shake the nine bream

Chapter 53 Flies Don't Sting Seamless Eggs

After the beacon and water mist said this, no one present had any intention to leave this place, but they were very surprised to look at the beacon and water mist. It was not until the beacon fire and water mist looked at everyone and then raised their glasses that the suffocating situation became normal. He raised his glass and said, "Come and drink!"

In fact, of course, the beacon knows that there is not only such a traitor around him, but also kills this guy to retain more talents. This is the so-called killing chickens and monkeys.

After this meal, Qiugu's party was left behind, and the beacon fire and water fog were going to take the people on the Qiugu side to a place, which is in the palace at the peak.

"Where are you taking us?" Chu Wen asked, smiled on the other side of the beacon, water and fog, and then pointed to the gate of the palace in front of him and said, "I'm going to take you to this palace. Since you are here to capture the black sky, obviously you must know what the handover ceremony of the black sky is in order to make you better tomorrow. To carry out the action, I must take you here in advance to see the situation.

The words of beacon fire and water mist have aroused Liu Lianyi's confusion, because the words of beacon fire and water mist seem to be taken to this place for a handover ceremony tomorrow. You know that this blow was the day before, and this battle is actually endless, and I don't know what will happen. What's more, I'm not sure what's going on with the other camp. How can the young man in front of him confirm that the other party will come to this place like this? Coming to this place means compromise.

So Liu Lianyi asked at this time, "How do you know that your brother will definitely be taken to this place tomorrow?" Is this battle over?

He smiled and said, "Well, you don't have to worry about this. My brother will definitely be brought to this place tomorrow. Whether it is alive, dead or disabled, he will be brought to this place, so you don't have to worry about this. I'll take you into this place to have a look. !"

Although I don't know whether this beacon is suitable for planning, it is actually none of everyone's business, but Qiu Gu still wants to ask: "You said you are on the same front as us, so I hope you can tell us some actions! Don't you believe us now?"

In the face of Qiu Gu's unobstructed question, the beacon and water mist was also a little helpless. He looked at the situation around him, and then set aside all the guards around him. Then he took Qiu Gu and others to the wall at the entrance of the palace in front of him and said, "Brother Qiu, what did you say? How can I not believe it? What about you? It's just that this action is relatively hidden. In fact, only me and the dead knew about it before the end of the matter, so I hope everyone can understand it.

At this time, Chu Wen hurriedly smiled and greeted both sides and said, "Let's go. As long as we can stop the black sky from falling into the hands of Liu Daosen Luo's people at that time. Everything else is not a problem, haha, let's say it!"

The entrance to this palace in this place is already very elegant. This is a wall about 20 to 30 meters high. This is a rare high building in the mountaintop buildings. I don't know where these stones were obtained or how they were transported up. This city The appearance of the wall is all red, and the bright red makes the wall look more majestic and gorgeous.

Under the leadership of the beacon, everyone also began to enter this palace. Although this is a palace, in fact, this is not just a simple building. This is a big guy, but when you walk into it, you find that the interior of this place is really monotonous. This building The walls outside the building are all red, and they are also blocks of walls. It seems that people walk in it as if they are walking in a lane, an endless lane.

"This place looks like a maze. Why don't we fly up to our destination?" Qiu Gu asked.

Chu Wen and his party didn't know what to say, but the beacon, water and fog smiled and said, "Actually, it can fly. Brother Qiu might as well try it!"

Hearing the beacon, fire and water mist say this, Qiu Gu is still not evil. At this time, Qiu Gu summoned the reason to fly towards the sky of this palace. When Qiu Gu was about to fly beyond this wall, Qiu Gu found that he could not continue to fly higher in the sky. Go, as if there is a transparent thing covering the top of the wall of this place. People who enter this place are like entering a maze that can't get out of the top, and this is indeed a maze.

"It seems that this is indeed a place that can't fly out!" Akiya said. Hearing Qiu Gu say this, the beacon and water mist seemed to look very arrogant and then said, "Of course, this place has only one exit and one entrance, and the exit and the entrance are one place, and this place itself has been built into a maze. The only people who can get out of this place are only The patriarch and his children here, the people who built this palace in those years, died, and the only map is only available to the patriarch. After all, this is a place for handing over the black sky. This can't be a careless look!"

Everyone also smiled bitterly. At this time, Qiugu looked back and found that everyone's position had arrived at an unknown location. If this is a complex maze and can't fly out, it means that only rely on this beacon and fog to leave this place now. Open.

He followed the beacon and water mist around this place. As an outsider, Qiu Gu can't touch the north at all. He can only follow him to keep turning. He doesn't know how the beacon and water mist remembers such a complex terrain. He can't help but admire his memory from the bottom of his heart.

Following the beacon and water mist, it has been in this place for about an hour, so that it can reach the center of this place. The center of this place is much more spacious. There are many buildings in the center of this place, all of which are like attic buildings. These buildings are all surrounded by this The center of each place is the core, and each attic is relatively high. At the highest point, there is a small pavilion-like attic that looks more like a sentry tower at the top. The center of this place is a square, a square without any buildings. The square is surrounded by some pools, and the pool is very clear and clear. In the clear water, you can see that there are many things like vines in this water, and those things seem to be water plants and living tentacles.

And the square in the center of this place is a pattern made of many bricks. It looks like a magic array. I don't know what the effect is and what the role it plays in the handover ceremony.

When he came to this square, the beacon opened his arms and said to everyone, "This place is the place where tomorrow's ceremony will be held. At that time, the black sky will be released by us, and then seal it into another person's body with the help of this magic circle. Of course, since you have come to this place, This step is saved, so I want to know what you are going to do with this black matter?

"Your defense here is really good. People who enter this place can't fly out, only use it. In this way, even if he wants to find this place, he needs something. Of course, this is in addition to the situation that he can't get around and die in this place. When the black sky is summoned, we will seal it. Print it and bring it back to Piaoyuan Mountain, but I'm curious, how did you control such a powerful spirit beast as Black Sky after summoning it? Chu Wen asked.

The beacon, fire and water mist smiled and then walked to the pool next to this place, and then pointed to the things in the water and said to everyone, "Look, it is with these things here. After the black sky is summoned out, it is bound by these things. These vines are vines with sealing ability, and these vines I'm afraid it's difficult to escape from the things tied by Man. In addition, the magic array is a special magic array built for this black sky, so you don't have to worry about these things. You can mainly do your own sealing work!"

In fact, of course, everyone has noticed these things in the pool of this place for a long time. Those things that seem to be vines are not actually like vines. There are many small whiskers on these so-called vines that look like water plants, but those small whiskers are indeed more like some living thing, in the water. The continuous twisting is like an earthworm, and it looks like the whole pool is really disgusting.

"These things should be living things, right?" Liu Lianyi said.

"Sure enough, these things are indeed living things. They were cultivated in this place when the village was first established. They are specially used to deal with this black and empty thing. If you want to ask me what this thing is, I can't explain it clearly. All I think is that he is used to seal it. The black sky thing may be a monster that may be as horrible as the black sky, but you don't have to worry. This monster has always been very docile and has never been as grumpy as the black sky. The beacon and water fog said.

Although the beacon fire and water mist is talking and laughing with everyone in this place, it seems that they don't care about the development of this battle at all. As a leader, they don't seem to have any move, but in fact, the beacon fire and water mist have long been ready. The beacon fire and thunder cloud have arranged people on the beacon fire and water mist, but Why didn't he think that the beacon water mist arranged more people on the other side of the beacon thunder cloud? The list of those people arranged by the beacon thunder cloud here was all obtained from the investigation of these people.

beacon thunder cloud is used to putting enjoyment first at any time, and does not care much about the development of this situation at all. He believes that even at the last moment, he can take any enemy with the terrible power of the black space in his body. Flatten them all.

But the so-called proud soldiers must be lost. This night, he will lead the danger of being taken away. This night is still a regular spring night. Four or five beautiful women are ready. They are all dressed in silk clothes, and the bodies under their clothes are looming. This is a provocation, although it is said that Huo Leiyun was used to all this, but he still rushed to the bed very excitedly.

"Don't worry, how about we play the game? How boring is it to be so direct all the time? A woman said that when she heard this woman say this, other women also said crookedly. Seeing that these charming women actually took the initiative to make such a request, this made Fenghuo Leiyun more excited, because Fenghuo Leiyun has always been straightforward and wants to play something new. At present, the cooperation of these beautiful women naturally makes this beacon Leiyun very agree with it, that is, like a dog, "Then how do you want to play?"

One of the beautiful women laughed, then took out a silk scarf from the position of her chest, and then said, "We blindfolded your eyes, and then we took off our clothes. How about you grab us?"

Such words naturally sounded very cool, but during this period, Fengleiyun still looked at the situation around him very cautiously. There were only a few guards outside in this place, and no other people could be seen around. Although Fenghuo Leiyun still had some concerns, But in the end, Fenghuo Leiyun still agreed.

After the beacon thunder cloud was blindfolded, he began to capture the body, but obviously who was the target of being caught was still uncertain. Those beautiful women had already been drugged on the silk scarf. The effect entered the body through the eyes, and the poisoned person will temporarily faint because of the effect of the medicine. There will be no feeling in this whole process. People will only feel that they are dying and faint, just like sleeping.

The beacon thunder cloud was stunned after being covered with glasses for a long time. Some soldiers who had been connected for a long time have come in from the outside. They soon helped the beacon thunder cloud change their clothes and replaced the beacon thunder cloud with the appearance of soldiers. Those women were also changed into soldiers. Son, they walked out of the house with the sleeping beacon thunder cloud. In fact, there are all people outside this house at this time. If people have weaknesses, they will be calculated. If beacon thunder clouds have weaknesses, they will be calculated successfully, and Li Yun, who looks at all this outside, also feels a little ridiculous. However, Li Yun and Lao Hutback did not intend to interfere with all these things. These things have nothing to do with them. Although they are in the camp of Fenghuo Leiyun, their goal is not to protect Fenghuo Leiyun. Their goal is just to wait for tomorrow's action.

"It seems that this guy is indeed a fool. I don't know why he made such a fool as a black empty human container!" Li Yun said.

"It's because it's easy to manipulate. If it's a smart person, it's not easy to manipulate. If the profitable party can't control others, then it can't make a profit. This has nothing to do with us, so we can just keep up!" The old hunchback said.

As they said, the two flew into the sky, and the whereabouts of a black cloud in the sky were hidden. In this way, the two followed the action of the beacon thunder cloud being taken away in the sky. Those beacon fire and water fog have taken the beacon thunder cloud out of the room and have come to the back of the room. On the other side of the square, they are going to take the beacon thunder cloud to a cliff on the edge of the square. There is an elevator there. Under the elevator, people have already been arranged. As long as the beacon thunder cloud is dragged down, they can take him away. The original plan is perfect, but it is At this time, a group of patrolling soldiers suddenly found all this. They thought the couple was very good, so they asked those people, "What are you doing there?"

Hearing that someone found themselves, the soldiers who hijacked the beacon thunder cloud all stood up in a hurry. They held the beacon thunder cloud in their hands and said to the patrol soldiers, "This guy is drunk. We are going to take him back!"

"Became it back? You should be the guard of the leader. Your dormitory should not be in this direction, right? A patrolman asked.

The man was surprised, but soon he reacted and said, "Oh? Really? It seems that we have also forgotten where we live when we are drunk. Thank you!"

"Let's go, no matter what they are, they have always been like!" A patrolman said.

Hearing these patrols say this, the hijackers were about to leave, but suddenly the patrolman stopped them again and said, "Why do you walk like women?"

Hearing this question, the hijackers were immediately shocked, because there were indeed women among the couple. If they found this, they were likely to shock more troops to come to this place.

"What? What do you mean by that?

"It's meaningless. As the chief's guard, you should be very powerful, and how can you be so drunk?" The patrolman asked and walked to the hijacker, but before he had taken a closer look at the faces of several people, the sharp knife had pierced his throat, and several hijackers hurriedly held him to avoid being found by other patrols soon.

The other patrolmen waited for the man for a while to find that there seemed to be something wrong with him. When these people were about to pass, an emergency broke out. The hijackers suddenly put the previous patrolman to the ground, and then took out their weapons and began to rush towards the patrol. Come here, when I saw such a thing happen, the scene suddenly became shocked.