Sword of Defense

Chapter 46 Commander Q

Lei Jian kills in and out of the outside mecha group with its powerful brain computing ability. In this case, Lei Jian's brain computing ability has not reached its limit. With the support of huge computing power, Lei Jian found that he could actually distinguish his mind to pay attention to Ladaman, who stayed aside.

The guy who drove an armor that was obviously different from others left a deep impression on Lei Jian, so Lei Jian has been paying attention to the situation of Ladaman. When he discovered Li Jian's attack, Lei Jian fought to attack a beam and quickly approached Ladaman, and one sword resulted in Ladaman's life.

Li Jian looked at the Ladaman mecha that had been stabbed in the cockpit, and all kinds of flavors in his heart were intertwined. He looked at the thunder sword with a complicated look. He never thought that things would end with this.

Lei Jian was also very excited to see the results in his hand. Radaman's mecha is very well preserved. In addition to the cockpit and some incomplete armor, Ladaman's mecha has almost no damage with its excellent performance. Lei Jian knew that if this mecha was transported back to the rear, it would not be long before his men's mecha could be upgraded.

After seeing Ladaman's death, the outsiders still couldn't believe their eyes. After confirming the authenticity of the matter, the outsiders were shocked and angry, mixed with fear.

But the facts are unchangeable. Ladaman, the supreme commander of the alien's attack, has died...

Just when the outsider is in a mess, the sound of Q appears in the display screen of all outsiders' mecha with virtual influence.

"Everyone retreat immediately!" Although Q's voice has no emotional factors, it makes people feel unquestionable.

But Q's identity is an earth woman, and there is almost no one among outsiders who are willing to listen to her orders.

"Well, why does an earthman order us!" Sure enough, a captain's cold words seemed to be a little sarcastic.

Q has no superfluous words, just said lightly, "Your energy volume this year is zero!"

This sentence hit the captain's fuselage like a bolt from the blue. For the soldiers of outsiders, energy is like life. If there is no energy, you can't drive the engine armor, and what's the difference between outsiders who can't drive the mecha and ordinary people?

The originally noisy outsider communication channel calmed down in an instant, but Lord Casadin personally appointed him to manage energy. Except for the dead Ladaman, no one could interfere with Q's decision. All the drivers of the outsider mecha were humiliated, and no one would sympathize with the loss. After a year of unlucky energy supply, one captain's machine is missing to grab energy. The rest of the guys may still be having fun.

After Lei Jian solved my Ladaman, it lined up with Li Jian's mecha and was solemnly prepared for the attack below. However, unexpectedly, those outsiders began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Li Jian's face then appeared on the display screen of Lei Jian. Li Jian's face was puzzled, and Lei Jian could not answer him.

"It seems that they still have a commander!" Li Jian affirmed.

Lei Jian nodded, and the other party's retreat was orderly. If it hadn't been for a command, the outsider would have retreated like a headless fly.

"What should we do now?" Lei Jian asked.

Li Jian looked at Lei Jian with a confused look. The previous performance of Lei Jian was a little scared Li Jian.

Li Jian shook his head, woke himself up, and then said, "Let's go back. It's inevitable that there will be fraud."

Lei Jian nodded. Now the remains of the outsider mecha scattered everywhere on the field are priceless treasures. They are all materials that can be studied, and they have to go back to greet people to transport these things away.

Lei Jian and Li Jian went back. Soon, various transporters and trucks rushed to the battlefield to collect the remains of foreign mecha, and Ladaman's mecha was carried back by Lei Jian and Li Jian at the beginning because it was relatively intact.

The Flying Tiger Base won the battle, and everyone was full of spring, while the outsiders were completely different.

Q stood in front of all the outsiders with an unchanged look. Due to the mask, no one could see what Q was thinking now.

Q stood still, his mouth opened, and the robot-like voice came to every outsider's mind: "I will truthfully report this battle to Lord Casadin!"

The faces of the outsiders changed in an instant, and the outsiders who looked down on this earth woman knelt down like despicable lackeys.

"Lord Q, please give us another chance!" The frightened voices of outsiders were almost heard by the Flying Tiger Base. Although Q often does not receive much attention from outsiders, there is an irrevocable fact that Q is the direct confidant of Casadin, the current top officer of outsiders.

Although the outsiders don't understand, what Q said in front of Casadin is far more valued than ordinary outsiders. As long as Q goes back and blow some words in Casadin's ears, then those who have lost the war will not have good fruit to eat. It is still simple to deduct energy supply.

Q was not moved by these despicable outsiders and said to himself: "The greatest responsibility for this battle is Radamman's incompetence..."

"Yes.. Yes..." A group of outsiders kept tagging their heads, and Ladaman was dead, and no one would question it even if he took the blame.

"But I can see what you have done!" Q's voice made the outsiders unconsciously break out in cold sweat.

Q turned around and left a oppressive back: "A hundred noble warrior mechas were defeated by a humble earthman's miscellaneous mecha. Are you worthy of the blood flowing in your veins?"

The outsider is under his head. At this moment, no one will remember that the woman in front of him is actually a humble earthman.

Q turned around, with an irreversible momentum in the early tone: "Now! I Q will become the supreme commander here. Do you have any comments?

Everyone shook their heads desperately and did not dare to raise any doubts. There is no doubt that Q has replaced Ladaman as the leader of this army.

"Now, go back to your respective posts and guard against the sneak attack of the earthlings!" Q gave his first order after taking office.


The outsiders took orders one after another and boarded their own mechas and stood on their respective positions.