
Chapter 130 Promotion


With a clear shout, Long Yongcheng and Han Xing both breathed a sigh of relief. Above, the embarrassment of the two of them did not seem so embarrassing. Long Yongcheng and Han Xing were both masters. Both of them "sighted" a majestic and sacred woman who walked to the throne and sat down. The woman's face was indeed covered with a veil, and they couldn't see through it. However, it can be seen from the momentum of this woman that this woman is indeed a resourceful person. Is this the queen of the Bright Moon Empire?

After "seeing" the queen, Long Yongcheng and Han Xing also came up with two ideas. The first idea is that the queen of the Mingyue Empire is so strong, and the other idea is that she is familiar with her breath. I don't know why Long Yongcheng and Han Xing always feel a wisp of very familiar breath from the queen, but the queen's breath seems very strange to them. Such a contrast makes both of them feel surprised. Why do they have such a feeling? When Long Yongcheng involuntarily looked at Han Xing, he saw the eyes of Han Xing, so both of them immediately understood one thing, that is, both of them have such a sense of familiarity.

As for the queen's strength, whether it is Long Yongcheng or Han Xing, she can't see through it. Generally speaking, if the difference between the realms of cultivation is not too large, they can generally see through each other's realms, unless the realms are too far apart, or some special secret method is used. However, Long Yongcheng and Han Xing's intuition told them that it was not a secret matter that they could not see through the queen's strength, but that the queen's realm was really high, so they could not see through it. Because of strength, even the veil on the queen's face is an ordinary veil, which is enough for most people to not see the real appearance behind the veil.

"Tut, a master of fairyland. Although there are relatively few masters in this New Yuan Dynasty, they all like to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers. He also said that there are only four masters of fairyland in the New Yuan Dynasty. It seems that she is still a beauty, but unfortunately, her identity is really a waste of this excellent appearance.

The master of the fairyland is the so-called master of the New Yuan Dynasty. Luo Shen is not used to this name of the New Year continent and has never changed his words. Luo Shen is a master of Golden Wonderland. No matter how seriously injured he is, as long as the Taoist heart is not scattered, generally speaking, the realm will not fall. Luo Shen of Golden Wonderland can see the queen's reality at a glance. As for the queen's appearance, there is indeed nothing wrong with the veil. It's just because of her cultivation, which is not difficult for Luo Shen.

Another scene quickly appeared in front of Long Yongcheng's eyes. This scene is quite similar to the scene "see" by Long Yongcheng. The only difference is that the queen in the scene in front of Long Yongcheng is not wearing a veil. Long Yongcheng couldn't help smiling bitterly. This Luo Shen showed his childish heart more and more. In Long Yongcheng's heart, he also increasingly did not regard Luo Shen as an ancient existence, just as a stronger neighbor girl. Long Yongcheng did not realize when his mentality had already happened so big. Changes.

After Luo Shen said that the queen was a strong man in the fairyland, Long Yongcheng was obviously a little surprised. The queen of the Mingyue Empire is a master. Although the strength of the country has little to do with the personal strength of the monarch, Long Yongcheng can't help thinking that since the queen of the Mingyue Empire is a master, she is one of the three super empires with the Mingyue Empire, and the strength of the Yunxiao Empire and the Qiankun Empire, which are comparable to the Mingyue Empire. What will happen? In the Xinyuan mainland, the superior master is the existence of a giant. Long Yongcheng could not pay attention to it. Originally, Long Yongcheng did not think that there would be many hidden masters in the Xinyuan mainland, but in a blink of an eye, another one popped up, and Long Yongcheng couldn't help thinking more.

However, when Long Yongcheng turned his eyes to the queen's face, Long Yongcheng was obviously stunned. No wonder this queen will make people feel familiar, and Long Yongcheng suddenly figured out that it is no wonder that the queen will be summoned together with the cold star. Even the breath of the queen will still give people a very strange feeling, but such an atmosphere can no longer hide the true identity of the queen from Long Yongcheng. The queen of the Mingyue Empire turned out to be the queen of the sea cucumber empire. The world is really not ordinary crazy, messy, all messed up.

This is the only thing Long Yongcheng is thinking about. Now Long Yongcheng has set up everything that the queen summoned himself and Han Xing, but another thing has become what Long Yongcheng doesn't want to pass. Since the queen of the Mingyue Empire and the queen of the sea cucumber empire are the same person, the so-called sea cucumber empire turned to the Mingyue Empire directed and performed by the queen can be fully played to let the Mingyue Empire completely control the sea cucumber empire, but why should the queen throw such power to herself and let herself build the public security bureau in the sea cucumber empire? How about getting up?

"What's the starting point?"

The queen's voice full of majestic voice floated out of the veil. The queen's voice when she spoke at this moment was also completely different from that of the queen of the sea cucumber empire, but obviously, it was only to hide her dual identity. No one has stood up for a long time.

"It seems that there is nothing to do. Well, I will announce a few things and retreat after announcing them."

The queen said lightly. The queen waved her hand, and immediately a attendant held a box and handed it over to the queen. The queen opened the box, which contained a strange beast carved from a nameless top jade. This strange beast is somewhat similar to Long Yongcheng's overlord, but it is not exactly the same. However, it is obvious that this is a warcraft with the blood of a dragon. Warcrafts such as the overlord of Long Yongcheng have the blood of dragons, but there are also many kinds of foreign beasts with the blood of dragons.

However, foreign beasts with dragon blood have a common rule that their strength is very strong. Long Yongcheng doesn't know how strong this warcraft carved by jade will be after adulthood, but just looking at the sculpture, the breath emitted by the warcraft makes people feel very irritable. It should be very strong. Just as Long Yongcheng was thinking about what the jade carving was, the queen took it out of the box and printed a big character: soldier. This sculpture is the talisman of the Mingyue Empire. Long Yongcheng suddenly realized that it seems that there is really going to be a war? The New Yuan Continent is about to go into turmoil.

"The first thing, from today on, our Mingyue Empire officially declared war like the Yunxiao Empire, striving to conquer the Yunxiao Empire as quickly as possible, and after conquering the Yunxiao Empire, we can't stay at half. We need to rectify what has just been conquered. The Yunxiao Empire quickly attacked the Qiankun Empire and conquered the Qiankun Empire. After that, we need to integrate the national strength of the three countries as quickly as possible. Commander Büller will leave this matter to you.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Long Yongcheng "seeed" a holy-level strong man coming out respectfully, stepped forward to take the charm in the queen's hand, knelt on one knee, and said to the queen. The breath of this strong man in the Holy Land also made Long Yongcheng feel a little familiar. It seems that it was the general who roared through the national capital yesterday as a chariot. Sure enough, his identity is not ordinary. He is actually the commander-in-chief of a country.

"Well, you step back first. Have the two of the sea cucumber empire come?"

The queen waved back Burler and asked.

"In His Majesty's words, the two have already gone outside the palace."

Long Yongcheng felt very depressed when he heard such a question and answer, because with the strength of the queen, he could clearly perceive the two of them. There is no need to ask, even if he puts on the queen'sjia zi, it is not like this.

"Declar them to enter the hall."

"Han Xing, the commander of the sea cucumber empire, and Long Yongcheng, the general police inspector of the public security bureau of the sea cucumber empire, entered the hall to meet."

Long Yongcheng and Han Xing were able to enter the hall. Han Xing was obviously relieved and finally didn't have to stand outside the hall. Long Yongcheng's mind became complicated. The queen of the Mingyue Empire was the queen of the sea cucumber empire. So, what did she want to do?

"See Your Majesty."

Long Yongcheng and Han Xing knelt down on one knee and saluted the queen. Long Yongcheng and Han Xing are also very powerful people. Han Xing has always been a high position in the sea cucumber empire and came from the army. Long Yongcheng's momentum is not ordinary people because of his cultivation skills and some of his own feelings. Originally, these important members of the Mingyue Empire did not pay much attention to Long Yongcheng and Hanxing, but at this time, when they saw their extraordinary momentum, they also felt that they were not ordinary people, and their future prospects must be unlimited.

"Long Yongcheng, I didn't expect that your public security bureau would develop so fast that it would suddenly reach this stage."

The queen has something to say. Originally, if Long Yongcheng did not know the identity of the queen, he could not hear the words, but Long Yongcheng knew the identity of Long Yongcheng. At the beginning, the queen just thought that Long Yongcheng's idea was very interesting, and Long Yongcheng himself was also very interesting, so she casually threw this right to Long Yongcheng. Unexpectedly, the development has almost made Long Yongcheng completely control the sea cucumber empire.

"Looking at your current development, I also know that now the Mingyue Empire just wants to suppress you and can't suppress you. In this case, I will simply promote you to be the director of the Public Security Bureau of the whole Mingyue Empire. However, you can't reach your hand inside the Mingyue Empire. You can do anything outside the rule of the Mingyue Empire. Of course, the territory of the Cloud Empire and the Qiankun Empire is better. Even if those places are captured by the Mingyue Empire one day, I still allow your public security bureau to exist in those places. When I integrate the three empires and the situation stabilizes, and the territory you have still can't meet your ambitions, how about I play with you?