shake the nine bream

Chapter 68 Demon Emperor 3

It was the next day. When he came here on the first day, Duolong saw ten people, but at this time, he only saw five people and asked the others, but no one knew where the others had gone. At this time, Duolong ran to the Elf King and prepared to ask about it.

The elf king seems to have known that Doron came back to inquire about this matter, but the elf king is in a good mood, because Doron is not dead yet, so the elf king is relieved.

"Your Majesty, where did the others go? Didn't you say you would stay here for five days?" Doron asked.

The Elf King smiled, patted Doron on the shoulder and said, "They have failed, so I put them all back. The rest of them are close to success, so you may be a history-making person!"

In fact, the other five people who knew about the Elf King died because of protests inside their bodies, and their deaths were very miserable.

Since the Elf King said this, it is not convenient for Doron to ask more questions, so there is another day. This is already the third day. There are only three people left on this day, and two people have disappeared. Dolon still thinks that this is the same as what the Elf King said. All the disappeared have failed and were moved home. However, this time, the Elf King is studying two people who have just died in a secret room in his room. These two people no longer look like elves. These people have become half-demmons and half-moth bodies. These people died when they reached the last step. The Elf King expressed great regret and studied here. After learning from the experience, the Elf King actually did not put all his grasp on this experiment. The Elf King had already prepared the next experiment, and this experiment was just to prepare for the next experiment.

After the research, the two bodies were retreated to the surrounding magma by the Elf King.

On the third night, Doron and three other people were locked in a room, and a person was watching the situation here in a small hole on the side of the room. This person is the Elf King, who hopes to see the results he wants to find on the third day.

Sure enough, when the moon was full, strange things began to happen to the three people on Doron's side. Except for Doron, the other two people began to shout in pain. Just looking at the two people's body surface, many blisters began to appear. This was the first time that the young Dolon had seen him so close. When his own people became like this, those people's bodies began to turn red, and things like horns began to grow on their heads. It seemed that they had begun to change, but such a process of change was indeed too horrible, but Duolong was surprised to find that he had nothing wrong, which made Duolong a little uneasy. I was going to ask the Elf King what was going on, but when Dolon walked to the door, the two guys suddenly spit out blood and fell to the ground. Then he saw that their bodies began to melt, and their whole body did not count. Unexpectedly, they actually looked at these melted pus. When the flame began to burn, these guys actually began to turn into burning thick soup. Dolon could imagine that the two good elves had become like this at this time. Suddenly, Dolon felt a sense of nausea.

And the elf king in the wall also saw all this, and the elf king also looked a little sorry, because in the idea of the elf king, the basis of this experiment failed, and when the elf king was about to leave, suddenly Doroon suddenly called out. The Elf King once again put his eyes on the wall and looked at the changes on Doron's side.

At this time, Dolon suddenly knelt on his knees, and then brushed and saw that his hair began to fall off from Dolon's head. Red began to spread from Dolon's head, and his whole body turned red. At this time, the skin on Dolon's head began to peel off, and two horns like things from here Some peeled scalps drilled out, and soon Doron turned into another look, his eyes turned orange, and only some characteristics could tell that this guy was still one of the elves.

The elf king thought that Doron would also become in the same state as the two people just now, but what the elf king did not expect was that Doron did not die, and there was not have any instability. The elf king was very surprised and happy to see here and hurried to this room. Inside, the door was opened in a hurry.

Seeing the Elf King appear in this place, Doron also hurried over, and then stretched out his hand and asked, "What's going on? What's going on?"

"Congratulations, Doron. Now you are the complex of the demon world and elves. A new power has been born in your body. From now on, you will be the hero of our elf kingdom. Congratulations!" The Elf King said that Doron was a little uncomfortable with all this. Although this meant that the experiment was successful, Doron still had many doubts in his mind.

This is a successful experiment. The Elf King was very happy. At this time, Doron asked, "What's going on?" Why are I still alive, but the other two are dead? Oh, by the way, are the others also dead?

Hearing Doron's question, the Elf King patted Doron on the shoulder and said, "Actually, there are some things that need to be sacrificed. They all died for our elves. I will set up a martyr monument for them."

Martyr's monument? The martyr monument is just some superficial efforts made by the ruler to perfunctory his subordinates. These are completely useless things. Most of the honors are useless to the dead. Only the rulers make more people sacrifice to consolidate their rule through these so-called glory. Such a little so-called honor.

But Doron is a relatively simple person. Of course, he thinks that they all died for the elves, which is worth it. It is all the glory of their family.

The experiment was successful. The elf king is ready to inform the whole country of this matter. The elf king wants all the elves to know. This is a successful experiment. In the future, the power of the elves will open a new chapter. The elf king even thought of setting a marriage for Doron and making more marriages for Dolon, the elf king The idea is that he wants Doron, a successful experiment, to reproduce some new successful experiments, so that more fusions of elf blood and demon blood will appear. As long as the mystery is explored, the elf will become a new generation of strong.

The next day, the elf king temporarily brought out Doron in front of all the elves. Many elves already knew Doron, but when the first time Doron appeared in front of other elves, most of the elves were shocked. They didn't expect that It will become such a body, of course, because of the elf king. No one said that this is not good, or it seems ridiculous. This is simply turning a normal body into a deformed body.

Even Dolon's parents couldn't believe that this was the child they had born and raised. Dolon's parents also began to suspect that this was Dolon. When eating at home, Dolon's parents were also afraid. On the surface, they were laughing, but in fact they didn't think so.

At this time, Doron got up at night to go to the toilet and only heard it when he passed by his parents' room.

"Do you think this is our son? I suspect that this is a ghost made by the Elf King. They must have killed our son and made another substitute!"

This is what Doron's father said. Doron's mother didn't answer, as if she agreed with this opinion, but she refused to admit that the blow in Dolon's heart when he heard this outside was thinkable. Doron thought it was an honor to do so, but he didn't expect that he actually became For the sake of parents' thoughts.