shake the nine bream

Chapter 32 Hellfire Sunset Line

Qiu Gu hid from a big tree. The mirror demon and blood fog from afar had already walked to the foot of Qiu Gu. At this time, they were wandering around, because they saw the stone with a flame pattern, which made them interested. After all, this is a place that no one cares about, and they found such a The stone that showed signs of human activity undoubtedly made them curious, so now they are looking at the stone in front of the stone as if it were saying something over there, and Akiya and babies are watching the actions of these two people on the tree.

When Qiu Gu was looking at the situation here, suddenly a bloody red light shot out from the ground. Qiu Gu was surprised to find that the red light was flying in his direction, which shocked Qiu Gu. There was no way out now. Qiu Gu waved a fireball towards this red light. It reflected back over there, and the fireball was obviously hit by the red light.

The mirror demon and blood fog on the ground turned around and looked at the tree. They only smiled at the blood fog, and then said, "I didn't expect that there were still people in this place?"

At this time, Qiu Gu officially appeared from behind the trunk. Qiu Gu did not expect that the tree was so tall that hiding in this high place would be discovered by people on the ground.

"I didn't expect to meet you two guys in this place. The real enemy has a narrow road!" Akiya said.

"It seems that the devil didn't get rid of you, which really surprises me. The devil rarely misses. Are you too powerful?" Jingmo said, and then it became an inorganic appearance. Jingmo likes to do this and become the appearance of the enemy's acquaintance, so that he has a certain advantage in appearance.

Of course, Akiya knew that all this was fake, but seeing his master's appearance again undoubtedly made Akiya a strange idea. Even if he knew it was fake, it was very awkward to fight with someone who looked like his master.

Qiu Gu jumped down from the sky with the babaya and jumped to the ground. The mirror demon and the blood fog were also very surprised to see the babad, but the babad on the other side of the blood fog said, "Ape monkey? I didn't expect to see this monkey in this place. It seems that this place is indeed a mythical beast!"

At this time, Qiu Gu knew that the babone who had been helping him was an all-armed ape. Although he didn't know what the all-in-armed ape came from, it must not be an ordinary ape according to the blood fog.

"Tang Man was killed by your mirror demon, and Zi Yifeng's two senior sisters were killed by your blood fog, right?" Qiu Gu asked.

The mirror demon and the blood fog looked at each other and said, "That's right, it's good. It seems that you know a lot. We killed it. What are you going to do?"

Akiya was furious. At the moment when the two of them had just finished speaking, suddenly Akiya's sword had pointed to the faces of the two guys. This was already the situation that the two of them had reacted to avoid. Unexpectedly, they were touched by this blade. In fact, it was only the hot sword spirit on the blade that touched the two of them. It's just that the sign was very fierce. It suddenly burned the clothes of the mirror demon and the blood fog, but only to see that both of them turned around and quickly extinguished which flame.

"What a fierce sword spirit, I didn't expect the stone sword in your hand to be very sharp? Since we came here to meet you and we have nothing to do, it's still a good choice to kill you, a ethereal boy by the way, although I don't like to help the devil wipe his buttocks!" As the mirror demon said, a large flame of Qiugu flew towards the mirror demon, but the fireball was about to reach the mirror demon's side, and it was shaken away by the flame of the mirror demon. A lot of swords appeared around the mirror demon's body. This is the fairy swordsmanship of the wandering mountain. The mirror demon's hobby is joy. He used his opponent's tricks to solve the opponent. Obviously, he used ethereal tricks.

The flame stalemate on the surface of Xianjian Guizong for a while and then dodged away. Now he only looked at the mirror demon sweeping the ground, and then a large flame flew towards Qiu Gu's side. Qiu Gu was shocked. He did not expect that this guy would use the same tricks as himself. The flame flew over. Qiu Gu stepped back a few steps, stepped on a stone on the ground with one foot, and then waved the sword forward with both hands. A sword mark looked towards the flame in front of him. The sword mark reached the fireball. The fireball was divided into two pieces, and then absorbed the momentum of the flame in midair and gathered up. It was looking in the direction of the mirror demon in front of him. The mirror demon hurriedly retreated backwards and retreated to the distance. The mirror demon made a move that surprised Akiya again. Just looking at the mirror demon's side actually cut towards Qiu Gu with the same trick. Qiu Gu hurriedly retreated and sprinkled one after another. A few sword marks came out, which is the move of the mirror demon to be removed. The ape monkey is also anxious to see the situation here in Qiugu, but this ape seems to have found something of the mirror demon. The ape monkey and blood fog did not take action, but the monkey is observing which mirror demon. Characteristics.

There is not much way for Akiya at present. He can only continue to drink this guy's entanglement. Every time he launches the same trick, the mirror demon can always fight back with the same move, which makes Akitani very distressed, but at this time, the ape found a mirror demon's characteristic, and the ape found In fact, the attack of this mirror demon originally needed to be reflected and then launched. In the sunset at this time, the monkey found that every time the mirror demon returned with the same move, his body would suddenly have a phenomenon of reflection in an instant, which was like a reflected mirror. At that moment He gathered all the movements, recorded them with the mirror characteristics of his body, and then launched them out. Although not all the power reflexes, at least the appearance and surface power are absolutely the same.

At this time, the monkey suddenly jumped up, and then ran somewhere. Qiu Gu didn't expect that the monkey would suddenly escape at this time, which made Qiu Gu very angry, but Qiu Gu did not blame it. After all, he was still an animal. He had already helped before. A lot. It's nothing to escape at this time. In fact, Qiu Gu is not very sure that he can deal with the two guys in front of him. So if he is going to die, Qiu Gu doesn't want this all-armed ape to die with him. Thinking of this, Qiu Gu smiled happily.

"Did you laugh? I didn't expect you to laugh at this time. I really admire you so much!" Jingmo said.

"Of course I can laugh, because you are going to die, so I can naturally laugh!" Akiya said, and then he saw the sword in Akiya's hand held in his hand and raised it high above his head. This is a trick that Akiya has practiced for many days. Akiya called this trick: Hellfire. The reason why this name is called is that Qiu Gu found that this trick was too ferocious.

Qiu Gu drew a circle around his body with his sword. The flame of a large circle was in front of Qiu Gu. These flames crackled and didn't know what was burning in it. It was the mirror demon side. All this was seen in the eyes. The mirror demon also felt the power of this power, but the mirror demon Don't panic, because Jingmo himself is also in his heart, and at this time, Jingmo also used the same trick.

Seeing that the two people began to use such tricks, the blood fog on one side also hurriedly dodged, because the blood fog also expected that this would be a terrible duel. Blood fog did not expect that Qiu Gu had made so much progress these days, and now he could actually stand in a standstill with the mirror demon to this point.

The circle of Qiugu was generated, that is, when he saw that Qiugu began to rotate the remnant sword in his hand, and soon a whirlwind formed in the center of this circle. This is a huge whirlwind. The whirlwind is struggling there, but this is not an ordinary whirlwind, a whirlwind. It is composed of flames, with a fierce momentum. This flame is still crackling and mixed with something, as if there are many swords intermingled in this whirlwind.

The mirror demon still imitated the same tricks. Soon the two whirlwinds hit each other under their respective control. Suddenly, the momentum shook the earth. The surroundings were destroyed by the momentum of the two flame whirlwinds, and the surroundings began to burn. This place was smooth. It turned into a hell, and there were flames everywhere on the ground. This time, both sides were injured. Even if the mirror demon was the ability to copy, he still knelt down on one knee under this spell. The damage to himself was also very terrible.

At this time, Qiu Gu and Jingmo could not launch an attack for the time. At this time, a lot of ice suddenly fell from the sky. The ape did not know that so many ice cubes were brought from that place. The ice cubes were closed, and many ice cubes made this place very difficult to think about. Because the ice is very smooth, it can actually reflect the mirror image on the ice, which makes this place suddenly lose direction.

The arm monkey landed next to Qiu Gu at this time. Qiu Gu was very surprised and said, "Why did you come back? Hurry up, it's dangerous here. I can handle it alone!"

"The mirror demon attacks by recording the opponent's spells by his own body. If he can confuse his reflection, he should be able to find the flaws. These ice cubes were carried from the cave in the distance. The back of these ice cubes are full of lime. In this way, this ice cubes has the ability to reflect. I You can judge the direction of the other party by smell. As long as I guide you later, you can do it and find the opportunity to launch a fatal blow!" The ape said that Qiu Gu didn't expect that this ape could speak human language, and the monkey could speak human language, which was something that Qiu Gu had never heard before. Of course, there was no time to surprise Qiu Gu about these things at this time.

The mirror demon is still looking for direction in this temporary mirror maze. At this time, the ape monkey also began to find it through the sense of smell. Soon the ape found the direction and pointed to the mirror and said, "Behind this ice is the mirror demon. I will Make a move on the other side and kill this guy directly in this direction!"

With that, the ape monkey rushed to a nearby place and soon disappeared into this maze. Qiu Gu had no choice. At present, only attack can control the situation.

Akiya was paying attention to the news of the monkey. Soon Akiya saw a flame in a place next to him. Sure enough, the mirror demon began to attack in which direction. Akiya hurriedly took advantage of this time and then a hellfire shot in the previously scheduled direction. One move really had an effect. Which mirror demon wanted to reflect this side did find that the direction that Qiu Gu shot was a mirror. The mirror demon could not reflect himself in the mirror. At the moment when the ice reached the mirror demon's side, the flame had shot out of the ice, and immediately hit the mirror demon and drowned it in the flame. In the middle, the flame melted the ice around. After the ice disappeared, Qiugu saw the ape monkey again, but the ape seemed to have been injured and its fur had been burned to roll. It seemed that the ape had been overwhelmed by the previous blow of the mirror demon.

Qiu Gu walked to the side of the ape monkey. Looking at the dying ape monkey at this time, Qiu Gu's heart was not pleasant.

"Actually, you don't have to do this. I'm just a casual person for you." Akiya said.

Ape monkey smiled and said, "No, you and I are not the ones who meet. It's a kind of fate that we can meet. I have lived for a long time. I should have died a long time ago, but someone gave me a chance to live until now and put all his cultivation. The continuous task has been handed over to me, and now I have succeeded. You are his successor. I hope you can do a lot for the real world!"

The arm monkey said, and Akiya was going to ask who it was. These were given to him, but just as Akiya wanted to ask, the armband caught Akiya aside, and then immediately rushed up from the ground and rushed to the distance. Akiya looked over and found that it was the mirror demon in the distance. Unexpectedly, he is not dead, but at this time, the mirror demon doesn't look as bright as before. The mirror demon's whole body has melted. At this time, it can only be reluctantly synthesized into a shape. The arm ape rushed to the mirror demon. The mirror demon hugged tightly in his chest. In this way, the whole body of the ape A mirror demon is shrouded, so that the mirror demon can't reflect anything.

"Hurry up, I won't last long. Now he can't kill him in reflex!" The arm ape shouted at Qiu Gu.

But it is necessary to kill the ape monkey and this mirror demon together. For Qiu Gu, how can Qiu Gu do it? Qiu Gu can't do it, but the ape really can't hold on. Just look at some sword awning out of the body of the ape, and many holes begin to appear in the body of the monkey. , the ape can't hold on any longer, but the ape still shouted to Qiu Gu: "Do it quickly, or all this will be in vain!"

Akiya's eyes were suddenly overwhelmed by tears. At present, this is the moment when he had to do it. Akitani shouted and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then a hellfire shot at the front ape in front of him. Suddenly, the ape and any mirror demon were submerged in this In the flame, in the flame, Qiu Gu saw the ape open its arms, looking like a freed beast.

After all this disappeared, there were no creatures in front of him. The ape monkey and the mirror demon were dead. Qiu Gu's heart was very complicated. Qiu Gu couldn't tell the feeling in his heart at this time. The ape has been with Qiu Gu for nearly two months. During these days, Qiu Gu lived with the ape monkey every day. Although it is not long, in this uninhabited place, the armapes are the support of Qiu Gu. People are gregarious animals and have needs in their hearts. Suddenly, such a thing that gives them psychological comfort disappears and still disappears in their own hands, which makes Qiu Gu very depressed.

At this time, the blood fog in the forest in the distance suddenly flew out and was about to escape, but he had no chance. Suddenly, many sword marks appeared in the air. These sword marks shot towards the blood fog. The blood fog claimed that it was not the opponent of these sword marks. There was nothing he could do. The blood fog could only be low. Just looking at the red boundary of the blood fog with open hands, which is the strongest defense of the blood fog, but this makes the blood fog make a mistake. Those flames actually passed through this boundary and spread further towards the body of the blood fog. The blood fog was shocked and hurriedly made a big move. The body of the blood fog was the center. Just like many spider webs shot out, many red lines were about to shoot out, but the blood fog didn't expect a flame line to shoot itself through at this time.

The flame line passed through his body at a very fast speed, and then brushed it and began to burn from this flame line, immediately burning the whole body of the blood mist into powder.

Qiu Gu picked up a piece of cloth next to him and wrapped it with the Canyan Sword. Qiu Gu set up a monument here for the ape monkey. This is an unknown monument. Qiu Gu did not know the name of the ape, but he did remember it in his heart forever.

Once again, there was no one in this place. Qiu Gu flew out towards the sunset and disappeared into the distant sunset. Looking at the blood-red sunset, Qiu Guba's move just now was called the sunset line.

This area has once again returned to quiet. The king of this place is buried in this place forever. It belongs to this place, but the mysterious person who makes him belong to this place is still mysterious.