Xi said that he was speechless. Before he retreated to the same place, he was caught by Qiu Gu, and then Throw it in the distance.

Seeing that Qiu Gu actually threw people out like a bench with one hand, Song Xi's younger brothers were stunned, and then hurried back back and hurried to help Song Xi over there.

"I said, why do it? It will only hurt the harmony!" Akiya said.

Those little brothers over there retreated without fighting, dragging Song Xi, who had been fractured all over, to escape from the scene in a hurry.

"Master, you have seriously injured the first hitter of the world's meeting. Recently, their master will definitely come to talk about things. Master should be careful!" Brother Hua said.

Qiu Gu smiled, patted Brother Hua on the shoulder, and then said, "I've always heard them call you Brother Hua. I don't know what your real life is?"

Brother Hua was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Qiu Gu to change the topic suddenly, but he said puzzledly, "My name is Feng Hua, and the brothers in the world call me Brother Hua. You can just call me Hua Zai directly."

"Hua Zai? Forget it, I'd better call you Feng Hua. It's really awkward for a man like you to call you Hua!" Qiu Gu said, and then took a group of younger brothers to disperse one after another.

Sure enough, the next day, Xiong Xingxing found someone to go to Qiu Gu's side and asked Qiu Gu to hold a meeting.

Of course, Du Shaofeng and Feng Hua had already figured it out. The messenger found by Xiong Xingxing was directly cut off by Du Shaofeng. Such behavior aggravated the contradiction between the two sides, but Qiu Gu did not know what happened in it, that is, he took several people to the better place Xiong Xingxing.

At this time, in addition to Xiong Xingxing and his younger brother, there was a semi-paralyzed old man around this table.

Qiu Gu noticed the old man at a glance. The old man was very fat and a very kind old man. He looked worse than 80 years old.

Qiu Gu asked Feng Hua curiously, "Who is that old man?"

"That old man was the boss Xiang Qiang in Huayang City decades ago. At that time, there were not so many gangs, that is, he is a gang, and he is still doing a lot, so now many things will call this old man out when the two gangs can't figure out, and everyone has to give him face, if you want If you don't give face, other gangs will have a reason to unite to deal with you, so you'd better be careful!" Feng Hua said.

"Is this the help of Longan's newcomer?" Xiang Qiang stammered.

Xiong Xingxing said hurriedly, "Yes, this is the new master of the Longyan Gang, but now it is no longer called the Longyan Gang. It is called the Sihai Gang. No one in this boy's eyes is arrogant and actually changed his name. What he has done recently proves that this boy is not only arrogant but also very cruel. I know the rules, but it's very fierce. That's why I called you to be fair.

Hearing Xiong Xingxing say this, Xiang Qiang was even more angry and suddenly turned his head and said, "Is that really the case?"

"Of course, my men have been beaten into a total fracture recently. Originally, it was certain that the two factions were injured in the fight, but the brother I called them to have peace talks was also cut off one ear by them, which was instructed by this leader. Besides, they were unreasonable about the previous dispute. They were on our chassis. It's unreasonable to force my guests and come to us to make trouble!"

Hearing Xiong Xingxing say this, Xiang Qiang did feel that it was not in line with the rules, but Qiu Gu didn't know anything. Qiu Gu only knew where to follow Feng Hua to settle the matter, but he didn't know that there was a trap in it.

"This matter is your Longyan Gang. Oh, no, it's wrong with your Sihai Gang. Everyone came out to fight for two things, one is one breath and the other is money. Since you became the leader of this gang at a young age, then this is it. Apologize and then give some money to settle this matter. What do you think, little brother? Xiang Qiang said.

Of course, Qiu Gu thinks that this is the best. As long as it can be solved peacefully without hurting, Feng Hua hurriedly stopped Qiu Gu's side, pulled a few handfuls of Qiu Gu's side, and then said to Xiang Qiang over there, "Xiang Bo, as you said, now we come out for a breath and a sum of money. Why should we give in? Are we wrong? They caused trouble first, but they didn't have the ability to come to be the leader. It's really strange to be helped by us to solve it and ask for money!"

Hearing Feng Hua say this, the bear star suddenly became furious and then roared, "Do you have anything to say here? You are just a dog!"

Hearing others say that he was a dog, Feng Hua was furious, patted the table, slapped the table, and then said, "Why do you want to fight?" Feng Hua said this. Seeing that the two sides began to fight, Xiang Qiang also hurriedly asked the people next to accompany him to leave this place quickly. What he could expect at his age was to live well, rather than being hacked to death by others before he had lived for a hundred years.

Fighting? I'm afraid of you. Anyway, I've been looking at your Longan Gang for a long time. The Sihai Gang is not happy. If you want to open your station, you must let your blood flow into a river!" Xiong Xingxing said.

Xiong Xingxing is arrogant, and Qiu Gu is also a little unsightly. Originally, he wanted to persuade him to fight, but at this time, he didn't think about it. He stood out and said, "Don't be so arrogant. The person who caused trouble is still so arrogant!"

Of course, Qiu Gu didn't know that it was just the Sihai Gang that caused trouble. This was the conspiracy of Du Shaofeng and Feng Hua. They just wanted to provoke a fight between several gangs, hoping to deal with Qiu Gu at the commercial salt conference ten days later, so that Qiu Gu, an outsider who suddenly came to the gang, could die. Unsembarras

Seeing Qiu Gu's posture walking over, Xiong Xing immediately thought of the miserable appearance of his subordinates before, and then said unyielding, "You are cruel. Be careful when you walk at night. I will definitely let your gangs flow into rivers!"

Xiong Xingxing left the attic with his men.

This meeting ended with an unhappy breakup.

"Feng Hua, what's going on? Are they causing trouble or are we causing trouble?" Qiu Gu asked.

Feng Hua smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. The meeting between gangs will be like this. It's like there is no difference between good people and bad people. Bad people are bad people in the eyes of good people, but good people are bad people in the eyes of bad people. They must think they are right, but we really It's very unfair. They caused trouble first and cut off some of our brothers. They actually shouted here. Do you think we are easy to bully?

Qiu Gu looked at Feng Hua's appearance and still felt something was wrong. Qiu Gu was still regretting his gaffe just now.