
Chapter 15 Expulsion

Seeing Li Siying's appearance, Long Yongcheng finally understood that Li Siying was testing his determination just now. If his determination was not enough, even if he could join this mysterious organization, he would not be fully recognized by Li Siying.

"After you are expelled from school, the organization will arrange for your identity. You can arrange your personal affairs first. I heard that the girl is very beautiful?

Li Siying smiled narrowly, and Long Yongcheng naturally understood what Li Siying meant. Now that I am studying abroad, it is better to tell what happened at home. After all, there is little pressure to say anything on the phone so far away, but Lin Shifang needs to face it directly. If you want to be expelled from the school, and even your identity will be arranged by the organization in the future. Although you and Lin Shifang have come together in terms of relationship, you have not made it clear that as soon as you are expelled from the school, how should you face Lin Shifang, and how will Lin Shifang treat herself?

The next day, the school held a school-wide meeting and announced the punishment decision on Long Yongcheng. Expulsion, in the expectation of many students, how can the military's attitude be light when the attitude of the military is very tough and hurts people? However, no one knows that the military has a little guarantee for Long Yongcheng this time. Hearing Long Yongcheng's punishment, the instructor of Long Yongcheng frowned slightly. The principal of the school was not stupid and could not see the hint of instructor Fang, but why did he give such a heavy punishment? Although Long Yongcheng's exorciation from school is an opportunity for him, will Long Yongcheng think about it himself?

"What are you going to do?"

After the meeting, Lin Shifang found Long Yongcheng for the first time, and tears flashed in Lin Shifang's eyes. Lin Shifang didn't expect that the school would expel Long Yongcheng, but after all, this matter has something to do with her.

"One step, let's take a step."

Long Yongcheng smiled reluctantly. What Long Yongcheng was most worried about was that the originally clear relationship between the two made them strange because of his expulsion. After all, no matter what happens for what, in the eyes of many people, he is just a future-free expelled student, and Lin Shifang's future is still unknown.

"One step? Look at one step? What do you want me to do?"

Lin Shifang's voice suddenly went up. Yes, Long Yongcheng was fired. What should he do? Is it possible that if you steal your own heart, you have to leave with your own heart like this? Why is it so cruel? In fact, it can't be so cruel, can it?


Long Yongcheng could not feel that Lin Shifang would say this, because Long Yongcheng really couldn't know Lin Shifang's intention. If Lin Shifang looks down on herself because of her expulsion, she will be affectionate anyway, but if Lin Shifang doesn't, she is likely to miss Lin Shifang because of her own reasons. Long Yongcheng really doesn't know how to face Lin Shifang.

"I love you. What should I do if you leave?"

Lin Shifang hugged Long Yongcheng tightly. Lin Shifang knows that Long Yongcheng is interested in her. Maybe Long Yongcheng will care a lot instead of expressing his feelings, but Lin Shifang will not care so much. The only thing Lin Shifang is worried about is whether the short memory between herself and Long Yongcheng will completely become a thing of the past as soon as Long Yongcheng leaves. .

If a girl who can achieve this point still doesn't cherish it, what else should she cherish? Long Yongcheng asked himself. Long Yongcheng also hugged Lin Shifang and stroked Lin Shifang's beautiful hair.

"I will come to see you often, and I love you too."

Hearing Long Yongcheng's words, Lin Shifang suddenly cried.

Towards evening, Long Yongcheng's luggage had been packed, and Li Siying's car was waiting at the school gate. As soon as Long Yongcheng left the dormitory building, a straight figure stopped in front of Long Yongcheng, who was an instructor.

"Do you think I must have made a ghost in it?"


"So what are you going to do if you are expelled from school? If you are interested, come to the military. In the military world, maybe you can realize your dream, but it's just a little different.


At this time, Long Yongcheng did have no reason to refuse the instructor. After all, his real reason could not be taken out, but what should he say?

"The expulsion of Long Yongcheng was approved by him. From now on, Long Yongcheng is our person, and naturally he will not go to the military.

A voice sounded faintly behind the instructor. Long Yongcheng's instructor turned around, and a young girl in her early twenties had a faint smile on her mouth, but not smiling at herself, but as if smiling had become a habit for the girl, Li Siying. The girl seemed to be a little familiar, and the instructor frowned slightly.

"Who are you? Who are you? We seem to have met?"

"We met in the principal's office."

Li Siying replied. The instructor suddenly remembered the reserved female student in the principal's office when he went to the principal, and now the girl appeared in front of him in such a posture. The instructor vaguely speculated about the girl's identity.

"You also have some points*, do you know this?"

Li Siying continued and took out her certificate to show it to the instructor. Li Siying did not open the certificate. The instructor only saw the cover of the certificate. This cover is the same as the cover of *, but there is another difference, that is, this * * seems to be made of a very special material, which seems to be brilliant. Of course, the instructor is not a cultivation person, and the wave of spiritual power on it It's moving, but I can't feel it.

Li Siying did not say who she was, but after seeing Li Siying's certificate, the instructor did not say Li Siying's rudeness. Instead, after seeing the certificate, the instructor looked solemn and made a standard military salute to Li Siying. The instructor is indeed a little *, so the instructor knows this certificate. In the national police, there is a special organization. The members of this organization have a very special power, and many ordinary people have also speculated about the existence of this power. Based on this power, such as the National Security Agency and the Chinese Dragon Group have appeared many times in various novels.

But this instructor actually understands that although the people in this organization are more powerful than ordinary people, they are very weak in the cultivation world and have the possibility of being destroyed at any time. However, the leader of this organization relies on this weak force that may be destroyed at any time to survive in the cracks, and it is not only the organization, but also the national government. The Xiuzhen world has been coveting the control of secular regimes. If it hadn't been too much involved and the leaders of this organization had fully grasped these, maybe China's officials would have been replaced by the elders in those sects of practitioners.

This organization is nameless, not a nameless, but a name at all, but every member of this organization is a policeman with special powers. In short, this organization is respectable. The military has always been tough and as tough in front of the police, but in front of such a police, the military has only respect.

"Long Yongcheng's identity will have other arrangements. At that time, I hope you will keep it secret."

The instructor answered yes to Li Siying. After that, he helped Li Siying put Long Yongcheng into the car. No wonder Long Yongcheng himself doesn't look simple. The person who can be seen by that organization is an ordinary person. Among other things, the most basic point is also a true person.

"How are you going to explain this to your family?"

Li Siying asked. As soon as Long Yongcheng got on the bus, Li Siying drove straight to the airport. Tickets have been bought and go to Beijing. Beijing, as the capital and heart of the country, naturally, the headquarters of such a special organization as Li Siying's organization will also be in Beijing.

"The expulsion from the school can't be hidden from the school, but I'm afraid it will let me go home. It's just that the organization has to arrange my identity and will arrange tasks at any time. I plan to tell my family that I was expelled from school and lost someone from my family, so I won't go home and swear not to go home.

"Good idea."

Li Siying smiled. However, Long Yongcheng can't laugh at his so-called good idea. After all, no matter how good the idea is, his expulsion from school may have made it a little difficult for his family to bear the news. He found such an excuse when he let himself go back at home, and I'm afraid he will fall out with his family. As for Lin Shifang, Long Yongcheng is even wondering whether it is necessary for him and Lin Shifang to be together. Even if I and Lin Shifang get married in the future, in my special capacity, I have to take time and energy to do many things, but I can't give a reasonable explanation. Who would put up with such a husband? I'm afraid that the only thing I have in the future is the glory of my so-called police. Thinking of this, Long Yongcheng sighed heavily.

"Is your heart very heavy? Although there will be a lot of things that we all feel helpless? However, in fact, it doesn't matter. Without our efforts, what kind of life will they live? We just want them to be happy. In fact, we don't care so much about our own happiness. Although this will also hurt their hearts, it gives them a little more happiness than the pain, doesn't it?

Feeling the heavy mood of Long Yongcheng, Li Siying said with a smile, but there was also a trace of heaviness between his eyebrows. In fact, it was all the same.

"Is it?"

Is that right? I'm afraid that Lin Shifang can't let go for a while. As for the family, after all, it's a family. No matter how much they do, the situation will be relatively much better. At least, they can forgive themselves without knowing it, but what about Lin Shifang? Alas.

In the first update in the morning, summon red tickets, collect, Buddha's tears are here to thank you!