
Chapter 67 patriarch

"Ha ha, maybe it's water droplets in the clouds."

Long Yongcheng's explanation was a little far-fetched, but Ling Na did not notice Long Yongcheng's abnormality, but felt a rather inexplicable "oh" nodded. Long Yongcheng took a deep breath and cheered himself up. He saw the two majestic buildings below, one of which was obviously a royal building, both in terms of architectural style and architectural scale, and the other building was only slightly inferior to the royal building, but it was enough. It shows its detached position in the sea cucumber empire. So, it should be the Alexander family, right?

"Is that your family?"

Ling Na, who was still immersed in Long Yongcheng's arms, suddenly came to her senses by Long Yongcheng's question and felt that her cheeks were even hotter. Looking down, the complex really belonged to the Alexander family. Ling Na nodded, but suddenly felt a trace of reluctance in her heart. When she arrived at the family, should she leave Xiaolong's back? After leaving the dragon's back, how can you lean against Long Yongcheng's arms? However, Long Yongcheng is exactly the opposite. After Luo Shen said that Ling Na was interested in him, Long Yongcheng has always had an impulse to escape. The memories of Lin Shifang are still entangled in his heart, and he does not have that feeling about Ling Na. If he has to say anything, it is that kind of sister's Feeling.

Long Yongcheng controlled the dragon and swooped in the direction of the Alexander family. Since Long Yongcheng and Ling Na rode a dragon to the territory of the sea cucumber empire for the first time they were misunderstood, a special way to send messages has been told to let the sea cucumber empire know when the monster suddenly dives down from the sky, then the first thing that should be confirmed is that this monster does not represent the enemy. People, but Miss Lingna of the Alexander family. Therefore, this time, when Long Yongcheng controlled the dragon to dive towards the Alexander family, he was attacked without causing anyone else's misunderstanding.

After the dragon fell firmly to the ground, Long Yongcheng just put the dragon away, and a man in a pair of golden armor appeared very abruptly. The man was carrying a gun on his back, and there was a depressing smell of killing on the whole gun. Obviously, there were many lives buried under this gun. And the owner of this gun, wearing golden armor, also has a heavy murderous atmosphere. The man in armor has white hair, his body is straight, and he has a momentum of not being angry and arrogant. But in addition to this momentum of not being angry and arrogant, others are the same as ordinary people. The man glanced at Long Yongcheng, and Long Yongcheng had a feeling of being seen through.

When Long Yongcheng looked back at this person again, at first glance, this person's eyes were very simple, as if he could read through this person at a glance. After all, I always feel that there is something very complicated in the man's eyes that can't be seen through. It is these very complicated things that constitute this simple look. Long Yongcheng was suddenly shocked, super master!


Seeing the appearance of the man, Ling Na suddenly rushed into the man's arms. Father? Is this the patriarch of the Alexander family, the largest family of the sea cucumber empire? The Alexander family can be said to be the pillar of the whole sea cucumber empire. If the Alexander family wanted to reverse, the country of the sea cucumber empire had long been changed. This shows how strong the Alexander family has in the sea cucumber empire, and what kind of person is the patriarch of the Alexander family? Long Yongcheng couldn't help looking at this person carefully. However, except for the impression just now, Long Yongcheng can't see anything else at all.

"Is this your friend? My name is Han Xing, and I'm Ling Na's father.

After hugging Ling Na, Alexander's patriarch released Ling Na and looked at Long Yongcheng, who also seemed to be very appreciative of Long Yongcheng. In fact, although Linghuo will be jealous of Long Yongcheng for Ling Na, Linghuo is really too much. Long Yongcheng is only 19 years old now, and Linghuo is more than 30 years old. At the age of 30 years old in this new continent that advocates practice, it is just equivalent to teenagers. As an elite son of the Alexander family, the spiritual fire is only 30 years old than the ninth grade. But 19-year-old Long Yongcheng is already a sixth-class person. More importantly, Long Yongcheng's realm is in the sixth-class, but his strength is obviously not sixth-class. I'm afraid he is also among the eighth-class masters.

If you simply say that you reach the sixth grade at the age of 19, you will be the first genius in Xinyuan, but this is only the most common way to determine genius. The real top genius is not only the rapid improvement of the realm, but also the absolute strength in a certain realm. He can even challenge the master who is higher than his own realm, and the more he can level, the more genius he is. Especially when the cultivation is higher. First-class leaps and challenges second-class people, and 90 of the 100 geniuses may be able to do it. The second-class challenge the third-class, 70 out of 100 geniuses can do it, and so on, the stronger the strength, the more difficult it is to challenge masters who are higher than themselves.

In fact, if Long Yongcheng has reached the sixth level, there are few people who can leap over the challenge, and Long Yongcheng can even leap the two-level challenge. Such a genius can be said to be against the sky. Genius is the proud son of heaven, and the genius among geniuses is the existence against the sky!

"Long Yongcheng, he also has the identity of a dark deacon of the Dark Holy See. If the war between our empire and the Yunxiao Empire needs to involve the Dark Holy See, he can represent the Dark Holy See."

When Ling Na saw her father asking Long Yongcheng, she couldn't help but feel refreshed. Moreover, Ling Na said that Long Yongcheng could represent the Dark Holy See in the war between the sea cucumber empire and the Yunxiao Empire. Although it sounds a little exaggerated, and the Dark Holy See did not directly give Long Yongcheng such a right, but it was not a lie. After all, Adam, the archbishop of the Dark Holy See, could have come. Long Yongcheng replaced Adam, and Adam still has this weight as the archbishop of the Dark Holy See, so when Long Yongcheng replaces Adam, Long Yongcheng also has the same weight in this matter.

"The deacon of the Dark Holy See?"

The cold star is slightly moved, dark deacon? Although the dark deacon of the dark Holy See is as high as the archbishop, and the obligations of the dark deacon are not as many obligations to the dark Holy See as other members of the dark Holy See, which is relatively looser, but it is because of its looseness and its status is not much worse than the archbishop level, so Not everyone can become a dark deacon. Every dark deacon is either a top master or has a transcendent influence on the Xinyuan continent. Although the influence of those who can become dark deacons is not as strong as that of the Shanghai ginseng Empire, it is easy to overthrow some small empires. However, how did this sixth-class boy in front of him become a dark deacon?

Long Yongcheng would also be surprised if he knew the meaning of the dark deacon's representative in the Xinyuan continent. At the beginning, Adam decided to make Long Yongcheng a dark deacon precisely because of Long Yongcheng's genius and Long Yongcheng's ability to control the dragon whip. Although the dragon whip seems to be much more powerful than when it is under the control of Long Yongcheng, it is only because of the strength of Long Yongcheng. Whether it is a weapon or a magic weapon in Long Yongcheng's cognition, once it recognizes the Lord, the greatest power it exerts is only in the strength of its owner. If the master's strength is too low, it is a little weaker than their independent power. But if the master's strength is high enough, only their master can give them real maximum power.

And for the mysterious and powerful dragon whip, since Long Yongcheng can easily let him recognize the Lord, this alone is enough to become a dark deacon. Of course, on the premise that no one knows the details of the dragon whip, if everyone previously knew that the spirit of the dragon whip is a master of Dharma or martial arts, then it is estimated that the whole Xinyuan continent will shake, because there are only three masters of the whole Xinyuan continent.

"If the sea cucumber empire needs it, I can do my best."

Long Yongcheng has a little understanding of the rights of the dark deacon. As a dark deacon, he can mobilize a certain amount of power of the dark Holy See. If the sea cucumber empire really does not have an estimate of the Holy See and asks the dark Holy See for help, some of the power casually mobilized by the dark Holy See may not be very powerful, but Even the war launched by the three super empires on the New Yuan continent can play a very important role in it. After all, the Dark Holy See is a superpower that can compete with the Holy See of Light, and this strength is still available.

"If necessary, the sea cucumber empire will consider the help of the dark Holy See, but I think you should have come here as a friend of my daughter, right? In fact, the dark deacons are not very constrained by the dark Holy See, so many times the dark deacons come out to do things, but they may not all represent the Dark Holy See, right?

The cold star suddenly asked. Long Yongcheng laughed. Han Xing was right. Although he said that he and Ling Na came to replace Adam and the Dark Holy See this time, both Adam and Long Yongcheng themselves knew that in fact, more came in a private capacity, that's all, if there are special needs. Of course, you can mobilize the power of the Dark Holy See on behalf of the Dark Holy See.