shake the nine bream

Chapter 30 Residual inflammation

Obviously, the babel's acupuncture point is not an ordinary acupuncture point. In the process of the babopian acupuncture point, Qiu Gu felt that his blood began to boil. That feeling was very magical. Qiu Gu felt that his body was unprecedentedly refreshing, but Qiu Gu also found the wound of his broken hand. The mouth also began to crack, and the condition in the body began to boil, which of course also made Qiu Gu's wounds begin to crack. The skin that seemed to have been burned restored to vitality at this time and soon looked like the interface of the newly broken arm.

What Akitani was afraid of was that his blood would flow out of the wound, but fortunately, Qiugu's own blood did not flow out of the wound. At this time, blood flowed from the babone. The babone actually broke his arm. Qiu Gu was extremely shocked to see here. Inexplicably, he did not expect a babone to commit suicide. According to reason, animals cannot commit suicide, which is very illogical. Animals are not comparable to human beings. Animal nature is survival and reproduction. Anything animals do will not leave these two purposes. Human beings are the only one. An animal that may give up its life is not in line with the behavior of animals, which may also be one of the characteristics that distinguish humans from animals. Qiu Gu will indeed be very surprised to see this babone his arm over there.

After the babopus tore off his arm, he saw that the arm began to burn quickly. He didn't know how it burned, and he didn't know where the burning force came from, but it was really amazing. The flesh and blood of the burning arm soon began to peel off. Go down, but it was not a bone that came out after peeling off, but another arm. It was a human arm, a red human arm. This arm was the only thing that remained after the flesh and blood burned out.

"What are you doing?" Akiya shouted in surprise.

The babaya laughed easily, and then saw that the hand in the babaya's hand began to fly. The hand flew to Qiugu's arm and soon began to stand up. Then he saw a lot of blood vessels emerging from the arm, and these blood vessels began to Thinking that Qiu Gu's broken arm was pulled over, those blood vessels were connected with the blood vessels in Qiu Gu's arm, as if someone was undergoing surgery. After the blood vessels of the arm were flesh and bones. Soon this red arm was perfectly integrated with Qiu Gu's broken arm, which was obviously for Akiya is a very shocking loss.

After Qiu Gu's arms were refused together, all this was barely over. The babone also stopped working, and then leaned on the other side of the stone wall and sighed. Qiu Gu returned to the ground and looked at the babone's heart very uncomfortable. Qiu Gu did not expect the beast to live. However, he was spiritual and did not pose any threat to himself. Unexpectedly, he still helped himself do so many things. The broken arm was reconnected, which ignited more confidence in Qiu Gu's heart.

Akiya approached the babeon. This was the first time Akitani approached the babeon. It was very painful to see the babeon holding his hand. Akiya couldn't get over it and said, "Why on earth are you doing this?"

Obviously, the spirituality of this babaya is not yet able to speak human words. Qiu Gu can only say, "What should I do now?"

Hearing Qiu Gu say this, the baboon pouted and pointed to the other side in the distance, as if there was something over there. Qiu Gu walked to that direction and saw some moss-like things on the wall. The moss were red. I don't know what they had any effect, but soon Qiu Gu remembered that when he first got up, something like this was applied to his broken arm, which made Qiu Gu understand the role of this moss.

Qiya took a lot of moss and put them into his mouth. The taste of these moss is really not good. When you bite them in your mouth, you can only feel the extremely bitter taste of this moss.

But in order to help the babone treat its wounds, are these problems? Send the bitten moss to the babone. Qiu Gu still dared not touch the babone. After many thoughts, Akiya finally touched the babone. This is the first time that Akiya has touched such a general The accumulated babone is also the first time to drug a babone.

Because the babone already had some strange skills, the babonet's arm did not bleed, which made the follow-up work much easier. After applying the bitten moss to a wound, I soon saw that steam began to come out of the wound, which was like being cooked. It's the same as meat, but it does have a good effect. The babone's broken arm began to heal, and the flesh of the wounds has been melted into a piece, so that the pain is gone.

After dealing with the babonet, Qiu Gu sat aside, and the babone recovered quickly. He could already stand up and jump over there.

Akiya smiled happily, and it was a very happy thing to make those who helped him return to happiness.

"Since you helped me, we will be friends in the future!" Akiya said.

The babaya can indeed hear your human words. Hearing Qiu Gu say this, he immediately laughed. He jumped over there with joy. He jumped to the previous sword and pointed to Qiu Gu again, as if he had hoped for Qiuqiu. Gu went to pick up the sword, but how could Qiu Gu hold the sword? He had tried before that the sword could not hold it at all. It was not a weight of one or two hundred pounds. Qiu Gu could only shake his head over there and smile and said, "Forget, that sword is too heavy. I don't think I can afford it at all. Come on, don't let me get it over there!"

Although Qiu Gu said so, the babonet still kept pointing to the sword over there. It seemed that he wanted Qiu Gu to get the sword. Qiu Gu was also helpless. He stood up and then moved his arm a few times. It seemed that he was in good condition, so he walked there and walked. On the other side of the babone, the babone was very happy and motioned Qiu Gu to pick up the sword. Qiu Gu was very helpless, and then he took the sword with his hands and put his hands on the sword. Qiu Gu used all his strength but still couldn't pick up the sword.

Akiya said helplessly, "Look, I can't pick it up!"

But the babone seemed to be unwilling. He went down to Dantian with one hand, as if he was lucky. Qiu Gu understood the meaning of the babone, which was to let Qiu Gu do the same. In order to make the babone willing to rest, Qiu Gu did so.

In fact, Akiya himself is not sure whether the true qi in his body can work. Qiu Gu has no bottom in his heart. He just tries it with a try. When Akitani was just lucky, Akitani was surprised to find that the true qi in his body seemed to be able to work. And the real qi that works is different from the previous true qi. This kind of true qi is more masculine and powerful than the previous true qi, which makes Qiu Gu very surprised at what's going on, but the true qi has indeed been operated.

The running true qi soon drove the condition of Akiya's whole body. Akiya began to feel that he was very good and felt that his physical condition was very good. At this time, the arm that was connected by the hand also had a magical loss. Just look at the many textures appeared on this arm. I don't know what those texture patterns are. It seems that this is a very old pattern, and there are many curved patterns like flame hexagons on it, which is similar to a pattern on the wall.

These textures appeared in this arm. Qiu Gu also felt the strength of the arm, which was a very hot force. Qiu Gu held the sword with both hands again. This time it was really different. After Zhenqi was operated, Qiu Gu really picked up the sword. At this time, he picked up the sword. It was like picking up an ordinary sword, which was very easy, and the sword also began to change. The stones on the body of the sword began to peel off, and the remnant sword appeared the same pattern as Qiu Gu's current arm. The sword began to appear a red shimmer through this pattern.

The sword was lifted up. Looking at this shiny remnant sword, Qiu Gu suddenly felt a lot of admiration and sighs in his heart.

"Does this sword have a name?" Qiu Gu asked.

I don't know whether the sword has a name or not, and what it is compared over there. For a long time, Qiu Gu doesn't know what the babonet wants to express. Qiu Gu can only sigh and said, "Hey, anyway, it's also a new beginning now, so call this sword a remnant flame, the remaining flame Haha, that's good. Anyway, this sword looks like a flame all over.

Hearing Qiu Gu say this, the babone was very excited. While grabbing his head, he shouted over there.

This is the third day Qiu Gu spent here, and his whole body has almost recovered. Qiu Gu has been relying on the fruits in this water curtain hole. When his body has almost recovered, Qiu Gu wants to look for something else to eat outside.

Anything Qiu Gu can eat these days is made by this baboon. Looking at this baboon with one hand running out to get food for himself, Qiu Gu himself is embarrassed, but Qiu Gu's new hand has always been playing a role in exclusion, which makes Qiu Gu very rogue and can only It is to move in this water curtain hole until the arm can fully fit him. This is the third day. According to some movements on the wall, Qiu Gu's new hand has no exclusion. In this way, Qiu Gu began to think about going out.

This is the first time Akiya has walked out of this water curtain hole in the past three days. To be precise, it is the first time to fly out of this water curtain hole. This is also the first time that Akiya has used it after getting this residual flame sword.

The Canyan Sword of Qiugu Bar flew up, and the Canyan Sword flew not far from Qiugu. Looking at this, Qiugu was also a little surprised, which means that Qiugu has achieved some achievements on the cultivation of opening the sword world. Previously, it completely needed to rely on the cloud to fly. At this time, Qiugu can already get rid of the symbol of the logic cloud that marks the cultivation underground.

Akiya slowly stood on the flamed sword at this time. Standing on the Canyan sword, he felt very reliable, because the sword body of the Canyan sword is very wide, and it is much safer than others standing on the narrow blade, and standing on this Canyan sword has other functions. First, it flew to The sky will not feel cold because of the low temperature above the sky. This remnant sword can indeed provide some warmth. Second, this remnant sword has a windy appearance, which will not burn to its own flames. It is undoubtedly a very windy act for people standing on it and flying around in the sky.

Qiu Gu drove the Canyan sword and flew out of the water curtain hole. Qiu Gu saw the valley for the first time, and the first time he saw where he fell to. This place was the valley that Qiu Gu saw in the sky before, and he was in this mountain. The valley makes people marvel at the great shore of this valley. The valley is very vast and magnificent. The surrounding mountains, green fields and biomes all give people a feeling that they are very small.

The water curtain hole that Qiugu had been staying in before is on this cliff. From the outside, it is found that the water is left from the top of this cliff. The momentum is very strong but indeed very thin. This width can just cover the cave. This width is for the surrounding environment and for this cliff. It is really too small a piece of water flow, but such a unique water flow in this place really makes it even more fascinating.

Fly out of the water curtain hole, Qiu Gu began to fly towards the area under the water curtain cave and flew to the ground here. You can feel the freshness of this place again. Qiu Gu is going to find something to eat in this place, find some animals to eat, and walk in this place for a period of time in Qiu Gu. After that, I have never seen animals, but as soon as I saw the animals, I actually saw a large group of animals. A large group of animals were fleeing around in a hurry. Qiu Gu was very curious about this and hurriedly flew to the tree to see what was going on.

Soon I heard the sound of brushing in the woods in the distance, as if some huge thing was rushing towards this side. Soon Qiu Gu really saw a huge thing rushing this way. The monster was actually a huge lizard. The lizard stood, with short hands and strong and big The feet are very large, about 50 or 60 meters long. The monster rushed towards this way to let the small animals around him escape. Soon Qiu Gu found that the giant lizard was chasing a smaller lizard than him. Which smaller lizard looked like the same type as this lizard. Although it can be seen from the appearance that this little lizard is a young cub, Qiu Gu did not expect that any big guy would treat the cub of the same race as himself, which made Qiu Gu can't stand it. When the big guy rushed over, he saw which big sword Qiu Gu held in his hand. The guy shot over, and a sword awn shot at the big guy. The sword mang shot at the big guy's body. What was born was that the big guy was overthrown. Although it did not penetrate the guy's skin and flesh, it still made the big guy fall down immediately. At this time Which little lizard took the opportunity to escape?

When the big guy reacted, everything was already late, and his prey had run away. Which big guy roared at Akiya's side angrily, and immediately stood up and rushed towards Akiya. This time, the speed It is more rapid than before. Qiu Gu also feels the vibration of the earth. At present, this is an urgent moment. At this moment, Qiu Gu must decisively do the right thing. Qiu Gu's handshake of the Canyan Sword Bar has used something he learned from which wall. This trick is exactly Cooperated with the sword, Qiu Gu called this move Can Yan.

The Canyan sword cooperated with the Canyan practiced by Qiugu and drew a dazzling light in the air. It was a sword mark of flame, which was the same length as the monster. Such a sword mark rushed towards the monster and passed with a sword. The monster ran less than three steps before he saw the guy. His body began to crack along one of the previous sword marks, his internal organs flowed out, and the monster was knocked down.

A huge thing was pushed down, which surprised Qiu Gu very much. Qiu Gu couldn't believe that the sword in his hand had such powerful power, and which thing on the wall still had such ability.

This night, Akiya brought back only one big guy who was killed by himself, although he killed such a big one and brought back such a little.

Killing is of course inevitable. The world is a society of the law of the jungle, but later Akiya thought that he was actually a relatively cruel guy. Killing each other among animals was just a natural law, and he did cause the death of the other for one side, which made Akiya a little sorry, Akiya There is still pity for these animals, but Qiu Gu is really difficult to feel pity for some hateful people, even to the bone.